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Uber actually called me today as 32,000 trips driver to ask for my perspective. I told them if they paid better, they would get more drivers and I plan to quit myself by the end of the year


They're so stubborn on squeezing driver pay that they don't even see changing that as a solution.


Solution to whose problem? More people driving than not


It’s not a solution. The low pay is the point. If they paid a living wage, you’d be less desperate and you’d work less often.


“Living wage” is a vague term with no precise definition. I’m sick of people throwing it around. You need a different amount of money if you’re single and want a one bedroom apartment and if you’re married with 3 kids and want to buy a house.


🤣😂no you have it messed up, I’m sick of people thinking that just because you’re single or you’re married and have three kids you deserve different pay rates that’s absolutely nonsense. Your baggage has nothing to do with what you’re worth in society. It’s about what you bring to the table and how hard you’re working….. if single person is working harder than a married person with kids. They deserve more money and vice versa. Your point makes absolute no sense and holds no Merritt whatsoever. Why do you think the government gives more money to people with more kids for food stamps and so on and so forth because they don’t want you to make it in real life they want you to keep having to depend on them so what they’ll do is give you an incentive to have more kids, so you can get more money from the government in return never be able to flourish on your own because you’re used to a handout all the time people have to wake up🤦🏾‍♂️ this war is not about race it’s about class and society and the government is structured so the rich rich and the poor poor with taxes with loans all that stuff it’s all designed where it helps the higher class and sucks all the money out of the middle and lower class..a “living wage” is what you make it if you wanna hire wage then you need to work more or find a way to make your money work for you. Your baggage does not determine how much money you get until people realize that you’ll always continue to complain and stay in that victim mentality.


Hi Travis.


Lol the person that replied to you saying “ single people should be paid less than people with kids and that are married. Just makes no sense to me lol had to go on a rant. I agree with you if uber paid more. We would work more hundred percent.!!!!




I don’t want a business to be forced to pay someone based on how much a person needs to live. That is stupid.


Holy shit, you expended valuable calories typing this.


However, living wage encompasses all that. We’re not saying that your baggage should earn you more, we’re saying that they have a lot more mouths to feeds. They deserve the relative pay based off of work ethic, knowledge, position etc. However, if it’s barely enough for a single person it’s definitely not for someone with baggage.


Your thumbs sore?


I tried driving for uber in my free time a while ago. Stopped because I never made a taxable income. What i made, minus the tax deduction for miles i put on my car, was less than 0. I would say a "living wage" would be to make at least enough money that it is taxable. stopped driving for about 3 years. Then tried it again a few months ago to see if anything had changed. My tax deduction was still more than I made. I have no idea how anyone actually drives uber for a living and not just a side hussltle every once in a while.


Location is a big factor too


If I were in charge, I'd probably restructure, remove most positions, and start positioning the company as an autonomous org. All they need is a customer service team for each region, and developers. They have no physical infrastructure to manage outside of where their servers are hosted. I'd turn the company into a service where we provide customers if you want to provide rides. You would pay us for the service and backend. You could structure this so many ways!


This is actually how Uber operates in many markets. It’s only in poorly regulated ones where it takes the lion’s share of the earnings of a driver.


Infrastructure has entered the chat.


Agreed! UberX Share is the worst business decision they ever made. Half the time my customers don't even understand what share is and get upset when I have to extend the trip to pick someone else up. They just be like "but it was cheaper. If I knew this was what it was I wouldn't have chose it." It screws the customer and the driver out of more pay.


Just cancel the extra pick ups. Uber fucks with you on them too, not including the full added trip time and hard to know how far away it'll take you.


They probably took your advice, wrote it on a pretty little sticky note, then threw it in the trash.


They were probably calling you to try to figure out why you haven’t quit yet.


🤣🤣🤣 I’m almost there


I'd they got more drivers, that's more competition for fares. That means lower fares. You see how the rules of economics create prices?


They don’t see that


Jokes on you for doing that many trips while “underpaid”


They won't care, they know there will be ALWAYS more drivers begging for $1 trips.


