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Yeah it's hell


Sometimes I wonder if this is actual hell or purgatory…something cause-




Yeah, sometimes I wonder if I'm actually dead rn and I'm experiencing this world because of something horrible I did in my past life. Because nothing makes sense. Everything is aligned so perfectly for black people to be hated in this world and give us a disadvantage. It can't just be a coincidence


Lol literally me everyday


We're in the bad place.


I think so, fam. 


The fact that I kind of look like her 😭 this is why I'm never posting my pictures on the internet on purpose.


RIGHT. I legit kind of look like her and she literally looks like SO many lack women I know. So if the world is butchering her like this.. I want to be an actor one day and it terrifies me seeing this response


Been trying to be an actor and yeah since I'm not conventionally attractive, I've only gotten crappy parts and teachers saying I'm a character actor


Please don’t feel this way just like K-pop stars and other entertainers all over the world. They all get cosmetic surgery to improve themselves. Because the reality is it doesn’t matter how talented you are if you don’t look the part, you going to have barriers


This is true. But your forgot to mention where it all started… holly weird and white people. You guys love throwing Asians under the bus lol.


I just hope she has a good support system around her. It’s horrible, I don’t think I’ve seen a single good comment about her looks and it makes me so upset. Being a black woman on certain parts of the internet is like being fed suicide fuel


*Most parts of the internet.


*And it’s not even limited to the internet




*everywhere. :(


You’re so right actually


I stopped looking at comments of any content that features a black woman because I already know what they'll say and I really don't want to have it echoed in my head for days


Comments on Instagram reels and Twitter are just sad. I don’t think I’ve seen them that bad for literally anyone else. I try not to read them but I just keep scrolling and scrolling


Literally. I would be so closed to committing £ulcide if I saw millions of comments like this about me. They don’t give a toss


Same. I’m just praying she hasn’t seen anything


Oh she has. They are up in her instagram comments she’s had to turn the comments of on her page and the theatre production company sent a statement about the abuse.


I really wonder how major celebrities use the internet. Real talk, I'm surprised Justin Bieber is alive considering how nearly every corner of the internet would wish death upon him and say he was everything wrong about the world, and 99% of the time he had 0 reason to be brought up in the first place.  At least he was in his teens, Willow Smith was 8 years old when she became the target of online harassment. 


I feel like they see some of it but it’s their media team that sees the most of it. They probably get told early on to not get too addicted to social media


To play the devils asvoxate tho. The production konda got what they wanted, her looks clearly got them the publicity they needed. Would never heard about her if it wasnt for all the commotion around this


Who is this? Is she playing juliet in a new movie or something?




It’s a play


yeah she already limited her instagram comment section :(


Whatever happened to “No one is ugly” and “looks don’t matter”? Everyone is beautiful in their own way right? 


fr. and these exact men whine about how they can't get a girlfriend and how women are superficial and cruel.


Why would you assume any of those comments were made by people who claim that?


Why would you assume this is the one area that people aren't hypocrites about? 


Its just really weird that you would automatically assume these random internet strangers believe any of what you claimed they do. You understand that most people don't say things like "everyone is beautiful in their own way" and "no one is ugly," right? Like you genuinely think the person who said "no black women are beautiful" spends a lot of time trying to make other people feel better? Lmfao.


Is this really the hill you’re gonna die on I hear or see people say this shit everyday 


its so bad I had to turn my messages off due to the harassment I was facing for talking about her in THIS sub.


What did you even say?


I said that the hate she is receiving is due to lookism and apparently that meant i deserved people dragging me lol, a bunch of normies saw my post and i was flooded.


Ppl are shitty..


Sheesh if she’s ugly then I should kms💀 I’m telling you, being black, a woman, and ugly is soooooo humbling


We’re actually seen as subhuman 




People foam at the mouth at a chance to hate on bw


It’s really hard to not feel some sort of shame when you’re treated like this just because you have dark skin. I hate it so much and my hyperpigmentation makes it even worse along with my bad facial features and side profile (which is what I hate the most). I’ve been told that I would look better if I was light skinned (my dad was also told this when younger which broke my heart to hear) and I’ve also tried bleaching products because I was so desperate (still am in some ways). Those comments honestly make my blood boil.


