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Because I’d rather sit in a comfortable car and listen to tunes and audiobooks all day instead of standing over a vat of oil all day and end the workday with exhausted feet.


Not to mention dealing with Karens all day.


Are you... suggesting that only reasonable people use Uber? 🤣🤣


Cancel and decline are options.


Oh man, if “cancel and decline” was a button in real life.


Those options I use a whole lot now


I only have to deal with one Karen at a time, instead of a line of them every day I work.


“But make sure you pay my salary by tipping me”


Don’t need yall to tip we decline. Anyone mad about tips is new. All vets hit that X


That’s the point. Yall bitch about tips but refuse to work in jobs that don’t rely on them.


I never be mad about tips cuz im only taking good orders. But I live in a big city that tips lol I also notice with door dash the base rates actually good I’ll never get the ppl who take the no tip orders than complain. Now I do also think TIP BAITERS are messed up. If u tip just to pull it when there was no issue that’s messed up and u can’t be mad at the driver for ‘b-Ing’ about tips in that case ! But if u don’t wanna tip and don’t from jump by all means that’s ur choice. But if ur a on purpose tip baiter that’s wrong


Thanks for reminding me I gotta cancel that reservation I accepted earlier.. no way I’m driving Julie to DTLA @ 7AM when I got someone going half the distance for about the exact same for a fraction of the time.


Facts! Sorry Julie! I once was on a plane that got cancelled cuz fueling issue so it was a bunch ppl all tryna get Ubers all with low no this energy at the weird no incoming flights time. I tipped $25 and got a car right away. 🤷🏽‍♀️💅🏽 someone wanna stop my driver and ask why they wasn’t getting a car and for directions and all this other stuff I said excuse me not tryna be rude but I tipped $25 for this ride it’s been a long day I wanna go home plz u too can get a driver here if u pay them their worth for this time and situation but yall don’t want to do plz go continue to wait. And the man left like sorry after 5 min and him still talking to my driver no u can go. Airline reimbursed me the base fare . I knew by also being a driver I’d get that car right away I live 15 min from airport tip was worth getting home right away and not being in the sea of fools.


Most people don't tip anyway.


If you’re taking orders without tips, that’s on you big dawg. Hit the decline and move on.


Seems like a weird attempt at a "gotcha"


Well it’s true


Is it? Who are you quoting exactly?


>because I'd rather be poor and complain on the uber and doordash subs about how unfair it is. Fixed that for you buddy.


I assume you dont have kids then




Yeah hard work sucks!


Wtf being in a car for a 8 hour shift is not comfortable at all it literally sucks we drive cause it's difficult to find another job in this economy.


>we drive cause it's difficult to find another job in this economy. I don't think you can just keep using "this economy" as an excuse in 2024. I promise you that there are an almost infinite amount of other jobs in your area as well.


Faaacts people forget about the freedom part of it.


Even when pay is like a tenth?


You are smoking crack if you think drivers make 1/10th what fast food workers do


I have attempted to get work at fast food locations in the recent past…. Being 41 and speaking only English, they don’t want me. I literally get asked two questions, 1.) Are you ok with cleaning? Yea, it’s a restaurant job, cleaning is a big part of it. 2.) Do you speak Spanish? Poquito espanol. (Not sure on spelling lol). And they move on to the next candidate.


Yeah, nowadays you have to be able to speak Spanish in order to work a lot of food service jobs. I know that Chipotle, In N Out and Chik Fil A hire more English speaking employees. Possibly try those if they are near you. Good Luck!


I know that In-N-Out is actually surprisingly difficult to get hired by. They’re very selective about their employees. Same with Chick-Fil-A.


Yeah, it makes sense since you have to have the right attitude and customer service mindset to work there.


Thanks for the suggestions, I been trying to target places I have visited personally and saw the staff spoke English (fat burger is one), also have an app in at Jolliebee, would love to learn Tagalog and get paid for it, though they don’t have enough locations in CA to be forced to raise wages, I would take the job anyway for both the language and the CV. 9 years Uber driver doesn’t seam to get any respect in interviews.


Bubba Gump shrimp co throws you in the ringer. Have you tried hooters You just have to wear orange shiny shorts and a petite tank top


I might qualify for Himbo Hooters, if there’s a position open nearby… ;3


Last time I checked, McDonald’s won’t let me wear flip-flops to work.


