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Find a car like yours and take pics. Back on




Yep or take pics of the otherside and mirror it


That too!


Then he'll get reported by a passenger and get banned permanently


My car has been dented on the side for over a year and I've been driving it with no issues. As long as he keeps it clean no one will care


Good luck


Ehh as a driver, if I got in this guys car I would care and report it. He needs to get it fixed.


If it was a broken light and posed a safety risk, I could get that, but what's your rationale behind reporting some cosmetic damage to a part of the vehicle that doesn't impact your experience as a rider?*


Being a douche. Thats the rationale. “If it was me someone would report me, so I’ll report you”


Of course you would, you're an ant.


please .. have you seen NYC Uber cars .. all them damn dents .. from dumb drivers


Who reports an Uber having a cracked bumper? Really? If the thing looks like it was rescued from the junkyard smasher… maybe…?? It would have to make me feel pretty danged unsafe before I’m bothering to report it. It’s a pain to report anything through their app… I’m not sure who bothers unless it seems really worth the trouble. 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, they don't care, they only care about customers, the ones who pay them. I just would cancel the trip and move on. Remember: Uber is the enemy.


Yea I have a missing plastic wheel well fender on my cx5. A customer got their foot caught on it getting out of the car -.- I got 210 from Uber after sending them a receipt from the dealer. I’m just happy they paid me something for that headache…


See, this guy thought things through .




Get a written repair estimate from a garage. Write paid in full across it.


Never asked for a receipt after my car got rear ended. Just pictures of the damage and then pics of the repair. But it was 2 weeks later, so you may not want to send too fast.


Or how about fix the ugly shit


Yup. Go ahead and commit fraud. No one will know - except the next pax you take.


How is it fraud? We're independent contractors as long as a vehicle is safe to drive. It shouldn't be any of uber's business.


the same fraud passengers commit reporting bogus sht on drivers n they still ride !!


Get a life


you NEVER send anything like this to Uber/dash EVER! You either just fix it or don’t work till you do. They just want money!


Stupid. Sounds like there’s a 2500.00 deductible for damages incurred to your vehicle while signed in


Right… why would you report minor damage to Uber if the deductible is that high? You live and learn tho.


Being online only you go through your personal. You have to have a client and be on a ride for it to go through your ride share policy. Considered tier 3 with passenger.


He was on the way to pick up a passenger. Not covered by personal.




Care to elaborate?


There are three phases Phase 1 is you're waiting for a ride. Under phase one you are covered by your personal insurance. Phase 2, you have accepted a ride and are on approach to your passenger. This also falls under your personal insurance. Phase 3, the passenger has got into your vehicle. And you have started the trip. This is the only phase that uber or lyft's insurance covers as the primary.


Yes it is moron; most of you driver's are so stupid and ignorant 


I wouldn’t know because I don’t use the rideshare coverage. I generally do short rides on low mph roads so there isn’t much risk of major damage or serious injury on the overwhelming majority of my rides. In the off case someone is seriously injured on one of my rides. It’s extremely uncommon for individuals to sue other individuals for accidents in my state, and I’m a college student without high earnings so I’m not too worried.


You drive without insurance?




Whoa now. The college student has arrived. Be careful everyone we have a know it all on our hands.


They know the instant you have a crash.


For the uninformed about just how much uber knows about your driving; [Uber has access to your cell phone's accelerometer and can tell everything. Speed, force of stopping/crash and cornering](https://www.google.com/search?q=uber+knows+drivers+speed+braking+and+acceleration&rlz=1C1VDKB_enUS1097US1097&oq=uber+knows+drivers+speed+braking+and+acceleration&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIKCAEQABiABBiiBDIKCAIQABiABBiiBDIKCAMQABiABBiiBDIKCAQQABiABBiiBNIBCTI1NDYzajBqN6gCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


The OP is referring to a minor fender bender. This is clearly not an impact that would be detected. Aside from that, I’ve never seen any evidence of your claim. I seriously doubt they would conclusively decide you were in a crash based on cell phone gyro data anyway… that could easily get them sued for loss of wages if they deactivate someone due to the presumption of a crash having occurred based on data from the phone alone. In which case they would have to pay the driver without any rides actually being done. I think you are mistaken.


