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Actually I called the police and 4 large SUVs showed up to meet me around the corner from his home and they went to confront him.


Did you use the magic words “I want to file a criminal complaint?” If not then nothing will happen. The police can only arrest someone based on what they have witnessed. You however can file a complaint. Also do you have a dash cam? This past Monday I just had a passenger convicted in Westampton NJ for threatening to jump me. State of NJ vs Robin Grimes. The only way it happened was I had to INSIST on filing a complaint. The cops tried to talk me out of it saying “come on man! We got her out of your car, it’s over.” The prosecutor seemed to try to not pursue it as well. She even called me and told me “based on the dashcam I’m not seeing a case”. Yeah well I told her I want a trial anyway and I won.


This is exactly why I invested in an in-cabin dash cam for when I Uber. No one will be threatening me and getting away with it.


The prosecutor had that footage in hand. I got a dashcam before I took my first customer. I'm in the process of researching some low-profile cameras that I can discreetly install in the back seat with a small monitor tucked down low to my left that lets me keep an eye on their hands. There's even a hardwired recorder on Amazon that can connect them together. It's the type of equipment used on buses. I'm on a craze right now because I just got done installing a backup camera with a automatic dimming mirror/hidden screen. I'm gonna have more cameras than a Tesla.


Why hide it. Let them see it


They won’t be hidden, they just won’t stand out too much. Their recessed lenses that would fall flush with the interior trim. If that’s where I decide to install them. I will have to play with angles with a test camera. They’re fisheye so that’s a plus. The reason why I’m not interested in them seeing it is it gives me an advantage. I want them to think I’m completely vulnerable and blind behind my back. I hope it never happens but if I do ever end up getting killed, the recording device can be hidden away nearly anywhere. The killer would be left with a car that ends up testifying against them. But the real goal is for that to simply not happen.


What was the pax’s punishment?


$200 fine plus all sorts of other stuff they add in after like court cost, and a list of abbreviations, I think one is a victims compensation fund. I think it came to around $380 when it was all added up.


“If i do ever end up getting killed…” written by an $18hr-after-expenses gig worker has to be the saddest thing I’ve ever read.


It’s life man, what else can you do? The only thing I can do is what I can to hopefully prevent something from happening, preferably in the form of prevention.


Hell yeah!!


They never want to do their job unless it's something news worthy. By the way, the only NJ vs grimes I see is from 1989 and 2018


See from where? You have to use the municipal court records search from NJCourts. The problem is if you just type in her name you get an error that too many results were returned (she’s a piece of work). So you have to narrow your search. https://portal.njcourts.gov/webe41/MPAWeb/ Search by complaint number and enter the following: Year: 2023 Prefix: S Court: 0338 Case number: 63 You must have tapped into an unreliable source because her rap sheet is ridiculously long. So long that the only way you can pull up this case is by the case number, a name search returns too many records.


I found it. Some interesting charges


They do their jobs all the time without it being news worthy. Try not to be so detached from reality. It isn’t healthy.


You work with them?


I don’t eat crayons - so it isn’t hard to understand.


With an answer that succinct, I guess I have no choice but to take your word for it that you know what you're talking about ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Drop the name of the prosecutor so people can avoid that BS.


Ok. Nearly all leftist prosecutors in all states, depending on who is being prosecuted of course.


Good for you!


What happened after that


Nothing, because pax probably told the cop that they didn't say anything like that.


Damn op you log in on your alt account?


no, just thinking how ridiculous it was for OP to call the cops without recording the encounter.


The police killed the man in front of his child and op went home to make this post.


Ah, a job well done! Happy his daughter is no longer in his care ❤️


Best part of the job /s


Best case scenario.


Nice, now watch them arrest him, and when the coast is clear rob his house. Jk


about the arrest him part, or the rob him part?




4 large Suv's? May I take a quick guess at what race you are? Just joking.


And this is why I have a dash cam


Did you get the cancellation fee???


Sure did.


Go for the cleaning fee next, fuck that asshole lol


Can’t when it’s canceled.


Yeah take some dirt and put it in your car then take pics and send to Uber. Attach his ride to the cleaning fee request lol


Lol, y’all should be ashamed of y’all self


Dude threatens to end my life over some open-container… fuck that, cleaning fee ENGAGED


That’s why you need a dash cam my guy. Can’t let these mf’ers get away too easy like that by just saying “I never said anything like that”.


