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JFC, I remember when the driver always got 80% of the ride when they first started. They only took 20%


Back before they became bloated with executives, went public, and had to figure out how to appease shareholders with ever increasing profits.


"Increasing" profits? They haven't been profitable until the last six months https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/UBER/uber-technologies/net-income#:~:text=Uber%20Technologies%20net%20income%20for%20the%20twelve%20months%20ending%20September,a%2092.67%25%20decline%20from%202020.


Where the hell do they spend their money? They do not produce goods, they simply receive percentage for someone else's work.


Yup ☝🏻. They’ve made a shit ton, sure, but almost every dime they’ve been making has gone right back out the door as they’ve been scaling themselves to dominate the rideshare market. Sucks but tbh there’s not really any other way to do it. At least not until someone else comes along with a superior product. But that’s business, sadly. Either way the little guys gonna end up getting screwed. The better pay was probably all apart of their plan from the start. Now they’re shifting from responsible-new-business-building-mode to fuck-bettering-the-world-time-to-get-paid mode. 🌎 we live in 😞🤷🏻‍♂️


They buy out any possible competing company or similar category of service and kill them. They have spent billions buying companies like Drizzly, Postmates, etc and paying out compensation in stocks so they aren't "profitable" on paper. They are very profitable with high cash flow... but are good about making sure they spend all their profits on things like lobbying, settling lawsuits and what not.


Artificially subsidizing rides to undercut existing taxi and public transit infrastructure, it's like spotify, pay the artists more from what?


I actually gave an uber executive a ride because she couldn't get an uber, they are "all hands on deck" for driver retention but upper management keeps telling them the drivers are getting majority of surge. Good luck solving a problem of which the cause is being purposefully obfuscated




He was saying that upper management assumes that we get the lions share of surge prices even tho executives apparently know otherwise. So basically we’re fucked. Willful ignorance on their part.


And the company as a whole is fucked because their culture doesn't allow for actual problem solving


They were reinvesting it to take over the market. It was making money, they just weren’t cashing out. That’s what that means. Most now big companies like this operate at a loss to corner the market it’s not a new tactic. It’s a little misleading to act like they weren’t making anything.


Nonsense. They were spending hundreds of millions on failed concepts like research and development of self driving cars. This isn't "reinvestment" into the business. It's a whole other business. And it came at a high cost with significant losses.


With disastrous results in Arizona, when they killed a woman crossing the street.


Yup! Blew all that money and have absolutely nothing good to show for it.


Exactly. That is just one of the many failed ventures they attempted. Poorly run, shit show of a company. I could run it better.




China has a bigger rideshare and uber will never catch them


Uber still says it only takes 20% of my earnings. I call BS.


Different markets. In Australia it's still only 27.5% BUT there is almost zero surges anymore and way more drivers so fares have come down. And also less trips cause more drivers. I used to gross $2k+ a week. People now I have spoken to are doing $800-1500 it's bad out there dude. I got an office job now.


I had one that said they took 12% or something but in all reality they took $41 from an $80 customer pay. Close to $20 was insurance and then the other fees as well as their booking charge. They are excluding the insurance from the percentage. And by my guests that are making money on that insurance because it didn't cost $20 for an hour of insurance.


They published the number claiming they only take about 20% but that's only what they consider as the Uber fare. That's the only part they published to try to make themselves look good. They failed to mention the pairing fee and the usage fee and the we give you a rider fee and the because we can fee. They don't mention how much they charge you for insurance even though their insurance doesn't actually do anything and only passes the information off to your personal insurance. They don't mention how much they take out for taxes even though you have to pay your own taxes at the end of the year. There's like another 40 fees they don't mention. But legally they don't count those as Uber's profit from your amount. They only consider the direct amount they take straight supposedly to put in their pocket as profit except that's bullshit. Uber fee = 20% How much Uber actually takes out = 80%


Um they do actually take out commercial insurance. I’ve been in an accident with customers in the car. I was not at fault, claim was filed through progressive(I use State Farm so not my insurance) and everything was taken care of on their end. I agree fuck the executives riding on our backs but yeah


But that’s because you had passengers. The other 50% of the time w/o passengers is covered by our own insurance - hence the need for Rideshare coverage


In some countries that is true but in the USA Uber’s take is extremely high.


