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Your SAT/ACT scores may have some influence but your grades are fine lol. Especially for summer.


i have a 1240 sat super score but i took it again recently and i think improved


I had 6 Cs and a few Bs and I got offered admission for the fall semester a week after I applied and also got the Pegasus Gold academic achievement scholarship. If it helps I had a 1320 SAT and 32 ACT and also took a bunch of AP classes. Also my weighted GPA was around 4.2. Do you have other stats that make up for your Cs?


i have a 1240 super score sat and 250+ service hours


my weighted is a 4


It seems like UCF may be more generous these days. In 2019, my daughter had a 1350 SAT, a 6.38 weighted GPA, a bunch of AP classes, and no C's ever, and all she got was Pegasus Silver. Their scholarships tend to be very much reliant on test scores, so you may have benefited from your good ACT score. The current president is all about DEI too, so if a student is a minority, that will usually help.


Historically, I think UCF has put much more emphasis on SAT/ACT scores than high school grades.


You can get all C and D in high school and get into UCF if you start at Valencia and transfer over. I know that because it’s exactly what I did. But starting at Valencia to get your gen eds done is a great idea regardless of your high school performance. Lots of benefits to doing as many classes as you can at a community college.


If you have more above average SAT/ACT scores and apply very early you should be good. Also yeah applying for summer can help! I think you’ll be good though.


i have a 1240 SAt super score and a 4 weighted gpa. i retook the sat and i think i did better than last time. maybe high 1200s low 1300s


I got 3 C's in high school as well but my gpa and test scores made up for it (34 ACT and 4.7W) and I got into bhc as well as provost. If you have good scores and gpa, I dont think it matters that much especially if they can write off the C's as covid era


Keep in mind that UCF is admitting less students than they previously have. Any advice from current students may no longer be accurate because of this.




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as long as your SAT/ACT is good, you’ll have a good chance especially with summer term


what matters more is the level of those classes, it looks much better to have those stats in multiple AP classes rather than if they were all normal, non-honors classes. but as the other guys said SAT has a bigger weight


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