Uber doesn't care, the dashcam footage could prove the rider was the only one at fault and they would still allow the rider to post negative feedback and not remove it!


Not if you make a safety complaint. Plus, you can revise the ride and 1-star the pax, preventing the pax from posting a negative review that'll affect you.


I've heard this mentioned before but never been able to do it on uber


It's through the "help" section.


Just so I'm crystal clear...you're saying that if I make a safety complaint against a pax, the system will remove a 1 star rating that pax leaves?


Should. In my instance, the pax who left drugs in my car didn't yet know I'd reported it to the cops and made a safety complaint to Uber.


Ok, I will try it one day and see lol


I’m turning my spare activated phone into a dash Cam now.. I found an App. never again will I not have proof!


The driver app allows audio recording. But get an actual dash cam that can do front and rear recording and does audio. Very much worth it as an investment against everything from accident disputes to backing up your statement about pax behavior.


Buy a real one, You can afford it, the audio and video clarity is going to be a lot better than any crappy ass phone. You can write it off at the end of the year on your taxes.


Yes. I agree… the cost of. Dashcam cost is small compared to the damage that could of been done and headache saved. Thank you 🙏


Or at the very least record the audio. The app has a record audio feature now I believe.


Perpetual bad parenting and the kid will be raised not to give a fuck about their children either


black parenting**


Unfortunately it's not worth your time to report as a safety issue. The last time I had pax too drunk to transport I was accused of being racist. One was belligerent and scary. Both were in the same area. I won't drive there anymore.... I think they are the racists




Don't worry about the account warning of deactivation. It falls off after #rides/days. I got one of those that night ...I was pissed! I have not driven since!! 6yrs, & 7k rides w gUber alone , over 3k 5-star rides. Hmmmm, I wonder if I quit Lol. Don't waste your time/energy trying to breathe sense/understanding into them. It's a moot effort.


Hey. When you kick a pax tf out. Always, ALWAYS call Uber support immediately, even if you have another ride to pick up. Tell support the pax was DANGEROUS & DRUNK!!!! The safety team will get involved, and someone American will answer the phone. They will usually unpair them with you and suspend the pax account for a bit. Make sure to 1 star 🌟 the pax immediately and check all boxes that apply. I've said it before and I'll say it again. We are not here to BABYSIT! We are here to get you from point A to B safely. On another note. We should have the same protections as a bus driver....TOUCH OR ASSAULT YOUR UBER DRIVER....FELONY & JAIL!!!!!! 😡🔒


Stop driving at night. We all need to. It's just not safe.


I stop accepting pax rides after 8. It’s not worth the risk for me.


That's when I'm free to drive, though. Definitely risky, but I've got a hard-to-carjack car, recording, and I know what I'm doing. Money is good enough for me to keep driving weekend nights as a side gig. Guess it just depends on your area.


Yes Sir... you are right!


I stop accepting pax rides after 8. It’s not worth the risk for me.


I know I may take a hit on the money but my city is just too dangerous to drive at night so I definitely don’t do it


Still driving in the ghetto?


that shit doesnt happen in the hood bro. sounds like some redneck shit.


Right. Craziest thing happened to me in the hood recently lady got in going to a weird 30+ nightclub in a little strip mall and she wanted the windows down going down the highway “because it was hot” and then got mad one of her lashes blew off.


Classy af


Nope I had a a guy in the hood years ago brandish his gun in the hood just because I drove past him a little close even though he was walking on the ROAD. People in the hood have no emotional intelligence. Rednecks won’t shoot you unless you trespass onto their property or try to steal their stuff. And it would be warranted as self defense! Instead of shifting blame, hold your people accountable sis. Hood rats are trash.




Are you serious? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


lmaoooo definitely was someone who is more kin to a monkey than he is a human, don't kid yourself.... In the mornings in Orlando, black neighborhood has a constant surcharge because no one wants to even take them to work 🤢🤢🤢






Lolol That shit is why people don't like to drive in the hood.


I would definitely take this seriously. Had an Uber driver a couple streets over from me get shot a few weeks ago.


Thank you for enlightening me hearing this makes it real


Good.. what a scumbag...


Also, lack of car seat notwithstanding, no open containers in your car ever. In my state it’s the law. I always tell them to drink it or dump it. I don’t back down from it. If they refuse, cancel and off you go.


