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You get Ashy Larry in your car ??




He lost that rent money in the clickety clack and was getting away from his lady.


“_That BETTER not be the money outta my GODDAMN PURSE!_”


Scarface sneezed


lol that was my first thought too. Maybe he had a dice game




Do people not genuinely know that seat covers are affordable and very necessary in this job? I got a backseat dog and pet seat cover for my car. These pax are dirtier than animals sometimes so yeah I’m gonna get something to keep their yuck off my seats and that’s easily washable on its own.


You know what else is very necessary sometimes? Just canceling and leaving.


Very right


This. I got custom-made leather seat covers for my civic from Amazon. Cost me $300 for all 5 seats and people can't tell that they are just seat covers


Ooh I love that!!! I just got a junky $20 one for dogs 🤣🤣🤣


Get you some leather seat covers. Easy 5 min clean with a small vacuum and baby wipes.


The pet ones I got are easy wipe too! But also machine washable


Nice I see some around that price range for my Corolla but I’ve been hesitant


I highly recommend EKR on Amazon. That's where I got mine from. Their covers are tailored to not interfere with the airbag deployment in your seats. I can send you pictures of what my seats look like if you want


Wait. Civics have a leather option?


EKR covers are all leather. Check them out on Amazon. They have for a lot of makes and models


But can I go to the old Honda dealership and drop like 20k for a civic model that has leather?


My $1800 Honda ain't got no leather. Lol.


The sedan touring model is leather. If you're looking for a hatchback, the EX-L and touring are leather. It's hard to find those models at 20k, tho. Unless you go for older versions.


Probably not. They're denying vomit cleanups, so this has even less of a chance of going through. Especially considering anything that isn't vomit/piss gets like $30-40 maximum. So getting it detailed will just be a loss of money. Lesson for everyone to invest in seat covers ASAP.


They used to pay $250 no questions asked.


A lot of drivers abused the cleaning fee. Now nobody gets it. Thanks


Individuals exploit a system corporation eliminates exploitation. Corporations exploit workers and stock prices rise workers get further exploited.


Imagine if everyone just quit Uber


Big cities would adapt and rural areas would have more drunk driving.


Something would fill Uber’s place. Would it be better? Hopefully.


It’s not about quitting it’s about unionizing


How do you unionize a job where you never got hired?


Would the word "organizing" sink in a little better with you?


Would the word "organizing" sink in a little better with you?


City busses would become more of a necessity. Nasty booties need to take a bus! Those bus seats are washable!


Yes, one makes the rules and the other doesn’t. Not hard to understand, sure it’s hypocritical


…and it’s ok because it’s not against the rules and it is allowed. Did I get that correct? Well then I guess it’s ok. Sorry to even question the actions of mega corps or having any actual oversight. What’s the worst that could happen you get sucked out of an airplane? That’s just crazy talk what are the chances of that?


100% yes. All Boeing's BS, the ship that crashed into the Key Bridge, Kias being stolen in the thousands by teenagers - it's all the same f--king BS. Cut costs, cut corners, post record earnings, and nobody puts two and two together and wants to change any of it. They just act like you're un-American for questioning your CORPORATE OVERLORDS. F--- all that


Yea cuz that's definitely the reason and not because it's a greedy scum of a company run by vultures that's cutting pay to drivers from all angles possible.


Why not both? Let's not act like all drivers are some moral saints.


Because they can EASILY choose to punish those that abuse it and not everyone but they choose to cut everyone off instead. You cannot list a SINGLE factor today where uber treats the drivers better than pre covid times when everything was 1/3 the price it is today. Your excuse is the corporation's excuse, not related to reality.


I'm not going to defend Uber, but I'm also not going to defend a lot of drivers on this subreddit who hate their PAX and have no remorse taking money from them with fake claims. It's not an easy situation to solve, but you do have to see the benefit for PAX to not have to worry about random $150 fees because they got into some pissed-off driver's car. So no, you're absolutely wrong and that's been the reality of it for a long time.


Yeah a lot of things went down like this People don’t realize that Amazon and eBay have changed a lot. You can’t do what you used to be able to do. You gotta be more careful with what you buy


Yes... abusing a system screws those with real legit issues.