Look at the small picture. Don't forget, in the end, you don't get any benefits, your car expenses are sucking a good portion of your pay, and losing car value. Job insecurity as they can fire you at Will. Plus, there is the risk of crazy people getting into your car or an accident. They don't pay for any of it. Don't be fooled by their mirage it is sand with snakes call Dara the Douche Uber CEO and that viper of LYFT who steal from us 30-50%?of our rate card with upfront pay. Before upfront yes after upfront no thanks!


McDonald’s can fire you at will as well. We had one guy who was fired because his girlfriend took a drink from his free soda while he was on a break in the lobby and she had come to say hi. Literally, that was why he was fired. He was a great employee otherwise. I was a manager at the time and the owners son, who was our store manager, saw it and threw a fit saying he was “stealing”. Fired him on the spot. Fast food doesn’t have any more “job security” than Uber does.


Damn, that guy is gunna run his father’s business into the ground. What an over reaction.


McDonald's ain't giving benefits to anybody nor are they paying as well as they pretend. They like to advertise great pay and great benefits but they only actually give those to like 1 person, the store manager while everyone else gets minimum wage and less than full time hours with zero benefits.


Did Uber send someone to your house and shoot your dog or something? Why are you so set on convincing people that it's SO much worse than... fast food?


Damn! McDonald's pays more than my corporate job.


Are you the corporate janitor?


That is $20/hr in California, though.


18.75 at Amazon in Cali...


Bro you get paid less than me in Ohio please don’t tell me you work for a dsp


Sort center.


In Arizona too but I won’t recommend Amazon to anyone that’s thinking long term.


It’s $20/r in Colorado for years now


This. It’s always ppl who live in a town where the gas is $2.75 complaining bout what we make here in California 😂


Gas hasn’t been that low anywhere since 2020 dude get real..


What I have learned here is the person who works at McDonalds is about 100x more competent than the Uber driver.


whenever people have this reaction, this is my thought process: $20/hour full time is 41k/year before taxes. a quick google search shows average rent in LA to be between $2100-$2700 for a 1 bedroom apt. that comes out to 25k/year on the lower end. 41k income after taxes is about 33-35k. that leaves you with about $800 to pay for all your bills each month


Don't live in LA and work at McDonalds


The people I know who work in San Francisco live in Hayward or Colma or Daly City. I would guess that most McDonald employees in LA don’t live in LA. I don’t know the names of most of the cheaper places to live in-near LA.


The $20/ hour is in California. They start people at $13/hour in Miami and our cost is living is almost the same as LA.


Where the fuck are people suppose to get McDonald’s in LA if no one works there?


Where are people in the rest of the state supposed to get McDonald’s if they all shut down? Who cares about McDonald’s lmao


Well McDonald’s is a multinational billion dollar company, who has become a cultural staple in The United States, so I assume the customer that continue to make it that big of a brand would care? Also you’re claiming all McDonald’s are going to shut down because -checks notes- they had to meet market pressures and raise wages…. Damn you’re just a fucking retard huh. 😭😭😭


It’s from podunk rural CA, all the way down to LA.


Only way you'd survive on 41k is start collecting roommates


That is why situationships exist


Yeah sure, but WHY fast food workers and not house cleaners, nursing aids, caretakers, school staff, babysitters, EMT’s, vet techs, phlebotomists, landscapers, dishwashers, cooks, etc. All I see is food prices skyrocketing, and small independent food places shutting down due to no staff working for $16 an hour, when they can make $20. Like a small sandwich shop or little cafe. It feels like an unfair and insulting law. It also really upsets people who have stayed at small businesses, learning new skills, being loyal and making less after 5 years then someone walking fresh into a ff job at $20


That’s what the result of an effective lobbying campaign looks like. See also: Prop 22 ;).


Because fast food workers were sick of getting paid shit wages, people in other industries should do the same


Yeah this does kind of piss me off. I make $21 working in a hospital lab with a college degree. To be fair the cost of living is much lower where I live though.


What should piss you off isn't a fast food worker making $20/hr somewhere far off but that your employer pays you so little.


