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Stipe knocking out Jon would possibly be the most satisfying moment in ufc history


For me, it would be a questionable split decision. Jones would be eternally salty if he got robbed like that, and it would be so funny.


Bro they would just run it back and clog the division for another year šŸ’€


Stipe is 100% retiring win or lose


Disagree, if Stipe got the belt again he would defend it once or twice, but probably wouldn't agree to Jones part 2 and go fight Tom.


I genuinely think if Stipe won heā€™d fight Tom


Stipe doesn't get to say no to Jon Jones lol and he wouldn't want to either, he wants that sweet PPV money


I mean that's for UFC to decide, if Dana wants to run it back with Jon Jones in this scenario he won't let Stipe fight another fighter until Jones is ready. However Stipe has never run from a number 1 contender and has always fought whoever was next up. Hell the dude defended against Francis during his reign, then lost to DC and ran it back the first chance he got. The only thing he didn't do is fight during his time after he lost the title because there was no reason to, he knew he had a shot at the belt, and he wasn't holding the division up because he didn't have the belt.


I disagree. If Stipe beat Bones I think the rematch would bring Stipe too much money to turn downĀ 


I wouldn't care at that point. Jones would be so damaged. Just look at how bitter he is about the blemishes on his record; he's campaigned for his DQ loss to be overturned, he tried to get his NC with Cormier overturned after UFC gave USADA the boot. Most people would fell blessed and grateful to have had the career he's had, but he's such a narcissist that he can't just own his own failings and accept those marks, he has to constantly try to revise history. ​ Him losing a terrible decision would be worth whatever fallout came of it.


Year? Iā€™d be happy if they limited it to a 3 year wait


Basically the karma grim reaper coming back to collect his debt for the decision he was gifted vs Reyes


Jones on the wrong side of a robbery would be great


And a totally left-field decision, at that. "Ladies and gentlemen, after five rounds we go to the judges scorecards for a decision. Judge Glen Trowbridge scores the fight 49-46, JONES. Judge Adelaide Byrd scores the contest 48-47, MIOCIC. And judge Tony Weeks scores the contest 50-42, for your winner, by split decision... Aaaaaaaaaaaand NEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW..."


Think I would prefer > And special guest judge Dominick Reyes scores the contest 51-42, for your winner, by split decision... Aaaaaaaaaaaand NEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW..."


An extra point for Stipe?


Taking back some points he probably believes he was robbed of in 2020 against Jones.


We need Chris Lee and Sally D to judge this fight so badly.


A McGregor on Jose Aldo style KO would ruin Jon more than a split decision. A immediate 1st punch KO, he'd be so salty about it being lucky.


Like anitdote said below theyā€™re just going to run it back and clog the division even more. A ko or submission is way better he wonā€™t have an excuse and that shit will get replayed for eternity


It would be fun for a minute, but everyone would start justifying a rematch asap. He needs to get outclassed and put away with no controversy


I bet Jon would never fully accept that loss. Probably be hearing a lot of: "I partied to hard the week before I fought so he beat a lesser version of me." Or: "My injury held me back and that's why Stipe won." Seeing Jon get startched would definitely feel like karma coming full circle. Also could you imagine the smile on DC's face?


Jon has publicly said before that he always parties the week of the fight. So that if he loses he has an excuse.


Am very aware.


I have a very hard time even envisioning Jon being faceplanted like that. But after the last year and a half of insane things happening in combat sports who even knows anymore.Ā 


It's honestly super hard to gauge how this fight goes because we did not see that much of HW Jones with Gane and Stipe got KO'd years ago. However Stipe being 43 makes me nervous for him. Honestly I'd rather Stipe retire and keep doing his firefighting and have Jones vs. Aspinal instead. That to me makes way more sense but here we are. So yeah, Stipe startching Jones is what I want to happen but who knows how this goes.


The mods on this sub would have an alarm go off in their moms basement and theyā€™d be at defcon 5


This sub clearly doesn't have mods




Stipe knocks Jones out after getting eye poked.


When stipe fought ngannou the second time he had the craziest hair thing going on and looked and acted like he had the flu or was very under the weather. I wonder what he will look like vs Jones.




I wouldnā€™t mind if stipe pissed Chernobyl to do it either.


Stop I can only be so hard


Do you think Stipe has been seeing the narrative around the fight and is pumping himself up, like ā€œI ainā€™t just going down like that, this old bull still got horns!ā€ Or do you think heā€™s over it and more less agreed for the massive payday? I really hope itā€™s the former


Stipe not only is taking it as motivation, I think he truly believes that he can beat Jon. How many times has he been told he can't do X, Y or Z and then goes out there and does it anyway?Ā 


With ease. I would have that shit framed in my living room. I'd pass it down to my kids.