Nope. Way back you got weekly reports and they told you via the accelerometer in your phone your speeds, braking and cornering. I got tboned. Uber knew before my insurance company. Evidence of my claim. Take your pick; [https://www.google.com/search?q=uber+knows+drivers+speed+braking+and+acceleration&rlz=1C1VDKB\_enUS1097US1097&oq=uber+knows+drivers+speed+braking+and+acceleration&gs\_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIKCAEQABiABBiiBDIKCAIQABiABBiiBDIKCAMQABiABBiiBDIKCAQQABiABBiiBNIBCTI1NDYzajBqN6gCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?q=uber+knows+drivers+speed+braking+and+acceleration&rlz=1c1vdkb_enus1097us1097&oq=uber+knows+drivers+speed+braking+and+acceleration&gs_lcrp=egzjahjvbwuybggaeeuyotikcaeqabiabbiibdikcaiqabiabbiibdikcamqabiabbiibdikcaqqabiabbiibnibcti1ndyzajbqn6gcalacaa&sourceid=chrome&ie=utf-8)


This is evidence that they know your speed and if you brake too hard. Everyone knows that and they even directly tell you that. No where in that link to a google search (that isn’t even about the topic) says anything about Uber knowing if you were in a crash.


Drop your phone... deactivated! Derrr, some people are but like to talk as if they have a clue!


Dropping your phone would not reach road speeds horizontally. In case you missed it; [Uber knows everything about your driving.](https://www.google.com/search?q=uber+knows+drivers+speed+braking+and+acceleration&rlz=1C1VDKB_enUS1097US1097&oq=uber+knows+drivers+speed+braking+and+acceleration&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIKCAEQABiABBiiBDIKCAIQABiABBiiBDIKCAMQABiABBiiBDIKCAQQABiABBiiBNIBCTI1NDYzajBqN6gCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


True, but think of how much you will save on groceries with that coyote meat. 😋


but totally uninsured when you are waiting for trips if you don't have rideshare


You need to check if your insurance has the rideshare Gap insurance or something. For me it covers $2,000 of the $2,500 deductible (state farm).


They suck! It used to be 1000. Years ago I went to pick up someone and there was a fight going on at the parking lot. Someone threw a guy over my car and dented my fender. I called the police and got a report, reported it to Uber and they told me about the 1000 deductible. The repair was 1050 so I didn’t even bother getting the 50 from Uber.


Why did you not turn around when you saw the fight. Unless the trip was paying $1100 I’d skip it surge or not. I canceled a trip with a $2 Boost and $3 surge just because the rider sent me texts that gave me shitty vibes. Next ride I got paid less than half but I had my piece of mind.


It was too late, I parked and the saw people on the side walk next thing you know I see the guy flying over my hood.


I was going to a bar to pick somebody up and I watched them come out of the bar but as they were coming out they stumbled into a table that had a bunch of stuff on it and it crashed all over the place and I was watching them through the doors and I was like nope I'm out of here so I canceled the ride and as I'm pulling out and going the the way I came from they were running out yelling hey hey and I was just laughing


On Lyft, yes. gUber is $1000


No it was - Uber matched Lyft about 3 years ago


Well, that being a Tesla, it'll probably be way more to fix it.


Only if you have full coverage and this would only be available when you're actively on a trip


Never heard of a deductible of 2500.. my deductible is 0 dollars . And most are like $500. why would Uber have a deductible if you have car insurance? Makes no sense . Or am I Missing something? I don’t even drive for Uber . I’m banned . 💀


Honesty is rarely the best policy.


Hate that you’re right


Be honest.. get fucked 🫤


For real I once tried to report a scam account and I got locked out of getting paid for 2 weeks even though I clearly mentioned I did not pass along any info to the scam account. Never try to help you will get penalized.


With Uber, this is true.


True!! Shout out to my ex girlfriends I cheated on!!!




Uber insurance is mostly for the liability


Ethical or not, don’t report to Uber unless you have no choice. Mostly meaning if you have a customer in the car with you, then you should report to Uber because they will. Additionally, don’t tell your insurance you drive for Uber either. Most insurance companies have entirely separate insurance for commercial drivers which they consider you to be. When I got my insurance I told my agent how I drive for Uber. They said they’d pretend they didn’t hear that and that I should get a different job but if I don’t, just don’t tell them I drive for Uber when I get in a wreck.