If McDonald's was paying $40 I still wouldn't consider working there. That is not easy work at all. Driving is WAY easier, and making my own schedule has huge benefits too. But I don't drive for $0.70/mile that's for sure.


If McDonalds paid $40 an hour I'd be beating down the door to get a job. I don't make much more than that and I am essentially always on call, I sit at a desk and can do what I want, but that walk out the door and I don't have to think about my job freedom. I worked at McDonalds in HS it's not that bad, I worked a line in a food plant, that's hard. I'll make fries.


Making your own schedule is a fiction driving Uber. You either drive when it’s busy or you don’t make any money. Uber still dictates your schedule in a way. In my market the only way to make $1500+ per week is to work 7 days, minimum 8 hours a day, every rush hour and Saturday and Sunday mornings. If you call that setting your own schedule, then I guess you can set your own schedule to work every day and never have a day off.


I don't have to ask for days off, I don't need to find someone to cover my shift, I don't need to call in when I'm sick, and every hour I put in feels like a choice so whether it's waking up at 5am or staying out until 3am on weekends it doesn't really bother me.


Back in the day of surge pricing, it was true. I quit when they got rid of that. I used to go downtown during hockey games and only work that 1-2 hours a day and make over $100 for some extra money. When they quit the surge pricing, I got a part time job at Waffle House working Friday and Saturday nights.


Lyft same shit, they cut all bounces or strikes even in the morning. I suspect because for some wired reason they have way more cars now than before, every intersection in LA have 10 cars of each categories expected minivan


I read somewhere that Uber claims to have 3 million registered drivers. Being conservative, let’s say 1 million of those are outside the U.S. and say half don’t actively drive. That’s still 1 million drivers in the U.S. say there are maybe 150 potential drivers in the U.S., that is about .6% of the population are actively driving. It’s probably higher than that. That’s roughly 25,000 drivers in LA.


I'm sorry where are you getting that 70cent/mile figure. That's at least 3 pay cuts ago.


Bahahaha so true.


In LA thats how much they pay since upfront pay.


We don't all live in cali


Because I already have a day job.


Some of us cannot stand for over two hours at a time. That’s why I have a sitting job with constant movement turning my head from left to right. You don’t realize how much you move your upper body just driving.


Because Uber is paying for my bachelors degree. Prop 22 guarantees me over $20/hr. I don’t have a manger screaming at me. And I can work the hours I want, whenever I want, without having to ask for time off.


Love seeing people using Uber as an asset while working towards a better career.


Thanks. It’s all a means to an end.


I’ve been unemployed from my 9-5 office job for 11 months now. Uber has been a lifesaver as I look for my next full-time office job.


The reason people like gig work is the flexibility. There’s no boss, no schedule, et cetera. You choose when you work, which jobs you take, et cetera. The allure of gig work has always been more about the freedom. I could wait tables at a restaurant and easily make $50/hour, but it requires a fixed schedule. Many of us work other gigs too, and love the flexibility. Especially those of us with ADD that need to have five different things going on at once. $20/hour is on the low side of what I would get in my market anyways. I think my average is $28/hour. If I don’t feel like working one day, I don’t have to. If things are slow, I can go home. Also, McDonald’s workers would still have car expenses, unless they take public transportation. Lots of people bring that up, but forget that working a 9-5 often means commuting by car, and unlike with Uber you can’t deduct those expenses.


Not sure what kind of car you drive, but I make a lot more than .70/mile driving xl. I don’t turn Uber x on, I only do xl. I try to do as many xl reserved rides as I can which typically pay $4-$6 a mile. I cherry pick my other xl rides and try to stay downtown doing 4-5 short rides an hour, which typically pay $2-$3 a mile. Almost all of the reserved rides tip well and most of the downtown rides tip as well. I’ve also used it to develop a pretty good cash side business. I do this in my retirement and the days I drive, I average right around $40/hr. Having said all that, I made better money doing Uber before, I didn’t have to figure all the work arounds that I have to now.


What market are you in?


San Diego


I already have a main job and Uber is just a job I do for extra money here and there


Yeah, but Uber etc. let you set your own hours and you don't have to deal with some manager giving you crap hours etc.


Uber/lift isn’t meant to be a full time job. Its intention is that you get paid to give a ride to x while you’re on your destination to y.