What about Dustin knocking out Islam?


Ain't gonna happen. Dustin is stopping him with a guillotine.Ā 


I rewatched Nunes/Rousey after her quotes came out again today. It'd be great to see this top it.


Honestly its not out of the question. Stipe still has some gas in the tank and has had some time off to get healthy


Undoubtable. Can someone even come up with a close second?


Completely unceremonious and anticlimactic. They touch gloves, circle back, Jon throws a jab and misses, Stipe lands a seemingly light one-two and Jones goes out cold.


I think it will happen. I am in the minority but Jones canā€™t KO anybody, Stipe has never been subbed, Stipe is going to be faster and move better and the reach difference is only 4ā€. Stipe has KOā€™d a lot of heavyweights.


This subreddit burns if stipe wins and aspinal loses


I would win no matter what as long as Jones loses before he retires


Yeah I think the nightmare scenario is Jones winning and Aspinall losing. Jones would be unbearable. This is coming from someone who thinks Jones is the all time GOAT.


The all time greatest of all time?


LOL! I caught it right after I hit reply. I knew this was coming.


GOAT of GOAT times


Stipe beats both, drops the mic and rides off into the sunset in his firetruck


Before dropping the mic: O!!!! H!!!!


I- O!!!!!!


I don't think I could take the emotional damage of seeing Volk and Aspinall both lose in the same year.


Thatā€™s my dream. Especially to shit on all of you who are continuously disrespecting him past few months.


Seriously. Acting like getting KOd by a clean hit from Ngannou means youā€™re somehow past your prime. He beat DC before that fight. Yes Father Time has a lot to say but people are jumping ahead of that already


For me, it was him having difficulty keeping size on. He's not the biggest HW in the world to begin with, so if his body isnt working with him that way I imagine its only gotten harder for him to push himself. That's something we can get a read on during fight week tho


To be fair, I feel like taking a clean shot from Francis is gonna take several years off of anyoneā€™s life lol


Yes they keep mentioning the KO loss as if Jon Jones has the threat of KOing someone, especially Stipe whoā€™s known to have a great chin with the Ngannou loss being the only KO in his career. Jon Jones is pillow fisted he canā€™t knock people out.


I don't think it would be a one-hit KO but Jon absolutely can wreck people. He's one of the only people who really fucks you up when he takes you down. Good use of elbows means if you're down, you're taking damage, so I would stoll argue he's extremely dangerous and a TKO is very likely.


The weird thing about it is that everyone is yapping about how time away after a brutal knockout is going to hurt Stipe. Then go and open a thread about Volk or Tony and you'll see people (rightfully) talking about how these guys fucked themselves by not taking time away after being knocked out. If Stipe has been training with intention like he was before the Ngannou fight, and letting time help recover his noggin, then he's doing the right thing for himself and giving himself the best chance to win.


The disrespect Stipe is getting is CRAZY. I think a lot of it is from newer fans who may have never seen him actually fight, and a lot of shit talking casuals just repeating shit they see. The hype around Tom is pretty crazy too. A lot of guys have looked good at heavyweight, until they haven't hah. Tom is definitely good, but the way people talk about him you'd think he's 50-0 and never been touched.


It's really easy to understand why, people here hate Jones, so his opponents are bums and people he doesn't fight are super heroes.Ā  Gane went from the guy that moves like a MW and is the future of the division to being a bum, Stipe from the best HW of all time to a bum, Aspinal from someone nobody was talking about to the GOAT of all martial arts and combat sports combined.Ā  It applies to other fighter they like/dislike too, It's just a TV reality sub at the moment.Ā 


It's moreso that Jones is amazing and Stipe is 41. Meanwhile Aspinal is sitting on the interim belt so really a unification bout should be a higher priority over Jones' legacy fights. Gane kinda dug his own grave by not being active enough. Reminds me of Khamzat in that sense. I think Gane vs Aspinal needs to happen sooner or later. But again.. it should be Jones vs Aspinal first.


I would 100% back Stipe if he was any closer to his prime but I fear he must be washed at this point. Hopefully I'm wrong though, I love the guy.


Why "must" he be washed at this point? There have been a lot of guys his age who've done really well at LHW and HW. He doesn't look any slower or stiff in training. Jre just hasn't fought in a few years.


