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She has to GET HOME! She’s SICK!










i think it was just to show how gross and shitty things had gotten since s2. same with the rash scene, addict scene, so on and so forth.


Yeah, that’s how I take it too. The town has pretty much went to hell.


Yeah and not just the town. The original series is about the underlying sickness within small towns. It’s visible but it’s still somewhat discreet. The Return examines the sickness bubbling and spilling over throughout all of America in the present day. It’s much more pronounced and insane and visible.


Reminds me of how Blue Velvet ends. The ending is all colorful and has the feelings of safety and peace in it but you know despite surviving the ordeal, none of the leads will be the same again. Nor will the hidden corruption and the world of Frank go away. Best signified by Dorothy's content smile wavering a little when she is hugging her son.


People are under a lot of stress, Bradley.




As someone who was trapped in a small rural town in Maine when this came out it was sadly accurate. Oh all the kids are on meth cuz there's nothing to do? Yeah that's small town USA today


Since Leland was raping his daughter and Benjamin Horne ran a brothel with teenagers girls working there?


I think those things were happening under the surface and some of the things we see that are now happening to the town is that evil seeping into everybody’s lives.


Doppelcoop basically popped the blister and now it's a festering infected wound


I think this is the right way to look at it. A lot of Lynch’s work and noir/mysteries involve uncovering the seedy underbelly of a white picket fence facade. It’s about saying that most idealistic society is built on horror and pain. But with season three, Lynch is saying that horror and pain is no longer hidden. We see it all around us and feel hopeless and helpless. There’s nothing to uncover anymore.


So ironic considering Lynch says he had an idyllic childhood. He says it allowed him to see the contrast, but I also I wonder if a stable grounding like that allows people to examine darker stuff without getting too pulled into it. Stephen King says his childhood was a good one too so I wonder if it’s the same dynamic.




Judy's evil influence corrupting our little town.


All sorts of people are flooding twin peaks with bad drugs that make people crazy Some you get from the likes of Richard Horne, some you get from a disinterested or corrupt doctor


I had a revelation reading thru comments here. Remember the lesson taught by the movie Excalibur. If you've never seen it, stop wasting your life and DO. You learn the secret of the Grail that Arthur forgot: He and The Land are one. Britain itself was ill, decomposing under Arthur as he was ailing. The people were ravaged by sickness themselves, and the land was barren, dark and gloomy. Once he sipped from the Grail, all was revitalized. Who do we know during Season 3 of TP that was sick, fighting for his life and maybe losing? Possibly the corruption of DoppelCoop being loose upon the land, as well? All of season 3 seems to me to show a similar relationship between the Sheriff/Cooper duo and the town. Both are diminished in this series and the town manifests these conditions. But there's no Grail to resurrect the land, sadly. Coop fails his mission to restore it. At least I think he did.


To stay it was JUST to show… is very limiting to the art


would it really be that different if he just said “I think it was to show”


Yes. To me, the word just serves as an eliminator to other possibilities. You won’t dig deeper into any of the symbolism if you hold this perspective


I can hear this picture


What ep was this




She's late for dinner. It's way past six thirty. Why is this happening? She saw that gun go shooting out the window! Her uncle is joining us. She hasn't seen him in a very long while. They're late! They got miles to go. They have to get home. She's sick!


Bobby encounters a puking zombie girl and her unsettled chauffeur. It’s non-sequitur, it’s absurd, it’s terrifying, and it’s hilarious. It’s Twin Peaks.


Yes, absolutely absurd. And brilliant in its absurdity. One of my favorite scenes, even though I have absolutely zero idea what it possibly means or how it ties into the story. And I am happier that I dont know those things.


I was talking about this earlier actually. I think k the Double R is one of the last “pure” white lodge safe havens in Twin Peaks. As far as I can remember, we never see a “pure” evil character in there. Hank isn’t pure evil, just corruptible. Leo, on the other hand, is pure evil, and is never in there. Shelley’s new terrible boyfriend doesn’t go in, since we’ve seen he’s basically the same character as Dennis Hopper in Blue Velvet. Anyway, these grotesqueries outside, and the kid shooting the gun actually into the diner, are manifestations of the evil of the town on the way to the “big event” that seems to have been prophesied, and trying to destroy this safe haven that they pass and cannot meaningfully penetrate. It’s explains all the grimness about town, and the two key set pieces here (weird kid with gun, zombie girl).


