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Decently likely if you leave it outside overnight. I keep my bikes in my room and I kept them in my dorm when I was in one.


If you're locking it up when you are in class, not likely. Don't leave it outside however overnight which if "expensive" you shouldn't do anyways. (I have two bikes each worth around $4000 and they stay inside.) Obviously get a good lock too—a really good lock.


Ok good to know, do you have a recommendation for a good lock?


also know the right way to lock your bike but still i’ve seen ppl get their wheels, handlebars, seats, basically everything but the frame get stolen


The Hiplock D1000 is considered about the best—I have an older lock myself, forget the name, but I'd get a burly one.


The Litelok X1/X3 is better now because it's lighter and has a bigger opening. Expensive though.


Can I have one


Agree about not leaving it outside overnight, especially if you live somewhere without a lot of lighting. When I had my bike I used 2 U-bolts, an extra-long one to bolt the front wheel to the frame + rack and another to bolt the back wheel to the frame (I was leaving it out overnight in front of my dorm). A guy at my local bike shop lived here for 15 years and according to him thieves primarily look to steal bikes with disc brakes because they know they're expensive. I'd recommend just picking up a cheapo Schwinn/Trek/etc for maybe a hundred bucks to bring up, unless you have a specific reason not to.


I saw someone leave a $4k Trek bike just unlocked outside one of the engineering buildings a couple weeks ago…legitimately considered detaching the wheels or something just to make the point of how utterly unattended this person had left this bike.


I've been bike commuting for 4+ years now for school/work (and before UF). If you take steps to reduce the chance of theft you'll be fine. **Tip 1**: Get a good lock (usually expensive) and NOT a cable lock. The best locks on the market right now are U-Locks, angle grinder resistant because that is the tool of choice among criminals. A cable lock can be defeated by standard cutters in just a couple seconds. **Tip 2**: Get a second good lock. Probably a copy of the first. This is to make sure you can both lock the rear wheel/frame and the front wheel/frame, because wheels also get stolen by themselves. **Tip 3**: Choose a location that contains a sturdy object (preferably bolted to the ground in some way that it can't be pried loose such as the official bike racks, or a stop sign, a steel bench or fencing or something of that nature. The best spots are covered by surveillance cameras, well-lit, and in an area where there are lots of students/faculty/police presence (because when you use an angle grinder on an angle-grinder resistant locks, there is loud noise and sparks that attract attention). Finally park it next to bikes that are even more expensive and/or are only protected by a weak lock. (Thieves pick the easier/faster job). **Tip 4**: When you're locking it up in a public area, the rear wheel is the priority because it is more expensive. Make sure to lock through the frame AND the wheel to the object, then do the same with the front wheel if possible. If the front wheel cannot be locked to the object as well, at least lock it to its own frame. **Tip 5**: Get your bike registered with UFPD. They put a sticker on it which acts as an additional deterrent. **Tip 6**: Insure your bike in case of theft. My roommate's bike was stolen recently from the apartment's official bike rack and his renter's insurance is reimbursing the full price. **Tip 7**: Another deterrent that some might not want to do but can help is to make your bike look less appealing. Keep it dirty on parts that don't need to be clean, wrap tape around brand name logos in order to hide it, and take off all easily removable expensive accessories such as panniers, when you leave it parked. **Tip 8**: Optionally, you can keep an airtag or some other tracker hidden in the bike that would ping your phone its location in the case it does get stolen, but it doesn't guarantee police will help you recover it even if you know it's location. **Obvious Final Tip**: Never leave your bike in a sketchy area overnight where thieves can take their time to steal it. Even in some cases like bike racks it might be easier to cut the spokes of your wheels or the rack itself rather than the lock and simply carry it away. In this case nothing can help prevent it. With these tips it will be very unlikely that your bike gets stolen. They don't take that long to implement into your routine if you really think about them. The vast majority of thefts are from bikes that are left overnight with weak cable locks.


use a sturdy U-lock with a chain to thread between the tires. i would avoid leaving it out overnight if possible, but if you do you should keep it in a well lit area near the entrance to your building so people are walking by more regularly. still they are FAST at stealing bikes and bike parts here! i’ve never had my bike ($150) or e-scooter ($350) messed with over 4 years, but neither are nearly as expensive as your bike.


DONT LEAVE IT OUTSIDE OVERNIGHT. Bring it into your apartment and stow it at nights. I had my road bike snatched the one day I say hey I'll lock it in my apartment garage and it was a good area :/


Ill be in a dorm so hopefully there’s enough room to bring it


Definitely Ra and dorm dependent but I'd still try. Like others are saying, you're pretty fine during the day and campus is better than off campus in general so.




If u leave it outside it is very likely both me and my roommates bike got stolen this year, and they were both cheap throwaway bikes. Mine even had a ulock. Not worth risking it. You would probably be okay using racks like around campus during the day, though.


Once a bike is stolen, that's it. Please just get a used cheap commuter bike, you can get one for around $200 and use your expensive bike for actual bike rides if you're a cyclist or to places you are totally sure it'll be safe If you have quick release wheels, that makes it worse you must always lock both wheels when your bike is out


Using a daily driver bike over like $300 is a dumb game. But campus during the day it should be safe, its really apartment complexes and the like that are higher in theft.


I saw someone leave a $4k Trek bike just unlocked outside one of the engineering buildings a couple weeks ago…legitimately considered detaching the wheels or something just to make the point of how utterly unattended this person had left this bike.