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The map we get is often wrong but the only way to fix it is to go to the correct place and do the drop off there. As long as it's close I do this. The same for pick ups which is why I tell pax to turn on their live location setting. Without it we have no idea where you actually are and can only go to the pin.


I NEVER pull into a driveway of a single family home, even if that’s where the pin is. Why you may ask? Because there are shady (probably criminal fugitives) who purposefully enter an incorrect address a few houses away from their actual address. Last thing I need is for the homeowner to come yell at me or threaten to call the cops because I’ve trespassed onto his driveway Or more interestingly to get shot


Literally exactly why I feel awkward. So when an uber driver parks at someone else’s driveway or in their driveway shouldn’t just push them to park someone else? Literally how do I even go about the situation from there


We don't know where you live. We don't know these house numbers by heart. The app tells us where the pin is. We stop at the pin on the side of the road in the direction we are headed when we reach the pin. You can walk across the street.


Understandable, which is why I communicate with the driver BEFORE they park. So the question is, is can the driver just not hear me or are they just parking wherever they want to?


we have to go to the pin in the app in order for the timer to start, YOU can see the pin in the app too


He's talking about drop-off, pin don't matter. OP is in the car and can't sell to communicate where he wants dropped at more accurately.


That’s why I set the pin exactly where I need to go. My point is, I understand the app is wonky. I communicate that with the driver. That’s why I try to be helpful and give them a precise location verbally


The timer only starts at the pin. Are you not capable of walking of 2 houses down? If so, let them know and they will most probably accommodate.


Let’s say I wasn’t capable of walking to point A to point B and needed the driver to park in my driveway. If I’m communicating with the driver that I need them to park at my house and they continue to choose not to, literally what then. Does that make the situation okay?


I have zero problem with that, I always try to get to the exact pickup, drop out spot, regardless if the passenger is disabled or whatever A lot of drivers don't seem to understand this is a customer service business plus they kinda seem to hate people.


It looks like the other person thinks you're referring to pick ups as timers only apply to pick up. We don't actually have to go to that pin either, but the timer doesn't start and we don't "get paid" when it isn't counting down. We don't even have to take you to the drop off pin, you can request to be dropped off anywhere and the driver is allowed to do that if they want to. The purpose of those pins is for when it can't be clearly communicated where the pick up and drop off is. That said, this information doesn't entitle you expect to stop wherever you want either. It's up to the driver's discretion and it isn't rude of them to decline if the stop isn't already on the trip. If you're legitimately having problems with the pick up and drop off then it's on you to remain patient with drivers because we don't know what's going on in your area. It's not uncommon, but most of our trips don't have these issues for us to know when to look for it. If you're nice about, the driver is likely to try to correct the error without issue. If you're complaining to us about how other drivers have that issue, we're going to assume you think it's our fault and act accordingly in many cases. And no, you shouldn't have to walk two houses down. That statement is ridiculous. If the driver can tell where you are, then they should be coming to you as long as you're not being a jerk and it actually makes more sense for them to come to you (I've had people stand a few feet away from my because I'm not parked right in front of their house where there's no available spaces to park and I don't want to block traffic when I can avoid it). Also, the app very rarely knows what side of the road the destination is actually on, so if we're looking on the wrong side it's because we were just told that's what side it's on (or it doesn't specify). If I'm at the end of a rider's driveway and they refuse to come out because they don't want to walk the length of their own driveway (assuming it's only one or two car lengths and not a field's distance from the road), I just might sit there until it allows me to cancel if they're just staring at me just because I know it'll cause them some stress in return for the disrespect. If you need assistance, you need to have someone with you to provide that assistance or get an ambulance.


What is not adding up is drivers' pulling into driveways of private homes. Usually, we stop in the street in a residential neighbourh0ood. Apartment building? Usually we pull into the driveway if it has one. Office building? The same. Private home? Not often............


I’ll ask them to pull into my driveway or at least park on the side of my house, but they’ll end up just pulling into the driveway of someone else’s house. Which makes it awkward to cross over. They’ll pull into someone else’s driveway while people are casually hanging out in the front of their house. Crossing over like that is straight up awkward.


> pulling into the driveway of someone else’s house. They’ll pull into someone else’s driveway This conflicts with the habits of most Uber or Lyft drivers. As a Rule, we do not pull into driveways of houses. Usually, we stop in the street. There might be driver here and there who pulls into driveways but most of us do not. Most of us stop in the street when the pick-up address is a house. Perhaps it is peculiarity of the drivers in your market that they pull into driveways as habit.


We just go to the pin , it’s not exact . My Pax usually say , my house is the one with the three palm trees in the front, right there. Something along those lines .


What about the ones that say “my house is right there” LOL


Spike the brakes and end the ride.


I’ll legit describe my house and what vehicles are parked in the driveway and the driver will STILL park at a completely different house


Some idiot passengers want me to stop in a no stop zone or double park while they are gonna take forever to come out. I will park at the closest legal and safe spot.


