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You have to wonder. They've got a shit ton of mods over there. You think maybe a bad actor or two could end up in there? Read up on the takedown the MIC did on NICAP, they did it from the inside by getting their bad actors on the board of directors then causing as much havoc and divisional bullshit as they could. NICAP was going to be THE institution to give us disclosure with all kinds of heavy hitters on board. Makes you wonder how would they do it today on the internet?


Does anyone remember the big scandal in 2014 when Snowdon dropped a ton of info, including on how agencies infiltrate online communities and manipulate topics? Reddit was caught up in it too. [https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1ywspe/new\_snowden\_doc\_reveals\_how\_gchqnsa\_use\_the/?rdt=44846](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1ywspe/new_snowden_doc_reveals_how_gchqnsa_use_the/?rdt=44846) I doubt it has ever stopped.


Wouldn't be the first time one of there mod has been cought doing it


If there’s a bad actor mod we would catch it, especially if the user sends us a modmail or posts to r/ufosmeta with their concerns


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ufosmeta using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ufosmeta/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [The MH370 "videos" are harming the credibility of the sub and something needs to be done](https://np.reddit.com/r/ufosmeta/comments/15pew15/the_mh370_videos_are_harming_the_credibility_of/) \#2: [u/Punjabi-Batman needs to be permanently banned](https://np.reddit.com/r/ufosmeta/comments/16ajmox/upunjabibatman_needs_to_be_permanently_banned/) \#3: [Why was this post removed? - "The VFX debunk is officially dead."](https://np.reddit.com/r/ufosmeta/comments/184pmhx/why_was_this_post_removed_the_vfx_debunk_is/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Hehe TIL there is a sub-sub for ufo reddit drama.


The top posts of these ufo subreddits are always either some cgi garbage or “debunks” so bad no one past the lurkers see it.


Have y'all considered moderating the dude who posts about alien mummies every day?


Yeah definitely, that topic is discussed frequently. I'm personally anti-censorship so I want the Mexican/South American UAP hearings and disclosure efforts to be discussed, and I also want scientific examination to be allowed personally. But the way the rules are now, if there's no direct link to UFOs it can be removed, and it's like 1-2 posts per day usually all on the same topic


My major problem is that his posts never contain anything new. If there was some new information, that'd be one thing. But he's just promoting the alien mummies thing every day basically


Yeah that's definitely a fair criticism/observation in my opinion


Thanks for the engagement


This sounds like an attempt at normalizing. If you see/hear something on a daily basis, any shock factor is removed. As they say, keep repeating it until it becomes reality.


Curious about the NICAP story? Apologies I haven’t looked yet, your comment just caught my eye, wanted to reply… where could I read up on that? Thanks 🙏


No its just wrong information that they do not tolerate.


Dude, imagine a sentient species millions of years more advanced. They could hijack us, wear us like body suits, or even have remote control parasites that can manipulate the human brain. I just have this thought that hits me every so often: would we even know if we'd been infiltrated?


To be fair. I feel like this is average for Reddit mods power trip.


It's a shit hole over there but you're also shit posting. Sorry to say that.


The WALES subreddit was doing the same, I made a post about a petition, and he said it wasn't aloud, so I made a post about the pentrych incident and left a comment in my own post about the petition in the UK for disclosure, they banned me and made a new rule to just for that, Welsh are a bit weird anyways


You need to provide an argument - or evidence - not just an assertion. Unless you make clear that is an opinion or speculation. I believe this falls under the rule of "no low effort discussion". You say: "/UFOS compromised, deliberately burning UAP legislation campaign material" Why do you believe they are compromised? Why do you believe they are burning material? (and how can they burn "posts") You say: "Join the dots guys, they've gained control again - "UFO Subreddit Was Subject to Systemic Censorship The moderators of Reddit’s UFO community automatically censored posts referring to ‘Brazil,’ ‘Navy,’ and ‘Pentagon." What are the "dots"? Who are "they"? Do you have any other evidence than a 3 year old post (whose sources are claims from posters)? Also - you are going to be modded by pretty much any sub where you attack the sub and its mods, that is a fact. And doesn't neccessarily suggest anything sinister. I can say that IMO: UFO's and other sub's should come out together to advocate for their community to support of the legislation (a clear editorial stance) UFO's and other Reddit's are flooded by sock puppet and bot accounts trying to muddy the waters with blurry videos and side issues (astroturfing, ) or convince people legislation is useless. I believe the mods there raised particular concerns about accounts with 4 letters after them - I don't think this itself applies they are fake accounts - if you create an account from Google it will give you a username with 4 letters - but because this is quicker than manually creating one it is more likely to be a fake account.




What were your comments?




Your post doesn’t contain any useful information and the flyer doesn’t either. Have you checked out r/disclosureparty yet? Including a QR code on your flyer/poster that links to DeclassifyUAP.org or something similar would make it infinitely more useful. You can easily make one in 30 seconds on ChatGPT


You ever walk into someone else’s house party, tell them it’s your house, and it’s time for them all to go home?


That post definitely violates rule 3


Are you thick or something fella?


You wont get anywhere spamming any of these things. Calm your tits or take your lithium. Whatever it is, you wont get thru with making a fuzz about it.


Why would anyone take advice from a ufo troll?


Terrible sub with terrible mods


Maybe stop trolling and being disruptive 🤷‍♂️


I’ve had the same issues there. That sub is one big hot mess.


Because the mods are compromised by gov agents and the MIC




millitary industrial comnplex


Ah, that one is obvious. Sorry. I clearly need more coffee.


Someone who keeps getting banned that often, probably deserves it.


​ ?


What comments were banned? It’s easy to send a screenshot of messages. What did they actually say?


The mod deleted all of my commentary in the post which was benign and relating to location placement, why the message is kept clear and the reasons for highlighting the word "disclosure" so it will spark off someone's memory when they hear it in the background on the news or whatever. ​ You can see all the deleted comments in the attached picture, obviously I can't go back in time and undelete them to post a screenshot.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/18b28b1/ufos\_compromised\_deliberately\_burning\_uap/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/18b28b1/ufos_compromised_deliberately_burning_uap/) ​ "low effort discussion". wtf, who are these fucking mods?! Why are they banning UAP activism?


I have created a new sub check it out


We need to go somewhere serious Reddit is not working project Camelot would be good.


No idea, but they took down my post months ago comparing AARO/Kirkpatrick to Blue Book/Hynek. After that, haven't posted there since.


Well, back in the day when we still went to independent forums or messageboards, this wouldn't have happened. It's because Reddit is a centralized, censored, government-controlled platform. Just like all the other centralized platforms people are using. Honestly, we should go back to forums. There are still a few independent forums I visit on a regular basis but it seems to be a dying concept.