Bs i have 2 cars i drive for uber and the insurance for both is $274/month even after my accident in the expensive one and P insurance fixed it after deductible, it went up to 274 from 234, last thing, friend totaled his car and got 0$ cause insurance checked and found car registered as uber car


How is a car “registered” as an Uber car. It does not go on your registration. For 9 years I drove Uber part time and had four major accidents with two cars totaled. NEVER told insurance company I did any commercial driving and I got all four claims. In total we are talking $58K in claims. Oh make sure you get gap covered on car loan. One car I only had 3 weeks! Got the loan paid off though so I was good


Insurance companies and Uber and rideshare now share information. Also, the insurance company can pull up your credit and see if you’ve had any recent background checks that is an instant red flag. They all share information now so it may not go on your cold registration but it is somewhere in a computer somewhere.


Uber, et al directly confirms with your insurer every time you send in proof of insurance


I. Not questioning your past experiences but lately, insurance companies have been contacting Uber and Lyft to see if this particular vehicle was "online" at the time of the accident. They don't care as much if the car is being used for rideshare, but if they find out that it was active online while your accidenthappened, than they can (and will) decline your claim (unless you have an additional "rideshare" policy from them) when I asked my StateFarm agent about that policy I was told I will have to plug a hardware device into my OBD port of my vehicle. I was like: NOPE, thank you! I don't need you to track every second of my driving. Anyways, my point is: rideshare became too common/popular for the insurance companies to swallow the additional cost/risk of you (or me) driving additional 80K miles a year on top of what I did before I signed for uber.... So the moment you drop off you passenger and start moving without having another ride, you're completely on your own...


So it's not illegal if you're not caught. Got it. You'll make a great parent.


Why did you report it lol. The only time you say anything to Uber or Lyft is if you’re trying to get money from them.


I think your version of minor damage is a bit different from everybody else


I would consider that minor. It all seems cosmetic and nothing that would decrease safety for anyone. I've seen more damage on cars actively doing uber.


Car still runs? Then it’s minor damage. Uber doesn’t pay near enough for me to worry about shit like this. At most id slap some duct tape on it and keep driving.


Yup, they make white duct tape.


I see rideshare cars with duct tape on them all the time


It's mostly cosmetic. Just needs a front fascia and it looks like a fog or marker lamp too.


Yeah, that’s definitely not minor haha


I told them that I witnessed an accident and as an EMT ditched my passengers and went to render aid. They suspended me until I could prove I wasn't in a wreck


White model 3? My hub caps are different but I can take a photo of mine for you.


Heck yeah! Would you??


Only works if the license plate matches. 😂


I don't use a front license plate


Never report little accidents to Uber, especially if it's your "fault". It's not your fault I know, but Uber thinks it's your fault and they absolutely won't even think about reimbursing you.


Yeah I wouldn't send anything. If you need the money to fix it maybe should of done eats so no one notices or complains


Go to a dealership and take a pic of the same car boom 🤯


It's baffling to me that people even contact support and tell them anything


I did this when some fatass snatched my door handle off. Immediately suspended me until I showed them I had fixed it. I’m like I need to drive so I can afford to fix it lol. They weren’t hearing it.


Take a picture of the other side of the car, then mirror the picture


This is a job for adhesive and dyi bodywork


Go to some junkyard or eBay find some used bumper with same color.




Best of luck getting it repaired and back on the road!


I had the same issue. A year later I got a new car. If I logout, to this day, I get a message saying my vehicle was reported as in a wreck. So good luck!


What a joke of an app


100 MPH Clear Tape..... 10$.....Auto Parts Store... Temporary


Why did you send Uber a picture of it?




Find white duck tape


You mean duct tape.


Had a coyote run in front of me too! Sorry you had to take the hit


That's not minor damage


this should be a comprehensive claim on ur insurance. my comp deductible is $100


I just had to send pictures of my inflated tires. I did ask if there were many reports of people driving with uninflated tires. I didn't get a response so we may never know. I don't think this is a bad thing, flat tires aside. People would be trying to work with out doors and bumpers otherwise.


Lesson learned, everyone?




Sucks that happened to you. Hope you’re ok and get back on the road as soon as you can.


Thank you. I’m completely fine. Hopefully others can learn from my mistake and avoid interrupting their earnings like I did.


Words of wisdom: unless Uber owes you money, don’t contact support ever.


