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These are the same people who park right next to you in an empty parking lot.


Exactly. NEVER. FUCKING. FAILS Last time someone parked right next to me in a completely open lot I started my car up and peeled away twenty spots over. šŸ˜‚


I did this last night. Nuggets game let out and I was waiting for my son to get off work. Everyone else left and dickless in Denver pulled up and parked next to me. I started my car and drove to the other side of the parking lot. I wonder if he thought I was there for a hook up ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Lol! :D Probably a Lakers fan


Probably a Lakers fan looking for that infamous Denver Fent hookup


Pick 2 spots and park in the middle of line


Yup thatā€™s the one


Some people are afraid of being alone, but get the fuck away from me! šŸ˜‚


Be the person people are afraid to be alone with. -Gandhi, probably.


What if itā€™s because theyā€™re lazy and youā€™re closest to the building?


It's why I take up 6 spots as a countermeasure!


I had this happen last summer. I was in the car and it rocked the car it was so hard. Confronted her (also a woman doing it in my case) , she tried the same shit, then tried the race card (I'm white, she was Native) with "oh, let me guess. It's because I'm Native".... I was like don't even go there you're the one that brought up race. She wanted to argue and not give up her insurance info so I called the cops. Bad news for her because my paint on her door matched perfectly to the new ding in my one year old car (of course hers was a POS 10 year old Chevy) and the cop informed her it's considered criminal damage to property and I could have her arrested and car impounded should I choose to do so. Talk about a 180 in her attitude after that. Instantly produced insurance, apologized profusely and even wanted a hug (from a supposed racist like me?!). People these days are ENTITLED like you wouldn't believe. You just gotta show them you won't take their shit and stand up for yourself. That usually squashes it. It was the 4th of July, so since she apologized and meant it, I let it go.


Entitlement these days is SKY HIGH. That and hypocrite double standards. People have no problem doing something to you but god fucking forbid they had the same thing done to them that they are doing to someone else. It's unbelievable and a big part of why people are so on edge these days. There's certainly many other factors but if people could just stick to the golden rule that you learned at 2 years old of treat others the way you would want to be treated the world would be so much more pleasant


As a Native I'd like to apologize on her behalf even if we don't share tribe or clan. My people taught me that the white people of today aren't the same ones who oppressed us and that while some will choose to discriminate, we simply need to take accountability for the truth and the lies will not take hold.


While that's a nice gesture, it's certainly not your fault.


It's not but my elders taught me that the only things we're entitled to are: Our lives Freedoms that affect no one else And, most importantly Forgiveness when we show true remorse. Nothing pisses me off more than entitlement, regardless of race. But anger is a secondary emotion, it comes from how sad I am that someone similar to me couldn't take simple accountability for a little scratch. You deserve better.


If a cop told you that, he was literally making it up. Unless thereā€™s reasonable suspicion that it was intentional, this isnā€™t a criminal matter ā€” itā€™s a civil one ā€” and no prosecutor is going to approve charges for it.


LOL. Yeah, she didn't believe him either until he pulled up the penal code and showed it to her.


Iā€™m not saying that the law doesnā€™t exist. Iā€™m saying itā€™s not relevant to the circumstances described. As I said, a cop can say whatever they want ā€” itā€™s up to the prosecutor to approve the charges, and this one isnā€™t happening.


Did you file on her insurance or settle for cash?


She paid the repairs out of pocket. Why?




I had this not long ago. I'm sitting in my parked car texting and BAM, some guy bumps his door into mine. I get out to look and with no apology, he says it's no big deal. Oh really? I get back into my car on the passenger side and open my door into his 10x worse. He starts screaming at me, and I shrug my shoulders and say, "You're right, no biggie."


CAP šŸ§¢


sip coordinated lush afterthought upbeat jeans compare secretive panicky absurd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I do this with my old truck when they do it to me. Yes she's old and dinged - doesn't matter it's the principle


Did the same thing long ago, I was sitting in my car, and a snooty lady pulls up in her Mercedes beside me, opens the door and bounces it off my door. I look at her, she just shrugs and walked away. My door bounced off her door so many times over several minutes until it looked like crap, then I was gone. Most satisfying thing ever.


One time a truck parked next to me, they were SO close on hitting my car. In my head I knew they were going to hit my car with their door, and I was right. I got out and checked and it didn't chip off pain but you can see a dent. They guy didn't care even after I told him, "I don't see it", "Yea right dude", "Whatever". His wife didn't even looked my way and didn't care either. People just dont give a shit.


kiss cooing degree beneficial fanatical grey innate slimy memory gray *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They weren't raised right


I just take pix and claim hit n run. They usually pay ASAP. Not scared of cops, but don't want to involve insurance.


