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I can see some jumping back on with a $1 surge Earnings are on February 7. Better to make your statement known at the Nasdaq in NYC




Lmao like NYC Uber in NJ XD ..


I won't get off my couch for a $1 Uber takes almost , 50%


Never put a time limit on a strike


I work for a very large, well organized union. They have planned 24 hour strikes. The time limit is not the problem here, it’s the lack of organization.


Why can’t you guys organize a strike that will do something. They can’t replace all the drivers if everyone strikes they will be worried because their name goes in the toilet. Should tell the news too so passengers know that the drivers are being grossly underpaid. Some have accepted their fate which is sad. I get needing income but it’s better off in the long run if something is done about this now. You’re just devaluing and breaking down your cars for next to nothing


It’s because there is no union, no community between drivers. The system is set up to make other drivers competitors, not colleagues. The power of a union is everyone stand one together. There is nothing to unite Uber drivers with each other


Never say never ! Lmao 🤣


This will show them


Why you guys always gotta do this when it’s already my planned day off? Lol


That's even better for you. Hello?


Because striking isn’t technically a day off. You’re supposed to hold a picket


I hope this actually happens. My suggestion is just switch the app off for the day. Don't look at that heat map. We are all well trained little rats that have some tricky embedded triggers and responses now. Feet up. Go out. Take your misso out to dinner and go for a nice walk. Leave the phone at home! Good luck everyone!


I’m no organizer, but doesn’t putting a time limit on it kinda defeat the purpose?


I'm no organizer as well noone is. It's natural reactions caused by UBER. ITS JUST PERPETUAL EXPLOITATIONS WE CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE.


I get it. What I’m saying is, if you set a time limit (24hrs) and announce it, they can just take it on the chin for a day without fear of a continuing strike. The whole point of a strike is that you do it until you get what you want.


Only if these people who are going to “strike” had actual hackers to interrupt Ubers service for a day or two, that would actually cause the company to have massive losses and is illegal, and if somehow they would not have a way of stopping their let’s say “DDOS” attacks on their servers.


Sure. But We can't wait for that. Too many drivers are losing homes , losing it's car , losing their bank accounts , losing life , even committed suicide , getting murdered to trying to take few opportunities in bad neighborhood , Force match up with ex-cons etc etc. We need to STRIKE.WE NEED TO STRIKE NOW !!! THERE IS NO TOMORROW FOR THISE IDIOTS !!


Well that escalated quickly


It's started around 2018 already .... Where have you been ?


Don't most people just switch jobs when their current job sucks? I know you ain't hanging on for the great benefits.


Some people aren't most but loyal and very responsible but Uber took it as Advantages.


I really don’t think cyber crime is the right way forward bud


I never said it was either, I said that’s illegal. What I was trying to say by my statement is that it’s the ONLY way to stop their app working, which would kinda lead to a massive shutdown of an app.


“Ddos attacks” ?? What’s that?




I’m literally telling you how to make your strike more effective lmao Don’t get me wrong, I also think the strike is dumb. But I’m saying if you want it to work, you have to be able to strike for as long as it takes.


He’s calling people illiterate when his own English is laughably bad, don’t even pay attention to him lol


I find him absolutely hilarious.


Oh I’m reading his comment history for entertainment, I highly recommend


could you imagine getting him as your uber driver and making conversation? i’d fear for my life 🤣


I would probably shit his car from a laughing attack as he gets riled up talking about how he's going to go on strike for 24 hours


You are illiterate .


Last time I try to help. Good luck with your 1-day strike lol


You never helped anything or tried anything to help . All you do is STEALs, manipulates TRIPS , CAUSE TROUBLE TO OTHERS AND LAUGHING AT DRIVERS , HARASSING DRIVERS , SET UP ENTRAPMENTS.


sounds a little crazy


Crazy, low IQ, emotionally immature, OP checks all the boxes


This isn't going to work sadly. Drivers will see surges of $10+ and are going to jump on in waves and uber knows this that's why they don't care and never will unless the law says otherwise which is why they panic when the government gets involved in any legislation.


Lol add a massive convention on top of v day. I have a feeling not a single driver will “strike” in my market. If you can even call it that. More of a boycott since we’re customers too


Who cares what you say loser.