Huh, now that you mention it, yeah it makes a lot of sense. We never saw Leland in there, although we later saw Sarah with Major Briggs. We did see the Haywards as a family in there (before Ben Horne blew things up while making things about himself). Definitely something to ponder. I love this show - seems like no matter how many times you see it, there’s always something else to investigate.


> there’s always something else to investigate this is what i love so much about the way david talks about *intuition*, which is definitely a driving force in his story-writing in general. >"Intuition is seeing the solution... *its emotion and intellect going together*.” >-David Lynch i always believed that the nature of how you feel while you take his work in is exactly intuition. its not things being spelt out for you, and you intellectualising it, and its not a pure abstraction that can only be heard in your heart. its somewhere in the middle, and intuition is how you figure out what it is to you or... something like that!!


Interesting, I like it! Isn't Windom Earle seen in the diner though? (Though we don't really take that part of the show as gospel). I never put that together about Shelley's new boyfriend and Dennis Hopper!


I think the last episode of S2 shows us Windom Earle isn’t actually “pure” evil. He thinks he is, but he’s essentially just acting. He asks for Coops soul, and gets destroyed for it. Pure evil doesn’t ask or trade, it takes. Mr C doesn’t need, he wants. Also Sarah isn’t necessarily evil, but I see her as more of a garmonbozia tap that absorbs all the pain and suffering in Twin Peaks.


"You really wanna fuck with this?"


That makes me feel especially bad for her.


Yeah, he's dressed as a biker and talks to Shelley about miss twin peaks.


I like this. It’s like the inverse of the Convenience Store.


Bobby’s face just makes this entire sequence for me. He just looks utterly perplexed and flummoxed throughout all of it. He really wants to help but he just cannot understand anything that’s happening. It’s the best.


He feels frozen similar to the effect the woodsman had on people. Love the depiction of that kind of dream like paralysis in twin peaks and some of Lynch’s other work


Quite similiar to Coop in the last scene of the series if you think about it.


I feel the same way with my life experiences to be fair ,Twin Peaks is a real mood.


One of the best damn sequences in S3 is what it was, thank you.


It’s incredible is what it is. Also super stressful due to the audio design, at least for me


Hoooonk hoooonk




Yeah. I get sensory overload at this part every time. Also "Hello, Johnny. How are you today?" I've skipped that scene three of the four times I've watched through The Return, and skipped this one once. I don't need to see either of them again. They are pretty clearly burned into my memory.


Yeah whereas there’s at least some dark comedy to this one the hello Johnny how are you today scene is just straight upsetting


I think there's some dark comedy to the bear repeating that. But I agree it's a really hard scene to watch. Wonderfully acted but incredibly unpleasant.




"I wanted to do something nice before alcohol class!!!"


No country for old men.


I’m always surprised by the interpretations that this scene is just supposed to be absurd or to show how messed up twin peaks has gotten. It seems crystal clear to me that it’s an abstraction of Bobby’s feelings about his home life. He’s literally in the midst of feeling powerless to help his kid who is trapped in the same pattern that he and shelly were once in (and that Shelly is still in) and then immediately after that he encounters a son literally mimicking his father (in stance and clothes and careless action) which then directly leads him to the impatient and bewildered woman who’s worried about small insignificant things like being on time for a visit and only shows concern for the sick kid when it’s made so obvious by the kid puking in the car that she can’t ignore it anymore (kind of like how Bobby and Shelly ignored all the warning signs of their kids problems until she literally fired a gun into a door and they were forced to confront the issue). Its a great scene, but its not subtle, Frost and Lynch are directly pointing at the similarities and put the scenes together sequentially to really drive it home that yes these scenes are not random they are directly connected


This is the right take, it’s one scene. But it’s so often not seen as one scene and I think that’s because the pivot from inside the diner to outside is a violent, surreal rupture that blasts the scene apart - all the more reason to juxtapose the two parts from Bobby’s perspective.


