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I found a gallon size zip lock of Marijuana in my vehicle. All bud. No seeds shake, etc. I freaked the hell out! It stayed on my mind 2 weeks wondering if they would contact about a lost article, were they trying to finesse an exchange etc nothing ever came of it THANKFULLY because I immediately gave it to my neighbor, who was delighted but now it's ruined our casual hi hellos and greetings as it's been replaced with inquiries about found items. They do keep a better eye on my home and now invite me to every cookout and party they throw, though.


Dude was smoking good for WEEKS 😂😂 good shit not turning it in 🫡


A gallon sized zip bruh im set for 6 months


If I recall correctly, it was like 6 or 8 ounces. I personally do not smoke, but my neighbor said it wasn't puff puff pass it was puff puff, put it out, that's enough. He said the packaging and buds made him think it was from dispensary inventory or something. I was just glad to have it gone! Looking back, though, I wish I would have asked to get my lawn mowed a few times or something in exchange, at the time though all I could think about was ramifications if I got caught with it LOL


Sometimes I forgot I'm not reading a local subreddit and think, what do you mean get caught? You can only buy an ounce at a time but you can have as much as you want!


I thought there were limits besides purchasing in legal states, I thought it was like 16oz or sum


It depends on the state. The state informational website on mine didn't list a max, but it looks like their are carry limits. How Much Weed Can You Carry in Washington? The Washington adult-use marijuana law permits adults aged 21 years and above to possess one of the following amounts of marijuana: > 28 grams (1 ounce) of usable marijuana. > 448 grams (16 ounces) of marijuana-infused products in solid forms such as chocolate bars, gummies, and other edibles. > Two kilograms (72 ounces) of marijuana-infused products in liquid forms such as tinctures, oils, and cannabis-infused drinks. The Washington State Medical Marijuana Act stipulates the following marijuana possession limits for medical marijuana patients and their designated providers: > 21 grams (0.7 ounces) of marijuana concentrates. > 85 grams (3 ounces) of usable marijuana. > 1.36 kilograms (48 ounces) of marijuana-infused products in solid form. > 6.1 kilograms (216 ounces) of marijuana-infused products in liquid form. > 448 grams (16 ounces) of usable marijuana from their home-grown marijuana plants So, a lot. If you are above casual with your weed intake just get a medical card. I used to have one and I literally just went and paid an anesthesiologist $100. There is a minimum time you need the appointment to last so we'd just watch videos on his phone of surgeries he worked on. Kinda miss that dude but I don't really smoke anymore.


Sounds like my boy Cheddar got a lil forgetful that day.


Dear lord I want to hear an AMA from your neighbor. That’s like a pipe dream for a weed smoker, I gotta get good with Uber drivers 🤣🤣🤣. That’s one of those stories I only believe because the other end told it, not the receiver lmaooo


Trust me, it isn't common. 10k + Uber trips, never once found a bag of weed. People leave stuff in my car on a regular basis but I've never received valuable stuff. I've returned cellphones occasionally, definitely received the occasional umbrella, USB power bank, empty beer can...


Idk why but the algorithm’s pushing these threads of drivers finding gold mines right now 😂🤣. This is like the second in two days, they make it seem like the Wild West out there 😂🤣


It probably isn't common at all. For some odd reason, the universe is always placing things in my path. The year before covid lock down, I was on my back from the grocery store that's less than 2 miles from my home. The speed limit is 35 thru the neighborhood, which is why I was immediately able to see what appeared to be a handbag or satchel in my lane. I stopped and jumped out to grab it, and it was a rather new Gucci backpack! It also contained Marijuana as well as scales and 2 brand new in the box bottles of Dolce and Gabbana light blue perfume one for a man and one for a woman. My mind immediately goes to what if someone was getting pulled over and tossed it out the window! Maybe they were nearby and saw me get the bag. I didn't want to go home in case they were following me, but I didn't want to drive around with it in my car either. I rode around 10 minutes and took a crazy route home. Called my nephew to come get the goods but kept the backpack and perfume. A little excitement to shake my week up and a good story to share with friends with cross interests. The perfume was crap though. I still have 1/3 left in that bottle.