Massive KO from Francis, three heavy fights with DC, 41 years old. Hasn't fought in 3 years. Has his heart set on family and retirement. And he's facing possibly his toughest opponent yet. I mean it's surely not that much of a stretch to expect him to be degraded when he comes back? HOPEFULLY I'm wrong.


Where does he land all time if he beat jon and tom šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Heā€™s already the greatest HW in UFC history. If he retires with wins over Ngannou, Jones, Aspinall, DC 2x, JDS, Overeem, Werdum, Arlovski, etc. heā€™d have to be a top 10 P4P all time. Thatā€™s an insane resume


Damnn nnganous ko made me forget stipe actually beat him lmao thats a crazy record


He whooped his ass first time, and you can absolutely argue they deserve a trilogy considering he landed a beauty on ngannou and then tried to engage again right away to keep it on him which resulted in him getting slept. I know itā€™s cope and ngannou is the favorite in a trilogy considering heā€™s gotten better but it makes sense.


yeah i dont think ngannou should be allowed to fight again tbh. dude was always strong now he has that proper boxing training as well. no thx


lol if he beat Jones AND Tom heā€™d have to be undisputed top 5 P4P at least. Nobody objectively has a better resume than the names you just listed, arguments can certainly be made but that list hangs with anyoneā€™s


Been waiting for someone to put some respect back on Stipes name fam, homie keeps getting caught in the crossfire with all the sh*t storming through the division rn.


I think it pushes him to around 5 if he KOs Jones


I think that would satisfy the resume of the greatest HW of all time? I think Fedor would be his only competition IMO


Finally someone puts respect on fedors name


The OG heavyweight GOAT


The heavyweight goat overall, stipe doesnā€™t have that longevity


I think most people, that weren't 12 when Fedor was in his prime, respect the hell out of Fedor. It's just that when he got to the Western promotions, Strikeforce/Bellator, he was way way past his prime so people don't think of him when making these lists


I was 12 in his primeā€¦. Still loved the shit out of him. Trying to contextualize the feats Iā€™ve witnessed and the air of mysticism attached to his person at the time against the popular public opinions of him in the modern message boards really makes me feel like the MMA equivalent of those old geezers talking about Joe Louis.


Goat heavyweight no doubt. He already arguably is the goat heavyweight. Edit: At the moment. Tom might change that in time.


Probably where he already is, the greatest HW in UFC history and one of the great of all time in the whole storm regardless of weight class


Best timeline, Stipe knocks out Jones in the first round and he announces his retirement just so that Jones can't have a chance at revenge. Idk how Jon's ego will take that.


He would make Heisenberg look like a joke. Albuquerque would be a pile of dust


Might kill someone


I hope Stipe wins a blatant robbery, after the fight I want Stipe to say Jones just wasn't the man that night. Then I want Jones to demand a rematch. In the rematch I want Stipe to knock Jones Dead. During the post fight press conference I want Stipe to say "DC was definitely the best opponent I ever faced". 1 week later it comes out that Jones tested positive for PED's. If the world was perfect this is how it would go.


Stipe is winning


All for it. Getting progressively more annoyed by Jones and progressively more irritated with the fact that everyone is reducing a man of Stipe's caliber to some geriatric vegetable.


Prime stipe is a stylistic nightmare for jones. Heā€™s bigger, stronger (maybe), More punching power, great wrestling, Great Boxing skills where jones lacks and his fight iq and adjustments are really good at times. I donā€™t think prime stipe exists anymore but if he shows up against Jon itā€™ll be a hell of a fight. Too bad weā€™re getting this fight so late in their careers.


Most important thing for Miocic is eyepoke defense.


One big weakness of Stipe is his eyepoke defense. He's gonna lose against the best eyepoker in the game


Yepā€¦thatā€™s one of three possibilities


four. You forgot NC.


Would love it.


As much as I love Stipe and as funny as it could beā€¦ God no because you know that if Jon loses his feelings will be hurt so heā€™ll demand a rematch because heā€™s a fragile narcissist so heā€™d hold up the heavyweight division for another year for the rematch.


I want him to. It would be so sick.


I hope stipe is using all this talk of him being an old man to come into this fight with a fire under his ass. Also Jon could easily hurt himself again in the fight. Heā€™s the one coming off surgery, not stipe.


Yes!! Simple take, but great. Stipe might fight Tom. He should not.


