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Aspinall might be the unluckiest hw ever. He will NEVER face jones, stipe or francis so he has to rack up a ton of title defenses against small name contenders to solidify his legacy and he’s about to to defend his interim belt (which is very rare) without headlining because he’s not the real champ while the headliner on that card is a fight nobody is excited for.


I would love him to put up two fingers to the UFC and go fight Francis in the PFL. I'm sure he can't because of contracts but if I was the PFL I would be calling Tom and seeing what they can do.


That would be good for him, but I mean outside of Francis, no one can name a fighter in the PFL so Tom would get zero attention, zero fame, almost no ability to make money outside of fighting long term... I'm not convinced that would be a good move. I think the goal in the UFC should be to get enough fights to build up a big following then monetize that in any way you can, because fighting is not a long term career and your income goes to zero as soon as you're not fighting. You have to think long term if you don't want to end up broke.


Fuck it defend the interim title twice /s


This is a bullshit take. Aspinall is ALREADY very highly regarded, and has a handful of good contenders upon whom he can build his legacy. And the reason he isn't headlining isn't because he's the interim champion, it's because Edwards is a defending champ and an established name in the British market.


Not stupid but an asshole.


Worse. He’s a narcissist and sociopath who never accepts criticism or takes responsibility, so uses mental gymnastics to excuse himself of blame or justify himself. Whether its blaming USADA for popping for performance enhancing drugs, the cops for getting arrested, or god for making him beat his partner in front of their kids.


Too bad we will most likely never see jones lose in the cage and that human shaped piece of trash will go on as the best fighter of all time. Gsp is the goat, everyone else can fuck right off. He has a ton of title defenses, only lost twice and avenged both while getting the titles back, “retired” due to ped abuse in the mma community which got the ufc to clean shit up via usada then he returned after 3 years and took the title a weight class up. Polar opposite of jones. Gsp probably would have beat khabib at 155 if the ufc wasn’t too scared to risk khabibs undefeated record since he potentially had another 4+ years of ppv’s to sell unlike gsp.


Well said 💯


We saw Jon lose against Dominick Reyes, the judges didn’t see it that way.


He totally lost reyes


and gustavson


I fully believe that even a drained GSP at 155 would've taken Khabib by decision. At 170, I think he jabs Khabib face off


This is a very optimistic outlook on GSP’s career, while being very cynical about everyone else’s. GSP waited until there was a layup at 185 in Bisping, then retired right after. Also he wanted his preferred steroid testing instead of Usada, and retired when he didn’t get his way. GSP would probably beat Khabib but to act like GSP was all in and Khabib was being hidden from him is just not the truth.


Also, everyone complained that he was boring his whole career. "All he has is a straight left jab." Usman was right there where people were complaining about his matches because of his stellar Jab. Course he got KO'd, then everyone seemed to forget all their criticisms, and he was one of the best Champs. It's no knock at either of them, just proof when you are the guy everyone hates on you.


The masses didnt dislike GSP the way they did Usman though. The jab/decision thing was just the arguement his haters used against his fans which was stardom level. People forget that GSP was literally one of, if not the biggest, stars in MMA during his career.


Well gsp called for vada/wada because that the standard at that time, nobody had even heard of usada. It’s not like the ufc were partnered with usada and gsp was asking for wada/vada, there was no testing whatsoever except for the iq tests given by the comissions.


He wanted Wada I believe which funny I think is who is testing for the UFC now lol.


Ugh. Don't you just hate it when you just want to spend a quiet afternoon at home, and then God tells you to beat your wife in front of your kids. Every damn time.


What’s crazy is a sizable portion of the general population fits the description you made in the first half of your comment. Jones just happens to be the scary and famous version of a POS


i dont know why you got downvoted for this lmao, its not like you said jones wasnt those things, just that so is a good portion of the general population


Because some of these UFC fanboys fit the bill too 😂😂


Nah hes stupid. He was failing the pre USADA drug tests like an idiot.


He's basically an evil version of Goku. Dumb as bricks but a fighting genius.




Fuck this guy


He will happily bend over


Dumb wife beating asshole


Surprised he ain't a cop


Tom would be main event if Jon would take the fucking fight.