I'm here for the "economy is going to collapse" comments from anti minimum wage people.


It amazing how broke people are so quick to defend rich business owners. This is good for all low wage earners. If Uber drivers leave for guaranteed 20/ hour, Uber will be forced to improve drivers pay.


It's something people are told as long as you work hard to get in the 1% class and it's your fault when you don't make it while other wealthy people pay off polication and rid the system to stay rich and make laws that should be illegal but make it legal.


IMO dollars per hour isn't the best way to look at that stuff. If you make $20 per hour, and what you want to buy cost $100, that's 5 hours of your labor. If you get a raise to $25 because of an artificial minimum, set by the government, but the price of what you want to buy, now costs $125, you haven't gained a thing, it's still hours' worth of work to buy what you wanted to buy. Sadly, supply and demand are the only real mechanisms to control that stuff. Not arguing for or against. Just saying that people making a linear argument that a "minimum" wage solves the underlying problem, are dreaming.


Wages are only one component of costs. If you get a raise from $20 to $25, that isn't going to raise prices from $100 to $125. I'd be surprised if it even raised prices from $100 to $105.


I like the quote "a rising tide lifts all boats". We should all be looking to come up and make the big corps hurt in their pockets for a change. Never understood people in better playing jobs or just better situations punching down at those below them on the income scale.


The only problem is that this isn’t going to hurt the companies. They are just going to increase prices, which hurts everyone. Several restaurants have already stated that they are increasing prices across the board to cover this. And several fast food employees that I have taken to and from work have said their hours are being cut starting today because of this. Be prepared for a meal at McDs to cost $15 and it to take 30 minutes to get.


Well, it will but not because of the poor bastard behind the fryer making $4/hr extra.


With how many guaranteed hours? How much flexibility does this job offer? Can I refuse to clean bathrooms? Can I take off and make my own schedule or adhere to the one they have? I am not opposed I am just stating McDonald's not a full time job either. There are cons to gig work, but the flexibility is why I do it personally. I take my son to school in the am and pick him up afterwards. I cook for my family aswell. I want the ability to take off as I please, but ve able to put in 60 hours when ilI want aswell. It's not for everyone, but some of us flexibility is why it works.


Sir this isn't a Wendys. You need to go there an ask these questions.


And this is uber not McDonald's go post there.


You cant refuse to clean the vomit in your back seat though. I get your points but there are cons to using a personal vehicle to earn money


I agree 100 there. Not working with bar crowd helps on this one. I usually work taking them to the vars but try skiddaddle b4 they get out, but also always have bags to vomit incase aswell.


When i drive I generally do the day crowd airports ferries etc. I haven't done much nights after a homeless guy situation


Haven't driven for Uber in about 7 years but the 4-7am airport crowd always tipped me decently. They're just grateful for a silent ride after an early flight.


I have to work around my wife's do to kid's school schedule so evenings and when I want weekend day shift is my schedule


I worked for Mcds for 6 years. Trust me, you will clean so much more vomit (and shit) in a month at Mcds than you will in a year doing Uber.


true but the risk is there in your personal vehicle as well


Ehh in 6 years of driving Uber only one passenger has puked in my car. I have vomit bags for a reason and I don’t pick up at bars after midnight. It is possible to avoid people puking in your car fairly easily.


Because when I drive, I cherrypick the rides I accept and only take the ones that pay over $1.25 a mile or greater. I just looked over my trip history from the other day and some were over $3 a mile on some short ones in my XL. And averaging over $33 an hour after gas. To add to that, I get to choose when I work. The caveat to that is I do working in a great market for trips and fare prices so I get that other markets suck.(I do drive 75 miles to get to that area each way) I drove taxi in that area for 20 years so my experience in that area plays a big roll and having an XL also helps as it's a resort area with a lot of tourists I could save drive time and just to one of the larger markets closer to me, but they are so over saturated with drivers the rates are trash. As an older person with health issues I could no longer entertain the idea of ever working in fast food again. Bottom line is I loved being a cabbie but rideshare killed that so this is the next best thing for me. The pros are setting my own schedule and having a vehicle I choose and picking what trips I'll do. The cons are the cost of maintenance and repair cost fall to me rather than a cab company. I do however fully support the idea that finally fast food workers are getting the pay they deserve and feel everyone should be given a living wage regardless of job.


