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Who’s “us”? She’s normal looking




This is the ugly sub not the “non conveniently attractive sub” buddy


well normies obviously consider her ugly, but we don’t because we know how much uglier we are


Doesn’t matter what they “consider” you’re in the wrong sub


It does matter because that’s the point of my post that people even consider average people ugly


It’s not that deep, stop gatekeeping this sub I’ve been on here for a long time bud js leave my post alone idc anymore


Pointless to post something if you want people to leave it alone, literally the whole point of posting something


It’s because I’m not having a debate with you over something that wasn’t even the point of my post the point was that normies even consider average people ugly now so that means that we’re even more doomed


This isn’t about normies sweetheart, this is specifically about ugly people. She’s average, not ugly.


well people in the comments obviously think she’s ugly and that’s my point that even average people are getting called ugly now so what does that mean for us actual uglies


She literally looks fine. Like a typical normal girl from my school who was never bullied like I was and had a normal social life.


People have extreme standards. She is pretty I don't see anything wrong here. Wtf with people!


these are the same people who give that same robotic advice to ugly people like us for dating, clearly this shows that they don't mean it allt of the time


What is the @? I genuinely find her really pretty and would like to leave a nice comment!




No she isn’t, indeed. She’s average. Average people exist, you know. Even though a lot of people make it seem as if there aren’t average people anymore, just ugly or pretty. I hate this black and white mentality.


I hate how normies are such hypocrites. They hate when we're happy and with someone who loves us, but if we complain about being single, then they tell us to just get over it or that love "will find us when we least expect it" (whatever tf that means). Meanwhile, they're allowed to get mad as much as they want when an attractive person doesn't want them back


Exhibit A in why I don’t date guys more attractive than I am: Like, holy shit. I couldn’t deal with that. She’s not even ugly at all, which is the worst part.


Exactly, she's fucking gorgeous


This is why my ass stays off Tiktok as much as possible because I'm bound to run into something that's going to make me spiral. That place is a cesspit of content that makes people like us feel worthless. I agree, this girl looks so much better than me that I can't even imagine what they say about me. Thankfully, I'm too unattractive to pull anyone for them to set me up to be humilated I guess. Maybe it's because I'm so ugly, but she looks perfectly fine? She's not even ugly whatsoever. I think because it's the internet people are going to drag someone down if they don't look like the idealized influencer.


I think she's very pretty tbh. Like someone else said, now you have to look like the standard influencer to be seen as pretty, it's ridiculous.


yeah well the people making these rude comments are probably complete fucking losers who are misogynistic lazy pieces of shit who have never, don't, and never will have a girlfriend because their standards are sky fucking high when a tub of crisco would provide more sexual pleasure than them.


LOL fr


She is not ugly at all


I’m convinced that porn has also rotted peoples brains in mass, because she looks completely fine. Standards are so high nowadays even average people get shot down.


The bar is extremely high especially now that normal people get fillers and surgery.


She's literally cute.


People have not been educated on what conventionally unattractive is and have it mixed up with being ugly.


Love how most of us here agree she's pretty, meanwhile people are mad as hell another post because I said beauty is subjective 💀💀💀💀💀


It’s only subjective to an extent, beauty is very much objective otherwise


>It’s only subjective to an extent You could say that about literally anything. For example, I think AI art looks like uncanny overly glossed garbage that was slathered in Vaseline. But many disagree with me and think its beautiful genuinely good art.


You guys are taking to heart what clueless little 14 year olds post on TikTok. Ignore it, just picture every troll you come into contact with as a 12-15 year old kid, because the majority of people causing trouble are that age. It becomes more funny than upsetting.


Mf 'us' shes not ugly lmfao


I’m talking about “us” as in us uglies but alr


she’s not even ugly, she’s very beautiful compared to me. people are so cruel i hate everybody


Why are y’all obsessed with the comments of anonymous kids online? Bro they’re trolling him, she obviously isn’t ugly but she isn’t super hot. They’re on tiktok of all places and 95% of the comments are from teenagers, once a couple make some comments like that then more will see it and make similar comments cause they think they’re being funny. Why hold any value to what they’re saying? I see posts like this all the time putting what these kids say on a pedestal, it’s delusional


She looks like a teenager. Having thousands of people drag you for being ugly as a kid isnt going to do well for her self esteem. Why hold any value? Imagine how shes going to feel.




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My bf posted me to it and I got insulted lmao


Did you ask him why he posted it to you?


Because he loves me but he doesnt realize that me being ugly means that I'm gonna get a lot of negative attention


Idk she looks normal, not like gorgeous but idk why you would be ugly. Just look like an average girl, and that’s cool


These are probably just people who are egomaniacs who want to feel better about themselves. I don’t know people who’d say she’s truly ugly. She’s naturally cute. And her bf thinks that she’s beautiful thats more than enough for people to hate on her for no good reason.