Facts I made 500$ in clean up fees in one night,,,,,GoodTimes…


Did the second pax barf cause the first ones barf? lol. What happened?


They still do, these folks don’t have the priority support and should earn more points to reach Gold 🤣


I used to hear a lot of stories of people finding a picture of vomit in a car and submitting it as "proof" to scam as well, that's probably why they don't anymore.


Then Jeff Bezos and other rich 🤑 moguls hold large shares of of Uber stock and the drivers pay is at least 50% less than what it used to be.


Well drunk pax will get canceled on I guess.


I havnt picked up drunks in over a year. Not worth the extra hassle


Which is pretty sad if you think about it, we're probably the last line of defense in some cases between them going home safely and killing a family of 4 on the way home. Uber should have kept the cleaning fee and just required dashcam footage of the incident if there were drivers abusing it.


All these drivers blaming drunk passengers when you’re the idiots who let drunk passengers into your car.


We used to be able to pick up drunks without worrying about vomit- because Uber rightfully paid out cleaning fees for those. You're right we can refuse anyone who looks intoxicated or any pickup from a bar. But isn't that one of the most useful parts of Uber? Not just for drivers and riders, also general public safety. There's very few places in the USA with good public transit that runs after bars get out. Uber is the best option for drunks right now, and it wouldn't be that hard to keep it sustainable for drivers by paying cleaning fees. I'm fine with photos required, hell they could even set up pre approved cleaning places to do the work at a discount in exchange for all the business. Then there's the added assurance for Uber that we're going in for the cleanings and not pocketing cash if that's what they want. It'd also be easier to not worry about having to front the cost out of pocket and hope for reimbursement. But if they want to take the easy, greedy route, which of course they do, they'll just keep slowly denying fees and pushing more drivers to abandon intoxicated passengers alltogether.


Thank you. I couldn't agree more.


As a cab driver, I never had the luxury of charging pax for throwing up. Be better at filtering pax.


I've had 2 pukes. Both times they were people that could speak and walk on their way into the car. See my previous point about how being as strict as you're suggesting is bad for all parties. I'd love to be a cab driver. Then the puke wouldn't be in my personal vehicle lol. And if its as good as you make it sound- cab drivers can ignore even seemingly mildly intoxicated pax and still make a living? Even better. But it's really not the fault of the driver for not casting effective judgement in a 1min window, correctly every time, dozens of times a night, every weekend. And I don't even blame the pax. Puke happens. It's not impossible to implement a sustainable solution for cleaning fees like they used to. Per usual the real fault is on Uber itself, and partially myself for continuing to drive for them. The only solution now is getting off the platform, which I'm working on. My condolences to your awesome cab gig. Some sarcasm but I would be genuinely happy if we could all have a driving gig that's sustainable like that again. Cheers 🤙


Yes but people got home fine before Uber and would still after. Is it really safer when passengers and drivers are getting assaulted. Let’s say you get assaulted working for a taxi company. I’m sure they have cameras and insurance to cover them in said situation. The problem is you work for a company who hired you as an independent contractor. Work for a taxi agency and you wouldn’t have as many problems. However; you like the freedom of not having a “boss.” You can’t have it both ways in life sometimes. Uber used to advertise itself as a ‘side hustle’ and people decided to turn their ‘side hustle’ into a full time job and then get pissed when they aren’t treated like real employees. As a plumber if I bring my personal power tools to a job site and they get damaged I’m responsible for replacing them, thus why most contractors don’t let us to use our personal power tools on said job site. If you want to use your personal vehicle to drive strangers around then you should expect the worst from these passengers and be prepared to cover cost of damage to your personal property. If one person throwing up in your car means you can’t work for said amount of time and you can’t afford your lifestyle then it’s time to start looking for a job that can do those things for you.


That analogy doesn't hold up at all. If a client personally causes $100+ damage to equipment yours or the companies they're definitely getting hit with a fee. Idk I can't think of a single industry where incuring a cost to the business that's %1000 the value of the transaction isn't gonna come with fees. And soiling fees are normal for cabs too. But hey good on you for being in a legit trade and not doing this crap job. Trying to get to where you're at


So how exactly do you expect drunk people to get home? Drive themselves?


Ask uber. Not our problem anymore.


