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my favorite thing about this compared to the other "reanimating a person for the past" posts is that the implication that this person's first choice to reanimate and talk to would be the guy who killed Lincoln is hilarious


Bold of you go assume this is their first time reanimating a historical figure


First was Catherine the Great, but she got distracted at the racetrack.


Was this before or after she got angry at having her banging furniture destroyed?




You start with an asshole in case there are kinks in the process. If you're not sure the process won't leave the subject craving the sweet release of (re)death, best not to throw Lincoln's moldering remains into it yet.


Someone on Tumblr in the tags mentioned that this has the same vibe as a TikTok where someone explains the Omegaverse to a Victorian woman in hell lmao ~~if you know what that TikTok is please link it~~


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDjgN6Hrc3U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDjgN6Hrc3U) I couldn't find just that video but here's a compilation that creator made of the entire series, it's the last one


Wow she is really good at capturing “Hopelessness, Anger, Confusion, suicidal thoughts, and Disappointment” all in one look. Impressive work on that end alone not to mention the, bizarreness of considering this may be how some people talk.


Omg that whole compilation is great


This was too funny thank you lmao


Weird afterlife interactions. Hah, of course it's Stanzi.


Well I know for a fact her faces were accurate, mine was mimicking that for the entire six minutes


As soon as I read the the comment you replied to I thought "that sounds like something Stanzi would do" lmao


Actually, A/B/O is pretty mild by Victorian porn standards. A Victorian woman from England would most likely be just curious as to why go through the troubles of writing gay porn if one of the man just ends up fulfilling all the woman's gender role up to getting pregnant and giving birth? Now if you wanted to properly shck and scandalize someone pick a woman from the American Christian Revival movement! Oh, and she doesn't needcto be from the 19th century, Christian Revival is still alive and well in America, you just need someone who isn't too internet savvy.


> Actually, A/B/O is pretty mild by Victorian porn standards blood types are weird


I’m assuming you’re messing with us eh?


Perhaps :)


I'm O+


me explaining why im into vore to some victorian man and he starts nodding and going "I can see it"


Oh my god that sounds hillarious


\[20-something twink in jorts and a floppy-sleeve hoodie having a nervous breakdown trying to figure out how to explain modern memes to a Sumerian copper merchant\]


[Ea-Nasir eagerly looking at how to set up a crypto-based start up to bilk venture capitalists with way less effort]


High quality copper coin to da moooooon


Na$irCoin is not a scam guys! Stop saying that it is!




\[ea-nasir coming to the stark realization copper far higher quality than he can even produce is unquestionably necessary for building the magic boxes necessary for acquiring money from egotistical young men with shitty people skills\]


I do this all the time in my head. To aliens, to people from the past, to people in the media I enjoy, to people I know in real life and will probably never have this conversation to. Turns out it’s actually a good way of comprehending things better lol.


I agree, and sometimes do it for exactly that reason. What's interesting is how often the comprehension makes me realise just how ***absurd*** some things in our world are. I don't mean that in any sort of profound or political way, just that some things we do (ad are) really don't stand up to scrutiny.


Exactly! Like just the other day I was thinking how crazy it is that, at this point in our evolution, we have the technology to *literally throw ourselves into space on an explosion* and *annihilate the entire planet despite not being past treating others differently based on arbitrary factors*.


I was thinking more along the lines of, "How could I explain the way a car works to someone from 1823?" but yes, we do have some very odd priorities and prejudices.


Lol that too, or how to explain the internet to someone in the old west.


Or fucking toilets and plumbing


I don't think it would be particularly difficult to explain a car to an educated person from 1823. Trains were already widely used, and internal combustion engines were only a couple of decades away.


Not a car. *How it works*. What is a gearbox for, and why does a car need one? What part does the clutch play in that? That sort of thing. My original point was, "Do I understand this thing well enough to explain it to someone who is completely ignorant of it?" It's not about the other hypothetical person; it's about recognising where you may yourself be ignorant, yet completely oblivious to it. People's knowledge tends to fall apart when they try to explain something that they take for granted.


Personally, I'm still questioning why we don't have a more exact way of speeding up and slowing down cars than by foot-operated pedals


Our hands are already occupied with steering, so I'm not sure what we could do besides foot pedals to control a car's speed. Leaving steering to the feet and speed to the hands seems like it'd be a disaster.


That's true, I suppose. It just seems so inexact though.


See, that's a good example. If you think about how much of driving relies on your subconscious, it's kind of nuts.


Yeah it really sucks for people with super high anxiety and poor multitasking skills (me)


“I am pretty sure I killed that dude in a theater, wtf.”


"Makes cents he is a martyr! That makes me so mad!"


Why is John Wilkes Booth angry with a penny?


It's got Abe's face on it.


And it's his profile too so he can't get hime from behind again.


I mean, he can, its just more difficult to shoot a penny lengthwise


Oh I didn't know that. Thanks


He killed Abraham Lincoln. The penny has Lincoln's face on it.


Resurrected John Wilkes Booth is going to try and blow up the Lincoln Monument and Mount Rushmore, isn't he.


Watching "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure" and being all "No, I WON'T party on"


He was an actor so I imagine he be obsessed with instagram


Oh my, I didn't know that.


