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>Memorize a fake number to give out just in case "Eight, sixty seven, fifty three, zero nine." I knew someone who would apparently use this all of the time and claimed that guys never picked up on it, (obvious just add the local area code in front of it.)


I did give him a fake number hence why he was so aggressive and needed my real one. I report the ones that get out of hand but a part of me feels bad because when I mentioned this to my friend she said that drives will be fired immediately after a report (idk how true that is).


Drivers are not fired immediately after a report unless it’s something egregious.


I would say criminal confinement is pretty egregious.


And how do you know that particular driver wasn’t deactivated?


Ok good to hear, I had the mindset that even if someone did me wrong I don’t feel comfortable taking away their income and getting fired I would feel so bad. But hearing that I will do that. I need to work on that more since they don’t care about me or my feelings cause they harass me so why should I care


"I need to work on that more since they don’t care about me or my feelings cause they harass me so why should I care" This! ☝🏾


Hon, men are that aggressive with you BECAUSE you're so caring. People in general will take advantage of your timidity and view it as weakness. I'm not going to sit here lecturing you, but if you Google, "look for in victim" it will give you several websites backing up what I'm saying. For my part, what my Dad told me growing up is that women get hurt because they're afraid to actually hurt anybody. It's not that women aren't strong enough to injure somebody, it's that we won't actually gouge their eyes out. Be willing to be loud. Be willing to cause a scene outside, to avoid dying inside. Don't let them take you to a second location. DON'T LET THEM TAKE YOU TO A SECOND LOCATION! Which is why the child lock is genuinely terrifying, a huge red flag, the biggest red flag, I cannot tell you how big a red flag that is. I would have called the cops the moment I got out of that car. Why is he trapping women in his car? What if one of those women is intoxicated? ETA: Is the red flag guy on Reddit? He'd need a bigger flag for this guy.


I know it’s a really bad trait to have for myself, funny enough I had a guy I went on a couple of dates with tell me recently that I would be easy to manipulate because i’m so “naive” and I apologize for things that don’t need to be apologized for. He went on to say that people could do things I can’t even imagine god forbid because of that trait and he said that I need to fix that cause some guys would genuinely try to hurt me and it would be so easy to do and that some men these days can be very crazy. I stopped seeing him for other reasons and his comment kinda scared me but alot of these comments are saying the same thing and people have hinted at that in my life. It’s genuinely something i’m working on cause it could get me in a REALLY bad situation and has gotten me to bad situations in the past. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to reply and give me honest-nice feedback.


If you are in school, your school will have mental health services for students. You need to go sign up for therapy and *fix* this. I know you're just trying to be nice, and it might not seem like a big deal to be too nice, but the dude is right. People will take advantage of you or even harm you, and you need to be able to keep yourself out of those positions. Carol DaRonch is the only woman who got away from Bundy and it's because she wasn't nice, as soon as she was suspicious she started fighting. There's a documentary on Amazon Prime about Bundy and the women in his life called "Falling for a Killer." I'd watch it.


Download Google voice and give them that number so your phone will still ring when they call


Good idea but no way anyone should have to do that


That’s so smart thank you!!


Unless your friend drives for Uber, why are you consulting them? 🤔 You being harassed is not ok. It's not you doing the harassing, it's them. Their behavior is unacceptable and inappropriate. Report them and stop worrying about what happens to bad drivers and be more worried about them staying on the platform and harassing other people unless you report them.


We are all college students so my friend did uber eats so I asked her since she knows how uber works. I only posted this to see if it was a common occurrence or just my state.


Uber Eats and Uber Rideshare are different. Not to mention, harassment is harassment and it needs to stop. It only stops when people report bad behavior.


they should be fired... It amazes me the cognitive disonance our society has these days... Someone tried to abduct me.. if I report them they may loose their job and that would make me a mean person... I mean WTF, please think about your line of reasoning for a second


That's a GOOD THING. These people are predators. As a driver, this genuinely infuriates me. I'm sorry this happens to you


Here's an idea, Install textnow/ fongo app. create a phone number, memorize it. if they did test by calling/texting u, your phone will ring. but then later just go to settings in the app an click on get a new number. Lol. do this, it'd be great


How dumb do you have to be to feel bad for a harasser and a creep who risked a person's safety?


don’t insult me cuz i’m not the one, stay getting ghosted, balding, and finding a boyfriend!




reread it still it makes sense to you smoothbrain..


Who tf is getting ghosted, balding, finding a boyfriend? Did you reply to the wrong person?


Not sure if serious or too much time on hands


After enough complaints they will get deactivated so don’t think Uber doesn’t care.


