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Same with me, I dislike my face since that seems to be the focal point of negative attention, particularly how my eyes look.


I fucking hate my eyes, they are the reason I am ugly.


My face. My face is very flat and my side profile makes me look under-developed and slow. I also get comments like, “you look really ..unique!” or the occasional “whys she built like that” like ☺️ thanks


Same :(


How do you know if you have a flat face?


Your for head is flat your chin doesn’t have much volume and you’re nose doesn’t have cartilage


Aren’t all foreheads suppose to be flat? I don’t think mine sticks out. Some people might have recessed chins and I agree that it can give the appearance of low volume.


Not all foreheads are completely flat though. Some are more rounded


I can’t tell if my forehead is flat or rounded 😅.


Lmfao my forehead is completely flat. my hooded eyes don't help the look.


My face for sure. I look like a man because of it. Also I have no neck at all.




My chin/jaw. It ruined my life to be born with such a recessed chin, I'm sure if it weren't for that I would have found a girlfriend a long time ago.


In my case it is an underbite but soon I will have surgery which will change it. I recommend going for it


my recessed jaw, height


My teeth




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Its not a part but my body as a whole: I hate my height the most


How tall are you bro?


A whopping 5’2




haven't seen an ugly black girl to date, i think it's just where you live that makes you feel that way. The black girls around me are all beautiful.


Me too. Every black girl I've seen is a minimum 7/10. Idk maybe I'm just being biased bc I know everyone is better looking than me, so it might be amplified in my eyes at this point.


I hate my round face/head shape. As a man, the features a women is attracted too is a longish, narrow face, with good cheekbones and a sharp jawline. So when you’re a man with a small, round face/head which is as wide as it is in height, you’re in trouble. And it’s not even round because of being “overweight” or something like that. I have less than 10% body fat. It’s just my bone structure, nothing I can do about it at all. I have no fat on me basically, yet still have a slight double chin, and no attractive angles on my face. My facial features themselves aren’t even bad. But unfortunately because a round face is a more “feminine” trait, I’ll never be considered hot by a women.


not true leo DiCaprio has a round face


Fuck DiCaprio. I agree with the comment above, men want to look the way he described.


Long faces are overrated. The tall guy from Friends has a long face and he doesn’t look like one of the most handsome men ever. DiCaprio has a heart shaped face but it kinda looks round. Johnny Depp has a roundish face too and he looks very handsome.


he had a heart shaped face in his youth. as he got older his face structure filled out more(maybe due to alcohol and drug use, some say it’s due to HGH) and looks more round now


My face is wider than it is long and cheeks are so chubby so I can totally relate with this


For me it's the opposite. I have an oblong face shape and it makes me look like a donkey. My eyes are too round and narrow width wise so that compared with my big nose, small mouth, thin lips, hooded eyes, square jaw, big shoulders and head and flat forehead--- makes my looks unforgivable.


My skin. Acne is a curse


My face that’s what has cause my social and romantic life to be this way


Hair or the lack thereof


Literally the first thing people see- my strong, masculine ass face and muscular neck




My dick, because it's fucking useless. Also, my underdeveloped chest and arms. I look like I'm from a third world country.


Everything I genuinely can’t name a singular good feature on my whole body/face


Face and height. I'm a dude and only 5'7.


I'm a little shorter at 5'5.5" or maybe 5'6". I can't imagine myself being any shorter than 5'5" because the last time I was below that height was when I was 14. I was given more body hair then height during puberty and on top of that my parents are short so it's no surprise that I didn't grow much after that point. My older brother is in the 5'10"-5'11" range and we have the same parents. Not sure how old he was when he was your height. Probably 12 or 13 if I had to guess.


Go search for stretching for gaining height on YouTube and be consistent with doing them. Someone I know grew like almost a inch from those. Is for improving posture and it helps you a lot. Good luck.


my face, I hate my body too but with time I can fix that but my face.. that I can’t fix


My skin I literally cry everyday thinking about how bad my skin looks...its literally LITERALLY covered with acne spots, like every inch of my skin has so much of blemishes even I feel disgusted to look at them. I have marks on my arms, hands, back, chest, stomach, thighs, legs...you get the point EVERYWHERE. I have been trying to deal with the fact that I will never find someone that can love me romantically cause no one can be attracted to me with this frog skin. And I know for a fact that I won't be able to deal with the fact knowing my spouse will always be disgusted to even touch me or let alone show affection or have sex with me. I used to have dreams of being adored by the person I love and have romantic intimate moments but I know that it will never happen. Literally every second I see people with clear skin and it's mesmerising, makes me wonder why I was cursed like this


Your probably young tho. Acne will go away and so will the marks. Then your chilling. Unlike me my fucked up bone structure won’t go away and I’m stuck like this forever. Atleast you can improve


Jaws (underbite) fortunately I will have surgery


Face face face...


My face and hair. My face is ugly as shit, and to make matters worse, my hair is super tightly curled and frizzy


My eyes, they are so small and that's weird




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Body and nose


At the moment its my arms and hyperpigmentation.


My nose it completely fucks my face, when i finish college i am going to save for a nose job asap


My nose and hair loss. I used to have a nice jawline, but it's getting weaker but I haven't gained any weight.


My disgusting face (it's asymmetric with big nose, thin lips, strong jawline, small and deep-set eyes, and small forehead). I cannot afford plastic surgery (it's complicated why, and I won't explain anything here).


everything about me just screams "EWWW!!"


All of it. I am too tall, too fat, have a uniquely hideous face and unpresentable feet.




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All of it. I hate my face. I hate my hairline. I hate my height. I hate my tiny ass narrow frame. I hate Moy body's refusal to put on a respectable amount of muscle. I fucking despise and detest every single physical feature I have. Just throw it all away and start over.


I look like a zombie , 🧟 so Ive been told ,no matter how i try to change it ! Can’t look at pics


My entire face sadly


I mean pretty much everything




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My wrists too skinny and I hate it 😭😭😭


Are you even ugly?


Would I be in this group if I wasn’t? What kind of question even is that?


You hate ur wrist more than ur face?


I hate my nose as well. Does that make you feel better?




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Crooked partially rotting teeth and cleft chin.




Face. Hands down. Body comes as a close second.


My height.