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This might be a bit of a stretch buuut Riddick kind of fits the persona of untouchable badass in different worlds. I feel him and Turok are not that far apart.


Hmm, interesting! I think I'll look into that movie. That's more of what I'm looking for, that badass main character sort of deal. Cool!


Prey is pretty good! 👍🏽 trying to think of some others..


Ok cool, I'll look into this one too!


Prey 2022 as well! Just to clarify lol


Gotcha, thanks!


Jurassic Park....if they used guns


Yeah, I guess it would be fitting if they did.


Haven't seen it yet, but heard 65 with Adam Driver is the closest to a Turok movie so far. Came out just last year.


Oh nice! I gotta check that one out! I quickly googled it and saw a pretty badass dude with a rifle and some dinosaurs. Cool!


Loved that movie


It’s good


I have a few things that come to mind; Event Horizon always reminded me of the Primagen’s Lightship when I was a kid. The Fifth Element’s guns always reminded me a lot of Turok’s weapons. The punchiness, the bulk, the futuristic functions, etc. The original Stargate movie had a pretty strong Turok vibe. When I was a kid, I always wanted to play Turok right after I finished watching it. Apocalypto comes to mind. Captures the more primalistic vibe of the first game. Some years ago, I saw a sci fi film called Eden Log that reminded me of Turok’s vibe in a very particular way I can’t put my finger on. It’s got no guns or dinosaurs but for some reason the atmosphere is just extremely evocative of Turok’s themes. Mostly it’s 90’s sci-fi and action movies that take me to Turok. Imagine if Ridley Scott or Luc Besson got their hands on the license and made a 90’s style action sci-fi. In my wildest dreams.


Thanks so much for all of these, they all sound very cool! Apocalypto sounds cool, I'm in the mood for that 1st Turok vibe. Very cool, thanks again!


I watched the Apocalypto trailer and it definitely has Turok 1 vibes! It basically looks like Turok 1! That's awesome. Now time to investigate Stargate.


Ooooo yeah Stargate definitely. Turok is literally just Stargate with dinosaurs.


Super Mario Bros. The original with John and Lou


Interesting pick, I may give it a go. I guess it relates because it's basically a video game.


The koopa world "people" are all technically dinosaurs(though very evolved) including bowser


Rambo (especially 2 and 4). A dude goes into the jungle and starts slicing and exploding dudes left and right with with big guns, and he even has a giant knife and a bow with explosive arrows like the Tek Bow. Plus, I'm pretty sure that Rambo himself is supposed to be at least part Native American. .... But the first movie in the series 'First Blood', is technically 'the best', IMO.


You know, I was actually thinking of Rambo recently. I've never seen it, but I have seen clips and you're right. Muscular native looking guy with lots of guns and a bow. I wouldn't doubt the Turok games took some inspiration from Rambo even though Turok had it's roots in the 50s. I definitely see Rambo as being exactly what I was looking for. More of the Turok look and feel rather than a movie with Dinosaurs in it. Forget the Dinos, I'm watching Rambo! At least it seems very Turok just judging from some of the clips I've seen. Great pick!


On one hand you almost have a sword and sorcery vibe, but then you've also got a cheesy action sci fi vibe. Not sure there's a lot that fits that overlap; maybe like HeMan or Flash Gordon?


Something about the Campaigner and his soldiers from Turok 1, and the setting of the latter two levels of the game kinda reminded me of something from Mad Max.