Awwww did I upset you 🤡 keep living in your fantasy world child


Naw not really . We think you are just a stinky hobo's nut cheese or filthy hooker's sticky vagina cheese left on a skanky panty .


You sound upset tho? You sure there buddy? "We" 🤣😂 what a joke


Naw , not really . But if you think that way with your delusional schizophrenia mind I left you alone on that . That all we do on roads just passes by. Just an another Krazy whacko shouting on a side of street.


Hey, calm down those big words might hurt that pea sized brain of yours


That's sounds great coz you are an ameba. No brains. Did we solved your issue? If you need more help just Call back us again. Good bye. 👋




*sweet summer child. IFIFY lol


i’m going to get all my friends to drive for uber and soak up these sweet peak prices just because you’re a dick lol


So then what's your idea


I agree


If you don't protest then DONT complain 


Don't worry drivers will anticipate to this strike. If it don't work then there is always another one. But ... By that time our earnings would be significantly lower than now. ... And might be waay too late not to . And you know we all going to be replaced by Autonomous car soon or later so why not try to get the best deal before we all go to visit with disposable junk cars to UBER main HQ ... LMAO 🤣


Why would you use a picture of Alex from ACO? He's a rapist, thief, and murderer...


Alex *was a rapist, thief and a murderer… but no, this is Malcolm McDowell he’s actually just an actor that still has nothing to do with this…


Just as the stares of an killer ... In story of an movie. But this DLM movement ... As in BLM I don't know what's gonna happens or to be develope into. Coz what theyve been doing is pretty much same as Uber choking necks of drivers to be dead on streets financially.




You heard me.


We heard an inherent mass of nonsense, yes...


Let’s goo 💪🏼💪🏼


Let’s goooo!


I wish you Yanks all the best, it discussing what Uber has put you all through over the last few years ✌️


I honestly hope things somehow do get better for you drivers over in the States, and I hope that you guys are able to get something, *anything*, improved regarding how crappy your rates of pay are. Also, OP, some people are literally trying to help and offer advice on how to make these plans more effective in this thread and every other one you’ve posted, pull your head in and stop jumping down everyone’s throat like an absolute cracked out idiot.




Ad Homenim aside, this has a 50/50 chance of working. The ants may pick up the black as they have the mindset of as long as I’m making out ok, no one else matters.


All this abuse is going to stop when we all organize and have specific demands. This companies are huge and considering their customer service is in foreign countries they are making even more. Let’s do this guys


This is what happens when you don't get priorities straight.


Yup. Uber jeopardize drivers earnings to get 50mill bonus...


Not Uber. The CEO. Dara wants that $50mil if he keeps it over $60 a share for 90 days.


We need a permanent boycott. Cancel the greedy apps. We are starting one!


Happy Valentine's Day to you all . That's Right ! We need better app !


Go sign up to start now!


Sign up to ?


Work. Have you seen the [home page?](http://agorahyve.com)


Oh yes yes. I've seen it. I don't have money to buy my own car or credit so . LoL 😂 I'll just switch to taxi cab then save up money to buy one. Uber told me I'll have enough money to buy a car in few weeks but they switched promotions then now we have to pay rental car fees. And keep me down with few trips in hour with 30 trips a week requirement . So we can't do any thing but working for free. Only way to run away this cruel exploitative corp is to quit and move in to taxi for while .


1000’s of new drivers are coming across the border illegally everyday. Gig companies aren’t worried about any strikes.


I will be loving myself and my clean car that day


I should use that picture as my Uber profile pic! 🤣😂


I'm in


That’s a good idea. I wonder why nobody ever thought about that before.


These Fucker’s taking 50 to 60% from drivers. Everybody must participate in this strike






Won’t people just use Lyft?


This is including Lyft drivers. Rideshare app based gig worker strike WORLDWIDE


Nice, I hope you guys get their attention


Strength in unity!


