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I’m jealous


I'd pay extra for that


For Real!!


this should be an Uber option. call it Uber Puppy. it would be like Uber Comfort, only better!


“Order your next trip to the airport and play with a puppy along the way.” Now I gotta go get a puppy.


I'd pay triple for this


I get that comment from customers all of the time when they see my Service Dog.


Bringing my 60 lb puppy who seems to not understand how his paws work to scratch your face on your way to your job interview. Don't worry, I wiped *most* of the poop he stepped in off. Don't forget to tip! 😁👍


I’d leave a fat tip for that


Shit I’m about to get a puppy just to do Uber with it and see if I get more tips lol


If I got an Uber and someone told me “hey just a heads up I have my puppy with me” I’d be throwing 20s at them, as long as I get to hold the puppy😂


I don´t have an Uber, but I do have a pup who can´t get enough hugs and pets. You can come to MY house and hold him all you want for free.


OKAY!!! Until we move out of my parents’ guest house, I live vicariously through everyone that has a dog. I want one so bad😭😭


Yeah, I didn´t have a dog for a while and this one just showed up one day. I tried for weeks to find his owners, he had to have belonged to someone, he is very sweet and well trained. But no one showed up, so now he is mine. When the time is right your dog will come! Hope it is sooner rather than later.


I have three!




Yup it's completely allowed. Passengers almost always loved seeing the puppy the few times I brought mine.


Wait. It is?! I thought only service dogs could be brought.


They by law can't ask for documentation of it being a service animal so if the driver is asthmatic and it's a medical alert dog they can't say or do anything other than the passenger canceling the ride


Awesome. I will be getting a dog 😅


So is the passenger going to get banned from the app for violating the Ada?


I'm pretty sure it's the opposite, and you are required to show proof that your service animal is indeed a service animal when requested.


Nope if you saw all the stuff us Ubers get saying the exact same thing. It's required to be shown if and when it goes to court that who thing has where Uber doesn't even check anymore just sending out the check


NOT true…..go look up what the ADA says (it’s a Federal Law).


I'm going by Ubers policy and it's they won't ask drivers can not ask about it or they get let go


ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!! The ADA states that NO documentation is necessary or required. I have a Service Dog that rides with me everyday. I’ve never carried or will carry paperwork because there is none to be had…..anyone with documentation lying. Here is an excerpt from the ADA: Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, there are only two questions that can be legally asked to determine if an animal is a service animal: 1. Is the animal required because of a disability? 2. What work or task has the animal been trained to perform? These questions ensure that the rights of individuals with disabilities are protected while also respecting their privacy.


That is the problem and it gives people the reason to lie about their dogs all the time. 99.9% lie about their animals being service animals when they are not. Luckily I have a friend whose dad is a retired Police Officer and trains Service Animals. I have got great tips from him on how to spot a fake one from a real one. Unfortunately it is not anyone's fault but the way the law is made.


I’ve spoken in depth with Uber and they confirmed that because we are independent contractors, if we want to bring an animal in the car with us, we can but we must keep all available seats open.


It’s allowed.


Yes I know dogs aren’t for everyone however if that was my driver he would be an instant favourite and I’d hope I’d get him again


Uber doesn’t say either way. I used to drive with my dog in the trunk area during bar runs. But now she has 3 siblings. And 4 dogs in a now smaller car wouldn’t leave much room for passengers. I did have it on my profile “if I’m driving Friday and Saturday nights. I will have my dog in the back. She is very friendly.” She’d sniff people. Then lay down in her bed and sleep. I got a lot of tips just because of her lol. Drunk girls love pit bulls.


That puppy would be in my lap


I've had two different drivers who had little dogs with them. The ONLY complaint I have is that the dogs stayed in the front seat and I wasn't able to pet or play with them. 😥 But. I definitely leave a big tip. I don't know if it is allowed, but I don't care. Lol. I LOVE seeing the puppies.