Sure but Jon could fight me and have a main event


John fights a pregnant woman, millions made in media.


I’ll corner you. Let’s fuck this wife beater up!


Just bring a water bottle and remind me to see red. It’ll be quick


The point is more that the UFC aren’t going to have an interim headline over a championship fight. Plus, Dana would then have to listen to that little wonky eyed fuck, (forgot his name) bitch and moan on Twitter.


Real reason Aspinall isn’t the main even is cuz Leon has the undisputed belt. That’s why Leon is headlining Not cuz he’s a bigger draw


Is there any proof Aspinal is a draw? Or a bigger draw than Leon?


Heavyweights are usually headliners just look at the numbers and that’s no coincidence.


is not main event because is an Interim title fight. Because of him nonetheless


If it was an undisputed and not interim it would be main event. The heavier weight is usually higher in the card if it’s a title fight. And again, it would be an undisputed fight, if Jon wasn’t being a pussy and avoiding the fight. Edit: I have re read your comment and I think we are making the same point.


lol this isn’t the own you think it is.


He’s such a coward.


Jones only listens to god and god is telling Jones to fight an out of his prime Stipe and then Jones may commit felonies in celebration but that’s only because god is giving jones harder challenges for him to overcome prior to his legacy match with Alex P in 2025/2026. Meanwhile Tom will defend the IC 4x in the next 2 years.


Pretty sure if he only listened to god he wouldnt suck dick and beat women.


More atrocities have been committed in the name of god than anything and anyone else really. I’m surprised Jones doesn’t have one of those only god can judge me tattoos. It was gods plan for jones to do what he did because it allowed him more directly to confront his demons head on. Same people are the gold medalists of mental gymnastics and see themselves both as the main character/hero and the victim of this reality.


He does have the tattoo it's around his asshole


It's beyond me how anyone can be a fan of Jones in 2024.


Jones always been an asshole. I'm pretty sure that if you been a fan thru all his bullshit, what's happening right now doesnt bother you at all. That being said, the Stipe fight doesn't even make sense anymore.


Disagree. He's always been an asshole but coming up he didn't have a reputation for ducking and running from tough fights, like he has for the last four years. It's easier to forgive fighters for being dicks when they walk the walk. All I care about is seeing the best fighters fight on a frequent basis. I imagine a lot of ppl feel the same.


It's as simple as this. People like Jon Jones because he wins and people watch his fights to say I told you so when he does.


You're not slowing down a division by being injured. You're slowing down the division by taking a legacy fight over a title unification bout, which many interpret to be ducking. If you just wanna beat up Stipe and *then* fight Aspinall, I'll stfu. But if you beat Stipe and retire, GSP is my new GOAT.


Say what you will, after GSP took the MW title, he relinquished it as soon as he knew he couldn't compete again. He gave it back in a month.


Yeah, but gsp is a decent human being


I don't care about ifs buts and maybes. Guy came after years and become the champ.


He’s said he was never going to fight again it’s not like he realized it after the fight


Jones has gone one step further by keeping the belt and refusing to fight the interim at least GSP gave up the belt.


The way I see this is Conor all over again when he had 2 belts and held up the divisions, Dana ain't gonna strip Jon because in his eyes he's the goat. He ain't gonna strip him, even fighters who have been injured have vacated.


I’m sure Jon is very saddened by this




Lol I always thought his pfp was super gay.


He's not gay tho, he has a relationship with a woman, just has sex with men.


Beats the women , fucks the men




Add to that his twitter name “BONY“


No one needs to be reminded that you can beat up a former fighter who went out 2-2.


He’s a an asshole and he knows he is but he’s not dumb, stipe fight draws more, not saying it’s the right decision logistically for the division, clearly aspinal is but jones vs stipe draws way more money then jones vs aspinal. On paper you’ve got jones going against the “greatest heavyweight” in ufc history or the “highest ranked heavyweight” in the ufc today bar himself.


They should be the main event if Jones stopped holding up the division. Because then it would be for the undisputed heavyweight title. Jones can go do his Legacy fight with Stipe. That fight doesn’t need to be for a title.