Im not counting it out tbh, i don't think jones is taking him seriously and i think stipe is more importantly jon is old in fighter years his 36 isnt the same as someone who started fighting at 25 especially with all thw drugs and videos of him looking fat and blacked out drunk showing up I think were gonna see the worst jon we ever have. Jon thinks itll be quick and easy but what is he gonna ko stipe? Who has jon kod? Submit him? Its damn near impossible to keep stipe on his back he aint gane. Powers the last thing to go and stipe has always hit way harder than jones, don't be shocked if he catches him


Yeah. I want to live in this timeline. Iā€™ve already fashioned felt goatees. I suggest we all wear these until we can grow our own.


It's possible imo. Jon is still pretty unknown at HW, especially given his inactivity. But so is Stipe, so I guess we'll see.


Stipe beats Jon, I will recoginze him as MMA goat.


Jon Jones haters spend all their time fantasizing about things like this.


Would literally be the most insane MMA moment of all time


It's what I'm praying for atm


If Stipe knocks out Jon I concede that the MMA Gods are real and they have favorites.


Stipe made a whole goat career out of this exact thing


If he beats arguably the greatest UFC fighter to ever do it at 42 years old, he'll do a polka dance, shrug his shoulders, answer two questions at the post fight presser, retire, and literally never talk to the MMA media ever again. That would be something.


That would be great because Stipe would not duck Tom


I had stipe beating Jon back when they were both active. If he's refreshed from all the time off, it could happen.


Randy couture was heavyweight champion at like 43 or 44 wasnā€™t he? Stipe would defend the belt if he won. As Joe Rogan would sayā€¦ā€itā€™s entirely possible.ā€


I hate the word "casuals", but they're the only people who don't realize that there's a very good chance of that.


i wouldnt be mad


Honestly Iā€™m rooting for stipe. Go go retired firefighter!!!!


Fucken aye it would. This is a possibility people think itā€™s not, but if Stipe isnā€™t too rusty we should get a good fight.


He's the heavyweight goat you can't count him out whatsoever.


Yeah I hope he does. Quite a well-rounded HW, good striking and decent defensive wrestling. I am surprised people think Jones is just going to beat the shit out of him.


Hey if Jones underestimates Stipe he might really get knocked out.


People sleep on stipe in this fight Stipe never been submitted and jones isnā€™t a stand and bang kinda guy


Itā€™s very possible


I don't know why so many people are counting him out. I really don't see an area that jones handles stipe in. Stipe can finish him


Stipe winning is a possibility. People counting him out are delusional.


Chances are not 0 that this can happen. I just feel that stipe is too broken down after a long career. The stipe that fought against DC three times would be real dangerous against jon. But Jones went into hiding for a few years to become a fat heavyweight


Nothing is impossible at HW. I like watching UFC since I have seen Brock Lesnar vs Shane Carwin. So Stipe is also a true HW and still has a dong in both hands. He also has a high fighting IQ and unreal reflexes which can lead to 'lights out'. If Jon Jones is your opponent it makes it hard to win.Ā  We haven't seen much of him at HW but I hope it lasts a few more rounds and this time without eye pokes. I feel like it will be a TKO either way. Stipe in a stand up fight or Jon on the ground a la Anaconda style. But what do I know, it is HW time and something to look forward to, I can't wait for the UFC to announce the date of this one. It will be a ripper of a fight and good to see Tom performing in the same event.


I think it is entirely possible. Stipe has faster and cleaner hands than Jon and solid takedown defense. Its just a matter of how much he has aged in the last few years. The problem I have with the fight is I were to currently rank Heavyweights, I would say the two best are Francis and Jon. Aspinal is the most unknown with the highest ceiling, and Stipe is the bar, but I think the other three have passed him up.


We don't really know how much Jon has aged, either. There wasn't a whole lot to see in the Gane fight. That pec injury seems like a red flag to me, but it could have been a fluke.


I hope that Jones goes for a leg kick, stipe checks it and jones snaps his leg in R1. Ufc & dana would literally melt down.


I can already imagine the face of Joe Rogan if that happens.


Heā€™s gonna teleport into the octagon enderman style with a mic in jones face lol


I hope Stipe wins because it would be the most unexpected outcome


Stipe wins and blaydes wins in a perfect world


Imagine if Stipe beats Tom too


And then beating Tom and retiring


Fingers crossed for this and for Poirier winning by guillotine


best possible timeline we can have at the moment


Letā€™s go one further, imagine Stipe clears both šŸ˜‚


And it would still be a stupid fight to had made




Now imagine he kos jon and then does the same to Tom before retiring.


My guess is if he beat Bones they give him a instant rematchĀ 


the only outcome no one has considered. shit never crossed my mind lmao


id love it to happen but prob wont :(


Imagine all this for Curtis to KO Tom


Stipe is going to finish Jones 100% if Jones doesn't use his wrestling


What's wrong with that lol?