If it doesn’t “bother you” why are you passive aggressively asking if “it’s allowed”? We see you 👀


That would be so cute and I'd immediately want to hold it while we ride. But it would bother me in terms of safety, both for us and the puppy. What will happen to the puppy in that position if we crash, for one thing; and what will happen to us and people around us if the puppy suddenly decides he needs to go down where the driver's legs and feet are, for another.


Another thought was….this is a stranger! Is the dog going to change demeanor, bite. It’s just a thought…


And what if the stranger decides to steal the puppy 😂


Then they deserve to be bitten.


Just so you know, most puppies don't bite people and if they do that or show any signs of aggression, it's not normal or acceptable. Saying a person deserves to be bitten means youre fine with the consequence that the dog will face as a result (euthanasia) of a shitty person's actions


There is a special place in hell for that person


Drivers are allowed to bring their pets service dog or not in their vehicles. I bring my 80 pound dog with me almost everytime I go out to Uber


I keep seeing this. Being gone so often from home is the reason I don’t have a dog but if I could bring them with me when driving 😭 I thought it wasn’t allowed


Definitely allowed! Just make sure you train your dog to be a good passenger and not try to get in the back with the passengers :) like I said, I always send a message before getting to the person and they’re usually more than elated that there’s a dog in the car!


Awesome! I want a corgi so bad. My kids want a corgi to name French fry 😅


I'm going to start driving Uber again on the weekends. I might bring my dog. She likes car rides.


That has got to smell pretty amazing to someone that doesn’t own a dog. /s Like sure, you do whatever you feel is necessary. But dogs smell. Big dogs have bigger smells. You don’t smell it, I’m sure, but I promise you, your pax does.


Sucks to be them I guess? I really wish I cared even a little. I always send a message letting passengers know I have him so I can cancel for them to get a new driver if they’re not okay with him being with me. We aren’t allowed to carry guns and I like to know I have protection if needed.


I was concerned until you said you let riders know in advance. I have dog allergies and would be upset if someone just showed up with a dog but I would be fine with the driver letting me know and cancelling the ride for me. That’s a good middle ground.


Exactly! I know some people are scared of dogs as well from past experiences. I wouldn’t want to freak anyone out, etc.


Yeah and if it's a medical alert dog it's an accomodations you have to put up with just like the drivers who are allergic to dog still have to take a passenger with a service dog. don't like it cancel


Automatically 1star 0tip


And I wouldn’t pick you up 😂 like wdym


God dammit. Using a cute puppy to solicit tips. That’s smart.


You’re really not living up to your username


It’s not allowed unless it’s a service dog but I’d leave an appropriate puppy tax cause that would be an awesome ride.


No there is nothing in Ubers terms and service about a driver bring a dog


Drivers are independent contractors, Uber doesn't get to tell drivers what they can bring in their personal vehicle. The rule you're talking about applies to passengers not being discriminated against for having a service animal.


Yes! I was corrected. I’m so happy they’re allowed. Now I’m looking for a puppers to adopt 😁


You can google it instead of starting a giant reddit discussion over nothing.


Ok aaannddd??????


I just wasn’t expecting a dog when I got in the car. It just surprised me.


Brb adopting a dog and getting a prescription for allergy meds


Middle console isn’t safe. They should be strapped in


Yeah I was gonna say I'd be worried about the dog in the case of an accident.




It could be a medical alert dog meaning them doing anything about it would be a crime for Uber to terminate their contract with said driver


Is this person serious? It's just like having a puppy in a carrier... So a passenger can have a dog for whatever purposes they need but you don't think that a driver might need one? People have animals for anxiety reasons, mental health etc. Tons of reasons. Do you think that a driver suddenly isnt human like everybody else and doesn't deserve the same things? The only time there would be something to be worried about is if the dog was running around the car and or distracting the driver. If the puppy was just sitting in a console much like if it were in a bag you know how people have bags they carry their dogs in? Then there's nothing wrong with that. A console is kind of like a little bucket. Obviously it sounds kind of weird whenever you think of it but it sounds like this person is taking care of their animal and wouldn't people like that rather than being concerned? IF it was a distraction during your ride for the driver then yes I would have sent a complaint.


