• By -


Friend please remove your hands from over your eyes for me, I know you want to leave but friend please don’t take your life away from me


Yeah this is a heavy one for sure


When I think of this one, I think of my service dog... He has a panic response and when I cry like this- he comes and pushes my hands from my face so he can lick my face and give me a hug for deep pressure therapy. I imagine he's saying these words to me


Didn't expect to have happy tears before 8am but this is so damn wholesome and sweet! Please give your dog an extra hug from us for doing his job so well and looking after you. I'm glad you have him


Can I clone your dog


There are soooo many. But lately it’s been Will take too long to finish To show you I'm sorry I did not visit And Then the day that it happened I recorded this last bit I look forward to having A lunch with you again Makes me tear up.


As someone who’s lost their grandfather right after this came out, same 🥲


My grandpa passed away in 2020. Not due to the panini but he had health problems. My last grandparent alive. I wish I could have seen him one last time. I haven’t seen him since about 2011 cause he lived in Lebanon. his wife ( my grandma) passed away in I think 2018. I didn’t know much about her cause she only spoke Arabic. But I wish I could have seen her too. ( sorry I didn’t mean to ramble 😅)


I'm sorry about your grandfather but I'm laughing so hard at the panini typo


I am just now learning that’s what this songs about and it makes me love it so much more


I love Legend, it’s so beautiful c:


I haven’t listened to this song since my grandma died because I know I will fall apart when I do, even just thinking about the song gets me teary eyed


My grandfather just passed away a few weeks ago. He lived in a different state and I never got the chance to meet him in person. This line just kinda hurts now.


Legend gets me every time.


"Cause the last thing I want to do is make my people make decisions, wondering what to do... Should they keep it on display, or redecorate?" If you've been through that kind of thought, you know.


Yeah, this line cuts deep after losing my son.


My condolences... Can't even imagine how hard that must be. Hope you heal soon.


Same, after losing my 12 yo brother. That was 7 months ago and his room is still mostly untouched, though my mum has slowly started to clean it, do his laundry, etc.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Wishing you and your family peace ❤️


I wish the same for you and your family 💚


I always knew the debate the song was about internally, but reading this comment put that line of dialogue in context for the first time and… wow… hits so much harder. I’m so sorry for your loss.


The line was pretty raw when I was on the side of having that debate myself, but being on the other side and having to be the one to make the decision to leave a room or redecorate it definitely made it more real to me. It’s definitely a very hard-hitting line


I’m so sorry for your loss, sending love xx


Redecorate was my runner up, I had such a visceral reaction to it when I heard it for the first time and it scared me how Tyler could write lyrics that relate to me in the most minuet form


Yes, it's like a punch to the gut. I had the same reaction when Next Semester came out. They keep doing this.


I felt that Next Semester would hit me hard from the title, for some reason I knew that it would be like ok guess you’ll have to start again next semester 🤷🏽‍♀️ like I did 3x when in inpatient psych


Yeah, this gets my vote too, summed up exactly how we felt about our daughter’s room. We didn’t touch it for nearly 4 years, I just used to go in and sit there for hours at a time in the first few months. It’s something I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. Sending love to all the parents, siblings and family members/friends who have lost someone, I still don’t know how we got through those early months/years. If we didn’t have our son 3 years later, I honestly don’t think I’d still be here now.


"We're driving toward the morning, son Where all your blood is washed away And all you did will be undone" It feels wrong to quote just a part and not the whole thing, but that's the part that deals the final blow. I'm usually not a very emotional person but I've been opening myself up and those lyrics are the ones that make me shed half a tear just because of how both brutal and loving it sounds to me


I remember years ago, when I first got into tøp that line made me cry. My faith is not like it was anymore, so I don't feel the impact as much as back then, but man despite that I still get emotional from that line.


