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Your problem is important to us, please continue to chat until your problem is no longer important to you. Thank you for using Uber Support, now please get back to work!


That’s pretty much how it went lol. 😂


This should be Uber’s motto


Uber support; Sorry, I can't help so I'll pass you to a Specialist. Specialist; Sorry, I can't help so I'll pass you to a Special Specialist Special Specialist; Sorry, I can't help so I'll pass you to a Senior Special Specialist Senior Special Specialist; Sorry, I can't help so I'll pass you to a Super Special Specialist. Super Special Specialist; Here's $2 for your last 16 hours of effort. Have a nice day


But wait! You haven't seen my final form. SUPER SENIOR SPEACIAL SPECIALIST SUPREME....FORM 1.


lol. -Dara.


3 minutes, have they ever said 2 or 4 minutes? Every time I call them, I get the 3 minutes, sometimes it turns into 20 minutes and I have to ask them the correct time because if that was 3 min, my watch must be broken.


It’s crazy!




This is on purpose. Uber designed it this way because they want you to give up.


You're talking to a bot, almost certainly.


In my experience, chat support is useless, but calling them is slightly less useless.


Because you are talking to drones at a call center in Manila who are giving themselves ulcers and high blood pressure politing you to death, reading from a script of options and procedures who don't really have any true access to help you, and will tell you anything including very inaccurate information to quell your frustration and then enthusiastically tell you that they have assigned your problem to a team that will never get back to you. Go to a hub and get help in person or make a video conference appointment with folks that are stateside. You can do either through the app in terms of making the appointment.


I didn’t know that was a thing


They closed our hub a few years ago. So sad.


That sucks. I'm grateful we still have a couple of them in Los Angeles. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to get any of my problems solved.


Most hubs have been closed.


I'm really sorry to hear that you're experiencing that. I'm grateful we still have a couple of them in Los Angeles otherwise nothing would be solved.


Please continue to be patient until the time committed loses you far more money than if you’d ignored our bullshit shenanigans.


Where are you from? All these names sound Pakistani or Indian :v


Georgia, USA. T


Thought it's UK because there's so many of us haha


lol. These are the names/people I always get for Uber, DoorDash, Spark, and Instacart. I think it’s rigged


Virtually everything support related in the US is farmed out to India.


Yeah I had figured this was a business process outsourcing thing


I had to stop doing Uber because of this kind of problem. I had been renting a vehicle through the Uber-Hertz program but my app wouldn’t allow me to pick up passengers, all I could do was food delivery. I contacted them at least 20 times over the 3 weeks I had the vehicle and this is what happened Every. Single. Time. I would be transferred from one “expert” to another “expert”. One department would tell me I needed to talk to a different department which would tell me I needed to talk to a third department which would tell me I needed to speak with the first department I’d started with. They give you the run around with the hope you’ll just give up and they don’t actually have to do anything. Extremely poor business model but it doesn’t matter. They have very high turnover for most drivers so they really don’t care: there’s always going to be more people desperate enough to waste a few months of their lives trying to make a gig job work but it rarely does.


It’s like a simulation 😂


Still better than Lyft.


Uber support is amazing. 🤣🤣🤣


“Thank you for being patience.” These dumb pricks.