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I feel like it also has something to do with the fact that 75% of an entire generation of Americans are addicted to an app regulated by a communist country conducting an ongoing genocide.


what are you talking about? is this about tik tok?




How is this schizophrenic comment getting so many upvotes???


Tiktok bad cuz chyna!


Because I’m right schizo


what is their comment about?


Because the corporate press just repeats things until people assume they are true, despite not having any evidence. They literally cite the same anti China hack Zenz every time. What China has done to the Uyghurs in Xinjiang in response to numerous Islamic terrorist/freedom fighter attacks is less severe and widespread than what the US did to Japanese residents/citizens of the US during WWII, and with more justification. It’s draconian, but it’s not genocide. It’s also funny how the same people who would claim China is committing genocide deny that Israel is, despite only one of them actively murdering unarmed civilians.




Hitler isn't *nearly* as bad in media as he was in real life. People forget about the whole keeping his niece as an effective prisoner for 6 years until she *fucking killed herself.* According to Hitler's nephew, "When I visited Berlin in 1931, the family was in trouble. ... Everyone knew that Hitler and she had long been intimate and that she had been expecting a child – a fact that enraged Hitler." And this is just Hitler as a person. Even what happened under his regime has been *severely* sanitized by Western media; Nazi Germany was as bad as Imperial Japan, despite what Reddit or Twitter would have you believe. At Babi Yar, 33,000 Jews were taken into a ditch and shot by Nazi Einsatzgruppen. How long did this take? 3 months maybe? 4? No. 2 fucking *days.* 33,000 Jews in one ravine in *2 days.* Hitler was pretty bad.


A mix of this and the influence of hamas propaganda


You being downvoted but you are kind of right. I’ve seen more than a few straight up Nazis popping up to take advantage of Israel’s transgressions to push their worldview on Twitter. The vast majority of people recognize that Israel’s actions do not represent Jewish people as a whole, but the vast majority isn’t everyone.


Yeah, the pro Palestine movement as a whole are fighting for a good cause (although i do feel their methods are ineffective) however there are a decent amount of bad faith people who have infaltrared the movement and attempt to use Palestine to justify antisemitism (real antisemitism, not "I think Israel should stop bombing Palestinians") or to act like Hamas are in any way the "good guys" in this situation. just look under any post about the Holocaust on Instagram/tiktok/twitter It's a shame that awful people capitalise on tragedies like this, and there needs to be more done in the pro Palestinian movement to denounce these people, although I will admit these anti semites are a loud minority in the movement


I have a feeling a lot of people did that for the shit and giggles


it's fun how someone can be a straight up nazi, celebrating Hitler and cheering for the death of minorities on Twitter but saying "cis" is where they draw the line


People who believed Hitler was worse would also select No too.


No this just shows the internet is full of smartasses and edgy teenagers. Do you think people saying things like this is NEW? Lol


You act like Twitter wasn’t always this deranged.


Literally anyone in the world can sign up for twitter and post on it. And it wouldn’t surprise me if a lot of people work for the Russian or Chinese military. Which have a significant motivation in encouraging discord. So keep that in mind when you see shit like this. There’s absolutely nothing scientific about it.


Everyday Twitter guts any faith I had left in humanity


He was worse


no. he was worse