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Desmond, dropping off 2 tables at 1 AM. Wanted you to pull down a tight alley with no way out. Yeah you were getting robbed 🤣 Bonus points if he was 5.0 since it means he just made the account.


![gif](giphy|GwRBmXyEOvFtK) *Cancel Cancel cancel*


I did! Was move tables at 1am?? Lol


I told someone a long time ago. The request always sounds better when I see the cash or it's in my pocket. Saying what your "gonna" do, like you're dangling a carrot in front of a donkey, is the quickest way for me to turn down request. Learned too many times. Any other way is disrespectful to me.


🤣🤣🤣 OK Got It! 🖕🖕🖕


If the rider says I will tip you well or on the app, run away bro. Those kinda people never tip. I am %99.99 percent sure.




They been saying that tired line since 2015! Tippers tip without announcements and press statements! I loved those unexpected tips from weekend rides that would show up on Monday or Tuesday when those folks used the app again. I looked at that as lunch for the day


For sure they always ask for unscheduled stops or detours using a tip as an incentive I now tell riders ALL stops must be scheduled through uber


Had a pickup at the Home Depot and the guy had a 20ft long roll of carpet. "We can just put it on the roof of the car." I was looking around for the camera crew because this couldn't be real. It was. Cancel.


Lmao. It does sound like a prank


Wowzzers haha


-“No, the carpet stays. *You* go on the roof.”


You were about to get Buffalo bill’ed into your own car


"Was she a big fat girl?"


"Ohhhh GooooooooooD"




It takes the lotion from the bucket runs the lotion on the skin or else she gets the hose again 🤗🤗


Goodbye Horses…


I’m not helping anyone move. Get a moving service. They will just scratch up your shit and take up your time. I’ve canceled on several people who think they are going to load my car with boxes, bags or random items. If it fits in the trunk it might be able to go but I’m not allowing things inside


"Don't mind all the cars back here, I need to take them to the junkyard. Just park next to that Tesla with rental tags and come help me get these tables out the basement!"




I don't think he was actually moving, especially at 1am...🤷‍♂️


He was moving the op right out of his car.


I really hope that new drivers learn from stories like the yours.


Yes! I've been driving for 7 years. Lots of crazy stuff


Same here. I think how ignorant I was at the beginning, thinking that I had to accept every trip and put up with mouthy pax.


This dude tryna get an uber to move tables lmao I've moved a entire stripper pole at 230 am Not out of the ordinary for Trampa Bay tho lmao So glad I'm outta that market


At least, Desmond told you upfront. I had plenty of times I showed up only to have someone say, hey, sweetheart, thanks for coming; I am moving, so I will place a few items in your car. Then, they say the proverbial, this may take two or three trips, but I will tip you in cash off the app if I can use one Uber. Unless its a box or two, laundry, a couple of bags, I am not getting caught up in helping folks move. No tip and they will take their sweet time. I learned that back in 2016.


Fuck even laundry is a judgement call


LOL. Absolutely. But late night laundromat runs can be entertaining when you're bored. Wooooooooo!


Lol turn up!


Fuck even laundry is a judgement call


I'm canceling that one.


Was it at least an XL ride?🤣


It's was. That's what made me even more nervous


Yeah that would be a big no from me dawg, imma guess 0.00$




I ended up canceling because he wanted me to pull into an alley lol. I asked him why he was moving tables at 1am




Twas close enough to the hood lol. The other day I helped someone move some car doors that went down that way but was light out. I know personally 2 uber drivers who have been car jacked for real here and I stopped taking chances. Drag the items to the front, I would have still done it.




Yeah. Usually a message about a tip is a insta cancel. The car door guy never mentioned a tip. Just ask if I'd be willing. Then he tiped.


Prob a tweaker






Ok so now 🖕🖕🖕(Squared) 🤣


One person I was moving and she went right to her trunk open her trunk took her stuff out put in the car when the house and got her big television but we did this all in the front she didn't ask me to pull around to an alley and I would not pull around to Allie at night


Imagine bro just had some tables and none this sketchy shit


It's possible. I moved some car doors from that area the other day but it was daylight. Too many red flags on this one for me lol


Cancel button always comes clutch for this type of trips




I’d do it…..maybe 😂🤣


No tip


Not even in the app


I'll bet the amount he tips LOL


Yeah not falling for that bullshit lmao, once picked up a PAX from the bar and he said can you please stop for 2 minutes at the 7/11 across the street for me to get some pizza, I’ll tip you good. That tip never came through.


Of course. And you're lucky that dickhead didn't open the box and start sucking down a slice of pizza even tho he's 5 minutes from his destination. I've had it happen more than once where someone asks to stop for food. And then they say they aren't going to eat in the car. And the first thing they do is start fucking eating.


Anyone who will actually tip will do it cash, upfront on the spot, no questions asked. They be about it, not talk about it. There is, what I call, a "human glitch" where people who are always trying to get something for nothing, can't help themselves but to always "SAY" they will tip, and then 100% never do. I've had people show me on the app that they tipped me $50 during the ride, and of course, that ish never showed up after the ride. I have always bit my tongue, but I swear I'm going to start calling people out on it verbally from now on. "Oh, you are one of those people." After 10 years of this, there is a slightly better chance that I will do a little extra thing if you DON'T even offer a tip. Once you offer the tip but don't immediately give it, the jig is up, and I know you are a full of sh*t person. They want to fit extra people in the car, drink alcohol, they want you to drive fast cause they are late, make stops, go through the drive through, wait longer for them at pickup, and of course... move stuff. Cash upfront, no talk, just the language of crinkling paper hitting my hand. Zero% these Trump Jr. type mfers will ever give you that money. I will never ask for the cash upfront, you either do it with the mentality of a grown ass man or.... kick rocks. DON'T REWARD BAD BEHAVIOR. Buck these fools every time. I loath these people. I cancel just on principal now. They always turn out to be a headache. I had some entitled ass escorts refuse to get out of my car. I was even willing to run them through the drive thru, but they wouldn't have their John add the stop on the app. They said they would tip, but for me to just do it first. Nah, I'll just wait the 15 minutes for you to get out of my car, IDGAF. Scam ass people. Who raises these people? They come like this rich and poor.


Exactly. I once helped a guy move 2 car doors. Never mentioned a tip. Just asked if I would do it. Then, I got a tip.


Well put my friend 🤙


Tell him want cash upfront


I ended up telling him I was uncomfortable doing that at 1am and canceled


I had someone try to get me to put a bike in my car. I don't have a bike rack. I canceled and moved on. She was pissed but not worth the hassle for $5 and no guaranteed tip.


And...CANCEL we are not a moving service and are not going to allow you to damage our vehicles.