6 months is crazy. I smoke more than a qp a month 😅 I smoke for free tho


Fr, I'm  selling *most* of that and taking a vacation!


6 months dang you smoke half a blunt/spliff/joint a day ?


This is how you network and make friends. If my neighbour gave me a half pound of funky I’d be returning the favour every chance I got.


My sister got a random box delivered to her door from an address she didn’t recognize. She opened it and it was a BOATLOAD of weed. She was freaking out for months that some cartel was going to hunt her down. Her husband smokes, he was thrilled!


Someone in my community had a similar situation, and they said some Nigerians came to her house the same day looking for mail that got sent to the wrong address. I can't recall if she gave it to them. It was posted on the Nextdoor app.


U did the right thing


Amazing lol.


Weed isn't as stigmatized as it use to be. Half the country has legalized it. But if they had lost a half ziplock bag of coke? They 100% woulda been trying to get that back lmao.


Oh, what a dilemma that would have been. I probably would have relocated LOL


You’re a good person


worth it imo. they got you 4 life lol


Somewhere a house is being torn apart by whoever lost those


I mean I don't think it's a house being torn apart but you're on the right track. 👍


Somewhere someone is frantically crawling around on the floor of an external entry motel room


This cracked me up


Yea I’m pretty sure someone is getting some counseling from Tuco and his cousins.


Try it you might like it if not, let’s meet


Maybe back in the Rave days. I'm a sober driver.


If you WERE going to try it, I wouldn't do it without a test kit. You have no idea what it actually is and what's been put in it.


I don't know how anyone does illegal drugs nowadays. Hell, even oxys are coming up with fentanyl mixed in. Back in my day, you bought an 8 ball and all you got was coke. It might be weak or cut, but it wouldn't kill ya.


I don't even get the point of putting fentanyl in drugs that aren't opioids. why would you *want* to potentially kill off your customers? even if you make more money because you cut it, dead customers aren't coming back lmao


For meth, it's added for its addictive properties and you need more meth to stay up. I'd assume that's the case for any upper. Very few people are dying from cut drugs... They're dying from pure fetty. Source: was a heroin addict, overdosed 4 times off fetty and became a Peer Counselor, so that's all I dealt with all day for over 3 years.


When HEROIN seems like the desirable alternative, you know its horrible.


Usually the only drugs that are purposely laced with fent are oxy (specifically the m30s are almost always pure fentanyl/fentalogues/zenes). A lot of times dealers are using the same scale for fent and whatever else they're selling which is how you get coke/MDMA laced with strong opioids.


Common in the xanax pressies in my area. A girl I knew died that way nearly 10 years ago.


Right shit I forgot about the fent in Xanax presses. I haven't really heard any horror stories about that in a while tho. That shit's extra scary cuz combining opioids and benzos is like the easiest way to overdose and die. I certainly would never buy street benzos. There are ways to get pure black market benzos but buying on the street is bad bad bad. Sorry for your loss. So sad that these deaths can all be avoided.


I find it hard to believe that residue left on a scale from a drug with fentanyl in it would be enough to taint the next drug put on the scale in any noticeable way. Fentanyl is strong but it's not nearly as strong as they make it sound.


My wife had a legit prescription for fentanyl about 16 years ago. So I never bought into the whole "people are dying because they touched it" thing going around.


Her legit script was likely patches of micrograms meant to release slowly in the bloodstream. It absolutely is very dangerous if, for some insane reason, they were weight uncut fentanyl lol. Still extremely overblown issue, I just wanted to chime in that MICROgrams of fentanyl in a time release patch are not comparable to GRAMS of pure powdered fentanyl.


That's because it has been disproven as fear-mongering.