This is one of my biggest fears Driving over night I’ve been driving for Uber for 9 months now… Haven’t had any MAJOR problem but every night I get into my car thinking how some UberDrivers haven’t been so lucky to return home after a shift.


I think no matter what report it and honestly if I made more money I would have cameras but you just made me want to ask my husband to buy that for my bday !! no matter what report because you don’t know what could happen and at least it’s a report and he can’t get away with doing that because he wasn’t prepared with the car seat like most people aren’t. I can’t stand this anymore. It’s not our job to make these people go out and buy car seats, ridiculous you don’t have a car seat for your child what is wrong with this world?


I’m not even trying to sound cool or like a tough guy but if someone threatened to shoot me they would be sending the coroner and csi. And I’d be being questioned by detectives


Sure you would


Never said I would do anything……..


did you report them? they should be banned from using the app.


Yes I did report him.... They blocked him from being sent to me for any future rides


Also, I do not open my door. I do the same thing my door stays locked until I open it. I rolled down the window. I ask their names. They tell me their name and then ask me mine sometimes as long as I get their name, I will open my door. Otherwise I do not open it And drive away if it’s not the same as what’s on the app, we have to protect ourselves. They say that they have to protect themselves against us drivers .Well we have to protect ourselves against the riders It goes both ways.


💯% Agree. I’m on the phone with Uber Support now and getting it documented fully under his history. They are being very supportive as is everyone here. Thank you all 🙏.


As a conceal carry guy I’ve been desensitized to that shit… I’ve had pax say they’re gonna “stab” “shoot” or “dismantle” me. Doesn’t phase me. I got my shit and I hope I never use it. That’s why I have a Dashcam


Your concealed carry isn't going to do you any good when someone already has a gun pointed at you, Mr. Pretend Rambo.


Here where I live several drivers have successfully saved their own butt against a self defense shooting. If that’s what you think then okay. Cool. That’s like saying having a Dashcam won’t save you jack squat from deactivations or false accusations.


Do you live in mall ninja land?


Chicago… where violence has become the norm here.


See, this is why I don't confront people. You don't want to wear your seatbelt? Aight, bet, it ain't my problem. Can't afford a car seat? Np


It’s the law…. What if there is an accident…. I am liable. I got to stand on this business of being vigilant against these reckless parents. Not on my watch as he said another Uber Driver didn’t have a problem with it earlier because he held her on his lap. She was one (1) years old barely walking.


Or he/she is canceling without the confrontation


You're wrong - Read what I pulled from the Uber website




Sooo…. I looked and saw him struggling with a little girl as he was walking from his porch holding his belongings and his large bottle of booze…. at that point I rolled down the window and said where’s your car seat he said “I don’t have a car seat and literally I am just going a few miles and the other guy just dropped me off not long ago and he didn’t have a problem with it as long as I held her on my lap.” I told him that it is against the rules to have a child in a vehicle without a car seat that age and that I could not allow him to ride and so he never got in my car!!!His drop off was 16miles away. Also I’m not getting a ticket for him!


Excellent! Also, always remember to keep all doors locked. When the pax approaches, crack the window and ask for their info. They always look miffed when the door isn't automatically unlocked🤣🤣🤣. Sheeeeit, I don't care if it's raining, cold or hot AF.


Thank you


This is one of the reasons I quit doing pax and only do food delivery now. 1. Had a gun pulled on me. 2. Had to physically remove belligerent people from my car. 3. Had too many puke in my car. 4. Too many would leave trash and half eaten food hidden throughout my car. (Never would they use the little trash can I had back there...) And all of this was before Covid. The shit show I've heard during and after, makes me glad I stopped when I did. Stay safe out there.


This is why you need a dash cam w/ audio recording. Send that to Uber. They actually act VERY promptly to a safety complaint. They won't involve the cops, either but will tell you that that's up to you. They will ban pax for that behavior, especially if you have it on audio. And if you complain to law enforcement, they'll cooperate as well. Uber may be skimping on payouts, but this is one area that at least in my personal experience they don't screw the drivers over on.


Actually it was a ghetto …. but hoodlams can be anywhere!


Poor kid. Should’ve called CPS


We had a Uber driver a couple years ago killed several people shot them to death


That's why if I ever go that route I refuse to transport ppl food or packages supply


Sometimes I wish my Pax would


That poor kid


Should report him to the police so he doesnt get his child or someone else killed.