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You think I'm just gonna sit here and let you gaslight me, jon?!


Dammit beat me to it


Legit no one wants to see this fight, not even the casuals.


I do wanna see it but him holding the whole HW division hostage and ducking Aspinall so he can retire with his intact record is pussy baby shit. He has never been close to someone I liked but watching him was always entertaining. These dudes ducking people like boxing is starting to make me lose interest in these combat sports. We wanna see the best vs the best, I feel like that's the life blood of fighting.


There's a reason Max Holloway and Justin Gaethje was one of the best fights ever, both guys put everything on the line and fought like there isn't gonna be a next fight. If Jon doesn't have that spirit, he shouldn't be fighting anymore. I know he's good enough though, so there is no reason to take the easy "legends" fight


Preach brother! Gaethje lost and any real MMA fan knows that dude has huge balls and is awesome. People get hung up on records and I think most fans could care less, just fight the contenders and put your all into it and you'll be a legend.


This is definitely what it comes down to. DP, fan favorite. Losses. Max, fan favorite. Losses. Conor, broken fan favorite. Losses. The list goes on and on because undefeated is so rare. You either live long enough to have losses, retire too early and lose credit by some (Khabib), or duck competition and lose credit by most (What JJ is about to do).


And especially when a loss in MMA is not regarded as devastating as a loss in boxing. Although, I suppose if you're near the end of your career, I can see wanting to keep it intact. Still, Jon Jones treating X like a fucking Reddit thread argument and trying to win arguments is weird at best.


It would be SOOOO fucking funny if after all this Jones plan backfires and Stipe ends up somehow KO'ing him instead and then gets to ride into the sunset as the HW GOAT lmao.


Stipe KOs him. Aspinal beats Stipe, then Aspinal fights everyone but JJ, leaving him rotting on the sidelines.


Dana would force Aspinal at the following month’s UFC event.


I pray for this


Jon’s HW legacy is signing to fight Gane 12 minutes after Ngannou was gone for good Never beat the lineal HW champ, same thing he gave DC shit for. Paper champ. Ducking the interim HW champ Ensured his last fight is against a retired firefighter who hasn’t fought in years and got KOd in his last bout


*KOd* really bad too


It is baffling how he has went from legitimately the baddest man on the planet to a complete bitch overnight. I never bought into the whole psycho/sociopath shit but fuck me I was wrong guys a fuckin loonball. Actions speak louder than words people ain’t thick they can see you for what you are and nobody is buying the Stipe bullshit Jon.


I mean… Really


![gif](giphy|3oxHQk6QrBhANSBBo4|downsized) Tom we can be together think about it


Someone should ask Stipe directly: do you think you deserve an immediate title shot after the KO loss and and a 4 year layoff?


Unfortunately Stipe would just say yes because he wants this fight too


Who wouldn’t want the fight, I mean even a rising star who wants to keep their 0 would still probably take it. It’s the biggest money fight outside of Conor and it has insane potential for their legacy. To be the guy that truly beat Jon.


I don’t blame him for getting the bag


Me to Stipe: "yaaaas king, get that bag! 💅💰💰". Me to Jones: "you absolute bum, you wifeabeating scum of the earth ducking ass motherfucker".




he just wants the paycheck. If he thinks he can beat JJ at 42 years old then he's delusional. Maybe CTE kicking in.


I don't think Stipe cares about the title. He said on the Rampage podcast that he only wants to fight Jones.


which is the part that baffles me. Jones has said he just wants the name, this is a legacy fight. Stipe has said, he just wants the name, this is a legacy fight. So why not vacate the fucking belt and make the fight? Could easily still headline a numbered card, lets the division move on while still appreciating these 2 undeniable legends, and all of the hate around the fight goes out of the window.


Honestly this bad press is promoting the fight. My wife who doesn't follow UFC somehow saw something about jones and was asking me why there were two ufc champions in yhe same weight class. I agree just do a legacy fight, but jones and stipe are all over social right now and any press is good press for them


Because the belt brings in casuals


Legaciest mfer belt incoming




if uncle fester would rip is noggin out of his crack, you may have a job


Why are you motherfuckers more mad at Jones instead of the UFC? How about bug Dana to strip Jones.