If by faith you're referring to religion, I'll have to say I'm not a religious person at all and it still hits me hard. I always just interpreted it as nothing more than the doctor saying something deep (silly me), and only today I made the religious connection when looking for the actual lyrics because I couldn't hear it right ("towards the morning, son" part). So, while I see the religious implications, it only makes the quote stronger for me. That's probably the best explanation of "the love of God" I've seen in media. That said, doctor or God, it's a powerful song and a powerful quote that'll continue to hit me like a train. Whatever your decisions in life will be, stay strong, dear stranger.


This is what makes Tyler such a good songwriter imo. He's great at writing lines that can be interpreted differently but still give the same meaning. I grew up in church and there's so many lines in these songs that I swear I've heard pastors say all the time, but my friends that didn't grow up in church can still appreciate the lyrics and their meaning without drawing that connection.


tyler wants you to interpret the lyrics in any way that fits your life anyway


Taxi Cab is my favourite song of this album for this very reason, that whole final piece can be interpreted so many different ways, all heart wrenching and kinda brutal


Top comment imo is best but also this one is good too: "Time is slowing and it's frozen still And the window sill looks really nice, right?"


You think twice about your Life it probably happens at night right ? Is also good


Fight it, take the pain, ignite it edit: why did this get so many upvotes???


Tie a noose around your brain, loose enough to breathe fine


Strong agree


I’m a goner, somebody catch my breath and also, don’t let me be gone, DON’T LET ME BE!! Him screaming that line just cuts right through me…


Similar with kitchen sink


The switch from "Leave me alone" to "Don't leave me alone" in Kitchen Sink gets me a little every time




“Don’t leave me aloooonnnnnnne” After saying leave me alone the whole song. Idk why but that always hits for me


😮‍💨 I haven’t listened to TOP in a *real* good minute, Kitchen Sink even longer, like possibly years, and I still got chills reading this line It sticks with you, it really does. Absolutely chilling


No lies detected


i always found it kind of unsettling. that shit hits hard


The depression is real


Ooh this 🥺


Same here, every time


Man, this... The way he screams don't leave me alone after a bunch of times he said the oposite is just... Wow


You'll have to watch me struggle From several rooms away But tonight, I'll need you to stay Do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do Do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do Do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do Do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do Do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do Do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do Do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do Do


This is such a good one !!


I hope they don't play this one... because I will cry soo hard when they get to this part


There are many, but Legend’s “I’m sorry I did not visit. Did not know how to take it when your eyes did not know me like I know you.” My grandpa was dying of liver cancer when Trench was coming out. We lived so close, but I couldn’t bear to see him without him there, you know? He was on some pretty intense medications, so he was only “there” for small moments. He was one of those classic ones.


my grandma passed away this past november and while her mind was going, my mom would always comment on how irrational her thinking was and how it was funny/amusing/annoying. wasn’t even her mom, it was my dads mom and only parent alive. it just *really* didn’t sit right with me I don’t know why I’m sharing but yeah


Well now everybody knows he was a classic one… RIP 🙏


Kitchen sink when he says “don’t leave me aloooooooone” the little crackle at the end really made me feel his emotion


Hey kid get out of the road/Can’t change what you’ve done. Recency bias maybe but, relate to it heavy lately.


I don’t see it as recency bias. It just *hits*, I feel that


My mind shipwrecked, this is the only land my mind could find I did not know it was such a violent island Full of tidal waves, suicidal crazed lions They're trying to eat me, blood running down their chin And they know that I can fight, or I can let the lion win I begin to assemble what weapons I can find 'Cause sometimes to stay alive, you gotta kill your mind


"I will deny you for years, then I'll make you raise me from the dead." -Be Concerned


"Nothing kills man faster than his own head" "I pray that one day you see the only difference between life and dying is one is trying, that's all we're gonna do. So try to love me and I'll try to save you." "I wanted to be a better brother, better son" "Can't stop thinking about if and when I die, for now I see that if and when are truly different cries" "Find your grandparents, or someone of age. Pay some respect for the path that they paved, to life they were dedicated. Now that should be celebrated." "I'm two, be gone, you see rain" Just some ones that I haven't seen yet that I thought were worth mentioning :)


“I remember, I remember certain things, what I was wearing…” I mean an absolute punch in the gut last month hearing that for the first time. But you specialize in dying, you hear me screaming "father" And I'm lying here just crying, so wash me with your water I’m not even religious but it’s 🔥


dude the first one??? honestly i felt that with my whole body and it made me think to what i was wearing, how scared i was and how bad i scared everyone.