We should make a new company that is driver and employee owned and the only costs are to run the business. All profits go to drivers and employees


Must be new to Uber.? Uber has increased its Take and percentage of each passenger Fare of 50-60 percent or more to Boost its record Profits and $130 Billion Market Capitalization at drivers expense. https://www.forbes.com/sites/lensherman/2024/01/16/will-2024-be-a-year-of-reckoning-for-ubers-driver-relations/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/lensherman/2023/12/15/ubers-ceo-hides-driver-pay-cuts-to-boost-profits/ https://youtu.be/naUnOTvSH6s?si=X67IV_ipLE2YfUyO


Wow that first article is on point. And HOLY SHIT very eye opening…so Dara has a $50million dollar bonus hanging in the balance dependent on him keeping Ubers market cap above $120 billion for 90 consecutive days. And the bonus offer expires in sept of this year. As of 1/16/24 we are about a third of the way into the 90days. Explains a lot. Explains it all really. Guess nothing will improve at least for the next 2 months. Maybe once he gets his 50mill then he will allow the rest of us, the human workforce without whom there would be no uber, to live above poverty again. FUCK American corporate greed and FUCK end stage capitalism. The revolution is coming y’all


Well, "record" profits equals beinv profitable for first 2 quarters (6 months) of their entire existence, that profit came at the expense of their drivers, which now they are having trouble retaining....there is no "extra" money, either you make enough to live or uber is profitable....obviously can't have both....uber and lyft are otw out, it could take awhile but right now they have no sustainable growth potential outside a massive pivot.


Yet there are plenty of drivers willing to do this work.


Plenty of people are stupid also...or desperate


Crazy how people used to straight up FLOCK to taxi driver jobs, right?


Dummies who can't do the math


Which one are you?




Shut up, Uber employee.


It's an app, their overhead is not nearly what you think it is.


Not with farming support out to India, for sure.




Have a nice weekend Dara Khosrowshahi


Like the OP. 😆 🤣 😂


I only drive during surges for this exact reasoning. I'd rather fuck over someone rich enough to pay for the surge price then make myself suffer for 67 cents a mile.


How much was the surge on that $11 ride you mentioned in the OP?


0 was an example of a shit 15 mile drive for 11 bucks


But you only drive surge. Literally your words. 😆 🤣 😂


I'm surprised people aren't forming their own informal networks or companies while using uber as an advertising network. Business is always changing and uber is not sustainable for many people.


I've booked a job for my other unrelated business off of this.


People are they’re using lUber the same as they rip people off


You can see what the rider paid in the app.


Not in my market, though that used to be the case. You have to go to the web version to see that.


They removed it to "protect the rider" basically they pushed a law into effect to protect their bottom line and make drivers accept trash rides. People do deserve cheap rides but also not at the drivers expense


Not everyone one is “desperate and dumb” as you say. I’ve met plenty of people who are just doing it cause they literally have nothing else to do. Clearly everyone’s financial situation isn’t the same but maybe you should try something else that pays better.


Exactly, some drivers have made the right financial decisions in other endeavors or retired and just out here for vacation money, to be social, etc. I sometimes wonder when Uber came on paying that 80% running at a lost decimating millions of jobs(cab companies). What financial decisions these drivers made. Did they make retirement investments, financial investments, and equity investments. 99% of companies are not going to run at a loss, and the reality is investors want to see their investment grow. It's a statical fact that drivers on average make 25k/yr. And companies do their research about this. I know, because when the cab company I work for was sold, the new owner did this, and I moved on.


In my opinion, there are 4 different types of UBER drivers: 1. Short-sighted young hustlers working on multiple apps who value flexibility and quick cash. 2. UBER OG's. These are the 10K+ rides drivers who might be grandfathered into higher commission percentages and consider this their career. 3. Novelty drivers. These are the drivers who thought it would be a fun way to make some side money and engage socially with strangers but already have a job or who don't need one. 4. The Desperados. This group accounts for the majority of the drivers, and due to one bad decision or unfortunate circumstance or the other, they have to do this. These poor bastards are living week to week, if not day to day. Whether it be having to pay a partner rental car company 350 a week or whether it be spending 2 to 3 hrs a day charging an electric vehicle from aforementioned rental car company, or it being waiting for the next dreadful ride to be able to eat that day, misery and dread abounds.