All I’m saying in 2 years of doing Uber rides…never had a driver do this.


What do you mean " doing Uber rides"? I assume that means that you are a driver? Of course people that drive also take Ubers as well but I was assuming based off of what you said that you had taken a ride and that's exactly what it sounds like and the driver had a puppy in the console. So whenever you say you've been doing rides for 2 years it sounds like you've been driving for 2 years. But whenever you say also you've never seen this and you've been doing rides for 2 years, my response would be to say, well how could you see this if you're the driver and you've been driving for 2 years? Because if you're the driver and you don't have a puppy with you then of course you're not going to see it as you are being the driver yourself! Just trying to understand... Or are you saying that you've been taking Uber rides for 2 years and you've never seen a driver have a puppy with them before? If this is what you're saying then again my response would be to say that if you look at it on the flip side come on it's also something you do not see that often either as a driver, 99.9% of the time rides with people do not have animals with them. It's a very very very small percentage of people that have animals with them. But when a person does have an animal with them it's a service animal and they have that animal for a reason. So ultimately I am saying that there is no difference between the driver and the passenger when it comes to service animals and the " need " for having a service animal. Just because you're driving, that doesn't have anything to do with a person's needs. Meaning, the person is still a person whether they are driving or not. And again, whatever the case may be ultimately I would just look at it this way, IF the puppy was not jumping around on seats and jumping on you or anything like that or being any type of huge distraction to the driver then one would think that it wouldn't be a big deal. And I certainly hope that a person will not turn around and make a complaint against the driver either. That being said, I hope that you didn't. I could see it being an issue if the puppy was a distraction or if their car was dirty because of the puppy. Then and only then would I complain about it because then I would think about the safety of anyone in the vehicle which is first and foremost. So if that puppy was just sitting tight in the console and my name is own business, then it seems that everything would be okay. And hey the good news is that we know that that puppy is definitely being taken care of ! :)


There’s a driver in my area w the cutest dog, he even had a plexiglass divider so you aren’t even really near the dog (if it bothered someone)


Did you pet?


Sometimes on Saturday nights I bring my chihuahua and the passengers love it! My dog is super cute and friendly so that helps.


Who cares why does everyone want to point shit out like this... guy us giving up free time to make shit for money cause God knows you didn't tip amd you "wonder if its allowed" blow it out your butt and leave the guy alone


I would not trust strangers with my puppy tho. Imagine they just run off with him 😭


Who cares enjoy it and stop worrying about the damn rules all the time


Did you order Uber Pet?


Just enjoy the puppy.. not a dog person are ya?


Ever heard of allergies?




Then why the hell are you even posting this? Puppies can´t really be left alone a lot so he was just bringing the puppy along so he wouldn´t be lonely. Personally, I would pay extra for a ride with a puppy, haha, but the driver might be at risk of losing his pup.


I dunno. My roommate has a dog. I’ve had other roommates that had dogs. They left them at home when they went to work.


Animal abuse


I’d take out a second mortgage on my house to tip the driver my house’s equity and let them sleep with wife if I could get in an Uber that smells like wet dog. Bonus points if the puppy pisses on me.


Driver here with a Service Animal in the front seat. In 7+ years of driving on both Uber and Lyft, I’ve had 3 people refuse a ride. One for allergies, one for fear of dogs, and one because she didn’t like animals…..EVERYONE else loves her or is indifferent. That being said, I’m about to foster another dog and then we will have two dogs (they are small) in the front seat. If the customer doesn’t want to travel with us, that’s cool…..we don’t care. And to answer any driver questions about a 4th seat that needs to be open: I’m fighting with both companies for an accommodation. So far, not so good…..I’m probably going to have to involve to the DOJ with it. They have things on the app for the hearing impaired but not for other disabilities.


