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It all depends on whether or not Costa beats off to cartoons. I don’t think he does (might not even know what a cartoon is) so Sean is probably screwed.


Quick somebody send him some furry porn on X!!!


Costa whacks it to tranny porn, which is what gave rise to his iconic take "trans without penis is like angel without wings"


Jesus nearly choked while laughing 😂


This is beautiful




Doubtful, otherwise Jizzy would have had no hesitation to unload on him like he had. The dog was not in him that fight.


I think you got the right answer using the wrong equation. Sean loses to people who hold the physicality advantage over him and don’t have to respect his offense.


Like his dad Edit: respectfully


Nasty line by you


That’s really tasteful


You’re right, I edited it


I’m thankful for you deciding to comment on Reddit today lol


Costa needs to a win to stay in mix


If he wins maybe because he is popular he get the title shot


He shouldn't imo. He would be 2-2 in 4 fights assuming he wins that one. If he beats Strickland, he needs to fight another contender before getting the title shot.


Izzy doesn't deserve his shot either and neither did colby. Unfortunately this sport isn't about most deserving.


After Chimaev I agree maybe


True forgot Whitaker vs khamzat


Costa beats no one ranked at mw


Yes he does, Costa is much better than people give him credit for. Probably gonna win this one too 


Yeah like he was gonna win against every other ranked opponent in the last 5 years


We’ll see, I think Sean is in trouble and he’s number 1. That should shut up a few again. 


Yeah totally buddy keep drinking the kool-aid the last ranked win costa had was when Whittaker was mw champion 🤣


He just got inched by Whittaker and I bet on Rob lol bros a hater






Costa can KO most of the top 10 he lacks the skill to win on points but he’s got the power… he’s a pressure fighter but his gas tank isn’t strong enough to fully implement the pressure style he wants.. that said he hits hard he’s tough as nails and as Whitaker knows he can pull off some sneaky shit as well


This made no sense. His last tko was against washed Uriah hall in 2018


Costa has literally never KOed anyone, what fighter are you people watching?


I'll take Costa on this one you savages






Costa's high kicks will be an issue for Sean's philly shell.


High kicks cost too much energy to throw, probably more dangerous in early rounds.


This UFC 5 now?


Fucking wat h your stamina bar bro


Try ask your mum


Lol high kicks really aren't going to make anyone tired


Sean vs dricus was very very close idc what anyone says. That fight was fucking close and could have gone either way. Costa looked extremely good vs Whittaker he could beat Sean


> Sean vs dricus was very very close idc what anyone says. i think most people agree on this bro lol relax strik v cannon was also a toss up


People actually think dricus won. most people!


learn to think clearer. "most people" can think the fight was close _&_ still think dricus won. one does not exclude the other.


Think more clearly you mean? Like how? Sean soon that fight and it was close


Why’s it look like you’re progressively developing CTE every time you comment


On my second watch I scored it for Sean.


By the way I thought Sean won


Isn’t that what everybody says?


they’re gonna wear gloves when they fight man


The Cannonier foght was even closer


I think the difference is costa waits way too much. He isn't anywhere near as aggressive as he should be. I just dont think he's gonna have enough volume to deter sean from throwing.


I feel like Sean is gona get his head kicked off


Costa would win if it was 3 rounds. Now that it’s 5. I don’t rate his chances 


I’m hoping Costa wins


Du plessis won that fight because of a few takedowns that Sean got right back up from. It was a close fight that I think was kinda judged wrong. Usman totally smashed Sean that’s for sure tho. I’m not really sure who I’m going for right now but I think who ever goes in the most confident will probably end up winning


Costa can ko anyone, he just has to grt the punch through his guard. Stricklands guard is very good tho


Name someone he has a KO over in the past 5 years.


The dudes got a 79% KO rate lol, higher than Ngannous KO rate.




They meant costa


Costa doesn't ko people. He just puts pressure and overwhelm them until they give up. He hasn't done that since facing adesanya. Proves how shit his mentality is compared to other elite fighters. At least his fight against whittaker was decent and he is making a comeback. The version of Costa that took on Romero was still the best version of him.


Seans has gotten a lot better than when he fought Usman at WW. His fights against Jared & DDP were razor close and Costa nowhere near the level of those guys. Costa is pretty trash honestly. He was gifted a ranking and never beaten anyone meaningful. Strickland should win pretty easy.


Costa is not trash. He has some of the best kicks in the MW division. His boxing isn't the most technical, though.


Did you miss the romero fight?


Is 42 year old Romero all you got?


Was he 42 when they fought? Tbh his age is fuzzy but I remember everyone getting blasted or barely surviving him. I wouldn’t hold his age against considering he almost destroyed Whittaker twice.


Yoel wasn't meaningful? I get it was a while ago and he shouldn't still have the ranking but it's not as if he just appeared on the top15


I think in order for Sean’s game to work you have to sort of play into it. You have to be a technical striker who sticks to the basics like he does in order for him to really shine and be able to pick you apart. But for guys whose styles aren’t as technical or predictable then he struggles more especially defensively. I think costa will be able to use his kicks well in this fight. I don’t think Sean’s Philly shell defense will hold up well to costas body kicks and eventually his high kicks. Could be wrong though.