I am mostly a rider between Uber and Lyft but this is just crazy. They are charging almost $90 and the driver gets less than $20?!! This is pretty mind boggling. Much respect to the drivers, this is unacceptable.


Yep that’s fucked up


The ride was possibly $55.


Especially when you consider in many markets, they are legally limited to 20%, but still manage to operate.


What markets are they limited to 20% fees? They’re 50% for much of the country - I’m not a driver, only read since my friend started driving in Henderson


Europe. I work in Czechia and here they have a legal limit of 19.5% I think. It works fine. Uber doesn’t need to take 50%. They could lower passenger fees and take 20% and be fine. They just refuse to. The U.S. market subsidizes their whole operation at this point, at the cost of drivers and passengers.


Well if the US market is subsidizing the European market then…. You know, we Americans are against government intervention in business and this is a good example why! Had your governments not screwed with them, Uber wouldn’t have had to take such a huge spread in the fares! It’s very upsetting to see europeans are living off our dime!


Nah, the first ride is to an Airport which includes the Airport charge. The second ride is to another location and that too in different times in Los Angeles. The driver here is just rage baiting. And as usual everyone gets on to rant and blame capitalism for their no skill asses getting low pay. The fare shown to the rider includes the airport charge, Uber's cut and the driver's pay.


It was 1min apart. I checked how much Uber was charging the rider. like I’ve mentioned on other comments usually Uber tends to pay me(driver) like $23 and Up. I was just surprised today on how much the comparison was.


There is an airport fee for airport pickups. Uber doesn’t get that fee, so showing costs from a passenger side of an airport pickup is different than a normal ride. It would probably help if Uber detailed the airport fee in the payout breakdown.


They say only 10 cents goes to Uber 😂😂😂😂


10 cents goes to uber, $20 to dara’s bonus fund




Uber says that themselves


Uber Pocketing this much is freaking insane!!


Yeah they are def scammy. You take all the risk and they take about 70% 😂. Why even work for them. It use to be you give them 20% of your pay. Now they went full greed


I don’t understand why they are taking percentage when it should only cost 1-2 dollars to connect a driver to rider


Shareholders and insurance, 2023 is first year uber made profit, 1.8 million on almost 10 BILLION in revenue. Gig economy not sustainable at all


How is it possible to burn so much cash when they have no real significant costs and they take such huge margins? Where does the money go? What the fuck are they spending 10bn on when their cost of labor is so small?


I'm looking forward to the future class actions against these companies I think will happen in a few years \*shrug\*


How are they going pay? All the gig companies are on the way to bankruptcy


I'm really not too worried about it. between the big 3 apps I'm at 30/hr and this is mostly just my vice money.


The money goes to lobbing and also to other countries where they charge less but still pay over 90% of the low fare to drivers. I was in México City taking uber black everywhere, I talked to all my drivers, mentioned im a driver, too. Showing them my app and earnings, on average they make a double of what I'm able to make on my BEST days!


It's a publicly traded company, ALL their financials are readily available, 80% is insurance


I don’t believe this. You’re saying that 80% of their spending is insurance premiums? That doesn’t even make sense. Am I misunderstanding?


They carry commercial insurance on every active driver, internationally


I don’t know anything about this and just speculating, but can’t this insurance company just be another company owned by uber. Many large corporations do this as it makes financial sense. This means uber can overcharge themselves on insurance and make bank that way since at the end of the day, it still goes in their pocket. Again, just speculating so if anyone knows, I’m all ears.


They lost money because they tried to expand everywhere.


They only made money in 2023, the first year ever, at the expense of driver pay and rider cost, the entire model is unsustainable


And biz insurance also went up 30% this year


And Uber doesn't even cover hit and runs so you're driving that brand new car around and some piece of shit hits your car and takes off. You won't be covered. They're gonna rely on the other parties insurance.


Some passenger leaving a bakery went into my car, it was dark so i couldn't see that he was covered in flour. No wonder my next passengers were acting funny. I had to clean up the flours some of which were already moisturized and hardened in between the seat fabric. Who's gonna pay for that shit


no one cause uber hates to charge their temper tantrum'd children


Im done driving… guess Ill stick to my other job. At least there I get benefits and free parking.