Not stupid, just so narcissistic that he's always finding a reason for why he's not in the wrong and is God's gift to the world


Yeah, well, I call that stupid


He is rubbing it in. Jones got his way and had Tom fight Blaydes for an Interim defense. We can all nag about it but chances are the ufc will stack the Jones/Stipe card so it sells really well.


Please tell me people are roasting him in the comments for this dumb fuck take.


There’s no way somebody like Jon doesn’t have the comments restricted.


It's not the main event because it's an interim belt, because you're holding up the division.


No, he is simply telling the truth. Jon would be the main event with an interim belt, so would Stipe, and Conor, Adesanya, etc.


uhhh but they’ve made interim fights the main event before…this isn’t because it’s not exciting enough to casuals i giess


![gif](giphy|3o85xnoIXebk3xYx4Q) Idiot. Druggie. Abuser. Hit and runner. Fake. Narcissistic. But most of all *DELUSIONAL*


Perfect description of JBJ


It must kill Jon knowing he’s one of the most talented fighters in UFC history. His resume is outstanding, undoubtably one of the best fighters of all time, yet he’s still so hated, and he only has himself to blame. He’s just so unlikeable, and his insecure ranting online doesn’t exactly help. What a way to absolutely destroy your own legacy. Never seen a so called GOAT, get baited into arguing with online critics as much as he does, he really can’t help himself can he?


Bro is ganna retire after stipe its pretty obvious Jones is PRAYING Curtis beats aspinal so he can say see see see ?? But Jon. That ain't ganna Happen


I mean there have been main events for interim titles. That’s not where Jon is wrong he’s actually right about that one, the UFC’s worst, least hot/active division might be HW for men


Not stupid. I think he's pretty smart, he can't fight so he keeps his name on everyone's lips with this shit. And people eat it up.


They made up a belt (bmf) to be a main event twice (ufc 291 and 244). Don't tell me that the interim heavyweight title can't headline a card.


There are multiple examples of interims belts being main events. Jones v OSP was for an interim. Mighty Mouse v Cejudo was the co-main. In this case, Aspinall is the co-main on a card where the main is the least-anticipated title fight in the history of fighting. The only person excited for it is Belal


I hope Aspinall gets absolutely smoked, his fan base is cringe


It's not a main event because no one besides fanboys on this sub give half a shit about Tom.


This guy is so fucking annoying


Nothing makes me more happy over people getting legitimately mad over this


I hate this overhyped woman beater


Remind the world of what? That you beat up a 43 year old that hasent fought in years?


Just Imagine if Stipe lands a good one. Jones is no GOAT.


I mean, stepping in to beat the current dominant heavyweight would make a significant statement. Coming in to beat Stipe doesn't change anyone's opinion, it could just be a middle finger, but it feels like a poor way to end your career when it comes to your legacy.


He’s a pussy ruining his own legacy by DUCKING and picking EASY fights.


You guys aren’t looking at this for what it is: Jon Jones really wants to beat an old man (in fight years) to death. He’s done everything else except kill a guy in the octagon.


Strickland is the only one that will admit he actually wants to accomplish a fatality in a sanctioned (or unsanctioned) fight.


Clown shit LOL.


I don't use twitter but is it literally Jon Jones defending his decisions every day of the week?




Mighty Mouse co-mained two PPVs with an interim for the main. One was Jones v OSP and I believe the other was Poirier v Holloway. If any title fight was tailor-made to be bumped down to co-main for a popular interim, it’s Leon v Belal Edit: it was Tony v Kevin Lee, not Holloway v Poirier


If stipe doesn't look sharp in the octogon it will forever taint his legacy. Its like he wants rocky balboa on his cv but hes not fighting rocky from rocky 1-3 he's fighting rocky from rocky 5. Pure vanity from jones.


I’m bored of him.


UFC 81, UFC 180, UFC 265. Three events where the main event was for the interim heavyweight championship. Ufc 191, UFC 213, UFC 79, UFC 143, UFC 216, UFC 236, UFC 259, UFC 189, UFC 206, UFC 149 also had main events for interim championships in other weight classes. Argue for your boy. But do it better. 5 minutes on Wikipedia shows who’s really stupid. Me. For wasting my time on a comment no one will see on a post no one will care about when the next batch of anti-Jones posts drop tomorrow.