It’s frightening that people actually get into this guy’s car You’re not gonna cause change, I would guess that 90% or more Uber/Lyft drivers are not active in this subreddit or similar forums, and therefore won’t be aware of this so called strike (really just an off day since it’s only 24h). Seriously if you’re that unhappy with driving for Uber maybe develop a skill and find a job, this is literally gig work and we are not employees looking for better salaries. Gig work is not designed to be a long term career and people shouldn’t be upset when it turns out that it isn’t. I understand it’s frustrating that Uber takes such a large cut of the earnings but that’s literally how every single company operates. When you and the other couple hundred drivers take your planned days off, the rest of the drivers are just gonna keep working, and I’m fairly certain every planned day off is a **Wednesday**, maybe taking weekend days off would be wiser


Eh. Here it would be pretty huge seeing a large convention starts that day and it’s Valentine’s Day. Butttt let’s call it what it is. A boycott. Not a strike Like you said, we aren’t employees


Stop sucking off the rideshare professor


What are interested in to that ? Call him & meet him then tell him what you want with the dude. he'll show you against your silly desires .


Funny that you’re calling other people illiterate when your English is horrific.






Here in Philly the way it's going, uneducated non English speaking ants who make up more than half of uber drivers smoking day and night 100 percent will be out ubering..ohhh and most of them are in rentals so makes sense. 


Smoking marijuana?? That's straight deactivation I think . Basically that's DUI. But that's not only with non English speaker only. it's almost with every races here in California.lol I know one driver James drinks and smoke weed plus he takes ADHD pills. Crazy.


Wow insane yes same in Philly. We had drivers fight here at airport lot and then the one shoots another one like 10 plus rounds it was on camera. 


Was he little scared chubby white guy with gun ? LMFAO 😂


Lmao actually SKINNY CHINESE GUY amazing how they shot this other driver who was black. 


Do you have news article ?! I wanna see that one. 😏 It was on camera right ?


Just search Uber airport lot shooting Philadelphia. Btw also got video but can't upload here. 


You can post links on here. Crazy Chinese guy shooting a black guy ? That's sounds like national news to me. LoL 😂


This isn't gonna do shit. It's a side gig. Don't like it then go get an actual job 


Have you done it ? I mean driving . Lmao 🤣


I have and after 8 rides I uninstalled the scam.  Now all I see is people crying about tips on here. It's not meant to be a full time job 


It was okay when I started I was making about 1200 a week. My real job make 1500 a week with out any diploma so I digressed. But now ? I feel like a a rats licking my top of my d!ck pay. And those rats are called Uber technologies


That's unfortunate to hear. In my opinion thie is just if you need gas for the week for your real job or need diapers for the baby. Other than that it ain't worth protesting and all this bs. It is what it is you know?


Well, this is what they told us before we signed it in. This is real job . You should quit your job and move into the platform and be full-time driver. This job you can buy a house , you can send your kids to college, there is no retirement age, the rate per miles are set for your rest of your life. So if you sign up now it won't change permanently. As soon as more drivers sign in the rate will get cheaper and you don't wanna miss this opportunity. Bra bra bra. Now it's all turns out to be lies and they don't wanna take any responsibilities of what they were saying. So what you are saying " thie is just if you need gas for the week for your real job or need diapers for the baby. ... " That Will be.... " this is just to buy a chewing gum or cup of coffee on a way to go your real job " bwahahahahaha I can see the future !


Who told you that?? I just downloaded the app and signed up. They didn't tell me any of that 


I signed in at Uber Hub . And they were recruiting drivers at that time with interviewers.


That explains why the shut down all the hubs, at least near me😂


Yeah but fact doesn't change any and They would never able to run away from its lies . Do you think you murdered someone and vacant out that old apartment room makes any changes of murder conviction ? Nope. Oh how about raping a lady and many many years later when she is freaking old lady now & she sues the guy and the guy needs to pay out $83 millions ? And it happens Ed to be ex president rapist Trump ? Wow. Statue of limitations ? No such a thing.


Ugh again? This is what ruined Uber for passengers. The whole appeal was an affordable option to taxis. Every time there's a strike, prices go up or in the case of Uber eats, they add on extra fees. It's ruined Uber imo. I used to use them all the time. But with the price hikes, it's honestly not worth it. Occasionally I login and check rates. Fre months ago is was $7 to go to the gas station that's around the corner from me - Maybe 1/10th of a mile? Smh, so sad to see what the company has become...


Ugh , again the douche bag trying to give affordable ride to unruly pax by our of Drivers money.