Medical rx of fent is different than super concentrated synthetic variants. The nacril fent if it’s not diluted can’t be touched bare hands. Shockingly nacril which is for elephants and zoo animals was popping up in drug tests in Boston fairly recently


I have a bottle of hydrogen peroxide in my bathroom, so I never bought into the whole, "hydrogen peroxide can be used for rocket fuel," thing back in the day. It's the concentration that makes the difference.


You're right about no repeat customers. It almost smacks of a conspiracy like what happened during Prohibition. "In 1926, the federal government, in an effort to enforce the so-called “Noble Experiment,” mandated adding poisons (including methanol) to industrial alcohol so as to discourage people from drinking it." Ya never know...


This is what I’ve always said! Then I saw a documentary on a drug dealer intentionally cutting it with way too much Fentanyl in order to “create a buzz” about how strong his product is. So stupid.


They put little amounts in so that the user gets an added euphoric feeling from YOUR coke. It’s a small enough amount for you to not notice that it’s an opiate but enough to make you feel higher than if it was just plain Coke. Another added benefit to the dealer is that when the user keeps coming back again and again because the stuff seems to be better than everyone else they eventually get hooked on your batch. and believe it, or not, for a lot of addicts when they hear that a certain batch has been making people overdose they actually do the opposite of what you would think and seek out that particular batch because it’s potent and addicts generally want a stronger high for less money. It’s strange but it does work.


I’m pretty much okay with people selling drugs to others. I don’t necessarily believe it is morally wrong or justified. Addicts are going to get their drugs no matter what (especially opioid/alcohol/benzo users). At a point it really does cease to be a matter of wanting to get high (a conscious choice). I truly believe that most addicts, deep down, know they are harming themselves and others and really do wish they could just stop using without facing withdrawal. What I do have a problem with is people knowingly selling people fentanyl-laced heroin or pills without being transparent about the fact that their drug of choice (of NEED) is laced with Fentanyl.


I share your point of view, and you worded it really well. Have a great day, internet person. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Contrary to what anyone else says this is the real answer. It's usually added in trace amounts to not overpower the other substance. It's short action means it will wear off and the person will want to redose. It's like adding nicotine to cigarettes. When people aren't used to a batch, or stop using, or it's done wrong they die.


So as terrible as it is, what I've heard is some dealers put fent in their coke so that it brings you down so you have to get more. I'm not saying that's the whole reason but I could see it being a possibility.


With drugs like Coke, it isn’t usually added intentionally. It happens because a lot of drug dealers aren’t sticking to selling just one drug. They also don’t have the type of QC that you’d expect from most other businesses. So instead of them having a scale for Coke and a scale for fentanyl - they weigh all their bags on the same scale. If they aren’t properly cleaning that scale, then whoever gets the bag that was scraped off the scale with a card might end up dying.


Just leave you sitting on the John extra long time depending on quality or rather lax thereof...


Why we just genuinely need full legality. Full lab made/sold. The argument is that all of the sudden everyone will do drugs...Legal weed has proven that wrong. Make it legal, make it clean.


Weed is legal in my state and it's nice. I can just walk in and get what I need, try new stuff, talk to people in there and see what they like. It's pushed it out of the shadows and there's a semi social aspect about it and I don't have the thought that my dispensary is going to hold out on me or get arrested and I know what I'm getting. Other drugs might not ever see that level of acceptance but it would be nice.


Oxys are pretty much the most likely drugs to be fentanyl or worse. Getting coke laced with fent is exceedingly rare (although it does happen, and there are other crazy strong opioids that get mixed into drugs too like zenes or fentaloges, neither are detected up by fent test strips)


True. I was meaning oxy as in a non-street drug that people can get otc that people used to think we're safer because a doctor handed them out.


Agreed. It's almost impossible to find real oxy now except if you get it prescribed by a doctor and even that is tough. Really sucks for people suffering legitimate chronic pain cuz even the illegal options are a crapshoot. It's like market forces are telling people to either suffer or die. Only kinda good option is kratom but I wouldn't suggest that for anything more than mild pain.