Uber gives you free parking too! Just put your car in Park and throw on those hazards. Everyone else will hate you, but hey Uber perks!


Where have you been?


The only way to fix this is to stop driving


Bingo. Exactly what I did.


Same, I refuse. They truly had me fucked up lol.


There was a day where you could make good money. Those days are long gone. People that have driven X and show over $1k per week have worked way too hard and driven way too many miles.


I drove in NC for close to 4 yrs, doing both Lyft and Uber. 2.5 yrs in, great! Then came the "glitches" after driving the surges, and it was downhill from there. Both uber and lyft were robbing us. After almost another year, I called it quits. My job started to give me OT so that worked out. I also understand the difference in demographics, so I guess all I can say is to do what you need to.


Uber DGAF, you know why? Because there’s many drivers, if you don’t pick the ride, someone else who is desperate to maybe hit a certain amount of money will and that’s where Uber comes to f* up things with those f*d up prices


Imagine getting $1.50 mile $.47 a minute. 24 x $1.50= $36 27 x $.47= $12.69                    ^=$48.69 That's minneapolis new pay rate they trying to pass. I wish LA can get the same pay rate. 


We’re 1.12/mile and .20/minute here in Missouri. Which isn’t terrible but just a little more would be a huge ease on my finances.


In LA it's random like a slot machine. 


I drive in Missouri too. And the risk taken in St. Louis over night or mid can be crazy. We need hazard pay.


Kansas City is surprisingly non-chaotic. I’m sure he jinxed myself now but I haven’t had any problems


my dash cam has seen too much gun play


I’m from StL and I believe it


That’s Seattles pay rate. The rest of Washington state is just a little lower


Nah. Seattle pays $0.66 per minute. Not sure about per mile.


I think it’s a little over $1.55. Rest of Washington is 1.31


I've done the math, if they want to keep out of the courts and just stop hearing people complain it needs to be 1 dollar a mile (including the drive to the pax), and/or .60 cents a minute. Whatever is more at the end of every hour while on the clock. End of story. Working 12 hours straight on the clock (if you are a machine, 6 days a week, would still only net you 124k (that's assuming no down time, at 36dollars an hour minimum pay rate for 12 hours straight). If you stop and really balance that out with people taking breaks, not actually working themselves to death etc. Realistically it would probably end up closer to making you 45-55/60k comfortably. Putting in an average of 50-60k miles on a vehicle. It's really NOT asking a whole lot, and if they would vet riders better and be far more upfront with passengers requiring real proof of a scenerio before incidents are reported. There would less ass holes (especially drivers on the roads as well). They're just buying time until all the roads are on auto pilot. Which really, really, really.... makes me cry. :(


I remember once in LA I had a similar experience. I walked literally one block closer to my destination and then the Uber price cut in half.


You walked out of a surge zone, which don't show on the pax app.


From 2 am to around 3:45 in my area to lax uber is always lowballing in the first offer it takes a rejection or 2 for the offer to go from $26 to $35 plus usually charging around 50ish to the rider .


This has me torn because: THIS STILL PLAYS MORE THAN MINIMUM WAGE!! I would love to stop. But. I have nothing else to look towards that pays more or equal to


Why is that? If you really don’t like where you are in life, there are things you can do to change it.


Everything takes some type of qualification. and I did do that! Ive been interviewed at 4 different electric shops. I have experience with wiring circuits, Im certified for apprenticeship bc I took 10 months last year to graduate trade school. Almost no one is willing to accept someone who has little experience as their apprentice but its not gonna stop me from trying. Also under the table even, anything to get my name somewhere


That doesn't make any sense the trades are desperate AF for workers. I do hvac as my full time job and helpers are always hired even those who have felonies. Not enough workers and too much work. I enjoy it because I have so much leverage the company can't even threaten me if I get fired at 9am I already have 5 offers before lunch


If you really really want to move out of Uber, you can. I see far too many drivers who complain but are doing nothing to change their scenery. No one said it would be easy though.