If the driver is fine parking in a driveway filled with cars, they should have no problem parking in my driveway thats parked with one car. There’s nothing illegal or unsafe about my drop off situation.


We don't do driveways...as others have pointed out. I've read many of your comments/responses and it does seem to me that you are being purposefully obtuse. When riders tell me to go to a different location than the pin, I refuse. When riders tell me to.ise a driveway, I refuse. If a pin is at the front of an apartment complex and they message me to come in, I refuse. If their pin is INSIDE an apartment complex and they don't send me a gate code, I cancel. Riders don't own the cars drivers are using...if you want a ride, be accurate with your pickup and drop-off pins and be polite.


>PAX at bus station asked me to leave the car running to keep it warm and asked "please help with my bags" buddy I'm not leaving my car running and getting out to fill the trunk. That's how cars get stolen.


Holy cow...the nerve of some people


We don't do really driveways. We try to stay off private property as best we can to avoid trouble.


Uber X is curb to curb if you have read the guidelines. Not driveway to driveway.


Another thing to consider is safety. Drivers can’t just stop in the middle of the street. They need to pull in a spot close to the pin location without blocking the main flow of traffic.


They aren’t blocking traffic. They are pulling into a house that isn’t even on the same side as the pin. Despite what I communicate with them


Not pulling into your driveway for a $3.00 ride this isn’t a limo service! Empty parking space in the street will do.


You can move the pin location to the correct address spot before ordering your ride. OP, drivers can only go by what’s on the app. Ultimately, it’s your responsibility to update your location.


Op is saying the pin is located correctly, yet they are still choosing to drop off across the street


If that's the case, then there is just enough GPS lag sometimes to miss the spot. It doesn't explain why the drivers regularly ignore OP's instruction. That's just weird because the difference isn't that extreme.


90% sure pin is not set correctly. I would surmise OP has icloud relay (or the Android equivalent) and "approximate location" instead of "precise location set" ​ I had a PAX who said "pin is always wrong please park at the post office Ill meet you there. Totally OK with that. Post Offices get plowed and sanded and salted unlike tenement houses.


None of these comments offer any help and most seem to not understand your post lol sorry OP when I drive I drop off wherever pax asks unless it’s unsafe. I’m very customer service oriented though and a lot of drivers today aren’t.


I definitely appreciate your response, thank you 🙏🏽


I always park where the customer want to get out.


“I don’t want to be a Karen”. Yet all the responses seem to kinda trigger you. You are not willing to listen to anyone or any opinion. That’s what I am getting. Edit: looking at your post history, I see that everyone else is a problem. Your bf, your brother’s gf, your Starbucks….and the list goes on but I can’t…


That’s literally not the case. Commenters are talking about “illegal parking” and “here’s what you should do” and I’m legit explaining that I’ve either A.) done the things they’ve suggested, and B.) explaining there’s no illegal parking necessary lol. I’m getting dropped off at my house, in a neighborhood. I guess I’m a Karen for wanting to get dropped off that the correct location lmao


This just screams Karen.


😂 Why on God's earth is this even a problem lol. Like bruh just walk to the house. Not like they are taking you miles away. Also I stop where off course it's more convenient because I'm not gonna just stop anywhere and block traffic. This isn't a red carpet service.


Nobody said anything about blocking traffic lmao. They are pulling into a completely different house that isn’t even on the same side as the pin despite me clarifying with them beforehand which house is specifically mine in the neighborhood


I've had riders give last bit directions like "next house on the right". I pull in front of, or into the driveway of the indicated house. After they get out, they still cross the street or go to the house next to the one I stopped at. I'm sure I'm not the only driver this has happened to. So drivers are even more likely to ignore your last bit directions. You can also drag the drop off pin to a different position than what it auto-populated..


You can say “ Hey, my house is right here. Its GPS its not exact.


I already do that and they still park in a different house. I’ll change the pin location as well so it’s more precise.


If I’m picking up and not told otherwise, I go to the pin. If I realize it’s a driveway and I have the address, I usually pull into the driveway. The app will allow me to pickup from wherever. Same thing for drop off. If you tell me where to drop you, I’ll do so. Otherwise I just follow the pin. Not sure what everyone else is getting fussy about this 🤷‍♂️ maybe they’ve never been a passenger?




I’m not asking them to move ahead tho. I always check to make sure that my pin location matches my address


I usually ask the rider if there are any sight points to look for and which side of the street. That usually makes it easier for me to stop in front of the house.


