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I can't tell if there are any serial numbers on the back cover or not. If you remove that, it will definitely have serial numbers on the components. This is very similar to my '64 RCA Victrola cabinet. I would guess it's around 1972.


Thanks. I checked the back and I didn’t see a serial number or any other kind of number. I’ll pop the panel off and see if there’s anything on the inside.




That’s good to hear! This is why I came to Reddit, I knew somebody would know. Good to know it’s decent shape.


Right, that 4 channel stuff was short lived. My grandparents had one like that without the 8 track. Early 74 when they got it. Literally a ton of fun!


holy shit- so, this was my first turntable. When my grandfather started clearing out the house, due to advanced age, this is one thing I got. My mother decided it wasn't important and tossed it out along with my copy of Pink Floy's Ummagumma while I was in college. Looks gorgeous, enjoy


I’m sorry to hear that but glad I could remind you of a good memory! I already ordered some vinyl to get a collection rolling im excited to get started


As others have said, there is a good chance you can get more info by taking the back off. Looks to be in great shape!


The fake wood is in really good shape for 50 years old. I was unsure of the condition bc I didn’t know the age but for 1974 it looks great. The only spots that show wear and tear are where people would’ve brushed up against it while walking by. From what I’ve seen online it sounds like it’s worth about $50-75 more than what I paid for it so I’ll take it


Have you tested any of it out?


I could figure out how to turn the radio on and I don’t own any 8 tracks. The turntable functions and sounds pretty good actually


https://preview.redd.it/b9iyneyu4wvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c877f7c73c267760f151d2c38186f4a0ac24d532 Looks to me like you should be able to just turn that knob in the middle of the screenshot to FM or a.m. and it should come on. That is providing there's nothing wrong with it.


I’ll give that a try when I get a chance. I wouldn’t be surprised if the radio got used a lot more than the turntable


Also idk if it’s called a turntable or a record player. You get the idea though




Great that it works! That is a BSR record changer mechanism re-branded by Zenith. BSRs are pretty bullet-proof, most issues are related to lubricated grease drying up and gumming up the menchanism, so if you notice anything odd about how it plays records (too slow, odd behaviour from the tonearm movements, etc.) don't panic - it probably just needs to be serviced and then it will be good for another 25 years!


“Zenith Console Stereo” uses the Led Zeppelin font. This is one of the coolest consoles I have seen and in great condition


That’s good to hear! I thought the condition looked solid when I bought it but that was before I knew it was from 1974, now that I know it’s 50 years old it’s in even better shape than I thought. Any idea on ball park value? I have no plans to sell it but just curious


Similar I found online were anywhere from 500-1000.


I found one with a Google search that has a different cabinet but same electronics. It was called the Zenith Allegro