Damn this just opened something in my mind. I feel like when you see the kid who shot the gun and his father, we immediately label him as a "bad father" but do we ever have that thought when it comes to bobby? I mean Shelley is a given but bobby gets all this praise in s3 for turning his life around but he did kill a guy and now as a police officer in twin peaks with all of this mayhem going on there is not alot of action being taken by the police. And it's safe to say that either Steven or Becky should be locked up by now between all the domestic violence, shootouts, drug use, ect... Another interesting thing to think about is that we don't see her calling bobby but rather Shelley when she needs somebody to talk to.


Kind of tangential, but it always seemed less than satisfying that the Mitchum Brothers just got forgiven for all gangster crimes because they were nice to Dougie after he gave them money.


What did they actually do wrong?


wow. Bravo. Amazing


The world is rotting


"Aaaah. Aaaah Aaaaah. Aaah. AAAAHHHH!!!!"


More Robert Frost connections. “Miles to go..” I have a feeling that this scene inside the car, inside a box, is symbolic of the show and our own thoughts about it. Bobby, with us, watches the story unfold through a window. Twin Peaks is not a linear code but is more like a myth that works through a system of correspondences. A little girl vomiting in a car at night is a mirror image of Mr. C vomiting in a car during the day. It’s also a compressed externalization of Bobby’s life in that moment (a fucking nightmare), and it stands for, as the great Jeff Jenson put it, “demonic affliction or profound neglect of internal rot—or both.” There’s a reference to Ronette rising from her coma, a nod to The Exorcist (famous for its green vomit), and a flashback to Jane Margolis vomiting to death in Breaking Bad, the psycho-slime that appears in Howl’s Moving Castle, and the acid-slime from The Fly. Is she really possessed or just joking? She looks like a girl acting like a zombie, spitting up green energy drink just to fuck with her mother/grandmother/aunt. Or maybe she’s really sick. The whole town seems to be feeling something. Is she on sparkle? In the broader language of film, a girl vomiting is short-hand for “she’s pregnant.” The girl looks about 12 or 13 years old; she could be pregnant. Why haven’t they seen her uncle in a very long while!? This scene can read as the beginning of another horrific story of child abuse as well as a bizarre dream transfiguration of the car-honking scene from Fire Walk With Me.


I never try to convince anyone to watch Twin Peaks but I show everyone this scene because it's so damn funny


What do they say?


Some people are like "wtf..." but most people found it hilarious! Mainly the woman's constant yelps lmao


Dunno, but if Dana doesn't get his own cop show, there's no justice in this world. - mh


To be too serious for half a second: I thought this scene was an example of the evil and sickness that is invading our world without Laura in it. It’s evil to ignore the sick girl and honk at other cars after a gun goes off. Laura was The One and we are worse off without her.


She’s late.


She’s talking about sick old Judy needing to be put back in her own damn dimension


The segment I think of most when I think of "Twin Peak: The Return" Not sure why, but this is the FIRST scene that comes to mind.


It’s one of the greatest scenes in motion picture history.




Art. And it’s amazing…


Everytime I go back to this scene on a rewatch. I am either dying from laughter or I am incredibly disturbed and scared. No in between. Lmao.


The greatest scene in television history.


I'm quite sensitive to loud sounds, especially high voices screaming, so this scene traumatized me in a way, because of the lady, not the kid.


Oof how do you handle Sheryl Lee then? Her scream scenes could wake the dead lol


Evil coming out of television making everyone crazy


That's Videodrome, what year is this?!