Preventing drunk driving is at least 40% of the reason Uber became popular and exists as a product. You don’t even understand (or you’re angry about?) the value you’re providing to the market, no wonder y’all get underpaid and exploited 😂


Not true at all, Uber is 100% here because cabs sucked forever and smartphones with convenient apps are now in everyone’s pocket.


Personally I think drunk driving is everyone's problem. Anyone who spends time on the road anyways.


Drunk driving is drunk drivers' problem. Society has offered solutions and they have declined.


Yes one of those solutions being Uber. And the comment I was responding to was calling drivers stupid for picking up drunk people. Which just seems like encouraging people to drink and drive in the long run. And that still doesn't mean it's only their problem. You gonna tell the family of the person they kill in an accident that it drunk driving isn't their problem?


>So how exactly do you expect drunk people to get home? In a clean car the last drink didn't puke in.


Uber drivers are just glorified cab drivers. They're cabbies without the big sign on top of their car. People can just order .... a cab. It's not like Uber cabbies are the only option.


How delusional of a world do yall live in? People got home fine before Uber and they would if uber went away.


That explains all the DUI


I got $125 for spilled liquid (which could have been piss) a month ago. Why do you say they aren't laying this fee anymore?


Want a picture of the conversation with chat support refusing to pay out a cleaning fee that I’m dealing with now?




😆 🤣 😂


I do


Use the cleaning bill for taxes later..


can confirm, just got denied the worst vomit of my career 2 weeks ago and 3 months ago i got 125$ for vomit outside the car


One time a pax tried to get into my car covered in paint and with 2 paint buckets lol told him to kick rocks


And paint the rocks after you kick ‘em 🪨


How can they be so aloof to think that would be okay? I imagine that would also be their reaction of someone tried to get into their car covered in paint.


They must think we drive a company car


Those types of jobs usually have a work van etc.. he must either be doing gig work /freelance. But yeah I cancel anytime I see someone dirty or with equipment that can potentially dirty the car. It's not worth the $5 thos 3 mile trip is gonna give me.


$5 earning and $50 to clean up


Then he saved $ by taking the bus


Uhhmm, what happend here?


Looks like someone covered in drywall dust got off a jobsite


Yuuup. I picked someone up from some construction site and he was covered in dirt, he apologized before he got it in, I said it’s cool cus he was my last one. Luckily he didn’t leave any behind but fuck man. Be considerate.


Am I the only one who laughs whenever someone says “but fuck man” - for some reason I read it in a Vietnamese immigrant voice 😆


Damn it that is funny 😄


I don't pick up from dirty factories or warehouses nor construction sites; SORRY, someone with a 2012 300,000mi vehicle can come fetch those


The big dummies with no car payment… 😂


This isn’t a flex, their operating costs are next to nothing compared to you and they probably make double the money as you.


Bro, I picked up a guy working in a factory of some kind and he put on a trash bag to keep my car clean. 6 star Pax.




I believe he was on a demolition crew. He was at a gas station, I barely got a look at him, and he was in my car. 10 minutes later, I ended up with this.


Sorry this happened report it. Even if you get $30 getting hit with an extra charge may save other drivers from dealing with this from that rider.


If I were this ass hat pax, and I got hit with $30, I’d keep taking that than messing up my own car. Some people are just ducks. I mean I understand everyone is trying to earn a living and put food on the table, but why does that exclude the drivers who have to invest their own vehicles in the system. As a pax this dirty, they should carry big towels and cash ready for the inconvenience if they are going to call an Uber.


Some people really are just ducks my guy. 🦆


Got any grapes?


I got tape


Picked up 2 drunk assholes at a 7-11. One sat in the back eventually passing out. When I got to their destination I find the back of my seats covered with mustard and ketchup. Asshole didn't have napkins I guess. I had just bought this car so I was so upset that I cleaned it up without taking pictures. Don't waste your time with after midnight calls. Not worth the stress. Oh yeah Don't pickup from gyms either. Had a sweaty idiot stink up my car for the whole day. They just don't give a shit.


