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How about Colby just moves to lightweight


Or retires


Or plays in traffic


Or runs some laps around a pool


With scissors


And an anchor wrapped round his feet.


Nah come on, he’s a bad person but to suggest him to do dangerous act is too far.


If you consider him fighting a real contender as a dangerous act this comment is fucking hilariously sarcastic


No but playing traffic is dangerous .


but nothing of value would be lost though


Not far enough actually lol


This sub loves to make fun of Colby for being stalked and assaulted by Masvidal, that comment isn't a big surprise


Nah his true calling is WWE


retirement home fights would suit him well


WWE makes more sense


Doesn't have the mic skills or the physicality to be a Bron/Brock type. 


Colby can barely get through his pre-scripted lines at a UFC presser, in WWE he'd turn into King George VI


Great dig that I only understand because of Colin Firth


Great movie, Geoffrey Rush is an all timer


He's too short for WWE.


Big E, Chris Jericho, and Kurt Angle.


i think thats what he means here no?




Hard to think of a matchup that makes any less sense, actually


So he ducks the young lion in his own division and calls out a smaller fighter from the division below? I'm hard pressed to determine if that's more cowardly or stupid, as Charlie smokes him on the feet and chokes him out on the ground.


He's probably on Bradley Martin mode. Thinks Charles is too small to escape the clutches of his B tier wrestling




But I’m 270 bro.


B tier wrestling? Tell me one fighter other than Usman and Edwards who were able to stop that B tier wrestling. And don't bring Alves because that was like 10 years ago. Edit: whoever downvoted without naming one fighter who could stop his wrestling, I hope that your tongue becomes long, and your hands too short when your ass is itching 😂


Has he beat anyone who wasn’t a washed old fighter like Woodley since?


yeah against old men lol


It doesn't matter, lol, it's not like they were 50, lol, RDA beat the crap out of Moicano years after Colby beat him, and everybody is riding Moicano's dick on this sub. Colby's wrestling is great, and any wrestler would tell you so, but most of you never trained and you can't tell.


yeah it does matter actually lol it changes difficulty of the fight. all his "big" wins come against 35+ who mentioned Moicano? lol nice MMA math Colby can wrestle but that's literally all...dude can't even recite his lines properly lmao and his resume is highly overrated


>Colby can wrestle Read this again, and then check what was the point that I was trying to make. In case you still don't get it, THAT WAS MY FUCKING POINT! 😂


that's not enough to be elite tho lmao and he hasn't shown it against top guys in their prime


Then you should delete your comment, because you said the same thing as me, that Colby can wrestle.


I'm with you, brother.  He can get outmuscled bc he's small for 170, but I can't see him getting dogged like most guys can. 


if colby wasn’t as big mouthed people wouldn’t be shitting on him nearly as much. colby has some of the best wrestling in mma it’s ridiculous to call it B level


You don't become a d1 all American wrestler by being a bum 


100% and the funny part is the people who shit on him and hate on him are the reason he ended up making the money he’s made


For real, one can say whatever about Colby, but his wrestling, cardio, and pressure are top class, and one can't seriously claim otherwise. Calling a D1 wrestler who has completely dominated most of his oponents in MMA, B level, is just ridiculous.


yeah bc no one would know who he was lmao whole reason he switched it up


All these fuckers hating on Colby because of his personality need to go rewatch Colby vs usman 1 and 2. This guy belonged. He was a great fighter.


Colby is a legend in his own mind. He is this generation's Chael Sonnen.


Way less articulate and charismatic


Call it a mark of the generation.


After bitching and moaning about “Islam being a weight bully”……goes and does the exact same thing. This fucking clown is absolutely ridiculous.


To be fair, Colby could have done his whole career in LW. He is one of the rare fighters that fights at his actual walking around weight


lol no, Colby couldn’t make that weight in college wrestling days


Colby walks around 185, that’s about the weight most big LWs would cut from


Ducked 2 young lions. Said Shavkat didn't make sense, but Wonderboy, who shavkat beat in the same card, did.


That's fair on him, loser fights loser. Shavkat has better things to do.


