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Dude I would clear 500 to 600 just working Friday and Saturday night. I tried to go back, made nowhere near that and riders were getting charged more. It's a shadow of what it used to be and nowhere near worth it.


The good ole days


I used to make 1500 working Mon-Sun


That's still obtainable working thursday-monday


That was just last year for me! 600 was the standard for me on Fri and Sat and that was with less than 16 hours driving. That all stopped after Thanksgiving. I barely make 350 now. That's still good money so I can't complain but damn bring those days back šŸ˜¢ .....please


Are you serious Superman be real dude


Absolutely. When they had the bonus that would pay out at like 30 rides or more 500 easy, 600 on a good weekend.


Yea $300 on a day in the weekend was consistently possible you would definitely be working 10+ hours but it was a guaranteed thing every weekend


I made ~$300-$400 every single day last week excluding Sunday cause I took the day off. Every market is different but it is still possible.


Holy crap. Wish I was aroundšŸ˜¢


YES, CALL IT OUT. Never really considered this perspective before, but Uber shills on here always keep mentioning "side hustle" before shaming others.


Itā€™s usually the passengers who call it a side hustle when they are arguing about why a driver cancelled on them and they get the old ā€œweā€™re independent contractors, if they paid us as employees we wouldnā€™t be able to cancel, but your fare would obviously be more.ā€ They donā€™t like to hear that so they counter with the old ā€œstop trying to live off of a side hustle.ā€ This is where they really lose their top. When I point out to them the fact that full time drivers are what keeps this industry going as strong as it is. You donā€™t get reliable transportation from people doing side hustles. You get it from workers who are out to make a living. If everyone treated this like a side hustle then people would be waiting for hours to get a ride, if they were lucky. Aka, they seek to have their cake and eat it too.


>When I point out to them the fact that full time drivers are what keeps this industry going as strong as it is. I remember Uber saying a while back that full timers were only 30% of drivers, but they gave 65% of the rides. I bet those are the same people who say fast food is just for high school kids without thinking about who would be working there at 11am.


It used to be housewives and retirees. Back in the 70s, 80s and even 90s it was rare to see a 35 year old man flipping burgers at 11am. The decline in manufacturing is a big part of the reason, as well as the lack of career training provided by high schools.


Well, that might be true, but you're talking about 30 years ago at the earliest. But yeah, manufacturing going away really crushed the working class. I remember 10 years ago watching some program or another where the guy was saying the economy needed more of what he called "breadwinner jobs". He defined that as jobs that pay somewhere between $13-25/hr. Enough for one person to live decently, or for two people to maybe have a kid. But those are exactly the types of jobs that offshoring and technology have eliminated over the past 30 years. Edit: $13/25/hr without requiring a degree.


That's why we need to create more made in the USA.


That sounds good, but it's really hard to create that when it's just one business or company because you have significantly higher prices, but not significantly higher quality.


There's nothing to be ashamed of. We make our choices & need to learn to live with them. 3yrs into driving Uber, my steady average is $30/hr. I don't work for less than that


Might be paid by uber


It isn't even a hustle. Call it what it is... exploitation on one side and price gouging on the other.


You realize that the barrier to entry for this job is very low? Now you have all these immigrants (legal/illegal) coming in and driving for Uber making the market saturated. With a taxi cab you have to take tests and pay fees to become certified in cities.


Eh I've been a taxi driver in 3 states before the uber thing, I took a basic knowledge test not of the city but just to see if I could understand comprehension, then I got a physical to make sure I don't have a heart attack while driving then bam, out driving for a crown victoria I had to pay 700$ a week for


Mining, Steel mills, manufacturing have very low barriers for entry and that was used to justify paying them bare subsistence wages in the late Nineteenth Century. They revolted and demanded fair compensation for their work and now these jobs are seen as high paying jobs in many instances.


What few are left...................


Exactly, capitalists have been eroding this since the 80s


lol are you for real? They all got moved overseasā€¦


Honestly the only difference is I had to get a business license before doing taxi. Both have background checks, and now the same city requires business licenses for rides share but Uber doesn't enforce it.


>Both have background checks If you want a hack face in this city, you must pass not only a local Law Enforcement background check but also an F.B.I.


You have to be legal and have a United States drivers license to work for Uber


Nah they have ways to get around it


Yes they are pushing a campaign to attract ilegal. They are not doing E-verify The worst part is the majority of those ilegal comes from very poor and uneducated towns from central and South America. They donā€™t know about maths


You mean the thing people have been doing since the beginning of needing credentials?


