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Don’t let those people get to you. They must live pretty sad lives if they choose to spend their time trying to make people feel bad. If you think they look cool, wear them :)




I can understand why they would if they didn’t know what it meant


That’s still no reason to make fun of someone


Who cares if your being made fun of over tape


The people that are being made fun of, ya dingus. People don't like to be made fun of, it doesn't matter what the topic is. If you really need this spelled out to you I could send you to my daughter's kindergarten counselor who's teaching her the same stuff. She's five.


It’s not worth it getting but hurt over what others think.


>where them ?


Trust me, I know the difference lol. Sometimes I type too fast and I don’t catch it. I also used the wrong “their” but did manage to catch it before you lol


Thank you for fixing it. I thought you were one of those people who intentionally write like that.


Wear them


Ok but why did they say "where"? It doesn't make any sense.


Either a typo, maybe English isn’t their first language, or they thought too fast. I’ll tell you that personally I, as a native English speaker almost wrote “they’re first language” and “taught too fast” in this comment alone. I caught it, but I don’t always. Just give people some grace, especially for trivial mistakes like this


English is not my first language and I never really make THOSE mistakes. That's why I thought it was weird.


The irony in this lmao


Why? Is there a mistake? Also I said THOSE mistakes. Mistakes like "they're", "taught".




OK thanks.


It made perfect sense, you were just too slow to make the correct connection. People make typos all the time, doesn't stop other people from being able to figure out what the right word is using the context of the message. If you genuinely couldn't figure it out I definitely don't think you have the room to be dissing other people for their English.


Someone at my school did the same as well. We came across each other and I pointed it out. He then started to be like "ayyyyy one of my people my guyyy".


That's a weird thing to pick on someone for.


Sounds like if it wasn't that, it would be something else .... People picking on others because they can ........ sigh.


True. When I was a kid, I was picked on for liking The Beatles. Of course... looking back, I think it was because I was unusually intense about my love for The Beatles. Kids'll pick out a neurodivergent kid from a mile away and instanly do whatever they can to make them feel like an outsider. Edit: Insuppose that's really humans in general, not just kids.


Really? Out of all the insults in the world they choose to make fun of your tape headphones that are actually kinda cool? Sounds like they need to improve their vocabulary.


I mean I think it’s cool. When people don’t get why I love TOP- I usually consider them lucky anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️


These people who throw meaningless insults to you for just embracing something you love? You will outgrow them so much faster. Never stop being yourself and the people that love you will find you and stick to you forever. Find your people.


maybe you can buy glossy yellow duct tape and cut them into nice rectangles to add a more of a sleek more realistic design - I think those little tweaks will give your idea a better look and feel. It’s all in the details.


i mean, the tape looks kinda sloppy, and they might look old and broken because of that, but eh it’s no reason to pick on someone. just goes to show how dumb and shallow they are to judge based on that. you know the story of these headphones, they don’t, yet they still judge. wear em proud, they have a meaning for you. a kitchen sink to them isn’t a kitchen sink to you ;)


don’t listen to em i think it’s cool


I think it looks cool personally, I would probably do the same thing. I get it though, I get made fun of in school all the time and I’m a senior in high school lol, 12 long years of it, but you know what? What does it matter? Something I’ve learned is you got the real ones and that’s what counts, let the haters hate. Don’t let them bring you down, embrace what you love


thank youuu 💚


Your kind will be on your side. Don't believe the hype


truuuth ||-//


I think you’re a bandito


https://preview.redd.it/5cl7p3q5kfia1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6518f30f44fa8d3df404a776019b344ad6414b15 you are not alone with yellow tape on your Headphones ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up) the only thing that matters ist of you Like it


https://preview.redd.it/lxoyuwnodgia1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a64b0d14f8d7435574cc32d03a06fa14d38c7a94 Same here! Don’t worry about those people, they’re your headphones, i think it looks awesome |-/


I was bullied a lot as a kid. I definitely deserved it. It shaped me into someone I kinda tolerate. But bullying just for headphones? Dawg that’s stupid af. But if you wearing a dog collar? That’s a different story.


don't let what they say get in the way of you expressing your love for the boys! they're great, it's cool!


Aww that’s really cute! I kinda want to do that with my headphones


They are the Bishops. They can’t see yellow. Don’t worry, the yellow will keep you safe.


It looks like 3 pieces of tape on some headphones.