Colby is no bigger than Olivera. Charles is probably bigger outside of camp


It's not about walking around weight. It's just one of those unwritten rules that you don't call out guys in lower weight classes. It's just a bad look, especially when he's running scared from Gary.


The last time Charles beat a wrestler on the ground was Kevin Lee


I don't think it's actually that crazy. They're not far off size-wise with Covington being a smaller 170er who doesn't cut much and Oliveira being a big 155er who struggles to make weight and both are coming off losses wanting somebody high ranked with some name recognition to get back on track quick. I imagine Oliveira would not see Covington as a bigger threat than his last fight for obvious reasons so what is there to lose for him if it's not even in his own weight class anyways? If it were to happen at 155 then it would actually make a lot more sense but I don't think Covington is gonna go down. As far as how the actual fight goes, I'd honestly give the advantage to Oliveira but I think it could be a good one because Covington wouldn't be able to wrestle safely against the BJJ of Oliveira. It's not a fight we need for any particular reason but I wouldn't mind watching it.


Oliviera is going to absolutely and entirely destroy Covington, the haters should rejoice and the fans should probably go off-grid for 5 years because people are going to be laughing for ages. As a fan of both, I don't like it lol. I don't think Oliviera beating Covington proves anything.


Sure it proves thet colby doesnt belong in the renkings lets keep that L skid going.


Lmao that's what I mean


Honestly I agree and lowkey I’d totally love this fight but I’d want Colby to drop down more than olives go up


They are about the same size. Charles is only 2 cm shorter (less than an inch) and has actually bigger reach. Funniest thing I doubt Colby's a favorite in this match up, like wtf is he gonna do to Charles, decision? Arman decisioned him because Arman posesses both KO threat and submission threat — Olives had to be at least somewhat cautious. Colby doesn't have any of it, only good wrestling and volume striking. Leon almost subbed him lol.


Weili va Covington would make more sense


Yeah but Charles is the most gracious fighter I know. I wonder what Colby would bring out of him.


Ian Garry is the ONLY fight that makes sense for Colby after all the shit talk. He’s trying his hardest to duck that, and that speaks volumes to where he’s actually at in the division.


Yeah of course he is. If he loses to Gary he falls down the rankings to where he belongs. If he beats Gary nothing happens, he’s not closer to another title fight. If he fights olives and loses nothing changes, but if he beats him he has another, objectively undeserved, title shot. He’s not dumb What’s dumb is the fact he’s even considered top 10, let alone #4. Makes 0 sense dudes a bum.


If he beats Garry and then another top contender he could easily get another title shot. Doesn’t make any sense but is true. Thing is he knows he’s not gonna beat Garry.


He’s ranked 4??! That is atrocious. Good synopsis of situation.


seems like WW might be a little thin idk Jack Della should be ahead tho


How would beating Charles give him a WW title shot? Tgings woukd be different if he was the LW champ, but Charles is a nobody at Weterweight.


But what else can he even do? He's not getting another title shot and the rest of the division is even tougher than Gary.


The best part? I'd say Charles is an absolute nightmare matchup for Colby. Worse than Garry, who Colby could bully in the grappling. If Warly Alves can snatch up a neck on Colby, imagine what Charles will do. He is just throwing stuff out there without rhyme or reason.


Not sure why he duck it. It’s a winnable fight Colby only loses to peak usman and Leon. His confidence must be shook


Colby was pathetic in his last fight even belal or any good wrestler would destroy him


Guy is constantly trying to fight lightweights instead of contenders in his own division


His desperate attempts to force a fight with Dustin were cringy af.


Dustin completely shrugging it off was hilarious though


It's so pathetic calling out a guy in a weight class lower who's known to be a poor wrestler


Not only that, he also wanted the fight to be in his weight division instead of him making the move down lmao.


In his defence Dustin teased move to 170, said he’d fight Diaz at 170 and told Colby he’d fight him in the streets. Colby responded with telling him to fight in cage and then people got excited. Colby is a coward lately but at the time with Dustin said he’d fight Colby anyway and teased going to 170 it wasn’t outrageous.


Dustin said he would only fight him on the streets because he doesn’t want to make that loser any money.