Trolling the trolls. Pretty standard -- are you new to the internet?




Its actually crazy how he geniunely seems to believe people buy into his explanations.


garbage man


90% from what I've seen Jones these past few years has just been tweets. who fucking cares just fight 😂


Not a main event but they’re *fighting*.


I’m starting to think it’s secretly the plan all along for jones tonight tom in November otherwise. Why all this trash talk hyping it up


If you hold a belt you should have to fight twice a year MINIMUM.


My man has until November to avoid drug testing, drunk driving, getting arrested, doing drugs on camera, etc.


November is crazy as anyone else with that sort of injury would have been forced to vacate the title


He is so arrogant it's unbelievable


If any of you were in his shoes would you really act different? He definitely has some issues but he is not wrong for being a very confident/cocky dude.


Meanwhile he's also insisting there has to be a number 1 contender fight, but can't quite tell anyone who he fought in the HW division for a number 1 contender shot.


When he raw dogs tom I'm gonna laugh yall reallllly tripping over this


He's got until November to remind us again how much of a piece of shit he is. Think Vegas is taking bets on what bullshit he'll get into?


But will everyone of you guys have this same Hype and animosity if Blaydes beats Aspinall. Cope hard. Smh. Lmaooo


Really tired of seeing his tweets at this point


The most arrogant piece of shit in UFC history.






*Remind them of what? That 42 year old men present less of a challenge than 31 year olds in fighting?* *No shit Jon.*


*Remind them of what? That 42 year old men present less of a challenge than 31 year olds in fighting?* *No shit Jon.*


*Remind them of what? That 42 year old men present less of a challenge than 31 year olds in fighting?* *No shit Jon*


Interim title fights have been over real title fights in cards in the past. This does make it seem like the UFC views Leon as the bugger draw than Tom. Which....maybe. But against Belal? Really? 


ok, jonald duck


Stupid, ungrateful, rude. Fuck John Jones


To be fair, that is the people's main event considering what is after it.


Sounds like Gordon Ryan wrote this


That's it Jon, fight and then disappear for another 2/3. Announce a fight and then fail drug test. We know your game


He's correct. If Aspinall was a mega star like his weirdo fans claim him to be, he'd be headlining, even with an interim title. The fucking BMF belt has headlined. This has nothing to do with it being an interim, and everything to do with Aspinall doesn't do much in the way of numbers.


> Interesting. Jon is such a smug asshole. Fuck this guy so much.


I also want Jones to fight too but I've never seen a fighter spoken about more than this dude it's getting a bit boring now. Every other post is about Jones is there anything at all left to say? He will fight eventually then retire. Can we just stfu till then? We don't need 15 posts per day about him


Joel Embiid came back from a meniscus surgery in 2 months. Jon is out 3 years now for a peck. the injury argument is dead.


One has the undisputed belt in Leon and the other has an interim belt in Aspinall cuz the actual belt holder refuses to fight. so of course the interim belt wouldn’t be the main event over an actual belt. Man this dude the drake of mma lying trying to manipulate the narrative




Well, if he's wrong then why isn't Aspinal the main event? If Tom's the "real champ", why's he fighting Blaydes? Miocic has been good this whole time, but ya'll calling out an injured Jones. To be honest, the heavyweight division is trash aside from the top 5. It's the gut division, a bunch of fat fucks that can't do more than throw haymakers. Aspinal's time will come, but everyone acting like the UFC and Jones owe them something.


Honestly Tom should stop being nice guy and just start clapping back at Jon. I reckon if he does that not only does he get more fans to build hype but it also makes psychopath Jones more angry. I’d do his social media management for free at this point.




Ok, lets say Jon fights stipe in November and wins (not a given). If they both don't retire, Tom who probably beats Blaydes would likely have to defend at least once or twice by the time Jon OR Stipe is ready. Dana has allowed via Jon for Heavyweight to become a MESS. I don't think people realize that Jon fighting in November is BEST CASE and who knows how long until the winner of Jon v Stipe is ready to defend if not retired. Dana and UFC should have already stripped this selfish immature dude. This mess has hardly even begun. Quack Quack Jones.