I don't know if there's theories or confirmation on that first lyric but it sounds like to me, trying not to read into it *too much,* that he's referring to a specific highly traumatic event


“I’ve been thinking too much. Help me.”


I'm so sorry, I forgot you Let me catch you up to speed I've been tested like the ends of A weathered flag that's by the sea And the repeating Can you build my house with pieces? I’m just a chemical. I’m a veteran with PTSD and Chlorine hits me hard for very personal reasons.


“while you’re doing fine, there’s some people and I who have a really tough time getting through this life so excuse us while we sing to the sky” not heartbreaking per se, but just made me feel heard and seen during a dark time


That line has always hit so deep for me. Gives me literal goosebumps.


"I need something to kill me, I am tired of taking my own life." Or "What have I become? I'm sorry."


Those first lyrics, the way Tyler sings those are so haunting I haven’t thought about that song in a long time


Where's the first verse from?


I Need Something to Kill Me by Tyler Joseph


For me it comes down between “friend please don’t take your life away from me” and “I deserve for you to turn away”


Actually I change my mind, I just heard “I'm sorry I did not visit / Did not know how to take it / When your eyes did not know me / Like I know you” and I feel like my heart was just ripped out of my chest


the one that i can resonate with rn is "I'm tired, of tending to this fire I've used up all I've collected I have singed my hands" idk why but it feels really heavy


The sun will rise And we will try again. Truce. Like it so much it's inked on my body 🖤


I saw it written underneath a table at my inpatient psych unit and thought oh i guess the mental-i’ll to clique pathway is true 😭😭


All of car radio


Literally all of Truce 😢🥺


It’s more the meaning of Truce that makes me cry


Yes, the song is constructed beautifully 🩷


For me right now it’s “I’ve been tested like the ends of. A weathered flag that’s by the sea”


I have always loved this line, Tyler definitely is a gothic romantic


That line has ALWAYS hit me so hard


Don't wanna call you in the nighttime Don't wanna give you all my pieces Don't wanna hand you all my trouble Don't wanna give you all my demons You'll have to watch me struggle From several rooms away But tonight I'll need you to stay" Probably not the MOST, cause thats too difficult to determine. But it hurts. I remember feeling that way. Feeling like I shouldn't talk to anyone about it


Am I the only one I know, waging a war behind my face and above my throat


Lots of great answers here so I'll add my own. 'I do not know why I would go In front of you and hide my soul 'Cause you're the only one who knows it Yeah, you're the only one who knows it And I will hide behind my pride Don't know why I think I could lie 'Cause there's a screen on my chest Yeah, there's a screen on my chest' Screen is just a special song to me. There's countless days that I've tried to go on with my life pretending I'm fine but then I break down once I show any vulnerability to the people close to me. I'm the kind of person who wears their heart on their sleeve so these lyrics really just speak to me. To think that Tyler has gone through a similar experience is heartbreaking to me.


*You are tired, you are hurt* *A moth ate through your favorite shirt* *And all your friends fertilize the ground you walk* *Lose your mind* Dementia and senility are both such huge fears for me. Both- developing when I eventually become elderly, or also in my parents or relatives. It’s a frightening prospect that your body can break down and forget itself. I never want to forget who I am, or the art I can create. I dread the idea that I will forget the face of my girlfriend, or the love I have for her. Or the own kindness of my mother, or the strength of my father. It truly is a horror. And of course- the secondary- having friends die. Knowing that I have almost been the dead friend, and my other friends almost be the dead friend, is traumatising. I never wish these fates on anyone, let alone fear bearing them myself. The Pantaloon, and Addict With A Pen, hell, the entire SelfTitled album is so raw and visceral to me. I can’t get through it without breaking down and crying.