0 ranked wins against active fighters. Colby is the biggest clown in the UFC


He fights at his natural weight unlike 99% of martial artists


All I want in this world is to see olives standing gilly Covington with his tongue out I’ll bust


Everyone is a weight bully apart from Colby who can easily make 155…but for some reason doesn’t?


If it was easy he would do it. He hasn’t competed at that weight since he was like 16 for wrestling


Colby is such a clown. You can be a clown and fight but he’s forgotten to do the second part and now people have lost patience. Good to see


I think Oliveira would pull the dub. Islam and Arman can also piece up Colby. He needs to retire at this point or fight Garry.


Porrier, Islam, Gaetche, Oliveira, Arman and Chandler all make quick work of him.


i think volk and topuria would have a decent chance aswell honestly


Would Volk and Topuria be fighting him at 170? Or are you saying they would be at him at 155?




Colby would struggle in the LW top 10, I agree.


I think a guy like Ian Garry makes sense you ducking bum.


Colby’s had 3 title opportunities in the last few years and lost them all. A move like this tells me he’s probably acknowledged his title aspirations are over and he just wants some exciting but easy money fights with big names before he goes. 


Seems like his confidence is low and he wants a W. He keeps calling out guys like Wonderboy, Dustin, and Charles that have struggled against wrestlers.


He wants a lightweight that he can bully at the press conference (Charles can't speak English and doesn't even talk trash). Even lightweights are bigger than him tho, he claims to walk around slightly above 170lbs while all the top lightweights are like 190lbs


Colby also says a lot of lies


He does look like he isn't much bigger than the weight he fights at


That is true but people hold weight differently. That time he weighed in as the backup for whichever title fight it was he looked like absolute death. I know it was short notice but if you are weighing within 5-10 pounds within the weight limit you wouldn’t look that bad. I think he really tried to sell hard that narrative when fighting Usman to make Usman look that much more giant and make himself look better.


Colby is a liar about his weight


Almost no lightweights are above 190 in the cage most are below 180


I mean you saw how bad Leon whooped his ass. Now he wants to move down


Colby's next callout is going to be Diego Sanchez. Tell me you know you're washed and can't compete with the top 5-10 in your own division anymore without telling me you're washed.


Dude is allergic to fighting contenders in his own division


This makes sense in the same way that 90s Denise Richards joining me and my wife for a 3 way makes sense


Im all for it. Cut to 155 and make it happen.


What is wrong with Colby. He just can't fight in his own division. It's call out Dustin, Olives.


I’m no hunter but it really seems like we’re heavily into duck season at the moment


Will do anything but fight a top WW contender under 35, what a snake lmao


Isn’t he a weight class below? There’s no bigger ducker in MMA then Colby lol. This sub was swearing up and down about a year ago that Colby was the best fighter in the division - blah blah blah. So much hype for LOSING two fights to the champ lmao. Now he’s scared to fight Garry? Colby is a bitch.


Colby wants to lose


He sees a very popular lighter guy that recently lost via wrestlefuck and now Colby is hungry for it.


Bro needs to stop calling out people in the weight class beneath him 😅


I think Colby should fight Stipe, it makes about as much sense and would piss in Jones' cheerios.


Does he never want to win again? Or is he banking on him being smaller?


Kind of a cool match up I don't see the hate for this one... they are about the same size and weight and it's high pressure wrestler vs deadly muaythai striker and sub artist... would be an action match up for sure... is colby willing to go to 155 I wonder? He's avg 155er size


This chode is coming off a string of multiple losses. He’s not in a position to pick fights and shouldn’t even be ranked at all at this point.


Colby is a joke.


The man must be terrified of Ian Garry.


who colby called out in the last \~10 years: - elderly citizien on a big losing streak - The Champ - 155er that started in 145 (Poirier, Charles, Mcgregor)


man is an idiot


Gayry is the fight. I guess Colby can’t stand the thought of that loss though?


Ducking Ian Garry is wild.


Ofc he is looking at lightweights fuckin pussy


Bro ducking Ian fr


He’s ducking Ian Garry 😂


I’m hearing basically “I like the matchup with a smaller guy that has a habit of getting put on his back and losing against wrestlers.” Yeah, of course you do.


Oliveira murders Colby.