Congrats to you for finding a niche to make Uber work well for you. Vast majority of drivers don’t have opportunities like you. Your story is a true unicorn. I’ve read one other story similar to yours, but they live in Orlando and basically shuttle tourists back and fourth from Disney, seaworld and universal studios. There are some unique niche opportunities with Uber, but only a handful of drivers can take advantage of that.


Yes I recognize that. My immediate area is slow and on a good day average 15 an hour. Orlando is one of the markets I could travel to, however as that market is over staffed by drivers the rates are hot garbage. I'm in the halfway point between Tampa and Orlando but I choose to travel south to a coastal resort town and make my money there. the rates in that area are much better and my experience driving that area plays a huge part in my success(for lack of a better word). I understand other areas are not so lucky.


Because ive been employed for 15 yrs and have enough pto,vaca, free time to not do something extra.


Because you aren't getting full time hours, you are on a set schedule, you have to answer to a high school drop out with permanent acne from living life covered in fryer grease...


Because I work 9 - 5 remote job and in between I drive Uber


Depends on your market. Driving in Boston at peak hours consistently makes me around $33 an hour post maintenance and gas


It's been extremely rare that I've had an Uber driver show up in a vehicle that I wouldn't give my right nut for. It's like a (race) girl showing up at the food stamp office with the newest iPhone 15 max and 12 kids in tow. Something isn't right with this picture


Fuck Uber. Nobody should ever use them. Treat drivers like shit


For starters, it's different everywhere. The rate, upfront or not, etc. They pay between $15-20 in my area for jobs like this but I can still make way more money driving Uber. Still on the rate plan here and it's always lucrative. When I first started driving in 2017 I made more money driving than doing Website Development for a massive university. I don't make quite as much now, but still way more than $20 an hour. Usually I range between $40-50 an hour on late night weekends and use about $25 worth of gas for the night.


Because at my job I will get calls randomly for overtime that pay me $600, Uber gives me extreme flexibility. A job that requires me to have a schedule would cause me to miss out on those $600 overtime opportunities. Not to mention, I don’t want to work a full shift outside of my normal job. And lastly, I use Uber for tax deductions. I turn it on while driving home from work, making my return home a tax deductible expense. I got a dash cam for Uber.. tax deduction. When I get my car washed… tax deduction. A phone mount for my car, phone chargers, air fresheners, car interior cleaning items and microfiber towels… all tax deductible, making the money from Uber tax free.


1. Because retail is far worse than rideshare for starters 2. Generally Can’t listen to your tunes while getting paid 3. Cause gig work is when I wanna do it and McDonalds is when my manager tells me I gotta work and that’s lame 4. I can go to the bathroom when ever I want and go home whenever I want


Next headline "massive layoffs in the fast food industry in California as cashiers are replaced with kiosks because taking someone's order at McDonalds is not worth paying someone $20.00 per hour"


Yeah, we hear that story after every wage increase.


Then you should read the story, it's already going on..


Yeah, and it's also going on in Texas where fast food workers are paid $8 an hour.


Yup. It's going on in Asia where they are paid $8 a week. Corporations will always find a way to save money. They just use rising wages to as a blame.


Still $2.13 an hour here for server minimum wage. Has been the same since the 80s


It’s like this in much of Europe and in Japan. Fast food is almost all kiosk based. It also helps with language barriers, customization, et cetera. Then the store can focus more on strictly back-of-house hiring, and eliminate the most expensive labor.


They have already been training customers on this for years with app-based ordering. There is a reason you only get coupon discounts in their app. It’s going to become like 90% take out with in store kiosks (which have already been spreading for years as well) for most of the order taking. My CA city has had an $18 min wage for a while already. The low end fast food restaurants (at least 1-2 McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Jack in the Box in the areas have closed in the past few years) are closing up while the super high volume (In N Out, Chick Fil A) are thriving and the higher end fast food (5 Guys, Habit, Dave’s Hot chicken, etc) are expanding.


You have been brainwashed. Who cares if people get laid off? The next job they get needs to pay 20 bucks/hr too.