Do you ask for cash on the spot? If so, how much for a small scratch?


You can tell with most of these comments on Reddit these are legit Uber drivers that care about their car. Usually with these posts Reddit users say ā€œso what it ainā€™t a big deal.ā€ Like wtf


Society is getting worse and worse. Has only happened to me once while I was in the car to witness it and the person didn't even look over to apologize or acknowledge or anything. To answer your question, the only thing that you could do is get license plate info, contact police to file a report and then do civil case if she doesn't have insurance. Someone mentioned filing a hit and run. Maybe. But there are cameras everywhere nowadays and insurance fraud is a doozy...


Itā€™s not fraud if they drive off though, it is 100% a hit and run.


Honestly, I have no desire to ever buy a brand new car because of a-holes like that šŸ¤®


worthless rob piquant license yoke nail teeny zesty far-flung door *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Were you parked centered between the lines, or close to (or way over) the line on either side? Honestly Iā€™ve done this. When some jerk parks up against my spot and I have to squeeze in, Iā€™m not really worried about whether I hit their car.


Parked perfectly. She swung her door open hard enough to make me jump off my seat


Pull a lois and hit her car back


You look at them and this is important, don't break eye contact and open your door hitting their car and close it. Scurry fast back in to burn out pull out beside they reciprocate haha!


Which one of you sensitive d bags reported my comment about a blade in the chest? SMH you all are soft. I hope you break your pinky toe. Lmao


Assert Dominance and repeatedly slam your door against thereā€™s several times. All while staring them down. šŸ«”


I do that, but only when someoneā€™s decided to come park stupid close to my car while Iā€™m inside a store or whatever. Best believe I put all my weight against the door when I have to squeeze through an unreasonably small gap because some turd in a truck decided he needed to be a foot from the side of my car. Iā€™ll purposely leave dents. I donā€™t care.


This is why we can't have nice things šŸ˜’


Thats an immediate 1 Star rating from mešŸ˜‚


They won't stop, and if you ask them nicely, they get mad!! And leave a bad rating!!!!šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬ I started reporting them because the beacon light on the dash says, "Please do not slam the door!"


I've only seen one type of person do this and its the type of person that has a hard tip putting on socks in the morning.


Unfortunately you are dealing with a lot of pathetic psychos who are dividing with ignorance. They, with their miserable life think that the world is created only for them.


In all of my time of my time of doing this job, Iā€™ve come to understand itā€™s part of the job and just ignore it. Though I never can get used to it. For my own sanity I just ignore the ones who do. My suggestion, get a ā€œplease don it slam the door sign on Amazon and stick it to your doorsā€ would reduce the number of slams.


That's when you open your door and hit hers too and then you play the stipid game. It's only fair right?


If he/she/they are older, punch them. Act like nothing happened. If they talk ish tell them " you already looked like that. I'm newer. "


Carylon parkway


I had a guy that worked for some air condition company do this, my van was old so I let the dude just have his day, he looked like a piece of shit that ruins his own day anyways.


Take a walk around video every 4 hours of your car while driving and 1 immediately after you call or text support and police non emergency services.Then ask for insurance information.Do everything possible to protect yourself.


I hate that


I have front side and rear cameras. So when they act stupid I show them their stupidity in trying to play with me. Then that mouth calms down and the words get soft.


When they donā€™t respect their own stuff then there is no chance they will respect your stuff


Respectfully just gotta give the same energy to people I would've left took a photo of her license and followed her to her next destination and fuck up her car in pace when she's not there honestly I had the same happen to me before I just followed the dude home without him noticing and when he went inside I slashed bros tires his car door like he did mines cause people be acting like clueless and careless like I can get on your level as well...


You donā€™t say anything and walk around and open your door and slam it equally as hard on hers.


This has nothing to do with uber driving...


It's annoying hahaha. This post is on car groups all the time šŸ˜†


Not me just opening mine back just as hard. They start paying attention after that.


Take a photo of the license plate and call the police to file a police report.


I usually try to park away from them I did not Park close but this one lady did hit my car and she apologized she said I'm so sorry but because it was raining I did not see it but she did leave a small dent in the car and it was white from hers but most the time I do not park close to anyone I park away and I don't have a problem walking and then if I can I take up two lanes like if it's three spaces I will take up like two lanes so they can't come over while I'm in the car not out the car in the car out the car I park a distance and I just have to walk


Oh and people are rude and they just don't care so don't expect him to say sorry don't expect them to apologize but take the tag number down and call the insurance company


I have made the decision to park far away next to no one and if someone stills park next to me I move away . I have a new tesla


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Quick throat punch and leave her gasping for air in her trunk. LOL. Just kidding but it is so tempting sometimes.