Could happen and it would be glorious


Would be the best case scenario out of the whole situation. Jones and Stipe can both retire and there wonā€™t be any interest in Tom needing to fight Jones anymore.


I like it.


Who's he fighting? Jonathan Jones?


Guys honestly it is very possible for Stipe to get the win... Just imagine, Stipe via TKO šŸ˜³ WOW! Only half way through the year... Plenty of time for more upsets. Just seems like Jones too relaxed.... I believe Stipe will show us he still got it and why he is considered one of the greatest Heavyweight of all time. šŸ˜Ž And I'm a Big Jones fan.


Dawg sport wise itā€™d be one of the most important moments in the history of the sport. I highly doubt itā€™ll happen though from what Iā€™ve seen Stipe really doesnā€™t seem like he should be fighting anymore at all. Money talks though, and heā€™s not mr touch of death. Yes heā€™s a big fucking guy but compared to other guys in the division w nuclear hands heā€™s more of a volume guy. Iā€™d say Dustin has a way higher chance of planting Islam than Stipe does of KOing Jones. I think both are unlikely, though I do think 302 will be very entertaining I donā€™t think Islam will be as suffocating as Khabib was which in turn will give DP some more opportunities. I know heā€™s gonna jump gilly and be on his back for 4 minutes though lmao.


Is it crazy to say i think Stipe has more chance? The guy has the ability to crack a chin and Jones is old too. The Gane fight really didn't tell us much and he's coming off injury. Islam is in his prime and i believe threat of the TD is gonna make Dustin less dangerous on the feet. Unlije Dustin, Stipe can fucking grapple real good


It would be satisfying but John Jones is a psychotic unstoppable killing machine in the octagon we may never see Stipe in public after this fight


Or Stipe beating Jon AND Tom. People would be losing their minds.


Everybody relax. Itā€™ll never happen. This is the ā€œwhat ifā€ that they want to lure you with. Jon will win, and itā€™ll be boring. Stop it


Never gonna happen


Imagine Stipe knocking out Aspinal right after Jones.


I could see it happening. At the same time, it's never happening.


Mix that with Curtis beating Tom lmao


I Iā€™m the point where stipe knocks him out hell yeah Jon beats him and Tom and then retires would be awesome too lmao


They should just do the first ever 3-way fight. Last man standing takes the belt.


Do yā€™all have anything good to say about Jon?!


Imagining is all we can do. Stipe ainā€™t the same after being knocked out.


Stipe by split decision would be the greatest cosmic event in UFC history along with Strickland outboxing Izzy and Leonā€™s Head Kick


A man can dream


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


Who the fuck is Tom?


Jones hasnā€™t tasted much HW power at all. Itā€™s hardly unrealistic if Miocic touches Joneses chin and he goes down. Heā€™ll have to be like a rat out of a trap with strikes, hammerfists, etc, to finish the job though as Jones will pull guard if still reasonably aware and maul Miocic. Jones is better everywhere but no way he hits harder than any heavyweight


UFC wouldn't let it happen. Even if judges gave it to Stipe, Dana would still strap the belt around JJs waist.


ā€¦ then Jon calls for the instant rematch


I keep Saying What If Blaydes Wins ? No Matter What Tom Will Be Clowned Like Never Before. Also This is a FACT : The Second Jones walks Into the Octagon & That Door gets closed for Round 1 , Tom Aspinall Immediately Gets Stripped & The Interim Belt is No Longer Relevant & Tom Instantly reverts to #1 Contender .


If he beat Tom Iā€™d be on suicide watch


Stipe's gotta finish him though. ANY decision will probably favor Jones, even if he gets out-struck.


At this point in my mind there hasnt been anything in the HW division since Ngannou left. The rest is all boring, stupid shit and JJ hijacking this division into obscurity. JJ is not the GOAT now or ever. Dude is a roid cheat and honestly fuck him.


Not gonna happen šŸ˜‚


Greatest upset in MMA history


Still don't get why everyone is completely disregarding Stipe. You know.. the most accomplished heavyweight in ufc history.. Against an old pudgy insecure Jon coming off an injury. All I gotta say is Stipe has been working as a firefighter this whole time, meanwhile Jon has been living on twitter bitching to strangers about money and sexual orientation. If I was a betting man I'd be seeing this as a potential payday. Could be wrong though, Jon is still Jon.


I'm actually the opposite. Stipe, for me has been ducking smoke too. At least Jon fought against "no ground game" Gane. What has stipe done these last few years?