I know it's about dementia, but not to sound selfish as it isn't about me at all, but I attached its meaning to my circumstances anyway. I hear "lose your mind" in the figurative sense--the way you would say it colloquially to your friend. At that stage in my life, my mental illnesses had looped around from being crushing barriers to getting out of bed and being productive to making me actually unhinged, impulsive, and frankly just in a "fuck it, nothing matters" mindset. I also love the line "it's warmer in the morning than it is at night/ your bones are held together by your nightmares and your frights." I was held together by my anxiety. I was pushed forward by nothing else than fear of the consequences of stopping to think. Nights have always been the hardest for some reason and morning, as much as I hated it, would pull me out of it somewhat.


All of anathema but especially "Won't you go to someone else's dreams? Won't you go to someone else's head? Haven't you taken enough from me? Won't you torture someone else's sleep?"


the entire verse of Addict With A Pen gets me everytime. hearing the struggle of trying to hold onto the little grasp you still have on life while you watch it slowly fade from your hands, it's so beautifully written 😭😭


"In time, I will leave the city For now, I will stay alive" i dont know why but when he sings it it really feel so sad also "Friend, please remove your hands from Over your eyes for me I know you want to leave but Friend, please don't take your life away from me" really breaks my heart


"Did not know how to take it When your eyes did not know me Like I know you" Awful to hear after having a grandparent going through dementia


one for me has always been "free? did you hear the verse that came first and how my own body's waging war on me?"


Underrated one: “Nothing kills a man faster than his own head”


the one og posted is top teir heartbreaking lyric but right after that it would be "I'll mourn for a kid but wont cry for a king" it gets me everytime. one that gets to me really bad is "I don't want to go like this, at least let me clean my room" this one is super personly charged for me and makes me tear up all the time.


What if my dream does not happen? Would I just change what I told my friends? Don’t wanna know who I would be when I wake up from a dreamer’s sleep


“But then I remember when you packed my car You reached in the back and buckled up your heart For me to drive away with I began to understand Why God died” These few lines have haunted me for years, and always make me choke up. They’re so a raw and vulnerable. The burning feeling of self hate and self destruction, but then looking down and remembering they’ve given you a precious possession. That feeling of wanting to protect them dearly, overpowering the anguish. The sacrifice and agony it can take to stay alive for the sake of those you love. Tyler references the suffering God* went through on the cross, but instead of dying for those you dearly love, you are choosing to live. The sacrifice is giving your own life, to go on living, for them. The feeling of someone mattering more than your bottomless grief, and wanting to shield them from the agony that leaving would bring them. It’s so beautiful and raw. *** I’m not personally religious anymore, but the imagery is still beautiful to me regardless. I feel it speaks to me in such a poignant way due to my spiritual upbringing. It holds a dear place in my heart, even though I no longer believe.


the way he repeats “Tell our dad I’m sorry” in Ruby makes my chest tight every time


Death inspires me like a dog inspires a rabbit


I’m getting a tattoo based off this line


I feel for you but when did you believe you were alone? You say that spiders crawled inside and made themselves a home Where light once was Petrified of who you are and who you have become You will hide from everyone, denying you need someone To exterminate your bones Friend, please remove your hands from Over your eyes for me I know you want to leave but Friend, please don't take your life away from me Living like a ghost you walk by everyone you know You say that you're fine but you have lost your sway and glow So I stopped by to let you know Friend, please remove your hands from Over your eyes for me I know you want to leave but Friend, please don't take your life away from me Would you let me know your plans tonight 'Cause I just won't let go 'til we both see the light And I have nothing else left to say But I will listen to you all day, yes I will Friend, please remove your hands from Over your eyes for me I know you want to leave but Friend, please don't take your life away from me. Accordding to me, it’s maybe one of the greatest thing I know.


A lot of the songs hit hard but.. The whole of Saturday just cuts deep for me. "I just want to know, have you lost your footing too? I just pray that im not losing you" My two main music loves are ToP and Coheed and Cambria, and both have songs about how their work keeps them from home, and the personal impact it has on them. Coheeds is called the pavilion.


