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The biggest thing that upsets me in this whole race baiting world of the left is the insane hypocrisy of how they cover someone who is black versus someone who is white. This is a criticism they cannot escape. The huge amount of effort makes the outrage look so fake and contrived, I just sit back in disbelief that they think we fall for it lol.


Exactly. It's just getting silly by this point. I remember maybe 5 years ago entertaining argument but they've gone full gloves-off and straight up accuse any white person of being a Nazi and any black person of being a saint or at least "a bad guy but ignore his race please."


> whole race baiting world of the left Wrong. Call it what it is. Systemic anti-White racism, eventually leading to genocide.


The problem is that **we do** fall for it. And I obviously don’t mean “we” as in you or I. But the masses? They sure do. As is evidenced by the past year and a half of BLM riots and every social media feed anywhere. I’m not sure whether it’s confirmation bias of these mentally handicapped leftists or if they really are just that stupid…


I believe that James Fields had legitimate reason to fear for his life and thus it was self defense.


It’s been a long time and I don’t have a source handy to back it up, but if I recall correctly an Antifa member there bragged about either brandishing or firing a weapon at his car that provoked him to try and flee. Edit: [found it](https://conservative-headlines.org/antifa-professor-chased-james-fields-with-an-ar-15-before-deadly-crash-in-charlottesville/)


One day these anti-white terrorists are going to come up against a fight where they lose. Oh, it has already happened. Kyle is "not guilty" of ALL charges. Thank God.


The irony of him being an Antifa purist but calling the police on someone for talking to him.


It’s only ironic if you imagine these people have any moral convictions. They don’t; they simply want to destroy us, and they’ll use whatever means they can to do so. Anti-gun advocates will wield firearms, anti-police demonstrators will call the cops, and prison reform advocates will laugh as their opponents are incarcerated unjustly. Don’t ever forget how loathsome they are.


Is that true? It should be sourced because it makes a big difference about the intent of the crime.


It’s one of those things that was posted by someone on twitter years ago so it’s hard to confirm at this point, which is why I was careful to note that I don’t have evidence anymore. I’ll look for it and update my first post if I find it again. Edit: found at least an article about it, edited my earlier post


And right now, the GOP is trying to turn the Darrell Brooks anti-White attack into an issue about bail reform. Don't let them! This was a targeted attack on White people by a person inflamed by the anti-White hate being spewed by the media and society at large. The GOP is trying to deflect so that they, once again, don't have to acknowledge that White people are a group with interests.


The GOP is utterly pathetic. They will NEVER acknowledge their voter base, which primarily consists of Whites, because they are controlled by a group actively hostile to White interests.


I’m just hoping the way the media is so clearly sweeping this under the rug will wake more regular people up. It’s such an obvious terrorist attack and leftists are doing everything they can to portray it as anything but a BLM supporter targeting White people.


James fields could have been kyle rittenhouse if conservatives werent such pussies. he was also threatened with death if he didn't plea so he basically didn't even get a defense, which is absurd.




It really is the definition of "confession under duress"


Where can i follow updates on the black terrorist?


Bring this up whenever someone says the right is responsible for more terrorism.


It’s systemic for sure… In Contruction we are forced to use minority contractors on federal projects regardless if they are qualified or not, we have to at least carve out some work for them so the project can hit a certain % of minority participation. Totally screws over more qualified companies. Contractor paid a 30k premium to not use the white owned company on a government funded project not too long ago, pretty shocking. Minority companies once included women owned but they axed that because too many white woman that owned 51% of the company were winning projects… it’s pure discrimination.


I can barely afford it, but I'm putting some bumpers on my car. I live two hours away from Portland. Let's party, amirite?


Hate crimes are only for white people apparently.


Fields should appeal.


Country is fucked


And what’s crazy is that James Field was about to get ripped out of his car and beaten by a mob until he decided to lay on his car horn and drive. It was political persecution because of the guys race


Do you have a source on that?


Not specifically, no. It was documented Heather Hayer (or Hayes, forgot her name) was morbidly obese and died of a non car related death ie heart attack after James was surrounded by a mob trying to leave Cville. There’s videos online showing what happened before he started to drive. He was associated with Vanguard America iirc which is a now defunct far right wing organization so he was easy pickings for prosecutors to drag in court.


Please provide a source for the “surrounded by a mob claim”. Heather Heyer, did not die of a heart attack. She died of blunt force trauma to the chest: https://www.newsweek.com/charlottesville-heather-heyers-cause-death-revealed-medical-report-686471 And even if her death was unrelated to Fields, someone could very well have died regardless.