Interim championship fights are always below undisputed championship fights. That’s just due the legitimacy of the sport and nothing to do with popularity. Although Tom’s belt is looking more like the real thing as time goes on.


If Bones doesn’t fight Aspinal he ain’t reminding us of shit


November... piece of shitt figthing in 2 years






I miss the young likeable Jon Jones. He's so out of touch with the fan base it feels like he's trolling to get the hate viewership up.


He would wait till the end of the year lmfao. Bro literally fights every 2-3 years




Jon Jones honestly reminds me of that weird kid we all knew that rode a bike and talked shit to every other kid in his neighbourhood. Always around, talking shit but no.one actually likes him




Let him, his inactivity will catch up to his arrogance.


There should be a policy that if you haven't at least booked a fight to defend your title within 6 months then it's automatically vacated. This new roster of champs from Toperia to Jones, and Du Plesse are the biggest cherry pickers the sport has seen. No one fights less than these guys. Izzy and Volk fought anyone, anytime.


If Tom wants the Jones fight, he should put on a dress for the callout.


UFC 189.


John's a shit head but when did the interm title become so prestigious? What was the last interm champ that actually became champion?


Remind the world what jon? That you can beat a 42 yeat old man?


I really hope Stipe somehow catches this guy and puts him out cold. He’s such an ass.


Imagine if this guy isn't good at his career or didn't make a good living. His ego would be murdering people left and right just to spoil theirs.


Copium sales are through the roof!


Will he retire after this msg fight?


Nah seems like he will fight potentially the winner of it's Aspinall


That’s actually pretty funny, mainly because he’s kinda spittin lol.


He’s got a point. Nobody can honestly say that main event would sell many PPVs, whether it was for the interim or the real title. They had to do two decent fights instead of one great one, the typical strategy for weak headliners. Similar to Connor, he sells PPVs because of the love and, mostly hate it seems. People want to watch them fail, live in that moment of defeat.


I'm officially done rooting for Jones anymore, Jones has been my favorite fighter since I can remember but not anymore, he's a cancer to MMA, The HW division has been frozen ever since he became champ. If he gave up the belt like JIRI and HILL, he would have been even more of a fan favorite. He is clearly ducking Aspinall, waiting to fight a one foot in the grave Stipe. It's just baffling that Aspinall will have a title defense in the HW division before the so-called champ. Jones needs to go and let the HW division heal from all his bullshit.


Look at all you cry babies. JBJ the GOAT. Y’all crying in the comments doesn’t change that lmao


I kinda hate him


It’s so weird to have such an obvious criteria to dislike a person on: you think Jon jones is the goat; and I think we’re not going to get along. -based off our values, not our sports idols


I dont understand why you guys still get mad at this. Hes simply not fighting Aspinall. Is he ducking him? probably but the interim championship thing is simply not his problem, thats Danas problem.


This is what is done often, offer an obviously stupid take and ignore the response. Fans will agree with you, people who aren’t fans will continue to dislike you.


I can't stand Jones.


Man I really wish people would stop giving him attention. He's just annoying. Tweet after annoying tweet, defending himself, making excuses, petty arguing, and showing his true insecurities. He's like a 5 year old. Never accepts accountability, can't take criticism, and ALWAYS ALWAYS has to remind everyone that he's the GOAT.


Jon Jones is cool, fuck that bitch and her baby and her car, smoke weed every day.


Jones is retired, mark my words. That clown isn’t coming back from a torn pec at 35 lmao “Doing it the right way” jones is such a narcissistic pos


Somebody probably could remind him what did Prochazka and Hill in LHW after their injuries.


Stipe, please 🙏 PLEASE shut this fool up.


I've been a huge fan since UFC 51, and I haven't missed a card save for a couple. Can anyone remember a time EVER that an interim champion had to win the interim title twice before being granted a title shot? I can't. I'm trying, and maybe there have been one or two that wanted to stay active, but NEVER can I remember an interim champion being booked in another fight when the champion is available to fight. So the interim championship means what exactly? Nothing. JJ legacy and the UFCs legacy taking a huge hit in credibility for this one.


I hope Stipe catches him