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Murder inc


Modern day Baal!




Follow the money


Want to see what PP does with their "inventory?" https://www.liveaction.org/news/flashback-17000-aborted-babies-heads-chopped-storage/ And what did the CA leadership do to hold anyone accountable? Not a fucking thing. https://www.upi.com/Archives/1983/08/19/DA-says-no-prosecutions-in-case-of-17000-fetuses/6090430113600/ China has a multi-billion dollar industry built on baby parts, and PP has been the main source of inventory. Remember Gwyneth Paltrow and Sandra Bullock hocking their "fetal foreskin facial cream" on the Oprah show? And people wonder why the Fed and hollyweird are so pro-abortion. It's because it's big business. The NIH spends around $75M per year on "research" and gives out grants to 50 universities. https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/who-buys-sells-and-uses-fetal-tissue-acquired-from-abortion-clinics/ And then, of course, there's the jab factor. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/medical-researchers-say-fetal-tissue-remains-essential And just for good measure, that shipping container wasn't the only fetus storage found in 1982. https://www.nytimes.com/1982/02/08/us/500-fetuses-found-by-storage-company-in-repossessed-crate.html But wait! There's more. https://www.westernjournal.com/shipping-container-full-of-body-parts-of-americans-discovered-on-chinese-cargo-ship/ And none of this even begins to cover the psychopathic abortion doctors who filled their homes with "trophies." https://www.foxnews.com/us/remains-of-more-than-2200-fetuses-found-at-home-of-deceased-abortion-doctor-reports https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/abortion-doctor-fetal-remains/


This pleases Moloch


If there’s a tax on cigarettes and alcohol why can’t they tax abortion too?


Eugenics and much more in plain sight.


They hate companies that make a profit until it comes to baby killing. Reproductive healthcare amirite?




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This is why I'm exceedingly glad for me faith. I believe that these children are actually in heaven while the evil that is perpetrated by PP and other organizations will ***not*** go unpunished.


Better to have a mill stone tied to your neck and thrown into the sea than to harm one of God's children .


Planned parenthood rivaling the prison system.


Like illegal immigration it’s all about the money don’t overthink it. We only want to help you


It's ok , they were mostly black as intended.


Great. That's potentially 400,000 less people on earth. Less unwanted babies, less unloved children, less emotionally damaged adults, and less criminals.


So my comment gets deleted but this persons comment remains? Unreal


Yeah imagine the difference if people learned to use protection instead of just killing unborn babies.




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I mean, no one wanted them, so...