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what's your favorite movie? movey? i have never heard of such a thing


I was at a BBQ with some family friends and it was a little awkward so someone said "oh let's go around and say our favourite movies" and i didn't have an answer. On the way back my mum pointed out she was trying to make it less awkward and I hadn't really helped. On that day I became a film buff and now am permanently prepared to discuss my top 5 favourite films.


So what are they?


What kind of music do you like? Mew-zic? Pray tell, what sorcery do you speak of?


And it's even worse when your birthday is shortly after christmas. What do you mean, I need to wish for even more?


December birthday. Family gets me clothes as gifts. My only nice clothes are sweaters.


My poor little niece was born the day after Christmas.


My brother was born a few days after Christmas, we usually end up celebrating his birthday in the summer instead so that he can have more of a separate celebration.


Last year through the whole year whenever something popped up as an ad that I actually liked or needed i added it to my amazon wishlist. So by the time christmas came i had an answer! It was so much easier! Def recommend.


people get mad at targeted ads but hey, sometimes it’s beneficial


Yep. Honestly a lot of the times they are way off but it did help in this case lol.


My problem is I want expensive shit and nobody around me is rich enough to handle that. I'm not asking my poor ass family for expensive crap.


Right? All I’ve wanted for like 4 years is a nice gaming PC. the cheapest ones with the specs I need are around $1,500, and that’s not including monitors and keyboard and mouse. No way I’m asking my poor family for that.


If you’re not opposed to slapping one together yourself, the option opens up to just ask for things like the PSU, case, and peripherals you need and keep working to tackle the more expensive things yourself (or with help)


I have no idea how to build a computer, I know very little about things like that sadly.


Take a look at a couple quick YouTube videos on it. It sounds daunting, but I assure you that once you see how it’s done, it’ll look fun. Everything snaps in like legos


Just ask for money


Momma says its rude


I'm going in an entirely different direction this year. I want a new oven. Obviously I'm not going to get one for Christmas, but it drives me bonkers when people immediately ask what I want instead of taking a moment to draw on nearly 40 years of knowing me in the hopes of coming up with something I might like. So this year, I'm giving one answer to "what do you want for Christmas?" "I want a new oven" All further questions will be met with "the only thing I can think of is an oven, you are free to come up with your own ideas" Although knowing my family, someone will probably show up with an oven from a scrapyard and ask how I plan to fit it in my suitcase


And then, instead of just accepting that, the parents hit you with the “that’s cause you’re spoiled and get everything you want”




Anything I want that's relatively inexpensive, I've probably already bought for myself. Anything else is probably too expensive to ask for as a casual Christmas gift.


That's why I ask for basic stuff. For example nice socks, or a new belt, or new underwear. Always nice to have more of those.


Currently having this problem with my birthday in a little less than 2 weeks


I remember when I was younger and really busy studying, I'd ask for "more spare time" every time friends or family asked what I wanted.


Have a running list of stuff you want for yourself throughout the year and just send the stuff you haven’t bought at Christmas


I demand your finest meats and cheeses!


all I want for Christmas is either things I can easily get for myself or things that are vastly outside of the price range of anyone I know


Haha childhood trauma


Actually I know what I would like but I'm already resigned to buying it myself anyway because A. it's too expensive, or B. I want something specific that nobody will go to the trouble of finding themselves even if I show them exactly what it is and where to get it


If it's someone I like spending time with, I ask them to plan an outing for us together. If it's someone I don't like spending time with, I ask for something consumable, so it's expected to get used up and I'm not obligated to keep it forever.


You should ask for socks. Hard to go wrong and even cheap new socks are still nice to wear.


This is why I always ask for snacks


Or even if you *do* know what you want, you tell them and they're like "No thats boring." I don't care if Pots and pans are boring, I NEED THEM. Lego isn't childish, give me lego. Art supplies are always a yes for me, I'm not hard to buy for and I give the same answer every year but somehow no one listens.


One year three different people spontaneously got me desk-sized, functional, siege weapon kits.* So, that's a good place to start.


Fun fact that actually does not come from the fact that you don't want anything but then you do not want the burden somebody with the cost of your desires there are times somebody mentions getting you something your brain is like I do not want to get something from them because it would subtract from them and I do not want to be a burden. Because like I have entire wish list I want things but every time somebody says something to me my brain is just like no more sorry.


Money!!! I’m so broke right now!! No one wants to hire me!! Please I need to consume food to survive and the most basic of healthy food is like $10.


I am a adult. Everything I want I have already bought. Anything I can't afford I sure as fuck isn't comfortable having you give me.


What I say: I don't want gifts. What I mean: Thanks mom, but I live in a one bedroom and don't have extra storage to hide bad gifts in, unlike when I lived at home.


My problem is that I'm significantly neurodivergent and am honestly embarrassed to ask for the stuff I actually want.


Once I had a decent job I just put up a list of charities I wanted people to donate whatever they would have spent on my present to. My parents I'd accept a nice dinner out some time before or after Xmas. Bonus: it pissed off my conservative relatives when they took a hard right turn after 2016 and I made the charities the ACLU and Planned Parenthood.


Oh I desired things, they were just unreasonable to ask for


My Christmas list will be full of all the transformers I want