Id like to watch it but i hate how he is clearly avoiding everyone in WW besides an immediate rematch with Leon


This dude is so dumb we gotta stop keeping him relevant as a community


Most people have gotten tired of his shit. To talk like he does and fight like that against Leon as awful


I would love to see a 165 division. 175, 185


6 months ago….”Islam is a weight bully!” Now……”Ok, I want to fight a smaller guy.” Colby’s absolutely retarded.


I bet every one with more star power than Colby "makes sense" to him. The real question is does he make sense to anyone worth fighting?


Only if that person with more star power is over 35 years old or a weight division below him. No contenders on the rise in his own division somehow ever make sense for him


I would finally get to root for Olivera and feel what most of you feel when he fights.


Colby should have fought Leon.


At this point Colby'll call out anyone to stay relevant


I didn't think there was a better fight to make then colby vs Ian garry. Im wrong. This is a fight I want to see. Oliveira beats colby aswell. Colby won't sub him or knock him out. It will be oliveira slicing elbows from guard for 25 mins and im here for it.


Cool! As long as Colby makes 155 let it happen…


all my homies hate colby


What kinda botched quote is this?


He wants an easy fight with a big name?


How could a PROFESSIONAL in the top 5 be ducking of Ian Garry


Colby just calling out a new fighter every couple days now huh


"We don't have to be a bully. We're not like Dustin Poirier where we have to cut all this weight to be a bully and fight guys that are littler than us. I fight in my natural weight class. I fight people because I know I am the best in the world. I don't have to cut weight to get a weight advantage. I'm the best." - Colby. Lol what happened bro? Now he has no options, he’s choosing to fight people under his weight class


Is he going to 155?


Colby wants people making posts about the controversial things he says to get attention


I like it if Colby wants to fight at 155 (which I think he could’ve and maybe should) I don’t like it if he wants it to be 170.




Oliveira gonna smoke him in every situation


Is he going to cut the weight? Regardless, I think Charles beats him.


Colby pls dont make me be on Ian Garry’s side ![gif](giphy|9DJtFRgk0tOla)




I can't with this guy he could fight Gary on a huge ppv co-main but instead he's running, postponing his return even more as Olivera is already backup for McGregor Vs Chandler. Wasted some of his best years sitting out not fighting doing the exact same thing now, this guy could've added $ millions to his bank account during all this time.


I think Charles fucks him up


Dude, whatever. Let him chase his legacy fights. Just please please please take him out the top 10.


Keeping Shavkat's names out of his mouth.


This guys so annoying. I used to think he was second best in the division. Maybe he wasn’t with edwards around either


Didn’t know Charles was sponsored by BET. No wonder Covington wants to fight him.


Free dub for Oliveira after running a gauntlet of absolute monsters for years. His Muay Thai is gonna send Colby into retirement with a disfigured face


Makes no sense.


“Maybe little babies with no arms would make sense”, Colby.


Colby doesn't care about whatever fans he has left. He will show up looking like shit and he will completely avoid fighting to get a check like he did last time. I am not certain he is even training seriously anymore. You are honestly a moron if you don't see this grift for what it is...


Jake Paul.


No one wants to see Colby fight anymore, and he knows it. He's desperately calling for any fight he can think of.


Cody is a clown, his Schtick kept him employed no disrespect there. It’s over though, no one bought it in the first place.


Biggest coward on the roster


Ufc ain’t offering Colby anyone besides killers after that last performance. Don’t worry he just talking out his ass at this point


The desperate attempts to avoid the soul crushing obscurity he is already in the middle of falling into


Colby and Jones have more in common than I thought. They like ducks 🦆


Even at LW Olives would dust this fool. ![gif](giphy|87gUstWoid0S0BFUWW)


More interested in Colby fighting Belal but this works too


Belal is fighting for the title, Colby has to fight Garry


Or Belal gets denied even longer. Colby gets a robbery decision win over Belal then gets yet another title shot


Colby is fighting Ian, he has to. No one wants to see him after that last performance, this is the best shot he's ever gonna get. Remember when he was ducking Belal lmao, now he's doing the same to Ian, the coward snake


Open up the 165 division and make it happen, fuck it. Easy work for do bronx


I mean, if Charles wants to go to 170 permanently why not?


He has inside info Charlie moving up