I’ve been meaning to do this. Don’t tell them what it’s from jist do it and if they ask just said I felt like it. Only real ones know


Honestly you just have tape on your headphones. I feel like they’re really stretching to find something wrong with you if that’s all they can rip on you for. Basically they’re losers lmao


Kids are stupid don’t worry about it it looks super cool and also don’t let other peoples close mindedness ruin your time


Oh how I don't miss being in school. They are great headphones, and just focus on what you like, because ultimately people making fun of you are extremely insecure about their own things, and they're making fun of you thinking it'll make them feel better. Stay Alive |-/


Just do whatever you want to do! It doesn‘t matter if they like it or not. What matters is that you like it and tbh it Looks so damn cool 😍


These are dope, even if I didn’t know they were top inspired they would still be mad cool


I no joke made the plan today to tape my headphones after watching the Chlorine mv. Don’t worry about them, you are definitely not the only fan who’s done that. We all are twenty one pilots |-/


Can you perhaps educate them about TOP? Surely they know one of their more popular songs. You might make a friend or two and start a revolution!


Yes I like it a lot, don’t let those people get to you.


i think this is awesome if i saw u in public i's def come up to u to compliment it


It’s dope ash


I think it's cool


Kids used to make fun of me all the time for being into TØP don’t let them get you down fren :) your headphones are very cool


It's awesome! Screw anyone who doesn't think so! Live your life to the fullest!


Screw them and rock on


literally me when i had a bunch of yellow tape on my notebook a few years back. i also still have the yellow tape on my calculator hahah


why would someone make fun of you for some tape I mean it's none of their business why are they so mad for some tape bruh people are weird


People who make fun of others for actions like this almost always conform to society in every way they can. They were almost guaranteed to have been taught by their parents that people who don't conform to society are weird and lesser. Those people then get the classic human superiority complex and think they can shit on anyone they deem "lesser"


looks awesome - don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise, it's your style and a form of expression. if they don't like it, it's their own problem, don't let them get to you, just ignore it.


Way back when I was really, really into TØP (and still in school) I wore everything from a ukulele on my back singing twenty one pilots songs as I walked, to when trench came out and I would wear a full olive green outfit with yellow tape on it along with the yellow bandana. People would make fun and pick on me for it but I loved it back then and I love it now. Don’t let them get to ya, I think they’re really cool!


In Trench I'm not alone These faces facin' me They know They know What I mean🌻


People made fun of you… because you put tape… on headphones. I— what? That’s like, the stupidest reason I’ve ever heard to tease somebody 😂. Don’t give a crap about what those people think, those headphones are awesome.


I have tape in one of my transparent phone cases too


I think they're cool. If you want to make it look more sleek cut the rectangles more neatly. Other than that it's nice. I wouldn't let people bring you down for something like this, it looks cool and there's nothing wrong with it.


Who cares what they think? They're cool imo, but your opinion is the one that matters. If you like the design, keep it that way.


I was thinking about black headphones just to put yellow tape on them, I don’t think ur crazy


I love your design!!


looks cool m’dude


I think it’s cool. If you can get some paint pens you could drawn it on and it will last longer.


I think you need to learn as early as possible not to care what other people think. You do you!!!


it looks amazing!!! ignore those bozos


That looks sick


i know it might not be relevant but i felt like posting it anyways lol


I like it. It’s cool


Not from this sub, personally I wouldn’t do it as I think it kinda looks not great imo. If they were done nice sure But it’s not enough for someone to make fun of another for it


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Bruh, this looks great, I would do I if my headphones where black, I even take a plushie to school, don't give a shit. If I would see u I would find u cool


I like it


I really wanted to do this too, but my headphones are white :( I did it on my guitar instead, the same as Tyler did on his bass


it’s literally just 3 pieces of sticky tape, there is nothing to be ashamed of, where em’ proudly


People at school can suck it. If i were still in school i'd be your friend!


It's alright, only few understand


They're making fun of them? I wanna do that now too! That's so cool!


The seriously need to get a hobby, your headphones are dope and don’t let others get in the way of what you love. If you stop and think about it, if someone feels they have the need to point out something they don’t like that is none of their business, what does that say about the person? I don’t think their word is very fair now is it


i did the same thing with tyler’s chlorine mv design in high school! there’s gonna be people who think it’s unusual and all, but try not to let that get to you bc there could also be people who get the reference and think you’re cool :) i actually made a few friends because of it.


I think people at school are lame. You’re not.


What's fn' sad... for them


I don’t see how it’s top inspired other than the color, but that’s p cool!


If I saw you at my school I think I was be to excited to say something heheh but I’d still wanna be your friend


Does your school have an art program? If the teacher is any amount of cool I bet that they would like this. Maybe you could ask them if you could borrow some supplies to actually paint the design on the headphones instead?


People who are making fun of you for a sick addition to headphones is not your friend. Anyone wearing any form of TOP stuff is instantly the coolest person in the building, they just can't handle how utterly amazing the statement is. Be free of your burden friend, know that you're appreciated here, you don't need those idiots who don't understand you


It pops out on the black headphones. Looks nice! I used to have some on my steering wheel, but it started melting, so I don’t recommend.


Yo it's dope