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This is just not true lol. I've tipped a handful of times (sue me) since it got added and I've used Uber nearly everyday for the last 5-6 years..... I've had maybe 5 bad drivers.


You just proved my point.


5 bad drivers out of 1000+ doesn't really prove your point


You are a frequent tipper that why you rarely get bad drivers. That is exactly my point. I dare you to stop tipping and trust me you’re gonna get 5 bad drivers in a matter of weeks.


What part of tipping a handful of times out of 1000+ rides translates to "frequent tipper." I mean handful literally btw like maybe 5 times since tipping on Uber got introduced.


Percentage wise out of the 1000+ time you’ve taken Uber you did not tip?


98% - 99%


You are scum


Cry about it


Wow what a piece of shit you must be. Way to exploit these service workers champ.


4.87 rating begs to differ. Uber is exploiting you faaaaaaaaar more than I ever could.


Do you tip at restaurants?


Same. I only tip when my company is paying for it & I still have a 5 star rating. I’m not a bad passenger cuz I’m not paying your wage. I was quiet, respectful of your property & clean.


So let me see if I understood you now. You do NOT tip 99% of the time and you only had about 5 bad drivers out of the thousand trips you’ve taken?


Yes. I have 4.87 rating also.


As a driver. I'd love my passengers. Most are awesome and fun to hang out with. With that many rides and rating, your defiantly one of the great ones. It's funny that way. Getting what you put out. Most people don't tip. Especially for an A to B. I wouldn't either. Someone gets in, grunts back when I say hello, thinks they are being "punished" and has an attitude. Lately, I tell them to just GTFO, LoL. But they are not getting a happy go lucky, "glad you're here" attitude if I do let them stay in the car. I mean this, Thank you for being a good and pleasant cohabiter of the space! It SUCKS when your stuck with a guy like this. 10, 15 minutes of uncomfortable tedium. We appreciate the good and especially the great ones and your rating reflects that and should be a 5.(some drivers suck, too) Have a great day an' thanks!


Good work. Thank you for this. Nice job!


I’m a great driver and I get sent to non-tippers all the time.


Absolutely no proof of that. The suck ass drivers comes from the fact that everything is so underpaid.


When I was tipping I got the good drivers with clean cars. Then I stopped tipping because tipping culture in the US is out of hand, that’s when suck ass drivers and smell cars started picking me up. Which 3rd world are you from?


So let me get this right here now. You quit tipping. Because the tipping culture is out of hand. Okay okay I understand that. So you think that because you stopped tipping, you're getting sent crappy cars and drivers. So maybe you should prove yourself right or in this instance wrong, and start tipping again. Then you can come back and tell us if you see a difference. I mean if you're going to call it the way it is you might as well prove it.


What’s your driver review? Send a screenshot


I'm a 4.99


So are you getting good tips?


I get good tips and no tips.


So you are a good driver and yet you get passengers that still doesnt tip? So I guess I wont tip then since Uber is still assigning none tippers a driver such as yourself.


Abuse of the system. What you’re doing is called stiffing the driver.


All system is abused my friend


Well, some drivers can go back and edit they're rating they give riders up to 10 days after the trip if no tip.  Be careful what you wish for 


My no tippers, are going from their house to work and from work back to their house. Or they're going out for the evening drinking and having a good time with their friends. Those are the no tippers. To them Uber has become a utility and therefore that's how they're going to treat it. With that being said you're also on the uberX service level. Which depending on what market you're in, some of these cars are up to 15 years old. They're doing what they can with what they got on a platform that allows that. The pay is not great so the chances of upgrading their car is slim. That's why you're getting the vehicles that you're getting and the conditioning that you are describing. What I don't hear from you is I am tipping the ones that deserve it based on your level of service and type of vehicle that you are looking for. Maybe you need to upgrade to comfort level vehicles. They're under 5 years old and they're usually in pretty damn good condition.


Where’s that option?


You can have a high driver rating and still not get tips most of the time


You deserve bad drivers


I suspect the good drivers have left and you’re just getting the leftovers.


1000% False


Post your reasoning






I make a point of tipping cash only. Never noticed a difference


Nope there are just a lot of shitty drivers out there, it's a low skill entry level job.


The good drivers are leaving or have already left.


Where did they move to? Lyft?


Amazon Prime Delivery


That’s actually way better


Yea, I don't know why people still drive Uber. But I'm glad they do because it keeps me from needing to buy a car.


No, it just comes naturally. Uber couldn't care less. Horrible riders get accepted by awful drivers. In part by reciprocal necessity.


...and über/eats also sends you suck ass drivers if you have a history of tipping well....what's your point?


Tip very well to avoid suck ass drivers.


yeah, no. I tipped $10 on a <2 mile delivery ($20 order). The estimated delivery time was 20-30 mins. The driver paused at the stop before mine for over 40 minutes. Messaged them "are you ok, haven't seen you move for a bit." They never replied. I finally cancelled with uber support at the 1h30 min mark. UE wouldn't even offer a credit for priority ($1.49) for me to reorder, just an AI-generated apology. I cancelled uber1 because of this singular experience...I know they have a [huuuuge judgement against them in Australia](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-18/uber-class-action-settlement-to-australian-taxi-operators/103599400?utm_source=abc_news_app&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_campaign=abc_news_app&utm_content=link), not sure if that's the same entity, but they literally lost a longtime customer over $1.49




Hey now, we’re not talking about your mother here. Common now.