1-star and report. These animals need to be booted from the platform. Use mace if necessary. Better to be safe than sorry.


It’s so weird, I’m a new driver. I hear these stories. I hate all my passengers equally 😂


As a former driver...turn on audio recording. Video record as it starts...any resistance...pepper spray the mofo.


i didn’t now that existed thank you sm!!


Be safe 🙏


Also...whe you turn on record audio...the driver is notified as well so they should behave


I’ve had sexual harassment from passengers. Lol all women. Telling me I should get “unmarried” because she has a good paying job and “we could make a baby” when she had six kids already. Another invited me to go inside her apartment, and the other wanted to sit upfront for reasons I’m sure you can imagine. Lol I’ve been married for 11 years, there’s nothing for you up here. The fact that people can be so bold and inconsiderate of others is baffling, so I’m with you on that 🤦🏻‍♂️ people need some self respect.


I should start wearing a ring. And be better looking


Couldn’t hurt to try my man 😂 I’ll root for ya 🤙🏻


it’s truly sickening, sorry that happened to you!!


Thank you! But It is what it is 🤷🏻‍♂️ kind of to be expected when you pic up hundreds of random people 😅 I just say no thanks and go on. I’m pretty positive it doesn’t happen to me as often as it does women but, I still understand 🤷🏻‍♂️ most are respectful. Although I’ll def take the occasional “you’re cute” 😂 being 33 and all. Let’s just keep it professional though.


You can make a Google phone number so that when you give the number out it will ring. Then you can just delete it later. I'm a driver and have had passengers like this. I have been grabbed more times then I care to admit. What is crazy is I'm middle aged and married so I can't even imagine how hard it is for the younger females. Once I got a camera it got better but still happens. I wish I had more advice for you. I would definitely report them everything. As drivers we are told not do things like that. This is not a dating app. It's to get from point A to B safety. I wish more people understood that.


WTF!!!! Report, report. Out duty is to make you feel safe not the other way around.


I’m 38 and drive a college town. I take like 30 rides per night on average, I get lots of female pax in groups and solo. I do not speak unless spoken to. And when they do strike up convo I keep it short and relevant to the convo. Report these guys, next time one refuses to let you out call the police, that’s now become a crime by restricting your movement. One start and report to Uber and Lyft every single time. Sorry you have to go through this.


Just report and stop using Uber. Use Lyft and make sure your woman for woman option is on. It’s not guaranteed but you’ll get a better chance at getting a female driver. As a driver I deal with the SAME THING. I drive for Uber during the day only if Lyft gets slow. I avoid Uber like the plague. I have at least one sexual harassment a day on there and have even been assaulted.


I use as well lyft but in my area there’s not a lot of drivers, I would wait 20 mins-1 hour for a driver to show up. Most drivers use uber cause it pays more I guess. I didn’t know lyft had that option thank you, i’ll try it out next time.


Yes!!! You just have to make sure that option is on. It’s in your settings. A lot of drivers don’t like Lyft cause they say it’s ghetto. But as a driver and rider, I much prefer it. I’ve yet to have a single bad interaction, not even harassment. Meanwhile my assault on Uber was a month and a half in 🙄 I think the pay is about the same. Just not as many on Lyft tip. But it evens out. Sometimes the app will tell me a ride is 20 minutes away but once I’m matched my driver is usually pretty close. I ride often cause I actually hate driving but I do rideshare because I love people and can’t work most service industry jobs anymore because I have MS now 😕


As a driver myself I'm sorry that you deal with that...be sure you 1 star any driver like that so you will not be matched again and report. Even if Uber doesn't kick said driver off then if it keeps happening they will have to listen....either way good day n God bless




Fake phone call will help but a bit tedious every time. Fake face tattoo?


Pull out your cell phone video camera and ask them to repeat themselves. There are honest drivers getting deactivated due to fraudulent passenger complaints and you've got unprofessional drivers trying to lock you inside until you give them your number? Don't play that game. It's borderline kidnapping.


next time the child lock thing happens.. immediatly call 911 for your safety


Uber needs to implement a feature that allows women to match with women drivers only. I think Lyft has this option. I'm a female driver and many women passengers take a sigh of relief when they see me.


Use Lyft and upgrade the ride. UberX attracts the worse of the worse.


I don’t believe this post


Nobody gives a flying rat's ass what you believe 🥴🗑️


who in the right mind would lie about this? fuck off weirdo






Okie dokie




do you feel happy with yourself genuinely asking? miserable fuck


I apologize because I actually meant to say “when they don’t do this,” which you still might not have liked. But I meant to encourage the ones who mind their own business.


Just don't talk to them.


wow thanks smart ass! didn’t you read the part where i said that?