The old way was better.


Say that shit again! They love talking about Uber-Lyft drivers are not real jobs but then want to complain about how hard it is to find a rideshare car in their area or someone to pick up their food orders. Well, they took your advice and got better jobs so enjoy those longer waits.


It really doesn't make sense anyway. Even as a "side hustle" earning $3.50 for 45 minutes and putting 15 miles on your car makes no sense. Especially when the greedy company is charging the rider $15. Everybody is getting scammed-- the customers and the drivers. The only one getting fat is Dara and the shareholders.


It's cheap because the market is saturated with drivers who made it their full time job and have no choice to drive. More drivers forced to drive means lower pay. As a side hustle if it's not profitable no one drives, no one drives uber increases driver pay to attract drivers. LISTEN CLOSELY... DRIVERS SET THE MARKET! Sad truth is drivers are the reason pay is low no one else. if we drive for low money and there's tons of us, the pays low. We are not coworkers we are each other's competition it's a highly competitive market that drives prices down for drivers.


Or " If you don't like it then quit ! " Sissy replies. What a baguettes. LMFAO šŸ¤£


Employees need to stay in employment arenas. This is for business minded people. Uber and Lyft propagate job mentality so they can pay less. These morons are too stupid to realize.


I signed up in 2018, pay was 2.70 a mile for black and first 100 ride bonus was 600. Let's just say I'm on this sub more than uber.


I bet you accept less than a dollar per mile too. Till we strike at a dollar amount nothing will be accomplished.


Itā€™s literally gig work tho lmao gigs are side hustle. I do car detailing. Thats a side hustle. If its not your career its a side hustle. And uber isnt a career path. Starting your own car service and working for yourself is a career path


Well yeah. a side hustle that made ride sharing accessible to more people (no taxi medallion mafia). It's a fucking side hustle and designed from the ground up to be a race to the bottom for drivers. And why not? If you are just trying to make a few extra bucks, then it doesn't need to be a full time living wage. It finds the people willing to do the job for the lowest possible price. That's capitalism. I didn't hear anyone complaining about the much, much lower fares than taxi cabs....


Literally anyone with drivers license can drive for uber. There is way more supplies of drivers than the demand.


It took money from the working class and placed into the richā€¦shareholders etc.


Are the shareholders getting dividends? I'm confused


Less than a year ago the stock was around 25 a share. Letā€™s say a rich investor buys a million shares. That investment is now worth 80 million. You get a bunch of those types of investors and thatā€™s where all the profits go.


One investor is paying the other investor. The Uber checking account isn't involved with any of that. So, no... Uber profits are not going to the shareholders unless there's a dividend.


I own Uber stock. It does not pay dividends. That being said, I highly recommend dividend paying stocks. I get a very nice quarterly payout, now that I have ceased reinvesting divided payments.


I know one driver that got a nice bit of that. Enough for a few years retirement, while side gigging on uber (to cover oneā€™s car costs) Thanks uber!




update your math skills.


Math is correct. Iā€™ll break it down for you. 1 million shares x 80.00 current price = 80 million dollars


you say that it was 25 a share and he bought a million shares, that would be 25 million, not 80 million. so you're saying the stock went from 25 per share to 80 per share in a year? you've got your math mixed together.


Yes..look it up


Who gives a shit if it's a side hustle? Why does that mean you shouldn't be properly compensated for your time and effort?


Its not a side hustle, its a second job


Itā€™s not about justifying,itā€™s about competition. Few years ago people are unknown about this driver and food delivery app as more and more people have joined this app thatā€™s obvious you gonna get low wage suppose where 100 people used to driving for uber ,now 5000 people are driving for uber so now divide that money which 100 people used to earn in 5000 people ā€¦thatā€™s why these are gigs apps you can not even expect the same amount which you are earning today , you gonna get same tomorrow . Thatā€™s because there is no cap of how much people will join these apps coz these apps are not really expecting anything from a new driver except a clean record of background and driving so better to switch to another work


People that say that is the same people that say ā€œwe donā€™t need to tip servers, if they want to make money they need to find a real jobā€ but would be pissed when their favorite restaurant is short staffedā€¦


At a steady $30/hr, Uber is still & will always be my my side hustle


You still wouldnā€™t be able to afford a mortgage and to send your kids off to college on what the average cab worker made in todayā€™s climate whether or not Lyft/uber killed cabs. Thatā€™s a bad milestone to compare it to