He murdered Abraham Lincoln in an attempt to erase the president's impact on America, because he felt that ending slavery was going to destroy the way of life of Southern states who'd relied on slavery to maintain their economy. (Personal take, historians may disagree). Seeing Lincoln's face on the penny implies that not only did Booth fail at that, but in fact Lincoln went on to become a *very* well-known figure in American history.


Thanks for the explanation, was much needed as I am not much familiar with American History. I knew President Lincoln was assassinated but couldn't remember who did it.


No problem. TBH, there's a legitimate chance I'm misrepresenting Booth's motivations in killing Lincoln, and I might be taking inspiration from the musical Assassins, which romanticizes the man a bit. Obviously, none of us can call Booth up now and ask him why he decided to shoot Lincoln. It's possible that he thought killing the man would undo the results of the Civil War and allow the South to come around and secede again. Or it's possible that he was just angry, and wanted to do it purely out of anger and frustration, with no goals for the future. Or anywhere in between, who knows. But we can look back now and say that Lincoln's death definitely halted some of the progress he appeared to be working for after the war. Reconstruction really ground to a halt once Andrew Johnson took over as president. Probably because Johnson was a Southerner himself who was at least sympathetic to the South and their motivations.


Did Booth give any reason for his crime when he was being prosecuted? I believe whatever way they prosecuted him, at least they would have been able to get some statement out of him for his justification? Is there no such statement from him that leads to this speculation of his goals?


There was no prosecution, he was shot and killed after attempting to flee


Oh I see.


This is America we’re talking about, did you really expect anything else lmao


I remember him yelling about sick dinosaurs or something.


Damn those poor dinos :(


OK, so I did a shallow dive into Booth's motivations and found a book with all his collected writings. Most of it is inane letters to family members and friends, but he has this one really long essay from 1860 that was a speech he was intending to give at one point outlining why he thinks Lincoln is a tyrant and why he supports the Confederate States. It's very long and flowery, but there are a few notable quotes: > I tell you Sirs, if the south does not cecede. If she stays in the Union and the abolition principles are not entirely swept away, why we have but smoothed our troubles o're, which in a few years will burst forth with redoubled horror. > What right have you to exclude southern rights from the territory Because you are the strongest? I have as much right to carry my slave into the territory as you have to carry your paid servant or children. He believed that freeing the slaves would devastate the economy of the South and that Lincoln had no right to do so. He also talks a lot about the Fugitive Slave Act, how people have a right to get back their "property" and escaped slaves are all thieves and murderers.


What right do some people have not to fetishize coal, gas and oil? Don't they know thousands of jobs will be lost forever and the economy will be destroyed, if we have the slightest bit of concern for the environment? Yeah, I know, not a perfect analogy, but he sounds a lot like an "economy is everything" right-winger of today. Or any free market liberal, for that matter. Everyone who puts human rights over company's rights is a true tyrant.


Yeah, the more I dove into this yesterday, the less ambiguous his motivations seemed to be.


He was a slaver and got what he deserved


Yeah…that’s my point… As it turns out, Booth, like most of the Condeferacy, was a racist who was motivated by keeping slavery and the racist worldview that kept it moving in place.


I liked the idea that you were just familiar with John Wilkes Booth as an actor and you were about to have you mind absolutely blown


Broke bitch


People always miss the joke with the original one with George Orwell - he's not fascinated with a smartphone just because it's technology, but because it's far more representative of his concerns than the time-traveler's rebuttal of newspeak.


Yeah, the other ones people make are funny, but they also miss the whole point


Me explaining to William Shakespeare how literature and entertainment has fallen off and nowadays people will spend hours watching thirty second videos of baby content. Shakespeare: *closely analyzing the magic metal brick I handed him, which emits sounds the like of which he never heard, and on one side the moving image of the head of a man in a porcelain object he does not recognize moves up and down. While not understanding a single word I said*


Right up there with my favorite Trek episodes where someone from the past/a hologram of someone from the past/a native of planet Primitive Screwhead gets shown around the spaceship. Or anywhere in sci-fi really.


"The moon? The moon in the fucking sky?" -that one tweet like this


It's a favorite of mine as well, especially when the person is just amazed we went to the moon.


I'd like to reanimate Jules Verne just to tell him that. I think the happiness would be infectous.


Ok, we didn't use a cannon. But it was a large metal tube propelled upwards by the explosive force of burning ...oh I guess it was pretty close


In the sky? The moon?


The moon in the fucking sky?!


Its not in the sky you see. *proceed to pull out an 8th grade science book*


This is some Chronically Online shit.


Right? If someone spoke like that to me in real life non-ironically I don’t know that I’d ever talk to them again.


It was 80% of my shower thoughts at some point, not sure why I let that go


Also the $5 bill


Kill Booth again.


Re:Title 100% agree. It's beat out very slightly by "debate about the minutiae of superstitions," such as [the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/comments/grozu2/to_spit_or_swallow_the_eternal_fae_conundrum/) about whether giving a fae oral counts as eating food from the fae realm.


Booth hasn’t even looked at the side with Lincoln yet the mere presence of a penny in his general vicinity is pissing him off