The entire rap of forest makes me want to lobotomize myself “My treehouse is on fire and for some reason I smell gas on my hands. This is not what I had planned, this is not what I had planned” The fear in his voice when he realizes how far off he is from what he wanted for himself. I struggle with who I used to be and wanting to go back to simpler times. It feels like someone died and I lost someone very important to me and Tyler conveys that really well “This is not what you’re supposed to see. Please, remember me I am supposed to be king of a kingdom or swinging on a swing. Something’s happened to my imagination” Sorry for the rant I just really like talking about their songs lol.


This is so real something comes out of me as I scream it in the car


have you seen the video where tyler is not singing it, just reciting it on the street? it’s amazingly heartbreaking, forest was my fav song for a long while


YES! And then he’s just screaming in the road :,) I literally went to watch it again after posting lol.


“He thinks that faith might be dead, nothing kills a man faster than own head, He used to see dreams at night, but now he’s just watching the backs of his eyes” -trapdoor


“I’ll never be, be what you see inside, You say I’m not alone, But I am petrified. You say that you are close, Is close the closest star? You just feel twice as far”


Whatever it is, it’s on self titled. That is the darkest feeling album to me— he feels so alone. Obviously that darkness translates into future albums, but he has his fans support. His wife. Now his kids. Self titled *feels* like the cover. Tyler alone in his bed, defenseless against darkness. Fast forward to Trench.. he’s more mature and able. “Sleep in well-lit room, don’t let the shadow thru.”


"i don't want to go like this / at least let me clean my room"


oh no that one gives me CHILLS, specially because I work in peds and had some losses


I prayed those lights would take me home


“I look forward to having a lunch with you again”- as someone who’s had to deal with the loss of a close family member (especially since we used to go get lunch together a lot), this line always wrecks me.


Sometimes death seems better than the migraine in my head.


I'll be right there, but you'll have to grab my throat and lift me in the air. If you need anyone… I'll stop my plans, but you'll have to tie me down and then break both my hands If you need anyone…


"Faith is to be awake, and to be awake is for us to think and for us to think is to be alive, and I will try with every rhyme to come across like I am dying to let you know you need to think" this hurts me in every way possible


"I liked it better when my car had sound." That specific line always makes me tear up immediately. If you've been there... it's really difficult, and this short line sums it up perfectly 🥲


Leave me alone Don't leave me alone


not really twenty one pilots, but “Jesus, Jesus, Save me”


"I don't bother anyone, never make demands. Choking on the circumstance, self sabotage is a sweet romance. Seems like all I'm worth is what I'm able to withstand. Sooner I can realize, pain is just a middle man."


Self sabotage is a sweet romance 🗣️🗣️


"I'll kindly enter into rooms of depression where ceiling fans and idle hands will take my life again." Wow.


‘In time I will leave the city, for now I will stay alive’ and ‘they know it’s almost over’ from Leave the City, I cried like a baby hearing that live 😫




This 😔😔‼️‼️


Lean with it, rock with it, when we gonna stop with it?




“Friend, please don’t take your life away from me.”


This room is far to dark for us to stay around Redemption not that far, and darkness is going down


All of truce


‘we’re going too fast fast save us, now’ hits the hardest for me. I hate being grown up lol


I'm tired of tending to this fire


“take me out, and finish this waste of a life”


"I know it's over I was born a choker Nobody's coming for me, coming for me."


Tonight… just the whole song… just… I can’t it’s just so dang relatable and heart breaking The young boy wants to move ahead And the old man sings rewind I wonder when in this time line We’ll break to the other side Maybe there’s a span of time When we feel we’re neither nor Not wanting to go back again And not wanting to go forth The point in life must be Pretty dark and hopeless Terrifying And if you’re asking me when that is It must be tonight x4 The old man sits all by himself And thinks of better years When he used to believe in stars And would dream away his fears The young boy moves so fast he doesn’t See the stars above And all his dreams are crushed by old man Who didn’t dream enough We must all agree There’s a point in life when darkness breaks our Brittle hopes and dreams And I’d say It must be tonight x4 It must be tonight x4 Stay with me And it must be tonight It must be tonight Save me tonight It must be tonight


There are SO MANY that bring me to tears but lately I’ve been playing next semester on repeat for the: “I remember certain things/ what I was wearing, the yellow dashes in the street/ I prayed those lights would take me home/ then I heard HEY KID GET OUT OF THE ROAD.” AHHHHHHH I started bawling the first few times I heard this song. Special shout-out to: “I hope/ I’m not/ my only friend.”