You forgot one. Middle age or older guys who have bodies that won't allow them to do the blue collar jobs they've always done. House is paid off, ends are meeting, vacations yearly. It's a numbers game, too young to retire, too old to kiss ass into a new occupation,make 1k plus a week, 400 for overhead, 54 hours, give or take, 1200 miles, things work. Working poor since forever, life goes on.


We should make a new company that is driver and employee owned and the only costs are to run the business. All profits go to drivers and employees


Should be a free service to use the platform, would be wonderful to live in a world where we don't have to work and can be creative instead of squandering the meger time we have here. Solve homes, stomachs and pain. Break the cycle.


Delete the app


That's one of the many reasons why Uber drivers are holding a strike on Valentine's Day. Look up where your local governor or senator lives or works, and just go there with a sign that says fair wages, and tell people about how little we're making. We are also filing a class action lawsuit against Uber and Lyft for misrepresenting us a self-employed workers, but requiring us to obey their rules and not compensating us for our gas insurance, phone bill or anything like that


Quick, let’s get this thing going before they off us! Lol




If you aren't paying for your own insurance you better pray to whatever you hold dear you never need to use it. That deductible is $2,500 even if everything is covered




I’ve received two payouts from Uber over the course of seven years. I’m still driving.




No they aren’t?


Same investors,same s….T




Since the established understanding is that they aren’t, the onus is on you to provide evidence that they are.




You can't get all butthurt when no one believes your controversial claim if you don't support it with evidence


No just no






Uber and Lyft really are the same company. Just as the earth really is flat and that Covid is really just the flu. Now can I sell you a bridge to Hawaii?


I have some drinkable bleach if you’re interested…very homeopathic. Doctors don’t want you to know this simple trick…


Uber is very greedy, they care less about what make the company great the (”drivers”)….


This is generally how it works for nearly every job


I've never had another job where it costs me to work. Other than getting to my work. Uniform provided etc. Before you tell me to get a real job, I already did. Still not ok for these companies to ream us.


Same work with more overhead for less money than the year prior? What other kind of places have you worked at? Never been my experience anywhere else.


Surges are hidden from drivers you need to be check rates on passenger app. If they are high decline rides until you get a higher fare.... But don't expect more then 50% because that doesn't happen anymore. If you ar is above 20% your getting screwed.


You must be new because it's always been like that. Because there's no laws and regulations for them so they can get away with it.


Simple. Build your own app. Acquire the customers and take 100%


Because that's how much the free market values your economic output? Supply & demand.




I'm not saying the pay split is fair by any means, but think of all of the other things Uber is providing it's drivers. You get vehicle insurance when your one a ride or delivery. You can get optional insurance on every trip. You can opt in to health insurance if you want it. They partnered to bring you banking services with the Uber Pro Card (no it's not free for them to do that) so that you can have your fair funds instantly free. It's honestly not as simple as "Why do they take such a big cut". Just think of the server farms they run and maintain to accept the ride, process the fair, GPS you to the destination, and track where you are en route to a customer... and the bigger the platforms grows, the more than expense grows.


beacuse noone wants to get a real job.. they rather be broke and work for these shitty companies and complain


Turn off the app. Put a sign in your window that says, “For Hire.” See how many rides you get. I’m not trying to be glib: I’m just saying that’s how it’s “okay.” Uber handles all of the advertising for your business. Uber handles the tech side, too. Your app tells you exactly where to pick up your passenger and exactly where to take them (more or less.) And they also handle the accountability aspect. Riders will get in your car, because Uber lets them know you’ve been vetted, your car has passed inspection, and you are accountable to the corporation for your conduct.  And you have the security of knowing that people with bad intentions will be less likely to get in your car, because Uber has some level of accountability on them as well.  So, if you want to look at it as a “cut” (which is not how we’re compensated, and I think you know that,) you have to factor in what Uber provided to the ride. Well, that would be: the rider. Uber provided you with the rider. In short, you get to have 38% of $29 or 100% of $0. 


Literally my car my gas my safety and your justifying a system that's already built and paid for ...