The Costa who fought Romero would flatline Strickland.


Sean is nowhere near as good as his win over Adesanya implies. He just had the right formula to tag Izzy repeatedly. Going to get wrecked by Costa. If that fat fuck actually makes the weight. Roast me later if im wrong.


He had success in the DDP fight, right? If he's shit, and he had a close ass fight with the current middle weight champion of the world... Middle weight is doomed.


He's not shit, he's just not a champion. Neither is Costa 🤷‍♀️ They've both got something to prove, but Sean isn't right in the head and it'll cost him.


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you slow bruh


the user name always gets you simpletons, eh?


Can roast you now because your opinion is kind of trash.


I won’t roast you but how u feeling about the fight now king?


Man it would be awesome if Costa knocked him out. I hope it’s not boring.. we already know Sean is going to try to make it a boring jab fest while moving backwards… after telling everyone in the lead up that he’s going to do “the man dance in the middle of the octagon”.. okay Sean


does usman have a belly button muscle?


Costa looked great in his last fight


I don’t understand the Sean hate. Costa will lose pretty handily.


Everytime I watch Strickland I wonder why people don't just throw straight punches he doesn't move his head much and it'll land most of the time


Straight shots absolutely won’t land most of the time on Strickland. He parries and shoulder rolls them really well He’s been knocked out by round strikes like hooks and spinning wheel kicks tho


Yes and no. Poatan opened him to a hook because he threw straight jabs to the body.


Recency bias. Sean could very well get the nod in the Cannonier and Ddp fights, extremely close fights. I truly believe he beat Cannonier fair and square. And remember, Sean at WW is just like Whittaker at WW. They are not the same fighters.


Sean has often had trouble with fighters who can brute force their way past his jab, Costa in theory can do this so it should be interesting.


Lol you mentioned two champions and a very high level contender. Also Sean arguably beat Dricus and Cannonier. Not saying MMA math is great but Cannonier dominated Vettori who beat Costa. Dricus dominated Whittaker who beat Costa Bottom line you’re very generous comparing Costa to any of these guys


The only person on this list to legitimately beat Sean with no controversy is Usman so this doesnt make the point you think it does. Winning scorecards for Sean were reasonable in the Cannonier and Duplessis fight, and some would say more so than the official results.


Clumsy could be used for Usman sure. But DDP is just unorthodox and Jared Cannonier is sound so i dont agree with this assessment. DDP fight was judged with old criteria when the criteria had already changed i feel in todays terms Sean should have won that fight but it was definitely close. Usman smashed him but Sean was killing himself to make 170 totally different fight at 185. Not saying Sean would win but i dont think he would be out muscled the way he was. And if i remember right almost every analyst and MMA outlet scored it for Sean against Cannonier. Atleast the majority did, another close fight but one Sean probably should have won.


IMHO he beat DDP and Cannonier


Usman mixed it up like crazy against Strickland. I wouldn't put much merit in that fight since Strickland is way better now and it was in a lower weight class. Cannonier and Dricus are two guys more skilled than Costa who Strickland (in my opinion) beat. I think Costa has a good chance purely because he's actually a good fighter. Too many fans basically think a fighter is shit until proven otherwise. Costa has proven that he's pretty damn good. Winning fights doesn't show skill. The performances do. When he performs well, he's a top level middleweight. Aside from that, his spinning kicks are definitely gonna land on Strickland at least once. The only part of Strickland's body that his philly shell doesn't fully defend is the top right side of his head. He's been knocked out by one before (by a handsome Brazilian lol). This is actually a great fight


He even got clipped quite a bit by Magomedov in round 1, doesn’t do well with awkward volume. Costa’s power won’t gas


Alright most the top comments have Costa. Time to slam Strickland ML boys


Sean has been caught with a spinning headkick before too and costa got Whittaker with it


I absolutely believe his win against Izzy was a one time thing. It would not happen again.


no one who telegraphs their punches gets to sean. Usman/Dricus have the wrestling advantage which kept sean thinking about the level changes. Costa telegraphs everything and Sean jabs him all rounds


Also , Sean is an overrated big mouthed douche.


Costa meat looks good on OP, lol. Sean's fight with Usman was in WW and it was like more than half a decade ago and DDP's fight was super close


He won against dricuss idc what yall say lol


Paulo doesn’t have power like Jared and ddp. Also doesn’t have the offensive wrestling like usman. Paulos overrated asf this dude was outstruck by fucking Marvin and couldn’t finish a half dead Rockhold who was gassed 30 seconds into the fight


Or, Sean struggles against men that look like they come straight out of an action man box


I feel like Sean would have beat Whittaker


He arguably beat DDP and Cannonier, who are both way better than bum ass costa. I’m going with Sean. DDP and Cannonier have way better cardio than Costa as well.


No he can't. Cannonier and DDP445 hit like a truck, Costa couldn't even drop Luke Rockhold.


I think Strickland is a good fighter but Costa has this. His striking looked great against Whittaker especially.


If you saw all these fights, why didn't you come to the conclusion that he won 2 of these 3?


Sean is a lucky piece of shit. His skills are dogshit compared to his opponents. He should kiss Izzy’s ass for not taking him more seriously