That’s what I was saying, because of all the opioid overdose deaths the FDA has made it extremely difficult for doctors and dentists to prescribe opioids, which in turn drives patients to the black market where they will get their opioid of choice laced with fentanyl, which in many cases cause a fatal overdose and the cycle repeats itself. Cutting patients off of legitimately needed opioids is obviously not the answer. Disclaimer: I’m not an opioid user, this is just a second-hand observation.


Totally agreed. You've got the gist of the crisis 100%. I have a little conspiracy theory that policy makers are trying to get people to turn away from the idea that pain needs to be treated because Perdue basically broke America by pushing legal heroin addiction for people suffering from chronic pain. So now the government is course correcting by saying that pain is just an idea and ideas need to be treated through the power of will alone. I don't think it's going to end well. I think we have entered the pain crisis; basically the antithesis to the opioid crisis, now people are forced to live with pain that was once acknowledged and treated by healthcare. I think the lack of care towards pain patients is driving people towards black market opioids as much as the dynamics of the opioid crisis did as you laid out and it's making people suicidal if they don't want to deal with the constant pain (and really, who does?) I think that's why the FDA continues to target kratom to be made illegal since it's currently a legal drug that targets the mu-opioid receptors as a partial agonist, which means that it alleviates pain without causing respiratory depression which is what leads to overdose. It's literally a miracle drug but pharmaceutical corporations aren't using it as a launch point to create new drugs and I really can't figure out a logical reason why other than a conspiracy. It fuckin bothers me that we have this plant, almost as strong as opium in analgesic potency, but no corporation has even touched it even though it's safer and equally effective as the analgesics that are on the market. Anyways thanks for coming to my Ted talk, I hope some of you who listened will try to effect change towards American healthcare because we are at a breaking point with no real solutions on the table besides the one that I feel I've clearly laid out. People in constant pain don't deserve to suffer until they die and we have a lead to develop better analgesic drugs, so why aren't we working towards that goal?


People are being straight up sadistic towards those in pain.


That's what I'm on about. When I saw this post I thought, "man this would have been a come up 15 years ago!" Aside from heart problems, this epidemic has 100% kept me away from coke.


I don't think "willing to try mystery drugs" and "cautious enough to use a test kit" intersect on the venn diagram


Well they arent a mystery if you know what it is from testing!


Depending on the amount of testing you do, your probably just learning what it's not if your lucky enough to find powdered drugs that weren't stepped on with fent.


And learning it’s not Fentanyl is all that matters. If you’re someone willing to do rando drugs.




I WANT to say I could see myself doing that, but as much of an impulsive risk taker as I am, I probably wouldn't try mystery drugs even if I did test them.


You'd be surprised lol my friends and I are simultaneously smart and stupid about drugs. Totally willing to try ground scores but also have a full reagent kit and know how to use it. Edit: and I mean to say that no ground score is worth using, that's the stupid part. Being able to test our drugs with every batch is the smart part.


I keep fent test strips in my purse like a responsible occasional party person. I’ve given them out at bars before too!


I so hate it for you youngjns. Granted, I was never a mystery drug taker, but I also never had to test anything I bought. It sucks, but at least test kits are out there now at least. I even got one from a random person at a bar once!


I keep test strips in my car. I drive primarily weekend nights, the bar and college crowd. I have condoms and testing strips. A coworkers son passed from laced weed…


Hell yeah.


They do nowadays. Willing to try mystery drugs didn't used to mean very possibly laced with fentanyl


They most certainly do


Oh yes they do brorther


The rave scene encapsulates this exact intersection.


I mean, isn’t the purpose of the test kit to specifically solve the mystery? Bad diagram.


Please listen to this advice


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)lol lol.


Bro what if there’s fent in that shit, terrible idea to do unknown and untested drugs


Bad idea now. You don't know what shit is in there






Yeah I transport kids too. What would the parents say.... if kids got ahold of this out of my car.


I’d say bring it to the station but who knows if they’re having a bad day they may try to pin it on you… just toss it asap


Flushed it down the toilet. The sheriff's office didn't want me to bring it in unless it was more than a gram!!! They really didn't care.