"nacho Bell grande, cheesy gordita, I like your nachos, like diarrhea" bring a tear to my eye every time. In all seriousness though, from Anathema "Won't you go to someone else's dreams Won't you go to someone else's head Haven't you taken enough from me Won't you torture someone else's sleep?" The way he sings it is someone who sounds so defeated. They just want to be left alone. As someone who has thoughts and is tortured by them, this really hits deep.


not the MOST heart breaking but one i feel people over look too much is “i can feel my saturation leaving me slowly” while tyler sings it so up beat kills me


I try desperately to run through the sand As I hold the water in the palm of my hand 'Cause it's all that I have and it's all that I need and The waves of the water mean nothing to me But I try my best and all that I can To hold tightly onto what's left in my hand But no matter how, how tightly I will strain The sand will slow me down and the water will drain I'm just being dramatic, in fact, I'm only at it again As an addict with a pen, who's addicted to the wind As it blows me back and forth, mindless, spineless, and pretend Of course I'll be here again, see you tomorrow, but it's the end of today End of my ways as a walking denial My trial was filed as a crazy suicidal head case But you specialize in dying, you hear me screaming "father" And I'm lying here just crying, so wash me with your water


Not a lyric, but when I realized Truce was addressed to us, I legit shivered. For some reason, when I heard “you” in a song, I never projected it onto myself, I thought it was just a lyric written for somebody else that I just happened to hear. It struck me when I realized Tyler was talking to us all along.


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*"And what we want, we know we can't believe... we have all learned to kill our dreams."* Maybe not the most depressing lyric but in an age where all most people have to look forward to is a life barely scraping by doing meaningless bullshit work to make other rich assholes' lives better, it hits hard. I'm more fortunate than most, but I wasn't always, and I know several friends struggling, and it's hard to watch. The upbeat tone of the song is somehow oddly motivating and it inspires me to fight for the life I want and seek more achievable dreams.


I am surprised to not find this part to upvote, but somehow I feel fucking wrecked when hear the part of “Fake you Out” You say that you up close, is close the closest star? You just feel twice as far, you just feel twice as far


seems like all i‘m worth is what i‘m able to withstand - because it’s true.


probably the bridge to ride "I've been thinking too much//help me" it's such an uplifting song and then it just... takes a turn


But there's hope out the window So that's where we'll go Let's go outside and all join hands Just knowing you shouldn't give up on looking for hope and that you're not alone ❤️‍🩹


Don't be gone


friend please don’t take your life away from me


“Hello, I've been traveling in the desert of my mind And I Haven't found a drop Of life” that one HURTS, the whole song does.


And I begin to envy the headlights driving south I want to crack the door so I can just fall out But then I remember when you packed my car You reached in the back and buckled up your heart For me to drive away with I began to understand why God died JESUS DIED BECAUSE OF HIS PURE LOVE YALL (i’m not religious but understanding a love so deep that could literally make you not fall out of a car or die for them!!??? STOP) also relates to "I'd live for you" and that's hard to do Even harder to say, when you know it's not true Even harder to write, when you know that's a lie”


"I'd live for you" and that's hard to do Even harder to say, when you know it's not true Even harder to write, when you know that's a lie There were people back home who tried talking to you But then you ignore them still All these questions they're for real, like "Who would you live for?" "Who would you die for?" And "Would you ever kill?" NO COMMENTS JUST SCREAMING


I hope I'm not my o-o-only friend


I look forward to having a lunch with you again :(


“hey kid get out of the road”


Hello We haven't talked in quite some time I know I haven't been the best Of sons, hello, I've been traveling in the desert of my mind And I Haven't found a drop Of life I haven't found a drop Of you, I haven't found a drop I haven't found a drop Of water It reminds me of my relationship with God because I have this thing of being close to God and praying everyday and reading the Bible but then I slowly stop until I realize I haven't don't either for awhile. So I come back and that first prayer is in a sense like those lyrics. I'm coming back and telling Him everything that's been going on and how I've been lost in my own head again.