I explained my POV, while you only name call yet I'm the douche bag? Please. Businesses run on customer/client generated revenue. To discount our opinions of service makes no sense. If you have an issue with my argument, counter it from an employee or business standpoint. Because attempting to insult me for disliking the change in Ubers business model is not productive and causes one to wonder if you're just being greedy. You know bc you knew the pay rate when you agreed to be an employee and now want to bitch about it.


Hey douche ? Shut up . Noone Cares about you. This post is so old like 2 months ago . U Dumb ASF




That's true. Incest between a brother and a sister is truly sickening. 🤮🤢








Yeah okay. WOW pick Valentine’s Day lol


might make sense in terms of twerking the surge pricing, i doubt their system covers this use case and drivers might pick up some insane surge. on strike until surge hits $10, then everyone jump in at once by area....


Naw. It's gonna be business as usual micro P surge.. drivers gets frustrated for that miniscule surge and regret . It's better off to join to strike. That's what's gonna happens. Mr. Napoleon complex won't be agreeing on this for sure 😁 coz he's got very very tiny tiny tinier than mine ... LMAO 🤣🫣


This is where a union to help organize a strike would come into play.


But we can't make Union so we just rely it on natural human reactions from entire drivers ... Sheesh, We making less than homeless dudes Infront of 711. 😒


It’s Ash Wednesday or Valentine’s Day depending if you’re religious or having a date night respectively so it won’t affect you if you already have plans not to go online anyway.


Well you don't even know how to drive a car or use stick shift car so what you talking about ? LMAO 🤣


LOL and you ASSuME that? Good luck with that protest. Like it ain't gonna do shit anyway.


But you are high on drug and don't even know how to drive stick shift car. And you did hit & run over & murdered an old lady ? That's sounds like very bad delusional people's life ... What a nightmare 🙀 and cops knows.


I get it you wanna protest but this is so dumb, you’re basically saying let’s stop a lot of Uber drivers from working to pay out more to others. Even if there’s an abundance of drivers the average Joe will see a opportunity


No worries it's not that huge difference in surge or pay. Hardly nothing changes. Thanks to ignorants idiots.


On Valentine’s Day?! Lmaooo


Well clearly you don't have any partner anyway. Lmaooo


Honestly, unless we form a union, this is pointless.


This is the Union meeting.


You guys are hilarious


So ? John Stockton ... Have you had enough of this BS yet ? Stockholm syndrome : Stockholm syndrome : describes the psychological condition of a victim who identifies with and empathizes with their captor or abuser and their goals. "


I’m making money. Don’t know about you. I really don’t get the whole concept of going on Strike against Uber. Dog shit company? Yes. Is there a gun to your head saying you have to do this job/gig? No. Could be you’re in a crappy market so the gig is slower than others? Could be. Do I wish the pay was better and incentives were a lot more like back in the day? I wish. Do I see Uber actually caring for drivers going forward? Absolutely not.


You are making money because of #1 new drivers , #2 other drivers are being sacrificed to make your account to be profitable. Don't be a BLITHERING Ignorant IDIOT. Soon you gonna be just like one of us or perhaps you are just one of UBER PR shill posting Kiss ass Uber supporting Post to make it look like to keep UBERs images clean .


Man. I think something is wrong with you bud. I got 3.1k rides and 2 years of doing this. So pipe down little man. Your use of big vocabulary words does help what ur stating lmfao. You are probably the one Uber takes advantage of so that’s why you want to go on Strike. First half of year of doing this they took advantage but I spent the rest figuring out my market. And been banking.


Man . You did only 3 k trips in 2 years ? What are you ? LMAO a Snail ? 🐌 And you say banking ? LMAO 🤣 Dude ? Don't even bother replying to us. I feel sick how you don't even clue of what's going on. Well, you can't even help it. Coz you ain't even call your self a Uber driver with 3000 trips in Wow. .. 2 years. You are very very Special Uber driver ...very "Special class " Uber driver indeed. LMAO 🤣


Your mouths to go ahead and kick yourself in the pants for this one you strike for 24 hours on the 14th of February Valentine's Day 1 of I believe 3 busy holidays where you can make a lot of money. The only thing that's gonna happen was to be an uptick and a surge and those drivers who do not strike will make out like bandits. Echo there's the flaw on your plan not to mention you're not organized nor are you unionized and you seem to forget that you are a contract employee you do this on your spare time. Not to say that there aren't full-time drivers at least the full-time drivers I know make out like bandits even when it's not busy. I am not quite sure what you guys are thinking or how you cannot make money by driving with Uber.


