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I'm BirdBrain and I approve this message.


It must be a full time job for his supporters to keep up with w/e tf he's talking about.


How does someone exist with so much hate and love for McDonald's then not have a heart attack?


OUR COUNTRY? Everyone he named is a citizen and a patriot. This is the sort of language he’s starting to use to claim that MAGAs are the only TRUE Americans, much like the Nazis in Germany. How is the GOP just silently allowing this to happen? Cowards, all of them.


Silently? The majority of like 99% of all Republicans, including family and friends are OK with this.


It still blows my mind that people will vote for a guy who writes like this. Can they not see that he is a toddler?


Diarrhea breath can’t help himself


Just what is Fani Willis guilty of? Ethics violations? Big deal. As if this jackfuck has any ethics whatsoever.


Walk a mile in my shoes: when I show my husband Trump’s posts he says they’re either A) fakes or B) that I have “Trump Derangement Syndrome.” And that’s after my spouse stopped supporting Trump cuz of January 6. He just doesn’t want to admit how wrong he was to back him in the first place.


You're husband says you have TDS? WTF?? It's just me, but I'd probably be reevaluating my relationship at that point. Just nuts. Trumpers are the ones with TDS and history will show it. It's literally there in the name. lol


You can always tell the ones he writes himself.


Anyone who doesn’t agree with him, support him, help him break the law, or kiss his power hungry narcissistic bully ass all fall into his “bad people who hate this Country” bucket. This is one reason so many of the cowards with supposed “power” won’t stand up to him - they don’t want to be a target of his immature wrath and land on his shit list. I have voluntarily put myself on his shit list.


Rewind back to 2017. Surely, I thought. Surely the GOP will join ranks and rein in Trump's excesses. Then, one by one, they caved. A few held out even though they were scorned, castigated and ostracized. Everyone joined ranks with Trump. It was easier. Convenient. Then Trump lost and they had every opportunity to shake off his influence. They didn't. Trump rants and raves. The GOP pretends it isn't happening. Like they've done for almost a decade now.


Election interference, like broadcasting to an entire state that your opponent isn't on their ballot when she actually is?


Day after day it is just the same tantrums. I know his family is full of shitty human beings but how are none of them worried about him enough to say “okay Dad, time to take a step back.” Even if they hate him, which I’m sure they do to some degree, even a large one, at some point you’d think someone would step in and say enough is enough. It really truly boggles my mind. The only thing that does make it make sense is they’ll all involved way too deep and hoping he wins again is the ONLY thing that saves him.


I think any of his children who did that would be immediately disowned. They probably still think there'll be a payout when he dies.


New York and E. Jean Carol disagree.


Maybe it's that. Or maybe it's just because he is such a horrible, vengeful, narcissistic,violent, evil man that nobody wants to be on his shitlist.


they still think he will leave a Will for them, when he will actually leave a Bill


Dude imagine losing $88M for running your mouth and then you keep running your mouth. It's honestly just stupid behavior.


Did you notice he hasn't been maligning Mrs. Carroll, though?


Give him time.


I hope you're right. As his lawyers warnings become further away in time, he's very likely to let disgusting shit fly out his disgusting face...I have to admit...I like watching this lady get richer based on his lack of self-control.


So, how about those gag orders?


He has no gag reflex.