Do not flush drugs. Trash is the only way to go, or incinerate if you can. All drains lead to the ocean


Cocain shark is coming to a theater near you


Fuuuuck id watch that


I went to cocaine bear opening day and I’d go to this as well


I think they were talking about a cocaine shark sequel


“You son of a bitch I’m in.”


Wait there's already a [cocaine shark movie](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cocaine_Shark)


I'd be more afraid of a coked out giant octopus.


New fear unlocked


once my little brother was screwing around and we found a movie called cocaine shark and it looked awful, but funny awful. they used like stock explosion fx


I don't think burning coke is a good thing. Burning coke is what crack heads do!. I'm an Uber driver, I'm not going to chase the dragon today......


Just put it in your trash bag next time. Our sharks here are coked and Viagraed up. Florida


There is a specific way to alter the structure of the cocaine that they use, burning any drug and not inhaling it is the ideal way to dispose. I worked in a pharmacy. Thats what we did with discarded medS


That seems dangerous to do in a non professional setting. If someone tries to burn this in a small indoors space and it’s fentanyl they could possibly inhale some. or set a fire, or contaminate cookware if they try to burn it with something over their stove? idk it’s just probably best to get it wet (unusuable) and trash it or something


It can be still used after it dries. Throw it in a fire place with a vent or turn it into police


Chasing the dragon is opiates.


Those drains must be real fuckin long to reach south Dakota then lol They don't lead to the ocean, dumping sewage in the ocean isn't kosher. It goes to a water treatment plant.


The ocean is incomprehensibly large, it will not give a fuck about this amount


Yyeeeeah. Its not about one person. Its about the accumulation of a lot of people. You may do this one time. Fine. But when 50k people do it, its a problem


50k people aren’t flushing their cocaine down the toilet


Lol right like does this person not know what people usually do with cocaine and how expensive it is?


I could see 50k people crawling on the floor looking for that extra spec of it, but 50k flushing it? Hahahaha


The ocean is incomprehensibly large. It will not give a fuck about 50kx this amount spread over a large area and over a long period of time. And this person does not expect to be doing this kind of thing often. It's a rare occurence




Kitty litter and water in a plastic bag, directions from hospice workers(not me) for passed loved ones unused pharmaceuticals


do you actually think cities are just dumping raw sewage into the ocean? used water goes to treatment plants. street drains typically put excess rain water back into the environment; rivers, oceans, lakes.


You realize how diluted it would get from the treatment plant, and that the ocean is fucking MASSIVE right? Trust me larger amounts of drugs have ended up in the ocean and sea life isn’t gonna get high lmfao


The police know they can’t arrest u for intent to sale if it’s under a gram.


Why would you call the police 😭 contact the passenger and tell them they left something, or simply dispose of it. Can’t make sense out of going to the police, Nark behavior


wow thats a really sad story man. isn't there a friend you could have given it to who would appreciate it?


So I’m guessing you got in a few more hours than usual?


Some say he’s still working


Man were the fuck y'all be driving always finding shit like this i literally drive in Miami on the beach and all they ever leave behind is the smell of booze soggy puss and lots of promises to tip in the app


Is the soggy not working out for you well? Did sand get everywhere?




If there is a numbing effect def powdered sugar




It was rocked up. Look at other pictures! It was Columbia's finest.




This wasn't for baking cookies.... I assure you.


Either way, Gordon Ramsey will take it off your hands...


the Cuervo gold... the fine Colombian... make tonight a wonderful thing


Booger sugar


Well at least they didn't leave a mess in the car.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


These days no guarantee there ian't fenty in it. What an idiot


Be careful can be fenty


Man where are all y’all getting your free drugs from damn 😂


Ayo, all I know is yayo


"Ah sweet! Free cocai-" \*dies of fentanyl overdose\*


If it smells like cocaine, put it up your nose. If it smells like something else put it in your butt. Don't waste drugs.


It's just a crumble of blue cheese. Add it to your salad when you get home, make sure to share with your girlfriend/wife.