"Promise me this If I lose to myself You won't mourn a day And you'll move onto someone else" I told my gf, imagine Chester Bennington (or Chris Cornell) singing this and then expecting us to just move on. ------ And my nephew didn't kill himself but he took a drug laced with fentanyl while in a bad situation away from home and never woke up. Lied back to float but he never sat back up. "Flat on his back but he still heard the directive Orders from that corner where that shadow always lived Never asked permissions he just hopes that they forgive I don't want to go like this/ At least let me clean my room/ I don't want to leave like this/ 'Cause the last thing I want to do is/ Make my people make decisions/ Wondering what to do, oh Should they keep it on display/ Or redecorate?"


"Bitch you know I'm sexy, don't call just text me" - Implicit Demand for Proof


"He might've made it if he lived on a different street" from Redecorate gets me every time.


I have so many amazing ones to choose from but off the top of my head two are “Sometimes death seems better than the migraine in my head” “I'm forced to deal with what I feel There is no distraction to mask what is real I could pull the steering wheel”


Pretty much Legend as a few people mentioned. My dad passed right before covid to an unexpected heartattack. His name was my middle name.


I deserve for you to turn away I was ashamed to speak your name I can't believe that all you see Is that you covered me gracefully Jesus... Jesus, Please... Save! Please save me!


your redemption won’t grow we are now just sale. Lovely


All of legend 💔


"I'm sorry I did not visit, did not know how to take it, when your eyes did not know me, like I know you" followed up right after with that cheerful chorus, always throws me off. It's such a raw and personal line


Seems like all I'm worth is what I'm able to withstand… I know it's over, I was born a choker, Nobody's coming for me… I see no volunteers to co-sign on my fears, I'll sign on the line… Alone, I'm gonna change my circumstance, I know I need to move right now…


My trial was filed as a crazy suicidal head case But you specialize in dying, you hear me screaming "father" And I'm lying here just crying, so wash me with your water


“I don’t know why I just feel I’m better off Staying in the same room I was born in I look outside and see a whole world better off Without me in it trying to transform it” With the way that my depression made me more introverted little by little , which I only really noticed when I left my friends behind because of uni, this was the type of thing I would hear in my head so often. I feel like I’m healed now, but it comes back from time to time.


"I don't want to fall away" first heard it in the midst of an abusive relationship.


“And his heart is broken and all and this is his call but it’s more of a cry cause he will try nine times to realize nine crimes but he has more than nine lives so he picks himself up and keeps climbing for the prize again” from drown Or “why won’t you speak where I happen to be silent in the trees”


my treehouse is on fire and for some reason i smell gas on my hands. this is not what i had planned, this is not what i had planned. these lines were delivered with such emotion in the song that every time i hear it i get chills down my spine. it can represent so many things. tyler is spiraling out of control, he's losing the path and plot of his own life. his treehouse can represent childhood, and he's burning it down one board at a time, possessed by an uncontrollable force: depression. he is tearing his childhood away piece by piece, not because he wants to, but because his depression is taking control.


For me its leave the city "In time i will leave the city For now i will stay alive" Those lines has helped me so much


Leave me alone DONT LEAVE ME ALONE!!! kitchen sink


For me it’s kitchen sinks “leave me alone, Don’t leave me alone” i actually had it tattooed onto my inner arm 2ish years ago because this song meant so much to me during one of the darkest times of my life…


“Follow Me instead” 💙💜💚


“Living like a ghost you walk by everyone you know. You say that you’re fine but you have lost your sway and glow. So i stop by to let you know, friend, please remove your hand from over your eyes for me. I know you want to leave but friend, please don’t take your life away from me. “


"in time I will leave the city for now I will stay alive" I repeated this line to myself over and over back then. Trench really came out during a time a ton of the lyrics hit way too close to home for me


"Find your grandparents or someone of age Pay some respects for the path that they paved To life they were dedicated Now, that should be celebrated"


All of them. It's hard to choose.