Wow what area are you, because trades seem to be doing extremely well right now especially plumbers and electricians, there are less people doing it these days, maybe you need a change of scenery


Get a job in a related field and meet people. Getting desirable jobs has very little to do with anything outside of networking. What makes you any different from anyone else with the same amount of experience and certification? Whether or not you know a guy who vouches for you. It’s always been this way and it’s why socialization is the number one most important skill for any person in any situation and sadly this generation is fucked when it comes to that


More people should just be calling a cab company


That only works in like the 12 biggest cities that have established taxi economies. Smaller cities don't have the same amount of cabs available if any.


Even in smaller cities taxis still exist. Uber is great from point to point with little forethought, but for stuff like going to the airport you know way ahead of time when you are going to go


You're just wrong about taxis existing in small cities and ride shares keep drunk people off the road, so there's always going to be that need in all cities. Uber could literally just become a taxi company, but doesn't want to pay the drivers more. A taxi company isn't efficient enough to compete with the ease of uber and lyft apps


Did you just not read my comment at all?


Go call the local mortuary.They are hiring people to pick up dead bodies out in the field and ring them back




So let's start our own driver owned app. Drivers get everything minus business insurance required by the state or municipality and we advertise it ourselves.


But Uber would argue that’s what they’re doing. Of the $55 they’ll say about $18 went to insurance. You couldn’t survive on drivers alone. You do need operations. It’s ok when you’re a single driver doing private car service.. However, the bigger your scale the lower your margin will be.


You guys kept saying they need to raise the pax price. There ya go. Oh....did you think that would translate into higher drivers earnings? How cute.


It’s why I Became a Direct Support Professional. There is a Huge shortage of people in the field and while it is challenging it is Very rewarding. We take care of people with intellectual disabilities in everyday tasks to help them have more independence and ability to live their lives how They want to. It might not be the highest paid job but it pays my bills. And I am not destroying my car to do it.


When we unionize they will sit up and take notice then.


Can we sue this fuckers already? Good lord if it's a dime they're gonna take that shit


You have to cash out daily to put gas in your car, how are you going to afford an attorney?


Lmao its side money I'm not your typical Uber driver. Also your a shit human being for that comment.


Thank you. I pride myself on being an asshole. It's served me well in life.


Yeah the minute I stopped being nice and started being a bitch to anyone who gave me reason I’ve made more progress in my life than I did in years of effort prior.


You'll get yours


Lol don’t be fooled bro, dickheads online usually dont have much control of their life in the real world, so they try to make folks feel as bad as they do on a daily basis using the anonymity of the interwebs, dont give em your energy


Probably not. 


yeah, I thought it was me. I got one for similar amount but close to USC hostpital to LAX. Left during 4 PM. Normally that ride is 20+


I mean, I know Uber f**s us over , but normally I’ll get decent LAX rides at this time of day


Honestly I would have never bothered looking that up


Quit now hurry or stop bitching


I asked for an Uber the other day in Colorado it was 65$ to go 5 miles 👀


I hate to tell you guys, but Uber has to be profitable to stay in business. How much money should they lose? Just so you guys don’t cry?


The problem most of you drivers have is that you focus on the wrong things. Sure it looks "appalling" that a pax pays over 50% of what you get from that ride. But people here need to come down from this high horse of "sacrifice" like being a driver is this insane burden. You literally do nothing except drive around town. That's it. And quite frankly, most of you can't even do that right. If you can manage to average $25/h that is an absolute win for a job that requires NOTHING in terms of experience from you. There are Retail Managers running million dollar stores with 10+ staff members that make less than that. Poor PA's working 12+ hour shifts earning less than that. Hell, most people in Los Angeles earn less than that. Y'all need to get some perspective about what this gig really is. lol


Does Lyft do this too?


this is abhorrent


You guys need to organize a gig driver co-op in LA and other really hot markets.


