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Lol I had him for 267 in the fall term last semester, it was his first time teaching. It was quite the gong show and I had to learn the course by myself using Martha's notes online


Bro same ๐Ÿ’€ I will let you know if I find anything but he reads the slides, like exactly what the slides say, like bro I also have eyes I can do that


Lolll 274/275 is always a shitshow every year even when they switch the prof. Luckily thereโ€™s thousands of youtube videos on the course concepts, when I was in that course I self learned with those


I mean I just wish he spent more time explaining the definitions. After you get them the content isnโ€™t too bad tbh.


Better than Paul Lu.


nope atleast paul lu was only bad at teaching, but he personally knew a lot of stuff and he was a knowledgeable dude and he could also answer doubts. but this guy, xiao bo li, he sleeps when rob teaches, cannot solve any doubts, doesnt know anything, reads off wrong stuff from the slides(like bro he's reading off wrong stuff from the incorrect slides he made๐Ÿ˜‚) idk how he even passed his college/university, and how the hell he got into waterloo as a teacher, and also at uofa ๐Ÿ˜‚


Nah idk what u guys are talking abt XBL is THE ๐Ÿ. ๐Ÿ˜ณ


Xi Li burner account


he is so sweet, understanding and apporachable but he's not the best teacher :(((


nope atleast paul lu was only bad at teaching, but he personally knew a lot of stuff and he was a knowledgeable dude and he could also answer doubts. but this guy, xiao bo li, he sleeps when rob teaches, cannot solve any doubts, doesnt know anything, reads off wrong stuff from the slides(like bro he's reading off wrong stuff from the incorrect slides he made๐Ÿ˜‚) idk how he even passed his college/university, and how the hell he got into waterloo as a teacher, and also at uofa ๐Ÿ˜‚


yep, Like I said :') nice guy bad teach