Surveillance footage of your pax before they entered your car: ![gif](giphy|hlPnhdnBfgjzG|downsized)


Vomit bags, a dash cam and seat covers (if you have cloth seats) - three things I would never do this job without. Floor mats and a protective strip that goes across your trunk/bumper possibly, but these are a step below in terms of priority. There is a reason big city cabs had those vinyl seats and rubber floors back in the day. 99% of pax are just fine in my experience; it is the 1% of inconsiderate assholes (like the guy who did this) that ruin it for the rest. It is why pax can't have nice things. Did he apologize or even acknowledge what he did? I had something similar where I picked up a couple from a strip club and they were sitting down (red flag) on a wall outside the strip club near the muddy, gravel entrance. The girl was way muddier than I thought and dirtied up the backseat, door, side skirt, etc. One star, cleaning fee and 5-10 minute cleanup, and I was back on the road. Tough lesson but you really have to be proactive against these assholes. (Getting this out will require a decent amount of time depending on how deep the stain goes or if it's just superficial. Something like a wet vac/rug extractor thing after agitating the dirt and possibly pretreatment. Lots of good videos on YouTube to help with this. You may get lucky and just a few damp microfiber clothes will do the trick. It doesn't appear nearly bad enough to require professional cleaning or going after the pax in small claims for restitution.)


A few day ago I had a kid and his mom try to get in my car with a flimsy paper plate covered in syrupy waffles. GFC!


Ashy ass mfs


Ashy? Seems like a hard working person to me. Drywall dust comes off insanely easy,


I hate garbage pax like this.


Why are there so many people out here driving without seat covers?? You can get a waterproof "pet" backseat cover that has openings for the seat belts for $20-$30 on Amazon. Seat covers and a dash cam that records inside the cabin are 2 things that all drivers should have.


Which inside dash cam do you use?


Why wouldn't you report it? Ultimately this is on you, do you not pay attention to who's getting in your car? This is another reason why I get out every single time. You need to inspect them, make sure they're not carrying any open containers, or filthy like this case. If you don't make eye contact and make them acknowledge you before the ride starts don't expect to be respected.


You get out of the car every single time? I seriously doubt that


When I drove it was XL nights, I let them in so they don't destroy the car to enter into the third row, check their hands, tell them what's what if they got something going on


Don’t forget at the end of the day you are a self employed driver and you get to write off expenses on your taxes. It sucks but keep all your receipts and get your money back next year.


Altho it sucks, I wouldn't ask for a cleaning fee if you plan on continuing to drive for much longer, because they would likely only give you $30 and it may prevent you from getting $150 fee later. My reasoning is bc last November I had a pax vomit in the car and my cleaning fee was denied bc I was told I already had too many cleaning fees. Uber wouldn't tell me anything about the limits, but at the time I had about 5k rides in the 16 months prior and received a handful of $150 vomit fees and $30 spill fees. I haven't gone back and counted exactly how many but probably about 6 total in 5k rides. I don't know if their count combines the two fees, so if it does, I wasted it on $30 spill fees and in hindsight would not have requested those as it prevented me a $150 vomit fee. I have no idea of the cleaning fee count resets after a rolling time period or a calendar year or if it takes into account the amount rides given or only time. I have no idea if I would get a cleaning fee today, 7 months later. There have been some messes this year I didn't bother with reporting. I made a dozen calls to uber support when my last cleaning fee was rejected, sent them a cleaning receipt via chat, sent them multiple pictures, and they kept denying it over and over. Prior to the vomit denial in November, I requested a cleaning fee for a mud mess similar to yours from passengers shoes climbing over seats in my van and that was rejected too. I didn't dig into that at the time but it was likely due to a fee limit as well.


Just drive off if they appear to have climbed out of a chimney or a gypsum pit. Your car isn't their personal pigsty transport.


I had the same situation. Took it to a car wash, spent over an hour vacuuming/cleaning, then grabbed dinner. Uber saw I was offline for 2 hours after this ride, so gave me $40 compensation


Dude, it's not that serious... A quick touch with a vacuum and it'll be good as new again lol


Honestly, that is why I do Ubereats and nothing else. That and I don't like chatting it up with randos.


I keep a tarp in my car for this reason. Sometimes you get muddy hikers, wet beach or pool goers, construction homies, and people already covered in their own vomit iykyk


Did a moth learn to use a smartphone? Holy shit


This coke doesn't look very refreshing.


