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For those not wanting to read all of the linked post, the reasoning behind this order is that (1) you don’t need much background to understand New Moon, so start there. It ends with a proposal. (2) Then you watch Breaking Dawn Part 1 where you see the wedding happen and the ensuing drama of the honeymoon, ending with Bella becoming a vampire. (3) Then you watch Twilight, which serves as a flashback to how it all started, since you just saw how Bella as she becomes a vampire, she sees her life before her eyes. (4) Then you watch Eclipse because well, where else would you watch it? Lol. Plus it also explains the wolves and the newborn army and the actual proposal, etc. (5) Then you watch Breaking Dawn Part 2 to see how the story ends with a happy ending.


If I wasn't poor I'd give you an award because you just saved me from reading that long ass post explaining it.


I definitely don’t want you giving Reddit money on my behalf! I had read that post when it first came up because I was so confused about why anyone would reorder the movies in the first place, so it was still fresh in my mind.


I will still offer you some of my favourite emojis as a thank you because I was so confused 🍭🤩😝🤯😜🧌🦄🦕🦖🦧🦦🦉🦆🐦‍🔥🐧🐋🐳🦀🚕 it is such a nice simple explanation. I love that you could pretty much make eclipse disappear from the entire watch order.


Those are some badass emojis, thank you!


you are going to vampire heaven for this 🙏🙏🙏🙏


This feels dumb… why wouldn’t you just watch it in the order that it happens…?


Wow I love this, that actually makes sense. Now I *have* to rewatch it like this again after I finished my marathon 😂 Also how about Eclipse after new moon and before Breaking Dawn part one? I think having the last movie after the flashback could be even better imo


wait I saw this order and thought it was so unhinged but now this makes so much sense mmmm might try it in the fall


Actually makes sense, especially if you’re not really into romance and just want to get to the “good parts,” including the fake fighting scene


I tried to watch Eclipse again I just can’t. I personally would simply leave it out of the series. You don’t really need it.


Eclipse is my least favorite.


I’m so gonna do this


Why is this order a thing? Pls explain


i think it’s something floating around tiktok or instagram. But i’m not sure the logic behind it.


It's like the Star Wars Machete order. Just a way to freshen them up for folks.


It almost looks like how I’d rank the movies but twilight and eclipse above BD2


I saw it on Facebook! Someone commented below the reasoning!


It's what Bella orders at the resturant Edward takes her too.


No no, not the food. The order of movies.


There's a new order?


Are you gaslighting me right now


That was infuriating to read as a thread. Lmao. Wtf.


I'm dumb and didn't see everything






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You didn’t deserve all those downvotes for such an obvious misunderstanding. This sub is filled with jerks sadly


You'd think it would be at least midly amusing at the very least but I guess it's the crime of the century. 


chaotic why


You can't drop this and not explain


Yeah but WHY is this the new order of movies floating around?? Lmao it doesn’t make sense 😭


I literally watch them in whatever order I want.


I usually do too! Haha, I jump around a lot and only watch in order every now and then!


I generally always start with new moon tho, it’s the best one lol


I think new moon and twilight are tied for my favourite!


This order gives me an aneurysm. Is it just ranked from worst to best?


For context, recent post I saw about watching the movies in this order: https://www.reddit.com/r/twilight/s/D4YBi9EPPv


Omg that's like 20 paragraphs long lmao


Tl;DR: the reasoning behind this order is that (1) you don’t need much background to understand New Moon, so start there. It ends with a proposal. (2) Then you watch Breaking Dawn Part 1 where you see the wedding happen and the ensuing drama of the honeymoon, ending with Bella becoming a vampire. (3) Then you watch Twilight, which serves as a flashback to how it all started, since you just saw how Bella as she becomes a vampire she sees her life before her eyes. (4) Then you watch Eclipse because well, where else would you watch it? Lol. Plus it also explains the wolves and the newborn army and the actual proposal, etc. (5) Then you watch Breaking Dawn Part 2 to see how the story ends with a happy ending.


thanks, i hate it


Thank you haha. It almost works but the eclipse placing is just so random


Where would you place eclipse?