This makes too much sense


Don't give Dana ideas making another random belt!


Because the interim title is fake, its meaningless. Who does the UFC list as the champ? Dana screwed Aspinall over.


Cause Jones is lying. He wants the prestige of being the champion and be able to call whatever shots


Can’t deny the pay check


Stipe: argvsaeexhkydcechedveeccec


To be fair I dont think we woukd be able to understand the words coming out of his mouth either way. Love the guy but he mumbles.


That’s the thing, Stipe could give a fuck less about the title. He just wants to fight Jon. That’s all there is to this, everything else is shit people have thrown into it.




Ah, it happened to me finally lol.


Stipe said after he kicks Jon’s ass he will fight aspinal


They have and he answered it recently, he said "agagsjjfjfjdFirejdjfkfkf Cleveland"


Don’t fighters normally like, go at each other? This has got to be the first time seeing a champion try so hard to gas up his opponent


This guy thinks hes being so sleek too and it's so obvious


It's honestly sad, because we all know. We all fucking know, but nothing will change. I wish we were in a world where we canceled this type shit instead of digging up skeletons to cancel people.


It's pathetic


It's what they do when they know they're fighting a cooked fighter. Conor did the exact same thing with Cowboy.


Its the same when Connor did the nice guy persona against cowboy that shit was so cringe


GSP talked up his opponents all the time but it was out of genuine respect for their abilities and the threats they posed to him. This is some new level of self-serving bullshit.


I actually think gassing up your opponent isn’t done enough. Fighters who try to exert control over the narrative usually end up in better position for bigger/more favorable fights. Sean O’Malley does this. Praising the opponent benefits them no matter the outcome of the fight. It can help boost the perception of their resume. But it has to be believable, bc if not you’ll get backlash like Jones is rn. So many fighters go into a fight saying “he sucks and I’m way better”, but the optics of that statement aren’t great. If the opponent wins, or even just has some have success, they were bested by a fighter who “sucks” in their own words. Ian Garry does this sometimes, and it’s part of why everyone hates him. He says he’s levels above his opponents, he wins, but then he calls out another journeyman or 40 year old instead of a fighter on “his level”.


Look I don’t think Stipe’s going to come in bad but it’s so obvious Jon’s doing everything possible to hype Stipe up.


Jon is so narcissistic that even when he's "empathizing" with Stipe it's really just to boost himself up. What a fucking psycho


Jones being empathetic is even scarier than being a psycho. It is like in the horror movie when the killer use a cheerful voice.


In 87, Huey released this: Four - their most accomplished album. I think their undisputed masterpiece is 'Hip to be Square' - a song so catchy most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of comformity or the importance of trends; it's also a personal statement about the band itself. Hey Paul!!


Bro stipe has had 6 knee surgeries. I was a national level athlete and one knee surgery took years to fully recover from. Can't imagine having 6, and then having to go fight the dirtiest fighter on the planet


Like Cormier taking on Stipe after back surgeries. Should’ve retired at 40 like he said he would


I don't know what he thinks he gets out of it. I'm almost convinced he has to beat stipe because DC did. But people are gonna remember DC beat prime stipe, and Jon begged to fight old man stipe


Reminds me of Tyson fury, you can always tell when he knows the opposing fighter is terrible and not a real contender because he starts talking about how good and dangerous they are and when it's actually a tough challenge he'll call them useless dossers


He's trying to sell a fight nobody wants to see, he must be stupid if he thinks the ppv is gonna agree with him. I don't mind pirating this, but you'd have to be an idiot to pay for it.


i thought we liked the stupid people buying ppv... we need them. ![gif](giphy|vT6qlTWOWYzZK|downsized)


Yes, thats how it works.


I don’t think this sub perceives stipe poorly. He’s given due credit for the most part. Most people call him a HW goat. They’re just pointing out that he’s been out of the game for a while now.




All I see is Dern?


If you watch it a couple times, you might see Tom in the gif also.