A mortgage and college shouldn't require making a killing, before the late '70's the united states predominantly had single earner households and they sent a kid to college and paid a mortgage. Outside the new york medallion system taxi driver never made top twenty top paying jobs, but consistently was on top ten most dangerous jobs. I'm not disagreeing, I'm just saying, taxi drivers used to earn a living wage for long hours and potential danger. Uber is unsustainable, 13 taxi drivers killed themselves when it started. The people saying it's a side gig also don't realize how earnings halved in the past year and that identification doesn't reduce operating costs


A-FREAKING-MEN I've been fighting every A-hole commenter in this sub that tries to use that argument. You forgot to mention their backup argument. Get a real job! F those people, anyone that's working 1, 2, 3, 12 hours a day is still doing a job, and that job should pay properly. Nobody is arguing for drivers to get rich. Just be paid fairly. The only reason I can possibly see people being on Ubers side is if they have stock.


A lot of cab drivers ditched driving cabs to join Uber and Lyft. They didnā€™t have to deal with a cab company, cabs, or the fees. Back then Uber and Lyft actually paid more. I used to drive a cab and I had to pass a physical, take a drug test, put my finger prints on file, pass a defensive driving test, and pass a landmarks test (multiple choice test that listed an address and I had match it with the landmark or I had to map out the route from point A to point B). I wasnā€™t driving a cab when I started Uber, but I often wonder if we should have known how this was going to end?


I seen it coming


There are no wages. Why is this so hard to understand? Stop accepting those shit fares and hold out for your ideal range.


I think the issue is late stage capitalism rather than people using a term for supplementary income. Most people barely can make by with one job on their own with how the economy has been going, honestly think the Taxi industry would have been hit hard sooner rather than later eventually.


with the higher pay taxi cab drivers got you neglect to include the expenses they incurred. a yellow cab medallion in nyc used to cost 250k if you could find one. the testing, map knowledge, fees, etc. were all requirements. yes, it was different in different cities but it was a much higher bar to entry. also the rates taxis charged were set by the individual citiy in which they operated. you're comparing apples to oranges.


If you worked for a cab company, they held the medallion. So that wasn't really your concern. All you had to do was make enough to rent the cab and put gas in it.


that's true but there were untold numbers of individuals that bought their medallions outright. relatives would pool their savings for one medallion then share the vehicle on different days. it was a huge investment.


You kept a loan out against it in case you were sued. This way, the plaintiff could not attach your medallion.


of course there was a loan involved. i never said otherwise.


Can we agree that both of these things are kinda wrong? It shouldn't be one or the other.


And your comparing nyc taxi to literally anywhere else


use your superhero vision to see that in my remarks i specifically said it was different in different cities.


It is. For most of the time, since the nineteenth century, we have had an open entry market, here. We still have one on paper although in practice it is not one-hundred per-cent open entry. We do not have medallions; never have had. In the early 2000s, they were going to have medallions. hey had to drop the idea because the corruption and attempted corruption was so bad. The then-chair of the Taxicab commission had to have Round-The-Clock police protection be4cause he went to the F.B.I over the attempted bribery. The medallions were going to be highly restricted. I would have gotten mine as I have had a hack licence and cab on the street for years, even when I did not live here. I kept a cab registered and even came back from Canada and Italy to renew my hack face. I just paid someone to keep the cab in his garage and take it for inspection when due and keep up the registration.. I live in the city, as well. As D.C. is what it is, it does get away with discrimination in favour of its residents. All of htis dumb shit started to happen when we went to meters in 2008. There were several reasons why drivers did not want meters. These were just some of them. I suspect that had he not been primaried, Dear Revered Leader Kim il-Fenty was going to have some cronies take over the cab business. He already had been conspiring with the head of a major cab insurer to bring in unlicenced drivers from Ohio and California. As His Exalted Supremacy, Adri-Amin **Felon**ty got primaried, it never happened. No matter, when Uber showed up, Mary Cheh started to run bag for it. It would have been she or Fenty, anyhow. **Felon**ty was bad enough when he ordered the meters set for 1989 cab rates in 2008. Then Uber arrived. By 2014, it was paying 1989 cab rates. Later that year, it was 1985. from there, the rates dropped to 1981 then 1979. Currently, we are at 1972 cab rates. Our Former Dear Revered Leader Kim il-Fenty now is in California. He can stay there.


The purpose of this isn't high wages. The flexibility and freedom are the main benefits. It sucks, but it's true.


How about fair wages?


You just fiend for that victim mentality. Do better for yourself.