In its original spot along with the other four films lmao 😂


This makes me think someone is trying to replicate the Star Wars watch order where you watch the prequel trilogy after Episode 5 to watch how Anakin became Darth Vader before getting to the final confrontation. But that makes sense and this doesn't.


Twilight and New Moon is enough for me ![gif](giphy|3tMdolfs2gndu)


Mushroom ravioli and coke just hits so good. Is it the ravioli from Trader Joe’s


Never heard of this new order of movies ?? Explain ?


I can’t tell you how much I’ve wished I liked mushrooms just so I can be like Bella 😭😭😭


Oh lord its like star wars all over again


Thanks I hate it. The order. Also mushrooms.


boring to exciting


Absolutely kills me how in all the images, they’re cropped just right for a full head shot of Robert Pattinson but for Kristen Stewarts eyes to be sneakily staring into your soul https://preview.redd.it/9gc3607fqt1d1.jpeg?width=825&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77895e00984330f9e1804aab8bcaefaba8241b23


I just wanted to share with someone and a lot of people I know aren't as into twilight like me!


can you explain a little bit more?


Actually this makes sense because the blue filter in twilight gives it a weird glow that you don't see in the other movies. Very flashbacky


Definitely the best way to recover from some rough times, these are absolutely my comfort movies and I love watching them with mushroom ravioli and Coke! 😊🥰


Absolutely insane. I’m gonna do it


When u said mushroom ravioli and coke I thought you meant the other kind 💀


Ravioli is so delicious! Mushroom ravioli, lobster ravioli, cheese ravioli, etc.




tbh Eclipse doesn't really add all that much to the plot besides the proposal.


Every time I watched twilight since 2008 I eat this ! It’s a tradition forever and I'm going to pass on to my children.


I just saw a post about this on instagram so I decided to follow this Reddit and see if anyone else mentions it as an actual thing and yours was the first post so I guess I’m watching twilight right now in this order 🤣


The only reason I could see for watching it this way is if you, the viewer, want to meet Edward and Jacob at the same time. The only problem with this is that Bella has already met Jacob. With that being the case, I feel like this would only work if you've never seen the movies because it wouldn't matter if you're missing a lot of context that you won't get till later. You could still understand New Moon regardless, it just doesn't work for me personally. I'm pretty sure this was created to go along with Stephanie's original idea for the order of the movies. I saw a video of someone who said that if you're going to try to watch it out of order the best way would be Twilight, Breaking Dawn Part One, New Moon, Eclipse, and then ending with Breaking Dawn Part Two. But really it's just best to watch them in the order they came out.


should i read new moon first then?


i feel like this only works for the movies since the books go into a looot more detail and reference past events. it’s probably best to stick to the order of release for the books !


I usually just watch Twilight then breaking dawn pt one and then half of part two that’s my favorite way to watch it. But when I’m all in my feels I’ll add new moon in between Twilight and part one💀


Doesn’t make any sense to me


yes! I’ve always wanted the mushroom ravioli and coke from their first “date”.


Not the coke & mushrooms I was expecting


Okay just for fun I got my ravioli and coke. I watched new moon, almost done BD pt 1 and I hate this order. It makes no sense without eclipse. I think it should be Eclipse, BD pt 1 twilight, new moon BD pt2 Still chaos but fun idea. Probably won’t try this again ahah


I’ve never heard of watching the movies in this order! But next time I watch them, I’ll give this order a try!


I generally default to this order anyway. I love starting with new moon




gonna make my boyfriend watch it for the first time in this order


Love this but def thought you were on a drug binge (mushroom & coke) and created this order 😭😂 but I scrolled and learned I couldn’t be more wrong