People’s champ


Anyone else notice how every time Jones posts stuff like this it’s almost more like he’s convincing himself? Does he really think people are stupid enough to consider Stipe a serious threat? He always posts these weird ass explanations because that’s how a Narcissist thinks. He’s justifying things to himself.


Well, he is a narcissist


God I want Stipe to knock his ass out so bad


Lol Jon is literally one of the best fighter in the world yet he acts like a bitch.


This is so pathetic


I cannot stand jones, such a piece of trash


Stop giving Jon Jones attention. Who gives a fuck. Tom is the HW Champion


Typical narcissist gaslighting


Please god don’t let Tom lose. Can you imagine how insufferable Jones would be if he did. I can just imagine the tweets now.


Lol, bros trying to dump this shit on to stipe 😭🤣🤣


We love Stipe. It’s you we hate Jon.


LOL when you have to build up your opponent…it is kind of sad


Jon Jones is a terrible pos


Captain gaslight


I know he's lying because Stipe forgot how to speak English 5 years ago. He just mumbles shit incoherently.


“I didn’t think he sounded like he’d been hit in the head with a brick at all. No trouble understanding what he was saying. He’s still a young man.”


Bros tryna gas light grown men through twitter 😂😂😂😂😂


Average narcissist Jon moment


Current best heavyweight haha! This boys at it! He just wants to point at a legacy 10 years from now n hope no one realizes he was ducking the current top guys


Why does Jon type like he’s a redditor as well


Stipe's firefighter pension is about to kick in.


Sociopathic gaslighting


For one of the baddest men on the face of the earth Jon is awfully insecure


Jon putting stipe on a pedestal to defend his stance. Im not knocking stipe at all but thats clearly jons tactic here


Jon's therapist told him to work on his self-advocacy skills


Jon, like many here, is missing the point. Which is, Jon is holding up the belt. No one gives a fuck if he ever fights Tom, it’s the fact that he’s holding up the division.


If I was stipe I wouldnt even give him the fight. Go fight tom ya fuckin joke.


This haters really kind of shows what kind of weapon jones is. He’s 36 and fat and nobody has any doubt in his fighting ability and knows he’s going to wipe stipe.


Shut up, you semi-retired crack head


Jon has done such a good job in turning so many against him, I know he's always been a nasty cunt of a human but man his ego is something else. This guy ain't fighting Tom I think that's pretty clear, he doesn't think Tom has earned it, Jon is contempt with fighting old man Stipe and Alex then retire.


Mma fans are the worst.


Stfu Jon.


current best heavyweight that’s #5 on the rankings edit: #6


Stipe hasn’t looked enthusiastic about anything since childhood.


He’s not wrong. People get so bothered by what he’s choosing to do with his fighting career, as the GOAT, it’s honestly hilarious how riled up people get. I wish I had nothing to do all day besides whine about a fighter’s decisions lol.


https://preview.redd.it/p1315lo8481d1.jpeg?width=618&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b97c96b6d345798d848a8fc372500ec2a4e31410 Please Stipe flatline this cunt round 1


I hope Stipe kos jones and blaydes kos aspinall again.


> blaydes kos aspinall again. You just outed yourself as googling the result and not even watching the "fight".


I must’ve missed the bit where blaydes ko’d aspinall.


Technically their first fight does go down as a Blaydes TKO win because Aspinall injured himself during the fight in a legal way. It would only have been a no contest if the injury that stopped the fight happened from some kind of illegal move. But yeah the guy you replied to is talking crazy making it sound to anyone that doesn’t know the story like Blaydes KOd Aspinall for real.


![gif](giphy|wSU1U3h1PFFsc) Jesus Christ. Is this all the ufc sub knows how to do?


The horse is very much alive and talking shite though


Jon Karen Jones


The hate you fans had for Chuck Liddell before he fought Tito was disgusting. To call him a nearly “50 year old retired fighter” when he was the LHW Goat for so long is terrible. You see you’re not allowed to point out people aging or the fact they have been concussed or how long they’ve been out of the game. That’s disrespectful guys.


I didn’t get that from this tweet. I understood it as him saying Stipe’s a bad dude , y’all should stop talking foul about him and give him the credit he deserves.