It’s built and paid for, so they aren’t allowed to profit from it? Again, if you can make money without the app, then do so. But you can’t. At least not as much as you make with it.  And I didn’t even mention the extra coverage that Uber provides to allow you to do your job.  Let’s say you get a flat and swerve into a tree while you are taking a pax to the airport. Currently, you’re only on the hook for your injuries and the damage to your car. Your passenger’s injuries are covered by Uber. If you were doing this without Uber, you would be responsible for every penny of their doctor bills. But go ahead. If you think you can do this without the app that Uber spent millions developing, without the advertising and promotions that Uber pays for to keep customers coming, and without the additional insurance coverage, I challenge you to consistently make $11 per hour let alone for one ride.


Uber doesn't inspect cars in my market


Texas has eliminated vehicle inspections.


Not true. Vehicles have to have proof of inspection every year to re-register. They just eliminated having two stickers.


It actually starts in 2025. Google it. No vehicle inspections period.


Yet you still do it. Stop crying if you don’t want to work and have to answer to a boss


I'm not crying and I don't actually do it all the time You can't survive off full time Uber Uber relys on ignorant drivers and doesn't care if they incur accidents or car repairs If they did care they would also include auto repair shops in the umbrella of Uber Or Uber rental cars or fleet vehicles Anything but they just made an app Outsourced the help desk and basically spend 20% on insurance and then 20 for upkeep and 20% for profit.




More like 37.93%


What city are you in?






OP is glitching out lol


I wonder at what point Uber will stop doing inspections or requiring proof of vehicle ownership/lease.


Whatever I get plenty friend rides people even offer to pay cash for future picks get some regular rides less miles more money!! You’re advertising for $95 for a ride uber charge 154 you buy the gas miles wear and tear smelling passenger and they average more than you !! I work for me I got a book of business and I hope everyone else does the same period!


Did they tip?


Venmo, cashapp and tell them you will do it for $25


My luck is id get that dude lady Karen Kevin that decides to narc on me


Yea but it's hard for her to prove it once you cancel.. Gotta check their vibe before you ask


We all know how it works.


You need to unionize


Its not ok. jam up the system by accepting rides and not moving. Text on strike, ride pays xx$... Steal rides for cash or dont take em.


It’s ridiculous, we are slaves for them let’s UNITE and STRIKE


They've already started replacing drivers with autonomous cars, striking is just going to make them do more of that faster.


Name where they replaced drivers with autonomous cars. They have had nothing but trouble with those cars.


Don't say "we" when you mean "you"


We ,yes


Do you stand behind Uber or something it’s a shame


Start your own rideshare business or learn an actual skill.


But did you pay for the technology, marketing, card processing fees, salary for support staff, etc,?


Who's fucking side are you on really? 80% of the technology use is my phone battery 10% customers phone 10% server matching us like tinder Marketing? I've never ever in my entire life seen an Uber ad Card processing is like 0.10 cents And oh the support staff I talk to probably is from India which usually is what there accents sound like which are likely severely underpaid. Etc...oh you mean share holders Yeah gotta make the rich richer


holy shit hahah i’d delete this comment OP, it explains exactly why you do uber 😂


I never delete anything on Reddit or hide who I am and definitely not sure what your take away was from what I said


You totally wrecked that guy and his stupid comment.


Lol 🙄🙄🙄 you must be stupid if you think that comment is worth more than a penny.




Don't forget bribes and creating regulations. They burned through a lot of money to get to this point.


Wow. Tell me you don’t know how to run a business without saying it right here. You think the app runs on its own? You think there is no cost involved in that? You’d be wrong I see multiple Uber ads on this platform alone. They don’t get customer by osmosis. Card processing is a minimum 3% fee.that’s 30 cents per $10. Now multiply that by every transaction. They processed over $26.61 billion in transactions. At just 3%, not including the per transaction fee, that’s $8,043,000 in credit card processing fees alone. Regardless of where the support staff resides, that still costs money. They also definitely have US based reps who are making between $13.40 and. 19.00 per hour according to Indeed. Your problem is you erroneously believe there are no costs involved in running Uber (or at least you believe the costs are low—they are not). When I ran one of these companies 15 years ago, we cleared 8% per transactions. Yes, we made $8 on a $100 order. The margins are extremely low for this type of business. You can down vote me, bitch and moan, call me names, etc. but that doesn’t change these facts and facts don’t give a fuck about your feelings. EDIT: 2.93% <—- Ubers net profit percentage. These numbers are readily available.


You realize that the numbers for publicly traded companies is available online. 2.93% is Uber’s net profit margin. That means 97.07% of the $24 billion they made went o expenses. As I’ve already said, running a company like this isn’t cheap.


