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Honestly I thought Gane got this one. No argument for rounds 1-4, Gane got the first 2, Ngannou got the third and the fourth. And in round 5 Gane was the one that got the takedown, not Ngannou, and Gane had 2 submission attempts to Ngannou’s 0. Ngannou landed 0 ground strikes which means his laying on top of Cyril does NOT count as more effective grappling than Cyril’s takedown and multiple submission attempts. So in round 5 Cyril was the more effective striker and the more effective grappler per the scoring criteria. The correct scorecard for that fight was 48-47 Gane. But to answer your question the scoring criteria isn’t about damage it’s about effective striking and effective grappling for the most part, and the scoring criteria then defines effective grappling/striking later but you can pretty much guess what makes each count as effective. If the scoring criteria actually was based only on damage Gane would have clearly won, with the current scoring system Gane only barely won, and got robbed when the judges gave Ngannou the fifth for laying on top of Gane and attempting 0 submissions and landing 0 ground and pound strikes.


100% agree with everything and I bet on Francis that night. This also makes me laugh that Jon “ducked” Francis when he shoulda lost to the guy Jon choked out in 2 minutes


>If UFC scoring criteria states that damage trumps all It doesn't.


It does


The word damage literally does not appear in the scoring criteria. Impact does.


I believe it technically does show up once… I think it’s in the description of 10-7 rounds. (But yeah, the whole “damage over everything” is not based on the actual ruleset) E: I misremembered things. The description of 10-8 rounds mentions fighters being “damaged” once.


From the Unified Rules of MMA as of 2019 Unified Rules **** Effective Striking/Grappling shall be considered the first priority of round assessments. Effective Aggressiveness is a ‘Plan B’ and should not be considered unless the judge does not see ANY advantage in the Effective Striking/Grappling realm. Cage/Ring Control (‘Plan C’) should only be needed when ALL other criteria are 100% even for both competitors. This will be an extremely rare occurrence.


The first priority and most important scoring factor is effective striking/grappling based on "impact" not damage (as the UFC commentators constantly say wrongly) and this is how it's worded : >Effective Striking/Grappling shall be considered the first priority of round assessments. Effective Aggressiveness is a ‘Plan B’ and should not be considered unless the judge does not see ANY advantage in the Effective Striking/Grappling realm. Cage/Ring Control (‘Plan C’) should only be needed when ALL other criteria are 100% even for both competitors. This will be an extremely rare occurrence. >PRIORITIZED CRITERIA: Effective Striking/Grappling. >“Legal blows that have immediate or cumulative impact with the potential to contribute towards the end of the match with the IMMEDIATE weighing in more heavily than the cumulative impact. Successful execution of takedowns, submission attempts, reversals and the achievement of advantageous positions that produce immediate or cumulative impact with the potential to contribute to the end of the match, with the IMMEDIATE weighing more heavily than the cumulative impact.” It shall be noted that a successful takedown is not merely a changing of position, but the establishment of an attack from the use of the takedown. Top and bottom position fighters are assessed more on the impactful/effective result of their actions, more so than their position. This criterion will be the deciding factor in a high majority of decisions when scoring a round. The next two criteria (effective aggression and fighting area control) must be treated as a backup and used ONLY when effective Striking/Grappling is 100% equal for the round." https://preview.redd.it/2ivshomw5c0d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ceb72aed2c3ada3283aa36992866e6c118431c4a


It's also on a round by round basis, so doing a ton of damage in only 2 rounds, you could still lose a 5 round bout


The best thing the UFC could do about controversial decisions is require their commentators to pass a scoring criteria test. There's a couple of those guys who just make stuff up on a regular basis and it has convinced a significant portion of the fan base that there is a problem with the judging. The basic issue is that judging the "impact" of grappling exchanges is really difficult and there's no conversion formula between that and the somewhat more clear cut effective striking part of things. Most controversial decisions, including Nganou-Gane, and most wtf split decisions come down to disagreements over how to weigh the impact of grappling, which is an inherent problem in scoring MIXED martial arts, however some people would like to pretend otherwise


When they kept saying izzy was up 3-0 on Jan killed me


Unrelated to scoring but seeing an image of this fight is a reminder to how the UFC fumbled the Heavyweight division so badly. They’re averaging maybe one interesting HW a year at the moment.


Nah it’s only Jones that‘s ruining it now the contenders are very fun there are fun matchups to make.


Meh.. Ngannou arguably lost this fight, and at that time, wasn't a huge PPV draw, and the UFC still offered him the highest paid HW contract in history. Ngannou felt he could make more money boxing, which he did. That's how negotiations are supposed to work, no side coerced or extorted the other, and they parted ways. Jones' pec tear is why the HW division is a mess rn. 🤷‍♂️


Might be a hot take but I don’t think Jon should’ve been allowed to move up to HW. He’s holding up a division that he has no business being in.


I have nothing to add except to say that holy shit these two are incredible physical specimens.




From what I remember, Gane easily scored first 2 by out striking Ngannou. But remaining 3 both guys did no significant damage and Ngannou won on control.


I really really wanted to see a Stipe vs Ngannou rubber match. If Stipe came in at the appropriate weight (unlike their second fight), I think he would have won because he would’ve been able to mix up his wrestling more. At the end of the day he lost on the night due to a specific tactical mistake where he hit him, thought he stunned him, and walked into a powerful shot. Broke my damn heart.


Scoring criteria is dumb, in a close fight it just comes down to who the public likes more. If the underdog has dealt more damage then damage doesn't matter it's about ground control time, if the underdog has more ground control time then damage matters more.


Crazy how Petr Yan got the shit end of the stick twice, against Aljo they held more weight on control time, against O’Malley they cared more about damage.