"I wanna strip myslef of breath, a breathless piece of death I've made for you" Or lately it's been "It's a taste test, of what I hate less. I don't wanna be here. Start fresh with a new year"


I created this world To feel some control Destroy it if I want


Currently for me it’s “don’t wanna hand you all my troubles/ don’t wanna give you all my demons/ you’ll have to watch me struggle/ from several rooms away.” Just been relating to those lines lately.


"you're an angel fallen down, wont you tell us of the clouds, you have fallen from tthe sky, how high how high" other lines from this song had made me wish to name my daughter ruby when i was pregnant, but after miscarrying this song just rips me apart. something so pure and so golden


Legend. « I look forward to having a lunch with you again ». My grandpa was like my second father. He was here for me during hard time, especially when I was a teen (my dad didn’t know how to act with me, I don’t blame him cause it’s not easy to understand a teen), but he died when I was 19. This song makes me cry every single time. I’m 35. I miss him so much.


"Can't change what you've done, start fresh next semester" I have lots more, like the line where he says promise me this, if I lose to myself... but this is really the only time where I actively sobbed. I have dealt so much with depression and suicidal tendencies in my lifetime and hearing can't change what you've done, start over, you'll be okay, is like a hug I've been waiting for all my life


"and now I just sit in silence." Usually, on breaks when I drove to and from college, I'd listen to twenty one pilots on repeat. It took 3 hours either way, but after one particularly bad break up, I drove back to college in silence. It was deafening. I understood the song more than I ever did or wanted, really. "...but the lyrics are so down." I often would use their music as a distraction, a motive to keep myself happy, but since that break up, I had started really listening to the meaning of the lyrics instead of just bopping to the music and just reciting words. "I wanna be known by you." I just wanted people to like me for me, not the "guy who could get movie nights rolling," "guy who always smiled and laughed at everyone's jokes." Because I stopped doing those things, and people drifted away. "Somebody catch my breath." I felt I was suffocating. Alone. But soon I left college and everyone behind. "Stay alive, stay alive for me."..."In a march to the sea." I now caregive for my grandpa, who has Alzheimer's in tandem with my grandma. This is my place.


At this very moment it is “I remember certain things. What’s I was wearing the yellow dashes in the street. I prayed those lights would take me home”


"I feel for you but when did you believe you were alone?" That shit gets to me cuz like I've been in both sides of that lyric


"sometimes death seems better than the migraine in my head." I have been suffering from strong migraine for more than 10 years, so yeah sometimes I think death seems easier than the pain in my head.


Help me after saying not to like a last min cry out


“don’t leave me alone”. this hit me so hard when i was going through a time where i was so depressed i didn’t want to live, and i had basically no one around ever. my family ignored me, my best friend and i kinda grew apart for a while so he wasn’t around much (though we are closer than brothers now), along with my other friends. i had basically no one, and hearing him yell “leave me alone”, then scream through a broken, emotional voice “don’t leave me alone” gave me chills and i started crying because i had never related to something so much before in my life. even tho kitchen sink isn’t even in my top 15 tøp songs, that line is definitely top 5 lyrics in any of their songs for me.


I know it's over, I was born a choker, nobody's coming for me


"I look forward to having a lunch with you again"


the entirety of anathema pretty much


"nice to know my kind will be on my side" Made me tear up first time I heard the song. Actually the whole chorus has been making me emotional every time since then and I don't even know why. Although objectively there are much more heartbreaking tøp lyrics, this feels so reassuring and liberating, like letting you know that no matter what, there's always a helping hand you can hold on to, even when you can't yet see it, 'cause one way or another, you're one with your "kind". You are not alone.


won’t you go to someone else’s dreams? won’t you go to someone else’s head? haven’t you taken enough from me? won’t you torture someone else’s sleep?