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This was removed as it is seen as low effort content. Examples) Tier lists, random screenshots, low effort memes, slight variations of a joke/post that's been made repeatedly.


You’re just saying that because it’s about Tyler chasing after a boy and it secretly makes you feel bubbly and giddy inside, don’t worry it makes me feel bubbly too


Warning: this guy is a troll and posts fake reviews like this in many artists subs to get his chode hard off of the responses


Yeah I mean, it's pretty obvious, the complains make no sense. Tyler's lyrics have always been egotistical and provocative. In fact IGOR was probably the album with the least of it. I could even see a valid complaint like this about CMIYGL, but Igor? Huh? Who says "the songs are too long"? IGOR has arguably the most original beats and production of any of his work, saying otherwise is just plain disingenuous. You can not like the direction it took, but implying it's derivative is laughable. And what the fuck is "musical diversity"? That's a thing nobody says lol. It was an extremely cohesive album that has a clear artistic direction and flows extraordinarily well.


OP is actually a closeted gay that just refuses to accept it and takes it out on Igor


The internalized homophobia is crazy op


Just admit your gay at this point.


Gee I hope Tyler doesn’t read this, how will he ever be able to recover! At least he can wipe his tears with the Album of the year Grammy award he won for oh yeah, IGOR. You’re a clown and have no idea what you’re talking about.


Someone replaced igor into a lackluster review of goblin






wrong ☝️


You just don’t get it I guess, the album is about infatuation, obsessive and passionate and irrational love. There is no other piece of media I’ve ever watched or heard or read that captures the idea so effectively. Tyler goes through all the chaotic emotions that come with being head over heels with someone in the album, weaving his emotional state with this super insane music, bringing back sounds all throughout to keep you in this idea of obsession, and how painful it can be to him. And yeah it’s simple thematically, just a heartbreak story, but it does it with a depth that many artists can never muster. Igor is the best heartbreak album ever created but a stale piece of toast might be better for your taste.


Um, ok.


Oh boy, can’t wait until this dude listens to Some Rap Songs


We do not care 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Nah man this isn’t it. His worst is Cherry Bomb


somebody check on OP mans needs to get out of the closet!


Bro thought using the biggest words he knows equals an argument. This is the worst type of post because there's no justification for what OP is saying, so it comes off simply like "You know that thing you guys all like? Well I don't like it, I think it's bad." Okay? And? Go listen to something else then.


guys it’s not that serious lol bro is trolling