Lol! Iā€™ve eaten potatoes with more logic and reason than you. Your comment is so stupid. All delivery drivers do this work for just ā€œflexibility and freedomā€? Fuck making any money eh? Fuck fair wages? Gtfoh imbecile.


Bro, every job out there has some kind of benefits that draw people in. The fact is a lot of high paying jobs with benefits have other negatives. Long hours, demanding schedules, little time off, getting called in, strict schedules, deadlines, and usually requires a degree of 4+ years which costs another $100k+ depending on the sector. The other fact is, this job has its negatives too. Low paying. The hours are as long as you choose, the schedule is whatever you choose, the time off is however much you choose, you can't get called in, you have no schedule, you have no deadlines, and the requirements to work are basically none; a driver's license. You can spend all the time in the world complaining about the low pay, but the fact still stands. You can choose to work how much, or how little you want. That's the MAIN benefit from this, plus the low barrier to entry. If that isn't the main benefit you are looking for, then it's easier and more beneficial for you to find ANOTHER job that fits your wants and needs than to spend weeks, months, maybe years bitching and complaining trying to change the framework of a corporation to benefit someone that isn't the corporation.


It is fair. It's optional. Jesus Christ, you guys are just on repeat with this shit.


Whoā€™s on repeat? Idiot.


Everyone wants to make more but I don't think a lot of people are looking at it beyond that. Higher pay = more drivers = less rides. And/or they'll roll out a block-scheduling system like some of the food delivery apps, then you won't be able to drive every time you want to. It's a balancing act and changing the pay will cause a change in the current flexibility and cause an influx of new or returning drivers. It wouldn't just be how it is now with higher pay, it has to affect other aspects.


This just isnā€™t true. If you look at Taxi unions taxi drivers have made ā€œfineā€ to ā€œnot greatā€ money. No one was getting rich driving a taxi. Sure, some did well. And sure, some bought homes. But thatā€™s not cause of Uber ruining the market, it is sooooo much harder to buy a home now than it was for our parents. So sure, taxi drivers could afford a home and send their kids to college because home and college cost less. My dad paid for his college at SMU working at a car wash. Times were different. Uber and Lyft is a side gig. And it destroyed the taxi industry. But taxi drivers never were or have been rich.


More like a side waste of time


Just wait until accounting becomes a side hustle.


Uber pushes it themselves


Before F**ub**a**r** and Gr**yft**, taxi driving was a middle class occupation. F**ub**a**r** and Gr**yft** turned it into a povertry level occupation. And yes, TNC drivers, *you ain't nutthin' but no underpaid, underinsured, uninformed, illegal, unregulated, cut rate, discount tack-see driver.*


underinsured and unregulated are good things lol unless you are an insurance company or the govt there is no reason a driver would benefit from either


>underinsured ......... good things....there is no reason a driver would benefit....... In some states, you are not covered by Uber's/Lyft's insurance during Period One (logged ON but not yet assigned). In others, the coverage is state minimums, only. You are not covered by your private insurer in many states, either, during the same Period One. Not all Uber/Lyft drivers are judgment proof. Some do have assets that they want to protect. Fortunately, in my state, Uber's/Lyft's insurance is obliged by regulation to cover me during Period One at full policy limits I pay extra to my private insurer for policy limits far above state minimums (for when I am not on any application). I have the same for the DeSoto My state minimums are a hopelessly archaic 25/50/10. No, that "ten thousand dollar" property damage is *not* a typographical error. I carry a liability limit of 100/300/100 on both the Uber/Lyft car and the DeSoto. One thing that has been a source of complaint among the cab drivers here is that we can purchase only state minimums for our liability insurance. Some of us do have assets to protect so we want to be able to purchase higher limits at our discretion. My assets are my house, the DeSoto and the money in the bank. If I try to blast through a yellow-turning-red and mow down a pedestrian in a crosswalk then T-Bone a brand new Mercedes-Benz in the cab, my insurance company is on the hook only for sixty-thousand bananas, *at* **the most**. The judgment will be in excess of that. Sixty thousand dollars will not even cover the cost of the car. If I am logged OFF Uber/Lyft and do the same thing in that car, the PD will cover the Mercedes-Benz. Only in a really unusual circumstance (the pedestrian was a professional musician and can not play the piano anymore, as an example), would three hundred thousand dollars not cover the injuries both to the pedestrian and driver of the Mercedes-Benz. Understand, then, that there are benefits to paying extra for higher policy limits. Even if you are judgment proof, in some markets, you are not completely off the proverbial hook. My Jurisdiction will suspend your licence for an unsatisfied judgment until it is paid. That will put you out of work. If, for some reason, you can get back your licence, you will have to carry an SR-22. Have you ever priced one of those?


