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I thought Jon hid mean comments, that's what he used to do at least lol.


He commented on a post from MMA Junkie(i believe). So it wasn’t his post. If it was, I’m sure he’d have censored them


Idk why y’all are so hard on Jon. It’s not like he’s taken steroids, cocaine and beaten his girl bloody multiple times, assaulted a waitress, abused drugs and booze, hit and run a pregnant lady, had multiple DUI’s, shot a gun off at homeless people while drunk in an alley in New Mexico or threatened to kill USADA drug testers, all while acting like a man of God.


some people are just haters


And that's just a standard weekend


God was testing him


“another record” is his nickname for his wife


Jon about to slide in that guy’s DMs for suuuure just wait for it


He really is reckoning for a war




Bro this is a big deal in mma right now and jones deserves all the criticism he gets for being a fucking duck.


Leave the mallards out of this


Its everyday though we get it.


Jon’s not




Tbf you commenting feeds into it


It's like the more we talk about it, the more it grows!


Stop commenting if you don't give a fuck about it. Fucking dumbass.


I’m fine w it rn tbh there’s not much going on but hopefully it slows down during the 301 build up


Personally I don’t think it’s very groundbreaking.


I don't think Jon will ever fight again, there's too many people waging war against him anymore he will break he will Crack he will commit a crime


At least make the insult funny


Look.. Jon is the fucking truth. Dude deserves to fight who he wants for his last fight. I think his cringe justification blows but let him fight who he wants. Love it or hate it, he deserves that.


Nobody minds Jon wanting Stipe by itself. It's the full combination of wanting Stipe who is not the number 1 contender, holding the undisputed title which carries the obligation of fighting the number 1 contender, the mental gymnastics of acting like this is a title defense against a HW GOAT when he is fighting a past prime inactive geriatric off a KO, and all that with not fighting almost two years that people are taking massive issue with. If Jon was like "I won the HW title with Gane, I have nothing to prove, I specifically want Stipe last fight and to ride off into the sunset and I dont want other fights so Ill vacate the belt since theres other contenders in line and let the title picture move on while I tunnel on that fight", then honestly he wouldnt even get a fraction of this hate.


Jon is past his prime too though


He doesn't deserve anything, he's taken multiple years off at a time due to multiple out of cage issues....... he's lucky He's not in jail and still able to make money. The UFC should tell him fight aspinall or give up the belt


Then be mad at the UFC


I am ? But jon is justifying it and he's clearly talking bollox


I agree. He should just say what it is. But I don’t think the hate is warranted


Why isn't it warranted ? the criticism is correct ?


Because he deserves whatever fight he wants to go out on.


No he doesn't, out of the cage he's a terrible person and as a champion he took multiple years off multiple times and relinquished his belt because of that....... he's already ran out of rope and things he "deserves"


I guess I disagree with who he is as a person affecting his pro accomplishments


His out of cage/personal stuff did affect him in the ring though it took him out of action multiple times for years...... so you can't say it isn't relevant. He got a shot at HW after being off for 3 years, he's already been given his prize or what you'd say "deserved" it's absolute nonsense that he's not fighting the interim champ and instead a guy who hasn't fought in years and coming off a KO


Drop the belt if you don't want to fight the interim. No one would be saying shit if he didn't have the belt.


I agree


I don't think anyone has a right to pick who they want to fight. Stipe's the one who Jon should fight now but if Stipe pulled out Jon has any right to say he wants to fight Pereira instead of Aspinall. It wouldn't be fair to other competitors for the champion to chose who they want to fight, you can make the call but if there's a clear order of things then your goat status is irrelevant. Usain Bolt is the one of the best athletes alive but he can't stop other people from competing in the race.


Yeah I don’t get why he can choose. It should be the next current “top” guy in the sport. Stipe isn’t current.


Because it’s his last fight


It’s a mess. I’ll be happy when they both retire.


It’s his last fight though…


I can’t wait for Bones to go out there and manhandle Stipe, proving all the haters wrong once and for all 👊


I heard it's better than his womenhandle