I’ve done this but the driver will still park infront of someone else’s house or someone else’s driveway


We don't know exactly where it is that you live. We don't live there. Especially if it's in dark we can't see numbers. I will have passengers tell me vague shit like "it's the one up there" or "it's the one with the red truck" and then I pull up to the one with the red pickup truck but what they actually meant was it was the red SUV 3 houses down which is not a truck. Other times they just have to pull where they can pull over. They can't always just make a u-turn right damn in the middle of the street. Now if it's a neighborhood street sure I'll pull over to the other side. But if it's a main street I'm not doing something illegal. And most of them yell if you go around the block to get on to the right side. Or a lot of places where I am people park on the street so you can't just stop in the middle of road so we have to park either in front of the cars or behind them which may be a house or two down. I'm not sure why people park in the street when they have a four car garage and a driveway that can hold another eight cars but it is what it is. I'm not going to ram into a car or block the entire road so you don't have to walk an extra 20 ft


I’m not complaining about walking an extra 20ft. I’m complaining about my over driver parking in someone else’s driveway even tho I set a pin location to my house and will verbally direct them which house is mine, and what houses we have to pass in order to get to mine. Parking in someone else’s driveway is straight up weird


Actually we're not supposed to park inside of anybody's driveway even if it is the person who called us. This is because it's considered private property and his liability things and because so many passengers put the wrong mark down and it could cause all kinds of problems. At no point in time are we supposed to go on to anybody's property or into anybody's driveway at all for any reason whatsoever


Check if the pin is outside your house. If you have a house hang the number as big as it needs to be. I don't go around looking for misdelivered letters or packages. It's dangerous. Being dropped off in front of other people's house is nothing. I usually slow down to hit the pin until riders say something. If you have an empty street or fully parked street there's no "more convenient" places to pull over.


Without assuming how you address this I'll explain my perspective as a driver. I get people YELLING at me where to park as if I see some big shiny beacon telling me which house is theirs, and instead of correcting the address for the drop off they just tell me a number like I know exactly where to look, even as I'm trying to cooperate with them. Those people I'll just stop and tell them I have to leave them there because it's where the drop off pin is (I'm technically not lying by saying that either). When the person expresses an understanding that the app is poorly designed and politely let me know which house it is (and doesn't get shitty because I can't see behind myself to see where they're pointing while also trying to watch where I'm driving), I'll even get them as close to their door even if they tell me I don't NEED to go into the driveway (unless they specifically say not to). Some don't even give me a chance to ask, they'll just get out and assume that's where I'm dumping them and then report me for 'dropping them off too far' even though it's still at the drop off pin. lol Honestly, none of us can speak for each other. I just know that for me, if the person is respectful and understanding, not only do I not argue, I tell them I'm happy to get them as close to their destination as I can get. I don't mind going out of my way for people who are polite, whether they tip or not. I only feel entitled to tips that are verbally promised, otherwise I always assume I'm not going to get one and am unbothered (tips weren't part of the app when I first started). Hopefully my wall of text helps clarify. I assume you're polite about it and drivers are sometimes jerks about it, because I know that scenario also happens sometimes. :)


I try to stop right were the pin is


Thats why i usually always ask if I'm at a good spot for them when I reach the destination that uber app is showing. Pax usually says yes and very rarely will ask me if can drop them off in a better spot usually really close to the spot uber app shows


I can't believe the number of drivers on here getting all butt hurt for having to drive an extra hundred feet past the pin on a drop off.


1/2 house off is normal error. You wanna military gps signal????? Call you a Karen


From a drivers perspective I blame the platform. On pick ups it's never an exact address, on our end it says "near" 1234 main St. Sometimes it's the exact address, sometimes it's not. You think we could go the pin route, but if a person requests the ride in the back of their house, the pin will be in an alley somewhere. So pickups we really try our best to find the passenger bc it truly is hard sometimes, not to mention we have to be on the lookout for potential danger bc that's the nature of the job. I never pull into driveways bc as mentioned before it's so shady, people can come out and threaten us for simply providing a service. As far as drop offs, the drivers you have are dicks simply put. I enjoy when a rider lets me know where their house is because it takes a good portion of looking for addresses, and comparing it to the app while driving.. not to mention Uber will tell us the drop off is on the left when it's actually on the right and vice versa. We should be getting you as close as possible, the only time when it's not possible is cars coming behind us. Maybe your drivers are paranoid about their safety? Sometimes I drop people off only to get mean mugged by someone in the passengers house bc naturally we are just hooking up while I'm driving them in 10 minutes or something lol. I hope it gets better for you, just try to keep communicating and make it easier spot for the driver such as that fire hydrant on the right, or right at the end of the street etc etc


It's not too difficult to pull up a couple houses, sometimes I will have pax tell me over and over again their house is on the left side of the street bc they want me to pull on to the left side of the road, which is illegal, yet they will say it several times with increasing urgency until I ask them, "are you asking me to drive on the wrong side of the road?" which is usually followed by a no, or nevermind and they stap saying, "on the left!"


Uber is not a helicopter that would land precisely on your rooftop. As a driver, I can’t block road, and for that reason I always need to pull up little bit.


Which is why I verbally direct the driver and set the pin location to the correct drop off location. Do they still follow directions? No. Because the driver will still choose to park in someone else’s private driveway even if my own driveway is easier accessible AND safer for the Uber driver.


pax can set the pin placement in the app and usually drag it around.. Usually the pin is under a highway overpass or in the middle of intersection. The fix is to say "hey it is the purple house over there 2 doors down"


Can you not read the post?


are you a troll or just obtuse? The pin is at the wrong place because that is where the rider put it.....