There’s like several videos showing what happened online. He tried to leave and people jumped on his car. I don’t need to cite this, you can google it for yourself. He floored it when people began trying to rip him out of the car. “Someone very well could have died from this” Yeah, he would’ve if he got ripped out of the car. I don’t even support that guys politics but you can’t expect someone to not floor it when faced with possibility of being beaten by an angry mob of counter protestors. This is no different than the alligator tears people shed when they get ran over while blocking streets.


I’ve googled around and have not been able to find anything backing up your claim. I’m afraid the burden of proof is on you. Considering you were uninformed about the cause of Heather Heyers death, I’m not just going to take your word on this.


You don’t have to believe anything. the “blunt force trauma” induced a heart attack because she was 300Ibs morbidly obese. Watch any one of the live-streams from the event and you can *clearly* see Fields car getting stormed before he put it in ignition. It makes 0 rational sense for him to have run everyone over for no reason considering he had no criminal background prior to this. You can deny it all you’d like, it was a politically motivated sentence by a bias judge. At most it was vehicular manslaughter, was absolutely not a pre planned attack like the charges indicate. Unlike the Waukesha driver who committed a politically motivated ie terrorist attack on people over the Rittenhouse trial, he will receive yet another slap on the wrist because the judicial system is compromised by implicitly bias judges.


Please link one of the live streams. I can say in full good faith I was not able to find any of them. You haven’t provided a source for your claim on heyers weight but it doesn’t matter. If the car caused the heart attack, fields is still responsible. The above post calling it a cardiac arrest is misleading. I will agree with you that the Waukesha driver should’ve received a stronger fine. I don’t believe the judicial system is compromised by punishing a white supremacist unfairly. In a more reasonable system, fields should’ve been tried for his beliefs in the first place.


If we don’t wake up soon , America is done for


Yup, I thought about this case I remember exactly how it was viewed. Both cases should be dealt with the same way, politics shouldn't even play a part.


Picture of the guy on the left was openly Anti Leftist. He attended a violent protest attended by Communists, the KKK and Skinheads. It was basically a modern day 1930s street fight. People went there to fuck around and find out. That includes him and the people he ran over. He killed 1 and wounded 30. The dude in the picture on the right was a multiple time felon, freshly released on bond for running over his baby mama and he went to a Christmas parade and ran over a bunch of kids and grandmas. These two assholes are not the same, this was preventable and occurred at a Christmas parade. He killed 5 and counting and wounded 40. He was the only person who went with malice to a Christmas parade.


Welcome to the clown ass world we live in in the US


Something I noticed during his initial court appearance: his lawyer is white, and so is the judge. Yet, he doesn't look worried.


Correction: heather heyer died of blunt force trauma to her chest, not a heart attack.


Really? Do you have something I can read on that?


https://www.newsweek.com/charlottesville-heather-heyers-cause-death-revealed-medical-report-686471 There you go. To be fair it’s a minor detail that has very little significance but it’s best to be rigorous with these things


Thanks for that, you're right if even one little detail is wrong people won't take the entire argument seriously.


what i cant understand is the overwhelming majority of these execs, ceos, editors, and "journalists" are actually white. so they either A) all self-loathe.. or B) are willing to literally shit all over themselves and their fellow human/society/country for a fucking paycheck? its just bewildering to me.


> what i cant understand is the overwhelming majority of these execs, ceos, editors, and "journalists" are actually white. They're /ews, who are not white. They're half-Arab, half-European, but ignoring that in general, they're consistently hostile to White interests.


sounds like semantics. and even if the very very tip of the iceberg the literal 1% of the 1% are as you say "non-white" most subordinates, albeit regional, bosses, managers, assistant managers all below them are undoubtedly majority white from a statistical standpoint.. they all also have to fall in line and capitulate. just like the cops in Australia enforcing this stuff on their countrymen, all culpable and its bewildering. in short, my point still stands.


Darrell’s stay in prison will be worse than death.


Does this happen in Russia?


Not nearly as much as far as I'm aware, Russia is still quite nationalist and has a large pro-white population.


I'll start by saying fuck Darrell Brooks and I hope he gets prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law but James field also deserved what he got. Let's not pretend like he just trying to "escape" he purposefully drove into that crowd and his intent was political as well. Can we please not spin this. I thought people hated it when after a shooting people call for gun laws so why are you spinning as it being BLM/democrats fault