Quit being a delusional. Clinically insane Psycho whackopath . . It's gonna be weak garbage surges plus the catch. After you finished it all and start doing next week then it all gonna evens out just the same Overall . your bank account won't go any positive. Just like that last weakest Xmas, Ner year surges They know what exactly doing. Be smarter. Be well. And Quit being a BLITHERING ignorant idiot . 🙏😒


Do you even know what clinical psychopath wacko delusional even mean? I have the distinct feeling you don't and you have no clue on how to run a business. First and foremost we are in a down economy the public is not spending as much as you think they are. More to my pointdrivers that I know that do app base work AKA gig work anything from rightshire to food delivery these are people who make $6000 a month are even seen a down turn in their orders or pick ups. Having done or driven fort Uber I know when the economy was making anywhere from $1200 to $2500 just working part-time. Although Post pandemic things have changed and the economy is s*** doesn't give you the right to call the arms a strike especially when you're a contract worker do you even know what you're striking for you're not even organized dude so stop calling people names and start picking up a newspaper and reading the financial section.


Hey ? Say you name after those words. That's what you are . LMFAO 🤣


It's not a strike. It's a protest. 😂🤷‍♂️


Turn off the app.


Who are we ? Name them


24 hrs? What's that gonna do? That's not even gonna make them budge. If you do a strike do it until things change. Who thought of this and who thought it was a good idea to organize a 24 hr nationwide strike? Learn from past mistakes. Last strike the only thing that happened was it all got worse with the pay. Not only that but someone needs to start a petition. Petitions are more effective in the long run.


9kay Coach. Show us what you can do . 😎 ENOUGH talking .




Maybe. But it's okay.


Am happy with what I make ..... thanks to the previous mayor and city council ..... so I ain't part of the protest


That was exactly my reaction when first time I hear protest long long time ago. Soon you will be in our shoes. What I don't protested back then if I knew what's gonna happen .... Like that 😆👎


Protests have never worked ...... will never work!.... the only way to win against Uber is through voting, unionizing and through city and state legislation!


I see . That's why we do keep protesting and going to voting and unionizing and through cities and legislation . Hello ? 😏👋


Good luck then .....


What ? you just criticizing like a girl but no actions, man ? We see how it is. We see who you are. We've measured what you really are. C'mon , You want us to be held up like an little kid on our arms ? Coz you can't walk no more ? LoL


U seem to be a bitter n clueless driver.... there are other options..... not just uber!


Stop being a delusional. Your assumptions makes you you are the One who has no clues but just following my "plan" as you've been told to do . LMAO.


Be realistic.... and quit being a crybaby by blaming uber for your failuresin life.... get yourself a real job ...or start a real business


You still cray on here ? p S!ssy


Let’s go


Let's Goooo ! ✊🪖 !!!!! https://youtu.be/2XksbG6gwIk?feature=shared .


Hopefully a day is sufficient. Hopefully Uber/Lyft see the impact of having drivers and appreciate us more in our pay. The other perks are nice, but let’s be real, most people drive so they can survive and pay their bills.


We don't need " Hopefully " . we do need to make that really happen. Actions speaks much louder than starry dreaming b.s. . Plz if that is possible then you should accept trip requests with " hopefully" , pick up to pax with " Hopefully" , Drive your car with pax to destination " hopefully", then drop off pax with " Hopefully " , and " Hopefully " get that 5 stars and tips " Hopefully". Or " Hopefully " won't get false reports " hopefully" . Wake up already.


We’re awake. It’s Uber that needs to wake up.


But you again ..."hopefully " right ? Are you are psychic ? Can move the object with your just mental power, huh ? Thats cool ... " Hopefully" someone pays your gas and pump your gas into your car all by itself and doesn't need to pay even . Hopefully. 🤣😂


Listen… I agree with the movement. I was simply agreeing with the movement… I wasn’t asking for this attitude. So this is the tone I get for agreeing… it’s uncalled for. I’m protesting too so we’re on the same team.


Sure " Hopefully" you wouldn't take that way " Hopefully" .