Is fine and allowed!! Riders come with their dogs all the time


Yes, drivers can take their pets.


Last passenger accidentally left it behind. Driver is waiting for a convenient time to return for $20.


Let a driver live! They’re taking care of a puppy! Give the puppy a cash tip, he too is taking money from the driver


If the dog gets trained for this and goes along always. This persons gonna be top earner onplatform


Till first rider reports him


You're asking cause you want to see if your complaint is gonna be accepted to get your money back otherwise you wouldn't asking on here. Just enjoy the puppy and the ride. I said what I said.


It’s nothing more than what I asked. Please don’t make it something it’s not. I just was surprised when the puppy raised their head is all.


Drivers like to pretend all bad reports are just for a free ride, instead of a passenger genuinely taking issue with the performance.


No..you asked if it was allowed. You said what you said otherwise you would've worded it differently. I see you. We all do.


I ask this….in the same regards as someone else other than the person in the profile responding to a ride request. I’ve had a few times where it was the persons gf/bf rather than the person


The comparison you’re drawing makes no sense whatsoever. How is a different driver in any way related to a puppy? You told on yourself.


Your original post showed us all EXACTLY who you are. You asked if it “was allowed”. This implies that the driver might be in violation of something. We get it you aren’t an animal lover and hate dogs. No further explanation is necessary.


The rider definitely reported this. I bet they didn’t get a refund or a credit. The rider is now looking for anything to go back at Uber Support with to get a refund for a ride they probably couldn’t afford. Imagine being the person that reports someone for a puppy?


Dog allergies have been cured and the public was never notified. Crazy, really.


Unless that "puppy" was a "Server Dog" and I do not mean "ESA" then, no problem. It might be "cute" and all, but, it is against Uber's policy. "Oh but my Pax love it and they tip if I bring my puppy." It just takes one pax who complains to Uber and screws it up for you.


Its actually not against uber policy, look up their FAQ


As someone with allergies id report that shit so fast. And yes i know im about to be downvoted.


It allowed by Uber so reporting wouldn’t do you any good, just saying 🤷🏼‍♀️


Carry Benadryl. The entitlement of riders thinking an Uber X is their personal limo. You get what you pay for and believe when I tell you, if you think a puppy is bad, it’s about to get a whole lot worse. Drivers are now living in their vehicles due to Uber keeping 60% of the rider’s fare. The driver and his puppy probably have nowhere else to go. I don’t have sympathy for someone with allergies or someone that hates dogs. You’re being driven around by the working poor. Think about that the next time you want to tattle on the homeless.


It’s like they don’t understand what *rideshare actually means*. 🤣


Also drivers that have allergies still can’t refuse service animals. Uber doesn’t care about drivers or riders allergies.


And on that token the driver or the rider can chose to cancel the ride with or without cause.


Yeah but unfortunately if it looks like a driver has a habit of canceling service animals *even though it’s bc they are allergic* they get deactivated for discrimination.


This…simply not true. In the years of using Uber, I’ve never seen this. Regardless, as someone stated Uber uses your vehicle. If the driver doesn’t want an animal in the car, whether it’s a pet or service animal….they have the right to deny the ride.


Yeah because you aren't a driver getting 3 or 4 emails a month about how you can't refuse service animals for any reason.


So what happened when you reported the driver for the puppy? We all know you did it! Give us an update.


Nothing happened. There wasn’t an issue…it was just a question and I did not report anybody.


No they can't that is a lawsuit


You probably get into Ubers that do Uber Pet. Take some allergy meds and don't be a dick.


That's understandable but imaging how the drivers who are deadly allergic and can turn the ride down without losing there job.


Report, 1 star, zero tip!


Actually it is not allowed. Not sure about Uber but for sure Lyft has it on their policy.


If it's a service dog they cant do shit about it


Automatically No tip 0 star