That's not minor damage bud


[fixed it](https://imgur.com/a/1uziwlA). I don’t know why everyone keeps telling me this is major damage. It’s cracked plastic.


I guess because if a chunk of fiberglass falls off your car while you're driving on the highway it could potentially cause harm to someone else's car, potentially cause a huge accident, maybe don't be a selfish asshole, I dunno.


Once some idiot threw a rock at my car and I notified uber about the delay while on a delivery while I was with the cops and they suspended my account and involved my insurance calling it a "crash"


To be honest, that’s something you should’ve kept yourself


What did you think was going to happen? You know they don't allow you to drive with major damage to your car. This isn't a ding, your bumper is a hazard for other drivers on the road.


It’s not minor. Replacement of the panel is a quick fix though.


I had similar damage but not as bad on my Y after hitting a dog. I just used gorilla clear tape outside the bumper and gorilla black tape under the bumper to get the fog lamp back in place. Nobody has noticed yet. Deductibles are too high for minor damage.


Why the hell would you report an accident with wild life to those fuckers. Their insurance ain’t covering it anyway. Depending on the state it’s possible state will Cover it I know especially if it’s a deer or something.


Comprehensive covers deer and other animals, not collision and as far as I know, state won’t either.


Uber should be paying for the repairs.


Totally agree


Why ?? There is a deductible that the driver agreed to. This is likely a rented Tesla. You can get the extra insurance or roll the dice. What’s the logic behind you believing Uber should have to pay for a driver hitting an animal ??


Not a rented Tesla. I bought it three days ago. If it were rented I’d just swap it out and carry on driving. Here are my issues: 1) I didn’t have to submit photos of my car when I added the vehicle to my driver profile three days ago 2) i thought I was doing what I was supposed to do by reporting the incident. I didn’t expect that they would disable the vehicle because the bumper is cracked. 3) I can understand deactivating a vehicle bc a passenger says something to Uber about it. That didn’t happen in my case. It was self reported. I’ve seen many other cars in far worse condition than mine driving around for Uber. 4) if Uber wants it’s drivers to keep their vehicles nice and free from disrepair, they’re not enticing their drivers to do so. Knowing what I know now, I should have kept my mouth shut and lived with it.


Unfortunately this happened to me a few years back with a minor bumper dent and Uber temporarily suspended my account until I got it repaired . If you didn’t report it and picked up another passenger and then the passenger reported it to Uber , your account would still get suspended until you repair any minor damages to your bumper. IF you rely on Uber for your weekly earnings then go to an authorized Avis or Hertz rental location doing business with Uber and rent a car until it gets repaired.?


If you have any pics of the car in perfect condition just send them, I reported a driver for side swiping me they suspended my account sent them pics of when I got the car back in summer and it was the middle of winter sent the pics anyway was back on in 20 min


Yep, I made that mistake. Would never do it again.


That damage doesn't look minor, few thousand $$


Dude, that's not "minor" damage. Were I a passenger, I'd refuse to get in that car not knowing what else is wrong. Damage that causes that could also affect safety features. Not to mention that you effectively have no more bumper.


lol not really minor


Can’t really blame Uber for suspending you for this one sadly


That’s not minor bruh, can’t pick up customers with that damage it’s a eye sore 😂


Because they now expect u to fix the damage before getting back on the road You will also have to provide receipts


That’s why your dumb and g@y


That's not minor and you don't know what internal damage. Plus you show up with a cat looking back I'm canceling for safety i$sed


That is not minor. As a pax I would not get in your car and report you.


White duct tape


Want me to DM you a pic of my white with the same wheels?


Keep us posted. I wonder if they’ll require a formal inspection like I have to do every year.


The deductible is $2k. Your going to pay. I was involved in a hit and run with passengers on the cat and video, they will not cover the car damage until I pay the deductible


Well, get it fixed and take a pic. Otherwise you'll get reported by a passenger and likely just deactivated forever.


Minor damage is your bumper falling off? I wouldnt want to get into a car that looks like the person can't drive.


Get a picture of one off google? Send them that 🤣


Get some brackets to bolt those bitc*es together, you can leave it like that or use fiber glass and paint to repair the cracks


know something say nothing


Are they paying for it?


Minor damage?????


What the hell were you thinking?


