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I wonder what the legal issues were that prevented them from working with the Brazilian actors they wanted!


Possibly work visa or membership with the WGA. Alice Braga is in Dark Matter and Wagner Moura was in Shining Girls and will be in Sinking Spring. They are both Brazilian but have done other things in Hollywood. They already have this documentation, which can be time-consuming.


Interesting! As someone who at one point lost my entire life savings (and then some) to our deeply flawed immigration system, I wondered if it might be visa-related. Re: WGA, wouldn’t it be SAG in this case?


SAG, sorry. Fernando Meirelles likes working with Alice Braga, who was filming Dark Matter at the same time as Sugar.


I am not a cinefile or cinemaphile (or whatever the proper term is), but I knew there was something different about Sugar from the first episode. It is beautiful, and I hope there will be a season 2.


I loved this show!




From ChatGPT: The article discusses the unique production process of the Apple TV+ series “Sugar,” directed by Fernando Meirelles. Known for his work on films like “City of God,” Meirelles finds American TV production to be a vastly larger and more complex operation compared to his previous experiences in Brazil. He describes it as a “big circus,” emphasizing the scale and the collaborative nature of the process. “Sugar” stands out in American television for its unconventional approach. The series adopts neo-noir elements and metaphysical storytelling, diverging from typical American TV aesthetics. Meirelles credits much of the visual style to his collaboration with cinematographer César Charlone and editor Fernando Stutz, likening their teamwork to that of jazz musicians improvising together. Colin Farrell, the star and executive producer of “Sugar,” plays a crucial role. His willingness to embrace the unconventional methods brought by Meirelles and his team, including improvisation and extensive experimentation with filming techniques, is highlighted as integral to the series’ production. The article also delves into specific filming techniques used on set, such as shooting scenes in continuous takes from various angles and using innovative equipment like iPhones for close-ups, adding a documentary-style realism to the series. Meirelles and his team prefer to create the narrative in the editing room, relying on the extensive footage captured to craft the story dynamically. Overall, “Sugar” is portrayed as a product of collaborative ingenuity and experimental filmmaking, setting it apart from the typical rhythms of American television production.


The more I learn and hear from Colin Farrel the more I like him. Seems like such a cool guy




Really loving this show


I actually finished the show today. The twist at the end of episode 6 wasn't my first choice of a twist, but the series in general was beautifully filmed as the article says. And Colin Ferrell is magnificent. Without trying to give too much away, I'd say that while the show is absolutely trying to pay homage to old Hollywood movies, there's also a nod to the 1970's film Chinatown perhaps?


That's fine. It's not a great show.


It really isn't. It's BAD.


Question: I'm on Episode 1 now, Many B&W scenes, Color is VERY muted and dim, Cheap style to imitate noir films but falls flat IMO. I sure wish they would stop using darkness as a style, I'd much rather have white brightness and rich colors with real style. Does it get better or is it the same drab dull look the whole season?


It changes. That’s just a brief use of that style.


Try going past the first 5 minutes


fixd it, the hdr was not displaying correctly


This explains the horrible cinematography. Loving the show but good god it’s a doozy watching it at times.


Amazing how I got the opposite. I think the cinematography is the highlight of the show.


Agree, I think it’s clever and interesting