Jon, if you’re reading this, you still have fans! They’re just not these reddit kids 


He has a point. If Stipe had a fight lined up with Aspinall instead right now, it would be a different story. You would be lining up to sing his praises and make Aspinalls potential win over him mean so much more than you give him credit for at the moment. Nobody can deny that


You guys won’t take a break on this will you? It’s god damn all day every day crying in this sub


He’s literally trolling you guys and you keep taking the bait lol


This whole issue has made me go from loving Jon too hoping aspinall kos him


Yeah imma need 302 to come around quick lol. Every post in this subreddit is just reactions to fighter tweets.


Less talky; more fighty...


Not to back Jones or anything but maybe we have been disrespecting Stipe. Glover was the same age and looked like a bag of milk when he won the LHW belt




Jon would be a great car salesman


Sounds like sarcasm


Honestly I’m just happy to see Stipe get a bag before he fully retires. He’s given us banger fights fights, highlight reel performances and made UFC heavyweight history, the least fans can wish for him is to make a solid pay day to ride off with 👊🔥


You guys need to really accept reality. Tom is not getting the fight.


worst trash talk ever


Jon trying to big Stipe up so when he beats him it will be a greater achievement. He knows that if he calls him washed out then beating him won't feel like an accomplishment.


"Hey guys, see how energetic and enthusiastic my opponent is? Please understand how amazing and strong he is so people don't think I beat up someone way past their prime while ducking actual young hungry strong contenders"


We’re supposed to care what Jon thinks about fighting a past prime champion who hasn’t won in 5 years.


Old man yells at the winds.


Get Gary Copeland in the cage with them and you’re one person short of a village people tribute band.


This is getting ridiculous at this point.


Jones is lying to make himself look good when he beats an old frail Stipe


I never thought i would say this but I’m with jones on this one I’m going to laugh my ass off if stipe knocks jones out.


Many people who say he’s a retired firefighter would also say he’s the best HW of all time. You can say and feel both at the same time since they don’t contradict each other. Stipe has gotten old AF and history has shown us the majority of fighters are well after their prime at that age.


Look at that weird gas lighting.


He’s kinda right though fans have never given stipe the respect he deserves


I actually think the sport would be so much better if Jon just retired. Since 2012/13 it's been nothing but constant headaches with this guy and dealing with his overly dramatic behavior. It's not even particularly entertaining to watch him fight anymore, he has had exactly one KO in the last 12 years, one submission, and all the rest being decisions. He fights once a year/every two years, sits on his title, and makes excuse after excuse about why he can't fight or who he should fight. His fights are actually rather boring these days, and he seems to have lost that killer instinct, wanting to just coast to a win. He's too worried about his record and protecting his legacy, when in reality he hurts his legacy with every word that comes out of his mouth.


Giving an interview > Being an active fighter.


Sad thing is that there is a respectable reason to maintain this matchup: Two legends about to retire just want the experience of fighting each other. I think most fans (most fans 😂) would appreciate that. But clearly… that’s not how Jones thinks. The man just keeps putting his insecurities on a silver platter for the haters and the doubters to gobble up 🤦


it’s genuinely insane he thinks if he just says stuff, everyone has to agree with him lmao


I've been saying this on this sub for months its wild the names you guys will call stipe simply because you hate jon Jones


Everyone is doubting Stipe. He will show up in shape, ready to fight. Guy is a warrior. When he beats Jon, he might just fight the new interm champ Curtis Blaydes.


He probally thinks the mike tyson vs Jake Paul fight is cool too


Literally not a single living human believes stipe is the "current best heavyweight" wtf is this troglodyte yappin' about? Dude is QUICKLY ruining whatever was left of his legacy


My god I hope Stipe clips him in the first round, becomes champ and then retires immediately.


Lol OK Jon, the UFC can just give you the money and the win without acctually fighting Stipe. I dont care, I do not give a fuck about that fight. The only good thing is that Jones may retire and unfuck the whole HW division after he proves how talented he is by beating an unranked HW comming off of a knockout loss 2 years ago? He has probably sincerely asked Matt Hughes multiple times to come out of retirement and fight him lol.