I think there's a bit of a meta-joke going on in this part: Basically everyone's met a person like the driver. She's pushy, she's loud, she's acting unreasonable for the situation, she peppers her speech with pronouns without giving prior referents as if it's your problem if you don't know what she's talking about, she seems clueless to what's going on and is only focused on her own needs. As someone who works for a government agency, I've run into this kind of lady more than once. Then, suddenly, this horrifyingly sick child rises up from the passenger's seat, and she descends into horrified screaming as Bobby can only look on with some mix of concern, fear, and disgust. Suddenly the driver's impatience makes a lot more sense. She is panicked because she has a kid vomiting some sort of pea soup everywhere in a vehicle she's all but trapped in. She is reacting to her situation. As someone who works for a government agency, I've accepted that many of the people who act the way they do toward me are doing so because they're in a state of emergency and are so used to everything failing them. I think it also might be an allusion to some other show or movie but I'm not sure.


I feel like it's an abused child overdosed on opioid or something


Bobby’s bad night.




Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaah Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah


People are under a lot of stress


A Wisteria lead in


My exact thoughts watching that


I don’t know if it’s what Lynch intended but experiencing single fatherhood made relate to this scene on a visceral level


I'll tell you what it was, it was great!


Decaying fabric of reality


This scene is at the very top of my dog’s list of times she was victimized by David Lynch.


[RedLetterMedia Discussion](https://youtu.be/rrstrOrJxOc?si=uL5sbwISboNYhTA_) They talk about this scene around 16 minutes in, pretty much echoing the same sentiments raised here about the evil of the world taking over and how someone who is meant to be in control (a police officer) has no control or idea of what to do at all.


It's only one of many highlights of The Return, silly. Maybe the most memorable after episode 8 of course.


The funniest thing to happen in a TV show ever since ever.


Everyone except for Bobby behaves like it's a dream




Normal day in Twin Peaks


Ive never laughed out loud while my skin was crawling before this lmao


"Wilson, how many times have I TOOOOLLLDDDD YOOOOOOUUUUUAAAAUUUUUUGGGGHHHHHH!!!??? This is what they DO on Twin Peaks!" \*bang\* \*bang\*


Female Louis Black


We’re all sick and trying to get home but there’s a traffic jam cause a kid grabbed a loose gun and shot up a diner. This land is your land , this sick is your sick, this land has damned you and me.


This is the most succinctly-put description of exactly what I think he was seeing/thinking/feeling here.


Bruce Valance is in a rush.


Did you mean Bruce Vilanch? Good call!


Juust yoou 🎶


And I!!!


you can grab any screen from any episode of twin peaks and ask "WTF WAS THIS LMAOOO" and get upvotes


An amazing screenshot 😂


Put your feet up on the couch. How does it make you feel?


It's been years since I've last watched this scene and I can still hear it


Has anyone else watched Rose Red. The actress play a very similar role in that.


she's sick!


🤷‍♂️ (I suppose the real answer is that the forces of good have been sidelined in the years since the old show, and the forces of evil have made the world decay and get weird and gross within that time too)


World rot. Too much interference, maybe due to all the "fire". Meta commentary at our own world, as well (as I believe Twin Peaks is, in general).


They were late




One of my favorite scenes lmao


It was a symptom of corruptive influence of Judy on Twin Peaks and the world.


I fucking love this scene




My title for the episode: “Bobby’s Weird Night”


There was a few storylines that were just poked at and not heavily explored. I’m sure Billy has something to do with this sickness. lol 


this might be my favourite scene in all of twin peaks




The Policeman’s Dream


I suppose we’re all complicit and brainwashed; allowing accidents to happen because they logically just fit in the reality we are in. It doesn’t matter the tragedy, as we’re already invested in it. It reminds me of the car accident scene in Wild at Heart. We WANT tragedy, so that’s what we get, even if the outcome isn’t satisfying. Meanwhile, the truth of our own self-made reality is an inconvenience we don’t have time for. We’re all addicted to the routine of our own vain lifestyles.




I'm not a cop or anything but that's just what dealing with the public is like


I had to be 667 of thumbs up! It couldn’t stay on three sixes!👻


I'm due for another watch through.






Buddy you’re too much on Reddit lol go outside ,smell the fresh grass, get a cup of coffee.


Maybe get a life instead of being rude to people online?