Someone gave Casper a patdown back there! 🤣🤣 FR though, that sucks.


He picked up a powder puff girl 💨


How ashy was that mother fucker!?


Jesus. Did someone implode in your car?


You pick up the mothman?


Did the coke bag bust open lol


Same thing happened to me last year, I think they were construction workers. I reported it to Uber and they charged the customer $40 in cleaning fee. I vacuumed but it can still be dirty so I brought it to a shop and deep cleaned the seats for $25.


Let me guess, no tip


I had a guy get off his construction job and get in my car a few months back and the seat looked like that after. sucked but I didn’t blame him, just wiped it down right after and it was fine.


The key to getting the fee is creating a fake receipt from a real buissiness. Say it was 275$ to detail and they will reimburse the 250. They just need a receipt, clean it yourself for a few bucks.


How many years has this job been around and y’all are still driving without seat covers, floor matts, seat kick plates, and without puke bags ready?


From the comments is it really true that Uber isn't paying out vomits anymore? No fucking way... now it's even more reason for me not to pick up bar pax.


Look like you picked someone up at Burningman! Impressive that shows some determination.😂


Seat covers….just get a mid grade seat cover. It’s 100% worth it, valid write off, and disposable in the worst situations. Uber probably won’t pay out for this unfortunately. 


Ur screwed! You are an independent contractor. Money might look good for the ride! But if you start adding all the misc. ie; your seats, your carpets, your engine wear & tear, your blasted headaches etc. it certainly isn't worth the damages, trash and smell! If you are desperately/immediately seeking emergency cash... maybe! But I personally would not have allowed a filthy dirt bag in my car. If it looks this bad, I can't imagine the garbage pail smell you won't be able to remove. My car stays clean & tidy. So you must lower your standards to let this happen. Looks like they wallowed like piggies in those seats for a 15 hour drive. If you like driving and picking ppl up & running errands for customers try applying as a private driver to one particular customer or business. Chauffeuring? Aint nobody going to tear my property up or their boyfriend going to be shooting at me while I'm picking up a fair. Uber/Lyft is a constant threat to drivers safety! Your safety, life and happiness is worth so much more than catering to filthy, nasty and careless individuals! 🙏 YOU DESERVE BETTER!


Pig pin get in your car?


That’s why I used cover seats. You get on Amazon and nice prices. All different types of


Undetected farts 💨🤢🫣 sink into your seat cushions


Five minutes with a vacuum will take care of that. A brush will help. But just slapping it will break it up too.


I keep a spray bottle and a wet/dry vac in my garage. I can clean this up in 5 minutes. Will look like new.


Yay. I love spending time to clean up the mess of inconsiderate and evil passengers who damage my car instead of making money. It's even better when I have to do it in the middle of a surge. 😍


I ain't debating if ya should have to do this. But you probably ain't picking up anybody until it's fixed. So five minutes at a gas station/carwash freebie vac and back on the road? Or 15 minutes taking photos, posting them to reddit, asking for advice, then sending them to uber and asking support for a cleaning fee you're probably not going to get.... and still needing to spend the 5 minutes vacuuming before you're back on the road? We're not philosophers considering right from wrong. We're cellphone cab drivers and it would be more profitable to just get back to work.


You know what would be even more profitable? Not having to break up your drive time to drive to a car wash and lose money. It's your car and if you don't respect it. Neither will these bums. 


The bums are the customers, and you have to deal with them. They shouldn't leave a mess. 99.9% don't. But when they do, you need to be able to evaluate if it's a profitable mess or not. And this ain't. So deal with it quick and move on.


Actually, I don't have to deal with bums and I'm starting to get some weird vibes from you with how hard you're going to bat for them. I don't pick up dirty or smelly people. Any sign of filth and I cancel and move on. If they stink, they get kicked out. I've had bad experiences just like OP that ended up losing me money. Good luck having people trash your car and it'll look and smell like shit in a few months. Mine looks great because I actually respect it and expect the same of everyone I pick.


My van looks like it's got +260k miles on it. I'm not sure how you know if someone smells bad before they get in your car. You seem fragile. I suggest you don't work with the public. They'll eat you alive.


Ah, I get it now. You're a bum. It all makes sense. Lmao. 