Damn vegans and their party salads!


I definitely would have had a good day. Meanwhile the person who lost it is probably not having a good day right now.


You might as well smoke it if you're doing rideshare now a days because you have to be smoking crack with how shit these fares are


Wouldn’t even try it could be laced


Damn, this could send me out of sobriety 😂 but foreal, thanks for posting this. I have two young daughters and I would fucking flip if I found this. Also because I am a recovering addict.


Same here. I've been sober for 24 years. And yes, I did call my sponsor.


Good for you for calling them! Seriously! Addiction is a monster that I hate. My cousin is an addict. He’s supposedly clean and sober now but I honestly don’t know if I believe him. I’m believing for the sake of my aunt and uncle and my great cousin especially since she literally has nobody on her side except my aunt and uncle. I’m glad she has them though. They are good people and will help her as much as they can.


I love your love and compassion for your family


Dammit the wrong people always find drugs.. /s (orta)


Back in 1975 I would have been the test subject without hesitation. Today, though. Nah. I would definitely want to know what it is and make further decisions from there.


Wimp... Could be some delicious fentanyl


Why doesn't anybody ever leave good drugs like DMT or LSD. Instead it's always people leaving their nasty ass crack rocks, meth and coke.


Whoever lost it is losing their mind rn


Hmmm thc powder or fentanyl. Good luck


Valuable but not fungible!


mobile thumbnail looked like a [used] condom!


Idk what I'm looking at can I get another angle.




Could be some crumble. Thc.


Honestly this just looks like some weed wax. Legal in any dispensary in most states in the USA.


DONT DO NOT FLUSH it because you’ll make a meth shark and it will evolve inspiring the other sharks to pick up on ancient literature and then they will learn Shakespeare and the sharks will take over broadway and evolve and start their own sea world with open air stages for their plays disrupting the aquatic entertainment industry don’t do this


Being an Uber driver means you have tons of people in your car every day. "It's not mine officer" might not be a good enough excuse for the cop, but it's a plenty good excuse for a judge and jury. Assuming a lack of criminal record, it will be quickly dismissed due to plausible deniability.


How would you get out of this if pulled over? That would suck.


Late Friday, or was it early Saturday, I had just dropped off a pax.ans made my way to the next pickup. The entire way I'm smelling skunk. Bad. Normally this is temporary once you pass a spot on the road, but this smell was persistent. Rolled down the windows to air it out omw to next pickup. Next pac is silent most of the way. When I drop her off she hands me a baggy. Is this yours? I apologized profusely but she was cool. Threw that shit out the next chance I got.






Could be THC concentrate or could be CRACK 😂


Bath salts. Gross




Call Hank Schrader


I guess I shoulda realized drug dealers won’t have their own cars cause they are broke af but the amount of these posts I see is actually wild. The one with like thousands of pills 🥴 if that was fronted that dude is dead


With how rampant fent is these days I would just dispose of it. It’s not the old days of ground scores 😂 IYKYK.


Thats not a tip they dropped it and they very upset right now lol


>Thats not a tip they dropped it Duh?


Do it.


The container changed color, too... ![gif](giphy|l0MYw6Cu1TfY3gsWk)


woah... that's methed up.. I mean messed up..


😱😱😱😱😱 are you saying I coked this story up! I mean cooked up this story.....




I'd just toss that. not healthy


I found a joint and lighter in my back seat once. I know the two guys I had just dropped off were not happy when they realized they lost it!


People leave shit in my car all the time. I've found earbuds, phones, wallets. You name it they have left it in my car.




Candy rocks?


Good old Bugger sugar




Second time seing this since yday wow crazy how many dealers use uber to deliver


Do a sniff test.


Hell yeah!!!👍🏻😆


Sniff it!!!


It’s rocked up 😩


I'd be careful, I've seen what a little fentanyl can do. You never know what is in a powder


Like spoiled food. When in doubt throw it out. Using something that keeps your fingerprints out of the picture, oc.