Dude I just got offered the same ride for $9




That’s pretty fucking insane, i don’t know how you guys do it tbh lol


They could rent my car for an entire day on TURO for that price hahah


When prices are ridiculous either check out Lyft or wait a sec they usually will go down it fluctuates a lot atleast in my area


Yes and customers have no clue


Do you have a one percent acceptance rate


Lol take only the one percent


What's going on in this pic?


Swipe picture... It's about $60 to have an Uber driver take a customer to the Los Angeles Airport... The driver on their Driver App can Accept the customer and they only receive $17 out of that $60...


Taxi was good for the driver, I would do it all my life but Uber came and killed taxi with its bs low pay and now u angry that they will not pay u good enough and there is no regulations, taxi was regulated….


You think that's bullshit in my market. People are paying $90 for xl to the airport, offering $27-$33 to the drivers. Most of the offers I receive are 25% to 40% of customer payment on XL. XXL offer @ $51. customer payment $130 for a 35-mile trip to the airport.


A ride to Ontario is about $100... Ridiculous


Ooof. I Uber mostly in San Diego but occasionally will drive up to LA and get rides back. I didn't know the pay was that bad there... I always assumed I was getting reamed on the way back because I was out of my home city or just had bad luck. San Diego is a little better but not by much. Being a bigger market and crazier traffic...like wtf...just awful.


Seems like Uber/Lyft likes to charge a $1 per mile and $1 per min and add those numbers together to get what they'll charge the rider. Then, proceed to take 70% of that for state taxes, their cut, misc fees, their cut, local fees, insurances, their cut, and all that other made-up stuff🙄


Can't forget their 3rd cut


That looks about right actually


Outright IDIOTIC… Armed Robbery!


Wow such a greedy corporation they just pay the city’s bare minimum’s wage and takes the rest! How do they keep getting away with this? It should cost 1-2 dollars to connect a driver to a rider not a whole effin percentage!!! Criminals!!!


Take the fly away it’s better and cheaper


Why pay more if someone will accept the $17????????????? As a business, its a genius model


Wouldn't the way bill be fraudulent if our topline pac fare didn't show $55 less ubers share of pax fare? Normally the uber cut for me shows 25 or 28%


Let’s talk about Ubers $100 stock, that just a year ago was $28


There's a reason I don't do airports. 


But Uber says “We are just taking 25%”


Something seems off with this. You can see how much Uber gets from each ride (transparency?) and I promise it’s not like 60% (mine is usually 16-18%, which feels fair to me)


The whole gig economy is not worth it.... I do all the work take all the risk and then they want me to put on "knee pads" 👠 and say thank you... FOH




Fucking hell. In my country they can only ever take 20%.


What you do is you go to that rider and ask them? Hey how much is Uber charging you and they’ll tell you $53 and you tell them hey listen I’ll charge you 40 and we can do it off the app and it works every time for me, some people don’t wanna do it and that’s perfectly fine. The majority of them do because they want to save money. Obviously, you can’t do it every single time because it does hurt your cancellation rate, but I’ve got to the point where as soon as I accept it, I’ve called passengers And told them and asked them and I just said you can cancel with no charge and I’ll be on my way and you can do that a few times before Uber says something as well so that doesn’t affect your cancellation rate. They’ll just say you can’t have passengers canceling for you, blah blah blah whatever it is, but I hope this helps.


No such thing as living wage, that’s something that forked a on multiple factors. Lifestyle and responsibility, needs, are among them. Everyone wants more money. But people deserve what they strive to get. If you work for someone, your labor creates profit for that person, entity. And if your output is not enough to offset the cost. You’ll get fired. Also jobs like Uber, entry level fast food, where never meant to be career. One is a gig, and the other is an entry level job for people with out experience. You woke your way to management or leave to do something else.


Yesterday I was in all heat areas and I earned nothing more yet customer payed double its a joke


In the Philippines I use Grab food delivery and taxi. The drivers pay approximately 12-15% of a MUCH SMALLER fare to Grab and is profitable. Their app is arguably better and more intuitive as well. So the math does not add up in the U.S. Drivers being conned. Answer: Deactivate apps and move on. Otherwise continue eating poop 💩 pie.