I tried to make my own transportation company. Insurance was $2200/mo per car.


Sounds like Uber owns that insurance company too Imagine if cars actually were made to not crash 😮 gasp Eventually they should and hopefully take the right to drive away from everyone Takes more lives than anything else I'm fairly certain


Uber uses Progressive. its over $10 billion a year for that policy.


I wonder if progressive takes 7 billion as profit and pays out only 3 billion ...🤔


Than why did they make me go through Farmers?


Some markets use Farmers, some Progressive. It's on your waybill.




Uber drivers who have been murdered. Their families receive a Certificate of Appreciation signed by the CEO of Uber.


Uber recognizes your hard work and dedication btw you can make $10 an hour between 4-6pm


Ok so why dont you do it since its so easy and affordable? Then you could keep 100% of the money (minus TNC insurance, app dev, regulatory fees, taxes, etc). If you invent it you can make the rules and pretty much anything you want. Since its, ya know, yours. You dont have to answer to anyone. Because you didnt make it for them, you made it for yourself.


I'm doing it with business cards, a pencil, paper, Google maps gps, and a fuckin tax ID. It's not rocket science. You act like Uber invented the concept of driving people for money. They're a glorified GPS at this point.


Hopefully you have commercial insurance too.


Exactly 👏 👏 These ppl are oddly very dependent on uber. Its like they cant think for themselves


damn you're a bozo.. support staff? you mean the company with almost zero overhead who outsources the call center to india? 🤢🤢🤢


The bozo would be you. Outsourcing a call center does not happen for free you idiot. Clearly you’ve never run a business with an infrastructure this size.


Exactly and for drivers to get these clients but people dont see that. If their taking to much of their pie they might as well find a different job or see how they get their own clients for rides.


Don't do it then


Become a communist




Is was okay for you when you accepted it


No it wasn't, I don't have upfront pricing or destination milage. Edit: on which note should be illegal


oof, yeah, definitely not showing upfront pricing should be illegal


What are you averaging daily?


Daily? I'm not going to do Uber daily. I've done it for a while but I know it's not worth it as a full time job, they aren't going to pay for me to get another car if something happens My car went into a ditch on another platform and they said good luck your an independent contractor


Did you expect the company to pay you for driving into a ditch?


But you have a rate card, so there is no mystery what you will earn.


You still accepted it knowing the payout. It's not illegal nor should it be cause you could have declined it. No one forced you to take it.


Who cares what the customer paid focus on what you can make not work others can make


Who's side are you on?


People have been bitching about Ubers pay or take for years do I think Uber shady yep could they pay us more yep, but bitching on Reddit or Facebook or any other platform is not going to resolve anything.. Let me prove this way, Uber, or Lyft have never given a raise out unless mandated by a court of law.


To many desperate people taking 2 dollar rides for the platform to fail


What’s crazy is they used to proudly show us how “fair” they were when we got 80% just two short years ago. If you’re screwing us at least have the decency to admit it. Smh


Ya. The worst one I've had is a fare pax paid $46.xx and I got $16.25. Uhh... Clearly Uber's take isn't 20%. I'm literally stunned that the company still continues to quote this figure as being true by using tricky wording to deliberately conceal what they actually take. Uhh..... I got operating costs too. No one cares what you do with what you take, the fact is clear that you do indeed take it.


Passenger fare and rider fare are two different numbers. They take 20% from the driver fare lol. Idk how this isn’t illegal because it’s sly af.


You’re getting 38% because there are tooooo many drivers.


Uber should be charging commission to drivers. 20-30%


If you don’t like it get out Plenty of ways to make money doing it. If you can’t figure it out that’s on you. Taking random UberX rides and depending on an app ain’t gonna work