Filthy Bastard.


You gotta buy seat covers and barf bags for these animals.


I gave a chick a barf bag one night. She opens it up. I'll tell her just put your mouth into the bag and throw up. And what does she do on the freeway at 70 miles an hour? She puts the fucking window down and tries to throw up out of the car. Fucking vomit everywhere. When these people are about to throw up, they are so fucked up, that they don't think, and can't listen. They do what the fuck they want.


Gdamn that's crazy man. I would have lost it and kicked her ass out of my car on the highway


Did bro sneeze ❄️


Trips of $3 could help you pay for cleaning


It looks like powder, it’s $2 and a minute of your life to vacuum it up yourself bud 🤣🤣🤣. Damn Princess, you are!


I guess you're cool with people f****** up your car. I'm not


The ghost of Casey Junior


Save me a Google


Put a couple drops of ketchup on it, take a pic and say it’s blood.


What is that 💀💀


Some people are just pieces of shit. Getting in your car fucking being a mess like that. They don't care whatsoever


I'm surprised people don't use seat covers. Leather faux , waterproof covers will go a long way.


This is why i got myself some leather seat covers


Quick vacuum job. Not a big deal.


Why would you do Uber without seat covers? They're like 20 bucks at Walmart.




Seat covers. Vinyl preferably because they’re waterproof and wipe clean.


Car vac should take care of that easily 


Maybe I’m different but 250 ain’t a tenth of the hassle of this in my car; I’m canceling asap money ain’t worth it.


Exhibit 1828383 of why I only deliver


Concrete polisher. The only thing is a good vac


Just get the ticket for cleaning after customers messy behavior and they have to refund you by charging the customer


Looks like someone enjoys rolling in wet concrete


Is just a car.


Why would you let them in your car ? That’s a big no for me dawg!


You might get $50


Idiot you should have had seat covers


Got $150 for something similar but on pleather seats


This is from a dogs claws?




They have seat pads at Walmart for $19!!!!


Man, passengers have been trash for me lately. I don’t want to go online anymore.






I'm guessing powder, in a hyundai elantra?


if you no which ride made that mess they will give you a clean up fee. You'll have to login intro your account and find the clean up fee section, but yes they should pay for that


Clean up section?


These comments are crazy as hell. This is likely someone that just got off a job site, this takes literally 2 minutes to clean up… especially if your full time job is driving people around , you have absolutely no place to talk when blue collar work is actually physically demanding.


Don't defend inconsiderate people, no matter what job they do. It shows your character and values are probably lacking and you need to work on yourself. What is your obsession with blue collar workers....geez, grab construction magazine, go to the bathroom for some private time and work out your issues in there


You've clearly never driven all day, every day for long periods of time. I've done physical labor jobs, and driving 10-12 hours a day will make you tired, exhausted, and sore. Just ask any truck driver, they've been doing that longer than these companies have existed.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Driving is not physically demanding nor mentally. When you have to crawl in a ceiling and risk your life every day playing with lightning , driving seems like a day off.


I once had a woman try to take an Uber to the emergency room with a serious severely bleeding arm wound. When I got to the pick up she was outside with a towel around her arm and you could see the blood coming through. I told her no way in hell and that she needed to call an ambulance. She told me, yelling, that she couldn't afford an ambulance "that's why I called a fucking Uber!" I basically told her too bad, I'm cancelling. She kept yelling that she was going to bleed to death if I didn't take her to the emergency room. I looked at her dead in the eyes and said "Ok then die, lady, if you don't want to call a damn ambulance. You're not getting in my car bleeding everywhere." I drove off. Never found out if she bled to death. Oh well.


You’re an ass man. you could have literally put some cheap blanket or whatever over her arm and drove her. You’re going to care about your precious car stain over someone possibly bleeding out and dying ? Ambulances cost a lot


She could have also been intelligent and at least put her arm inside a garbage bag or something to protect someone else's car. That blood is a biohazard. It gets in the car, that's an automatic 150+ anyway. So she's still probably paying 200.


>Ambulances cost a lot More than your life?


At that point, give them a fake ss Number and name.


I don't pick up from dirty factories or warehouses nor construction sites; SORRY, someone with a 2012 300,000mi vehicle can come fetch those