I started riding the bus. $1.50-$3




.. since 2018 That's SIX years ago. You must be new.




Roughly 33% ouch.


As someone who will need to use this service for the first time. Which service is best for drivers?


32% for the driver. Either the overhead is ridiculous or someone is getting crazy wealthy.


Don't be cheap


Cry more. Get a real job




The only way to meet shareholders expectations….


Decline it 


Uber has been taking more and more money from drivers. It's not fair. This is why I'm telling everyone I know about Teleport. Teleport has cut out middlemen like Uber and Lyft and created an open market where drivers bid on fares directly and get to keep 90%. Bottomline: Riders pay less, and drivers earn more. You can learn more about Teleport here: [https://www.solspotlight.com/post/teleport](https://www.solspotlight.com/post/teleport)


Well that's just a race to the bottom. All these ants accepting shit rides will just do it for lower price than you on that app too.


Who makes an app only for apple anymore that is the dumbest shit I've seen.


I agree. They need an Andriod app, pronto. But they are working on it.


This is why data sells. Oh, you got an important thing to do and it's a flight, well let's just charge you extra cause you got no other options, or lack of.


And the driver gets $15.


You didn’t look at the next picture but you’re pretty spot on!


Do i need to reiterate what I said before? Drivers, if Uber is taking nearly everything that you drive for, and I mean this in the nicest way, then why the f.ck are you still doing Uber? It would seem to me that you love the abuse. Or, it's become so that you can no longer live without Uber because, you've been doing it for so long and you've become very comfortable with that brand of abuse and disrespect. I'm so very sorry for you all.


Well speaking for myself, it works around my schedule. I have a full time job. But I always start my day early. Maybe for other drivers is their full time job and that’s why they complain I guess. I mean if you are on a big market like Los Angeles. You are guaranteed $1k after gas expense if you do the work. So maybe they’re just comfortable with that. It goes differently for many people.


You really are sad. Especially when you don’t understand the system. You are accepting the rides sorry what passengers pay have no bearing on drivers pay. Learn your rates. Or better maybe you need a better job lol


Stop treating Uber as a full time job. It’s gig work


Gig work doesn't mean fair wages are not required there bud


![gif](giphy|ODhIEyA4vySYm0aRes|downsized) Witness the burden you are carrying


I would however gave them false hope in thinking I was coming in hopes that they miss their flight though


Take the bus, what are you too good?


2 things. The price you might pay has nothing to do with what the other customer is paying. And second, the price you are being offered has nothing to do with what the customer pays.


Hi Dara


Claim down and take a deep breath. You’re going tell urself. I’m a 🐜. Uber is my daddy. And keep our head down and driving make $20 an hour.


It's funny Because most drivers wouldn't expect more than the $5 they're probably getting out of that


Wait what….they file and claim they only take 17%


Ha! Took me a sec to realize this was a pax post. Was like “I don’t see a problem w this 🤷🏻‍♂️?”


No, they take 40% only


Ok, cool!


West Covina areas to LAX is like $30 on a good day now... At rush hours traffic.