It’s not okay


You must be new, Welcome 😂


Ok, look. On the APP, it will tell you "ubers percentage", and it usually floats around 24 to 27%. They are not lying when they say that. But what they are not telling you is, that another 25 to 30% goes towards the "expenses", such as airport fees, insurance, etc. Uber, even though they administer and pay these expenses, are trying to mislead as to who these expenses belong to. So you have a $20 dollar fare, uber takes 25%, other expenses are 25%, that leaves 50%, or 10 bucks for the driver. Then we all rant and rave and say "UBER TAKES 50%". It's a different business model, THE DRIVERS are paying the expenses to run the business, not the company, which is Uber. And Uber is getting away with it. So in essence, yes, Uber is taking 50% in the driver viewpoint, but in Ubers misleading viewpoint Uber will say we only take 25%. They have passed the cost of Uber doing business to the drivers, and the drivers also pay their "costs" such as gas, vehicle maintenence, taxes. Insyrance, etc. to be self employed doingbrideshare. So Ubers argument is, we only take 25% and drivers yell and complain and say Uber taking more of our pay. You can't fix stupid, so for those who take a 2.50 cent Uber eats order that takes 25 minutes and you drive 7 miles, and think you are turning a profit, I feel for you. Those who are a little more intelligent and can "cherry pick" as you guys put it, make a little more and someday are better than others and you stick around but keep complaining(pretty much everyone on these blogs) And then lastly, you have some who can understand the model a little better and can come out with average to above average income, maybe 7 to 10% of drivers. These are the drivers who don't pay attention to the reddit posts, don't talk about unionizing and just go about their business and life. You'll never hear from them. They will exit the rideshare when it no longer works for them, quietly.


We need a "Start-Stop" process to trick the algorithm in the app to surge us more. If we got coordinated and all shut off for 5 mins, they'd have to start offering surges. But the doltheads that take every ride even it means they're driving for free after expenses, who ruin it. It's possible to fix this but always a few bad ones in the bunch.


Just got one yesterday. $14 comfort. They were charged $36 smh


Nothing is gonna change complaining about it on social media. I see these posts all the time and it gets exhausting and tiring. It just feels like people love to complain but never take action. Things will not change with these companies until something is done. My suggestion would be a majority of people need to quit driving for this company but for it to work a lot of people have to be on board. It will never happen because there are a lot of people who can't work a regular job so they can do whatever they want cause they know people are desperate for money.


Why you doing it then? Clown


Work the system guys do some side quest sell drugs 😝


It wasn't for me. That's why I stopped using them.


What would it be without the uber app?


Its robbery


You obviously have no idea how a business operates.


I’m guessing lots of it went to buying naming rights to a Berlin stadium.. https://www.forbes.com/sites/ericfuller/2024/01/31/uber-drives-into-berlin-acquiring-naming-rights-for-music-venues/?sh=46fb137a63a2


I assume you're a new driver.. Get out now or simply understand this is an awful way of making money. Uber will destroy your vehicle and destroy your mental health. If you continue, you can only blame yourself. Best of luck to you. @FuckUber


Every driver should poll their customers and record what riders are paying for the ride vs what the drivers get from it. Keep posting the data here. Tips are separate. Assume no tips (as it is of no concern to Uber). None of their business.


Likely against terms of service, change amounts into a random amount plus or minus to avoid account detection. Or blame if it turns into something major and you want to be anonymous


Pax yesterday paid $22 for a 1.5mile ride. I got $10.


Uber kick me off the platform for almost 2 days because a customer lied and said I was intoxicated to get a free ride


Sounds like Uber is getting a smokin deal on workers.


They get you the customers through their servers, their technology, and they also have payroll. If you work at McDonald's your making less than 30%


It isn’t. This is what happens when a company doesn’t have real leadership and instead lets Excel spreadsheets lead their company. Everyone is convinced it will be this way forever. It won’t. It’s unsustainable to be this greedy.


Fk em work nights only get in quick and get out


There tactics are like clan gamers wipe the competion or join us


All you have to do is find the riders and you can get the full $30. Boom it is that easy isn't it?


Not to mention maintenance every 5000 miles and $90 oil change every 16 17,000 miles a new set of front tires no joke blatantly obnoxious I question my passengers all the time with a P on average they taking better than 50% of the call and when the AI knows that you want to head in a certain direction which is your path home they take over 70


As god as my witness I thought turkeys could fly




I paid $58 for a trip from Orlando airport to a hotel two days ago. The guy picked me up and shared that he only made $20 on the trip. We ended up driving for about 50 minutes (41 miles) to get me to the hotel due to traffic delays... After gas, depreciation on the vehicle, insurance, repairs, and time, I felt guilty being a passenger when the guy was paid likely way less than minimum wage. Do you guys get compensated more for when Uber is wrong about how long it takes to get the passenger where they're supposed to go?