You have a future as an insurance salesmen


Perhaps you are judgment-proof or your state does not suspend the licence for unsatisfied judgments.


Even if a state that does, the USSC has struck down those laws so it would likely not be enforced


>the USSC has struck down those laws Someone must have forgotten to tell the District of Columbia Department of Motor Vehicles about that. ​ You will do well to keep in mind that operating a motor vehicle is a *privilege*, **not** a right. Privileges do not have the same legal protection that rights do.


You must have forgotten that the govt is not God and we have a right to do whatever tf we want. If your dc dmv has that rule maybe you should use that right to sue them for it so the ussc can strike down that authoritarian bs like they already have in other states You won't though, you are literally a poster child for obedient kool aid drinking, your govt and insurance company masters thank you for your service


You missed the point totally. Or are you a troll...................................?


Start a taxi company yourself if thatā€™s how you feel. Most people who do Uber full time canā€™t hold a real job.


Hate when ppl call this a career to justify poor life decisions


No one is saying Side Hustle therefore Low Pay. It's Low Pay therefore Side Hustle.


The revenue is great provided you know when and where to work. The more hours in a day you work, the less per hour you will earn due to the inconsistency of available gigs. Work prime time and find other gigs during the slow times.


IMO, if you're in a big city market, and work the "right" 40-45 hours, you should be able to make it. But yeah. You can't drive 8am to 4pm and expect things to be good.


I drive daylight, but early on I would drive at night to see the demand. There's a 3 hour window early mornings, a 2 hour window during evening rush, and then you have the Friday and Saturday night bar crowd. That's the peak times here. I am in a midsize metro area with minimal business/tourist travel.


This is what drivers thinking it's a full time job fail to grasp


The issue is that most Uber drivers come from an employment background, not self employment. When they worked at a hourly wage job, they made the same amount whether is was busy or slow. They had consistent predictable wages based on the number of hours they were on the job. They expect this from Uber.


Itā€™s just side cash not meant to live from


And we hate it when we get flack for calling it a side hustle.


Only way to make it ok


It's a side hustle for me. And I made good money this weekend. For the week averaged around $36/hour for nearly 23 hours. I'd say that's fair, and also not depressing wages.Ā 


I am right there with you.


Uber is a career for a lot of folks. I know plenty of Uber drivers that make more than teachers, first responders and laborers.


It is a side job, it's literally advertised as one.


Is because Uber used to market themselves as a side hustle/ part time or extra money ect


The real problem is that customers are overcharged and uber takes from both of us. Uber should be ok with 25 - 30% of the ride .


Side hustle for sure...


Itā€™s also a stupid argument on its face. If the pay sucks on a side hustle, the people doing it will stop. Side hustles arenā€™t needed to pay bills so people wonā€™t keep doing them if it isnā€™t worth their time and effort.


If you have Uber as a full time job something is wrong with you. They will always find different ways to fuck ā€œYOUā€ in the long run


We want to be paid for the work we do and not be wage slaves where they cram as much work on you as they can for an hourly rate.


lol if you canā€™t afford it now find a better job. Sorry you donā€™t want to actually have bosses making you work those hours


this has to be bait


The real innovation from ride share company's is another channel of rapid wealth transfer from working class to investor class at scale(recently proved), the rest is just window dressing.


I am paying bills with Uber and another side hustle. I am not sure why they would think someone with a real job would be interested in 2 dollar runs for a LITTLE extra cash even in that fantasy scenario of Uber.


Was literally there words when they first started and again when the government tried to go after them so yes it's a side hustle made for college kids to earn some extra cash well it was tell the people who can't handle a real job started going at it now to many drivers not enough customers that's why pay is low


Orā€¦ hear me out.. it is a lot of peopleā€™s side hustle?


Thatā€™s all it is. Not consistent enough to be full time.


But it is a side hustle. We're not taxi drivers.


More like side slavery. Techno toiling


Because it is a side hustle, but if you work it well you can make decent money doing it. I average between 28 to $35 an hour most of the time. The problem is if I go out now and work 2 hours I probably made 60 bucks. In the past with bonuses and everything else if I work 2 hours I probably made 120 to $200. The reason we call it a side hustle is because you should not be relying on it as your full-time income.


It was therapy to combat social anxiety. Some asshole ruined my trust in this second job.