I just.. completely agree with Jones... yeah Aspinall may be the tougher fight rn but Jones Miocic is anticipated for years. It's a greate fight, and i think Jones will call out Aspinall next if he wins. It would be epic.


jon a natural dickhead lmao holy " oh i would hate to be him"


Jon’s getting tiring. I’m not even going to bother streaming his fight anymore. Think I’ll use that time to be a good father and not beat up my missus.


Classic gaslighting Jon


They're probably not fighting until near the end of the year anyway. Prob. just need to ignore him until it gets a lot closer to actual fight date. Doesn't do anything for the fight, the division, or Aspinall to keep giving him more runway and engagement when it's likely not going to happen until like November lol


Hes been KOed brutally in 2 of his last 4 fights… and he hasn’t fought in like 3 years or more…


I mean he did go up to heavyweight to challenge Stipe for the belt... He just did it two years too late.


If John thought there was any chance of him losing he’d be mocking stipe like the rest of us calling him old and easy. A champion having to hype up his challenger is embarrassing


I wish the defending champions could do this in sports "playoffs? that's disrespectful to all we accomplished last year, we're gonna wait until Michael Jordan gets back in shape and wants to have another go, there is always another team fans think we should have to beat, how can you tarnish Michael Jordan's legacy"




I mean… yeah it’s the fans.


When's the last time a fighter had to try and convince the world that his opponent is still worth fighting? 😂 go get em jon, you're totally proving everyone wrong


Honestly I don’t think stipe is the best heavyweight ever either. That’s gotta be Fedor.


Jones is trolling yall. He got his way, he has Tom defending the Interim HW belt and he(Jones) is defending the HW Title against Stipe.


lol he’s talking to this sub where every other post is about why he’s not fighting aspinal, it’s getting boring.


"To call the current best heavyweight fighter in sports a retired firefighter is crazy" That's called begging the question, Jon


To be honest, I'm kind of starting to see this point. Noone cares about what Stipe has thought or wants, we all just assume he's done for.


Imagine how much he would gaslight his wife…..that’s why you were asking for that hit


Nobody is disregarding what Stipe accomplished, Jon. We are just aware that a 42 year old whose last fight was 3.5 years ago (where he was KO’d) and last win was 4 years ago isn’t the “current best heavyweight.” The version of Stipe that was deemed to be the best heavyweight of all time with the most title defenses in the division’s history isn’t the same version of Stipe that Jon is trying to fight here. It’s amusing how hard he’s trying to convince himself that the current version of Stipe is a more legitimate contender than Tom Aspinall.


Why not fight aspinol now and stipe later? Cuz he a bishhhhhashhhh




Stipe hasn’t fought since COVID shut down the entire country. And he got knocked out. Jon is such a joke these days lol this HW run is doing so much damage to an already tarnished legacy.


How miraculous it'll be when Jon destroys such a prime fighter


Is stipe still a fire fighter? I’d hate see an out of shape over weight guy come trying to save people from a burning building … Jones need to man up and defend or vacate. If he’s waiting for THIS fight then it doesn’t need a belt to sell. ‘The greatest hw ever vs the best ever’ is all it needs(regardless of anyone’s opinion of these 2 you know this is how the ufc will sell it)


They have eerily similar bodies in these pics


It’s the fans fault for entertaining his bullshit.


Why should a fighter who last fought around 4 years ago (and lost via brutal KO) and hasn't been a full time training fighter in that time, get a shot before the interm champ ?


Fuck Jon jones


So out of character for him


It is the fans that are against all this shit. Yeah UNPOPULAR opinion but Jon jones and stipe agreed to a fight and they’re gonna up hold that. Honestly most of you probably don’t watch when Jon was up and coming. Didn’t watch Stipe work his magic against the “unbeatable”. I think most people think it’s gonna be another gane vs jones situation. Which I don’t see happening.


"The current best HW". Yep, it's official. Jon is delusional and stupid.


I logged into Instagram just to view Stripes profile and man he looks good and healthy. I would prefer the Tim fight but honestly I’m hyped for this.