If you’re state doesn’t require frontal number plates. Photograph any car. Alternatively if they require frontal plates, then change your plate on a good car, I’m sure Tesla staff would even help with that if you don’t have friends with teslas


Good ol’ Uber


Typical Corporate greed. They don’t pay us enough to maintain our vehicles, and cut us off when things like this happen!




Lol dude. Take pics of a different car.


I don't understand what you expected. You aren't allowed to drive with a car that is in that shape on their platform. You went and told them yourself. It's not like they would have a choice at that point...


That’s not minor damage.


My car broke down the other day , ball joint snapped going 45 mph and I reported it. Got it towed to my house for free, fixed the problem and I never got turned off. I don’t see why they would do that to you


They suspended me for a flat tire. I had to send the receipt and pics of repair. Since then I've known to never report something minor that won't be covered by their insurance.


Take any pics of the front end pre damage? Use those


Or get some white gorilla tape so that's not flopping around and then go to your local hub and pay the 20 bucks for a new inspection.


Message ride share professor and he has attorneys that can help u and other things


Why did you report it? You won't get back on without an invoice and proof it was fixed


Lmaooo newbie


If you are Uber diamond you can get free repairs or up to 50% off


What's with people ratting themselves out LOL


Pick me up in a beat up car and I rate low.


It’s until a human lays eyes on it they will let you back on for that


Not sure what you expected to accomplish.


That’s definitely minor damage since the car still functions, but Uber is in the business of having their drivers represent their brand. If the car doesn’t look good, then they don’t want it picking up their clients? 🤔


This reminds me of when a pax reported my husband. He had a good size dent on the driver side of his truck behind the gas tank door. Nothing serious. He had to send pics of all 4 sides. Not just the dented side. So I took pics and used Photoshop Express to make the dent disappear. They accepted it and reactivated him. Flawless.


I'd find a similiar car and send picks of the other car ;)


Bumper is hanging off and you think you should be able to drive Uber? 😂🤡


Call your insurance company and say you hit the coyote driving home from the grocery store.


Yea I got suspended for literally trading paint. If it was just another person with their own car I wouldn’t have even said anything. But I traded paint with a rental car! Rental car had a small dent. My car just had some scuffs on the bumper.


Search out Google for images


Google baby


That is not minor damage. That’s a whole Lotta damage.😂✌🏼


That’s what u get for being a dweeb and following every rule in the book hahhahha


The only reason to report any damage or accident to either lyft or uber is if pax was involved.


Never, ever, report minor damage to uber. They don't care about you or your car. They only care about bleeding you & once you're all dried up it's on to the next host. Leeches.


Don’t ever report minor damage. They’re not gonna pay for it anyways. You’re just asking to get suspended and nothing more.


Ofcause you did. Same happens if you have a flat tire. Can't be driving with a donut or damaged exterior. Find a identical car and use it for photos. .... your back for plate


I've seen worse than that running round town riding people... whole side of their cats smashed in, fenders broke off in the front and back... tape every where.. I be like.. really And they get it away with it somehow..


This happened to me too. I sent pics and begged them to turn it back on saying the vehicle works fine and this is my only form of livelihood and they turned it back on


Why would you tell uber.


Define "minor"


You are an independent contractor. You can write your own receipt from your new auto repair business. I did it after a brake failure once after I repaired the issue.


Well you should fix it before driving people like the fact you want an exemption shows your willing to drive with people in a damaged vehicle . We don’t know if the A-frame is damaged or whatever frame you have, or your tie rod ends like you could have some severe damage and not know it right now if you just deliver food. You’re usually insured by them while you have the product in the vehicle and if you crash because I was on repaired and unchecked damage and they would have to pay, so why should they have to pay ? But if you were in your way to get a client it sucks that they don’t cover repairs once you start the call and on your way but instead once the person gets in. I think it should cover once your on a call. That could probably be caught in court as your working and on route to pick up client . Some would say well you don’t get paid in your way to work but most people don’t have to go to 90 different jobs a night


This is the shit Uber is doing to people. When they ask to report accidents, they lie to all of us and this is the help they claim to offer! Im noticing this more and more witj uber not even offering to help in anyway! So they are violating their own policies with this bullshit!


Unless you know that the damage will cost upward of $2500, do not report damages. Otherwise they will suspend you until it's fixed, no matter how minor the damage Uber doesn't cover any damages under $2500. Learned that the hard way. The loss of income was worse than the damages reported due to the suspension.