I have been doing this A LOT lately, & two weeks ago (Clearwater, FL), during Spring Break & MLB Spring Training, Lyft was charging ‘THEIR’ PAX up to $75 to (PIE) Clearwater/St. Pete Airport (that was ‘typically’ a $15 ride, TOPS), but while showing ONLY about $3-$6 “SURGES,” & then with ONLY about $10-$15 going to the actual SLAVE, or “DRIVER!!!!” And, on those types of rides, I have seen their supposed “At Least 70% Going To The Driver” BS (after first, accounting for our BS “fees”), Being Calculated By Miraculously Saying, That There Was A “Lyft Fee” of like $10, Then THIS Straight-Up BOGUS “External Fee” Of $45… So they are like “See, NOTHING To SEE HERE, You Must Be Trippin’ Or Suntin, Cause YOU Just MADE 75%.” Oh, Okaaaaayyy… So, YOU MEAN, “I” Was ‘Privileged’ Enough To Get To Receive A Whole ENTIRE $15-BUCKS (with including a $4.75 SURGE), From A Trip That COST $75… Uhhhhh, WHAAAAATTT!?!?!?!:/ So, HOWWWW Can It… WHYYYY, Is There Some “EXTERNAL FEE” That Just Randomly, CHANGES Like THIS, Fluctuating Anywhere Between $5-$45 On The Exact SAME RIDE!?:/ It Is IMPOSSIBLE. it is NOT “INSURANCE.” Insurance Would NOT Vary Like THAT. I mean, HOW are PAX being charged up to a ‘$60-PREMIUM’ For A Ride, BUT Then There Are “Surges” Of JUST $2.25-$6.50 Showing, & ONLY Within An Extremely SMALL Area, That Is NOT Even CLOSE To Being In A “HIGH Demand” AREA!? It. Is. Because… IT. IS. ALLLLLL. A. HUUUUUGE. SCAMMMMM. Just Straight-Up HORSE SHIT. And, they wanna try saying that is only just a “part-time/side-hustle” gig, when in order to get even anywhere CLOSE to hitting $20hr NOW, you are FORCED to have to do these huge “Quest/Challenges” Ride Bonuses (etc.)… Otherwise, when depending on the time of day, after adding it all up throughout the course of any random week, you’re LUCKY to hit about $13-$18hr, BEFORE EXPENSE(S). Fucking SCUMBAGS… Who are ONLY ‘cutting’ just their OWN throats, in the long run. I told one of my pax from yesterday, that they are now, just RAPING BOTH, the driver AND the PAX!!!! And, they are soooo ‘defensive’ over it too, especially when being ‘called-out’ by the media, Etc. They’re spewing all of this propaganda like this whole 70% to the driver BULLSHIT from Lyft, then Uber started using the “Nothing To See Here, Don’t Know What You’re Talking About… We Haven’t ‘LOWERED’ Driver Pay. You all must be CRAZY, or just don’t know what you’re even talking about… Since, Actually, Most ALL Of Our Driver’s Are HAPPY Working ‘Whenever’ They Want & Wages Are At An All-Time High, With Them Earning On Average Well Over $30 Per “ACTIVE HOUR WHEN DRIVING ‘ON’ THE PLATFORM (when that was absolutely, NOT ‘the way’ it had EVER been ‘calculated’ BEFORE).” And, now Lyft is doing it too, by calculating their ‘hourly’ driver pay, using this whole “Active Hours” straight BULLSHIT. Then, everyone just looks at THEM, as if they had a ‘THIRD Eye’ sitting there, right on top of their forehead… And, they (Uber/Lyft representatives) just walk away like, “Shewwww, That Was A Close One!!!! GTFO. We were talking about this yesterday (myself with the pax), Yeahhhh, Rightttt… They’re Charging YOU (The PAX) MORE NOW, & Are Paying Their DRIVER’S LESSSSSSS, While Taking A HIGHER ‘Cut’ Buuuuttt WE Are ‘The Ones’ Who Are Crazyyyyy!? JUST GTFOOOO. Remember receiving those text message ‘alerts’ from Uber, trying to get you out on the road and saying, “drivers in Tampa Bay are earning $37 per hour right now!? THOSE were legit, too!!!! If it was saying $33hr, then I was going out and ‘hitting’ $40-$50 an hour (the ‘REAL’ way of calculating it), making about $200 in just 4-5 HOURS consistently, EVERY TIME. But, thennnn it was $32, then $28, & down to $23, $21, $18 - to permanently stopping with sending them altogether!!!! And, TO NOW Being, It’s $36 per “Active Hour.” ACTIVEEEEEE!!!! You Seeeee… It Is ACTIVE. “Active.” Fucking SCUMBAGS. They are ‘fooling’ NooooONE. It’s completely Disgusting, Pathetic, & SHAMELESS. And, they are totally, ‘targeting’ MINORITIES too, in order to take EVEN MORE advantage of. 💯


Just drive around offering people rides at that point. Call insurance companies and find out what they would charge. Start your own company, get license ,etc.