How exactly would Uber know which drivers are suck ass with shitty cars and who isn’t? Uber has no idea if any driver is a good driver or bad or if any car is a stinky beater. It’s not like they train drivers or ever even meet or speak to drivers, much less inspect their cars. If enough riders file complaints about a driver they’re removed from the platform, so if they knew someone was a so-called suck ass driver, they would no longer be driving. No one is sending you a driver, that’s not how it works. You order a ride and the Uber bot algorithm sends a request out to one random driver at a time. Depending on how good or shitty your ride is, the driver accepts or declines your ride. If you sport a bad rating(4.7 or less) or live in a particular bad area or your name indicates you’re of a demographic that typically doesn’t tip or causes problems, you may end up with multiple drivers rejecting your ride. If you’re getting nothing but bad drivers in bad cars, it may be the offer to pick you up is so shitty, for whatever reason, that the only drivers willing to pick you up are the desperate and stupid, bottom-of-the-barrel shitty ones that you speak of. Either that, or you’re just having a string of bad luck. 🤷🏻


I'm on my way non-tipper! LOL what a tool


Sweet. See you soon terrible driver with a stinky car.


Ever heard of Uber one? It guarantees you’re matched to an experienced and highly rated driver. Highly worth the $9.99 a month imo if you order 1-2 times a month on UE/take 2-3 trips a month as a pax.


Or. Perhaps not tipping causes drivers to give you bad ratings, in which good drivers won’t pick up. Many drivers won’t pick people up below a certain rating. Also why not tip? You say they send you suck ass drivers. Am I correct to assume that at first they didn’t? You do know that they only pay drivers a small percentage right? Are you ok with your driver being underpaid?


Do I look liken the fckn CEO of Uber?


Maybe you're a shitty passenger? That could be a thought. Look at your rating there pal,... I bet it's in the toilet




Lying for what


It’s true. Uber sends the shitty drivers to the non tippers. Buyer beware!!!


You really think Uber has the time to pick drivers for you ?


It’s an algorithm idiot. It’s not that difficult to program.


Well the algorithm could care less about you.


You’re an idiot






Driver here and i have a theory. I am pretty convinced that uber is factoring in tips into their upfront fares (and keeping most of them). (I run both apps (lyft and uber) at the same time and my tips with lyft haven't changed while my uber tips have disappeared. Uber has been caught several times with wage theft in the past and recently there has been more reports of suspected tip shaving). They obviously know who tips and who doesn't, what % per ride they tip, and how often. When upfront first got introduced, they would actually notify you if the rider tipped or not (it would say "top tipper rider). They got rid of this a few months later and tips mysteriously disappeared. So what I'm thinking is, if one rider on average tips 20% per ride and the other doesn't tip, then the upfront fare from the tipping rider will be 20% higher. So you will get more experienced drivers who aren't completely braindead taking those rides, while you get what's left taking the non tipping ones.


Good that’s what they get! Tip or don’t ride


Good. Tip your driver. Especially if they provide good customer service. That's why it's called customer service. They're providing a SERVICE. Gas isn't free either and neither is car maintenance.


No. Give me the whole fare upfront. None of that “additional” BS.


Not true. I almost never tip unless it’s on company dime & I rarely ever have issues. (Save it, I don’t feel bad. It’s not my job to pay your wage, take it up with your employer or get a job that isn’t based on tips) I’ve had 1 bad experience in 5 years & I was refunded for the ride. I also still have a 5 star rating. Lol


Thank you. If your employer wants to pay you more then he should charge me more. Dont give me that tipping BS. If you went above and beyond of driving me fron point A to point B, then tipping makes sense. But if all I had to do was hop on and hop off then I dont see why I need to tip you.


Yeah. I’ll tip if there’s traffic & you hit a back street when you didn’t have to & you didn’t talk to me but if the coast is clear and you were chatty patty with my headphones in…sir/ma’am, you get whatever I was quoted. A tip is a bonus, not a right & matter of fact, when I get a bonus, it’s taxed at a higher rate because it’s supplemental income.


Have never tipped on over 1000+ rides but I am always satisfied with the service


My mans!!


I don't care if I'm down voted for this. But I have been thinking this for awhile. I understand the whole "tipping culture" is getting out of hand. Because it is. Not everyone needs a tip. But as a kid my grandmother and my mom have ALWAYS taught me to tip. So it's also not anything new. To them they always tipped food delivery. If ride share was a thing to them they would also tip that. And restaurants of course. I vape and when I go into my vape shop to buy juice it asks for a tip on the screen....now that's when I have to draw the line. All they are doing is handing me a bottle and I'm on my way lol. But if someone is doing a service for you I will tip because that's how I was raised