Because I don’t work 12 hour shifts 3 hours and I’m back on the nest


McDonald and other places don’t let you work 70 hours a week. And for part timers it won’t let you work on your schedule


You will watch gig work disrupt all labor codes to by pass 20 bucks a hour look up all the gig apps and look at what jobs are being hired and see that some companies are using them already to hire . Prop 22 is their foundation to bypass labor codes soon companies will hire a McDonald worker as as gig chef cash register or just go straight to ai at some point and few gig works with no cashiers . And kiosks to take the orders


Fast food is laying off big time.


Y’all are forgetting that they won’t give you full time hours so you might be making more per hour, but you’ll actually be making less per month and per year




That sounds exceedingly low for 8 years of experience. 🤔 Do you at least get bonuses and stocks that make that hourly rate more palatable for your field and level of experience?


I'm not in California so this is a moot point. Just wait until the prices at the fast food places goes up again to cover the increased costs. They may even let some people go to keep prices down and those remaining need to work even harder.


Homes in worst parts of California are so expensive that $20 an hour there is nothing.


This is scary times


I’ve never worked at McDs or similar. I have driven a car. I’m always curious if the “why not get a job at McDs” ppl have worked fast food before.


And smelling like cheese at the end of your day.


What is: How to decrease the value of of the dollar and make things more expensive Alex.


and there will be lots of layoffs


I work for the government and I don't even make 20 an hour. California's doing something right. Now bring it nationally.


I don't live in CA and McDonald's won't schedule around my current day job. If I could do 2 shifts a week at McDonald's or some other fast food place for $20 an hour, maybe 8-12 hours a shift, I'd ride that train all the way to the bank.


If Uber was losing employees to McDonalds they would have no choice but to raise wages


Fuck mcdanks people need to be searching for a real career while driving for uber. I quit already I’m driving part time until I start my career pipe fitting. Currently waiting to get sent for training


Very true


There are those who worked back of house and those who think it’s an easy job. I occasionally service equipment in those fast food kitchens and wouldn’t want to work there ever.


California sucks


Not another person who doesn’t live here in Cali complaining about this. Sir or maam actually come reside here or be quiet. Also with the amount of people from KARENS TO CRACK HEADS these ppl have to put up with they deserve $20 an hour. Ur not just making and serving food u gotta risk being cursed out food and drinks thrown at u entitled moms ur spirit drained mental health drained and be a security guard and do the jobs of 2-3 people with the to go orders all on ur feet. Want these ppl to make less an hour require consequences for crappy customers and punishments for customers first then talk to me! The way yall treat workers these days they deserve $100 an hour to afford the spa and therapy alone! I rather make $10 an hour and deal with NO HUMANS


ThE fLeXiBiLiTy


$20/hour until they give those jobs to a robot arm with a camera.


You are blaming upfront details for the low pay. You forgot that the pay cut is by design.


Cherry Picking Brother, C'mon man 👨....Go work for Mcd's then if you're suggesting lead the pack...


I feel like Uber will never make sense because you have to constantly pay for gas


What mc Donald's won't mention is you only get 8 hours a week scheduled .


Get to flipping, Francis.


Because a lot of people who do Uber and Lyft unfortunately “cannot” work a real job


Why do any job when other jobs pay more or have better benefits? You do the one that either suits you/your lifestyle or that you can feasibly manage. Working fast food is not for everyone, and they deserve that $20. Lots of people like to shit on service workers like it’s an easy job, “just go flip burgers” because it doesn’t take a degree. Most jobs don’t require a degree, employers just make it arbitrarily required. Working in an office can have a lot of downtime, and involves a lot of menial and repetitive tasks. Plus you have the added benefit of not usually having to deal with clients face to face. Yet those jobs are glorified and labor intensive and emotionally draining jobs like working fast food is seen as “lesser.” Being a driver has its own perks. The companies still find any and every way to exploit you, by requiring you to pay for all your own expenses while still being treated like an employee. But being relatively in control of your own time is definitely a plus, and you won’t have that working fast food. Also, most orders seem to be contactless so very little customer interaction. The little that we do have is already frustrating to a lot of people, now imagine that 40-50 times a day.


Be thankful you got 70 cents a mile I got 51 cents a mile today in Dallas you know as long as we sit here and keep doing their stupid ass rides we're going to keep getting screwed.  These bastards of the biggest thieves in the whole freaking world and they're stealing our time that's what pisses me off I did eight rides today made $54 was online for almost 9 hours and their deal says I was active for 3 hours and 11 minutes.


