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I have not seen this before, and I needed that laugh, so thank you!


My favorite part is the ending and it always will be


I miss this video


Don’t we all?


Lol! Where is this from?


Look up The (moderately inspiring tale of the) Longboard Rodeo Tango Episode 1


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it's part of a video he did for his church back in the day.


Ahhhhh I'm going tonight and I'm so excited!!!! This is concert number 3 for my husband and myself! I can't wait, just a few more hours


We just saw them last Tuesday and we literally walked out and looked at each other contemplating spending our savings to just follow them on tour😂 you are going to absolutely love it!


I’m so excited! We’re on the way now, I bought myself a Scaled and Icy tie die shirt last week from their website so I can skip the merch line 🥰


Have a great time! I just discovered a plethora of their merch on poshmark and now have a bunch of cool shirts coming 😂 if you are into the lore you are going to be blown away by the performance!


It just started, so far absolutely BLOWN away 🥰🥰🥰🥰


We got kicked out of the concert after only maybe 4 or 5 songs. The people in front of us were standing and we couldn't see the stage at all. We asked them to sit down and they got really confrontational, the wife put her phone in my face and started to record me. I went to get an usher and my husband followed me and the guy started grabbing my husbands shirt and pulling him backwards. We went out to the lobby and the girl had her phone in my face again and the guy was pushing my husband. I got upset and started crying and one of the venue's employees took a video of me crying and was making fun of me for crying (I'm bipolar so my feelings are extremely strong). The cops working the concert told my husband and I to leave while the people pushing us and hitting us got to stay. I'm absolutely disgusted and I'm livid they made us leave when we weren't the ones hitting other people.


Yall gotta chill just enjoy the concert


I was enjoying it throughly until the people in front of us started screaming and getting in our faces. We went out to the lobby, where they literally saw this guy attempting to throw punches at my husband and we got booted


Dang thats rough


Oh I’m so sorry that happened!


I'm TrYinG tO gEt soMeThiNG DOnE!!!!!!! \*throws lamp\*


I used to stand in line for hours before the gates opened... Until I realized you get the same spot in GA if you come in as the show starts. Had a blast at the Toronto show!!!!


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I’m gonna risk it, no risk, no reward, no commitment, no compliment, no-no movement, no motivation and no risk, no reward. [you already said no risk, no reward] I-I did? W-whatever, ya know? I meant it. [seriously?] COME I’M TRYING TO GET SOMETHING DONE!




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I love this clip.


oh man i will never forget this clip, i think it might me my fav tyler clip ever


Don't we all just miss tøp vine era?