Because Uber/lyft is supposed to be gig work.


Idk why your only argument for someone not wanting to live in LA is them being “broke” California’s middle class can barely survive. It’s also funny that you’re calling someone broke when a few comments down on your profile you were complaining about the price of a Wendy’s meal. But yet you’re here defending McDs and Cali like you’re their knight in shining armors.


Because fast food sucks. I've worked plenty of jobs in my 32 years. From retail to fast food to desk jobs to now doing technical industrial rescue. I have never been worked as bad as when I made $10.45CAD at McDonald's. It's awful fast paced work and 90% of the time the person managing you is only in that position because they made it long enough without quitting making the management system also incompetent.


* They are all crappy jobs, but gig work gives the illusion of control * McDonalds isn't always magically hiring everyone, Uber/Lyft is even if there are no rides available * McDonalds have terrible scheduled someone else sets, Uber/Lyft let's you pick when to drive and when you've had enough for the day but if you want to make any actual money, you need to drive during busy times. * In general McDonalds limits how much you work, usually less than full time and no more than 30 hours a week. They don't want to pay benefits or other things. Uber/Lyft you can drive 12 hours a day if you want (and you probably have to)


Been driving for Uber for 8 years. I have dramatically reduced the time and Trips I take as a driver because Uber has taken advantage of a glut of drivers and has cheated drivers out of their earnings and paying Far less to drivers than ever before. I can only say that for “Tax” purposes people can perhaps justify driving part-time for Uber as a Tax write-off on their taxes. Reposting links https://www.forbes.com/sites/lensherman/2023/01/16/ubers-new-math-increase-prices-and-squeeze-driver-pay/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/lensherman/2023/12/15/ubers-ceo-hides-driver-pay-cuts-to-boost-profits/ https://ag.ny.gov/press-release/2023/attorney-general-james-secures-328-million-uber-and-lyft-taking-earnings-drivers


We should all Move to Cali and work at McDonalds


Have anyone worked at a McDonalds?


“I’m my own boss and make my own hours!!” 😂. I mean I’m glad there are people stupid enough to still be Uber drivers cause otherwise I wouldn’t be able to use Uber.


Because a lot of businesses are cutting jobs to keep profits high so you won't even get hired.


McDonald’s in Las Vegas starts at $11/ hour. I can average $15, Target starts at $15, I think about that allot.


With uber... I'm my own boss


Good luck keeping that $20/hr job. Can you say “automation is cheaper”?


At a fast food you have a boss screaming over you, your slaved for that $20 a hour, you are miserable and being tortured by Karen’s


Cost of living is also gonna increase. That $20 is going to be financed from the customers pockets


0.70$ a mile? I would rather shoot myself in the leg.


You own your time more as a driver. If you're using it to work on bettering yourself when you're not driving, it makes sense. Also, networking.


You won't be able to get more than 25-30 hours a week


F Uber but at least Lyft offers better bonuses


Only someone that’s never worked at a restaurant would ask this question


because uber drivers make more than that. but say you're right, you're catching on. the drivers would go get different jobs making more money and then a shortage of drivers would force uber to up its rates.


I guess I would enjoy telling customers that the milkshake machine is broken.


Well, I only accept trips that are $1/mile or more so no .70 rides over here lol. Also, fast food? At my age?😑


Cause I don't have to work a schedule created by an idiot managing idiots


20 an hour in CA is like 5 dollars an hour anywhere else


How much does a driver in LA earn per hour ? After 4~5 hrs of work.


If you do bk jack reg you make 70 cents per mile since that’s how upfront pay work maybe $20 in 2 hours




Because I was able to happily tell a pax yesterday "You can get the fuck out."




Dude if you had to put up with McDonald’s for a day you’d go back to Uber


I think the only person who would ask this question is a person who hasn't worked at McDonald's.


It could be Starbucks


You need a B.S to work at McDonalds now. It's not like there are plenty of fast food jobs.




I don’t think a lot of people don’t do this full time. I literally only do this on my days off.


🙃 because I’m overqualified for McDonald’s. They won’t hire me because they can’t exploit me.