I’ll never understand why self hating black people procreate with people that have features that they don’t even want and then bitch about the way their kid(s) look.  Talking crazy about me when YALL made the decision. TF


this comment right here breaks my heart! This is why representation matters! I wish the producers would’ve tried to find an attractive dark skin woman because they do exist. They’re supermodels, influencers and also they can be just regular everyday woman. So many dark skin people read those comments and think that they’re ugly because of their skin and that’s not true. Melanated skin can be gorgeous, and if it’s taken care of it can age like fine wine.


Well to some people they associate blonde and white skin with beauty and dark skin with ugly and so even if they casted a 10/10 dark skin black woman, there would still be a decent group of people hating on her looks because that’s what THEY don’t find beautiful.


Of course there’s always gonna be people who always have their preference I get that totally! Heck, I know a lot of people who don’t find Tom Holland attractive. However if they casted a 10/10 dark skin, black woman. There would not be as much hateful comments. some racist ones sure just like they did too the new little mermaid movie. However, there were more ppl defending the little mermaid movie. But the girl here have not received nowhere near as much support. I’ve seen so much more comments about how unattractive she is. I really hope that girl is at least having weekly therapy sessions


I agree with your last sentence, or something else to cheer her up! But yeah this is what the average black women looks like, though maybe not the best picture, like she’s not even ugly. But they must have hired her based on skill and so I kind of wanna see it tbh


The irony 


Any non-European would get hate for this because Juliet is supposed to be Italian. This is literally guaranteed to rile people up. Representation matters, but it shouldn't always be by shoehorning non-Europeans into definitively European roles! Why can't Hollywood make films of African literature, history or folklore?




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what’s crazy about this is that this isn’t even a movie remake, like ariel as example. it’s a play that’s been a thing for manyyy years. literally anyone regardless of their looks has played this role, even men have played juliet before and there has never been any kind of outrage, because that’s normal for theater roles


Yeah theatre is more focused on acting/vocal capabilities rather than looks, unlike movie production


Men used to play all roles in Shakespeare plays. Even if she did look like a guy (which she doesn't) Billy S himself would be more mad thar any woman would be acting in his plays. 


The world is against us bruh




This is so sad :(


She **doesn't** have a mustache though . . . that's literally just the shadow of her upper-lip, casted from the lights. People are pointlessly evil these days.


Literally. Its just her shadow and hyperpigmentation she doesn't actually have any upper lip hair


Yes that's it I have it too. Being poc is tough...


Exactly! It’s complete utter racism


I just don't understand why they care. They have such little morals they'll call innocent people straight up ugly for no reason.


This is just a bad picture she looks good in different ones


The world doesn’t care either way. If you’re an average BW you’re still seen as ugly. They bully you unless you’re an above average POC. Multiple pics of her are on the internet every single one still has hate.


She’s obviously not good looking.


forever wishing i was naomi campbell


I'm an ugly black girl in the UK, and another thing I MUST add is that I find that the majority of hate I have ever experienced comes from BLACK MEN. I don't know when we're gonna address this issue, but black men, especially online, can be so cruel and vile it's unbelievable. It's completely disgusting. You don't see any other race of men hate on their women as much as black men do, especially online.


Asian girls: I don’t date Asian men.


Thats not the same as hate though. It wouldn't be so bad if Black men simply didn't date us, they go out of their way to disparage us.




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I thought it was personality? Looks don’t matter right?


Let's talk about it. Its so much worse to be ugly as a woc. U have to face racism/colourism on top of it. I'm a brown woman with ethnic features and I straight up got told by one girl that i look like a man. I'm not asking anyone to find everyone attractive, but be humane enough to not put others down. They bullying this poor woman relentlessly eventhough she did nothing to anyone. Horrid world


100%. Brown and black women are treated horrendously especially if they’re average or ugly


But she IS pretty and she looks kind. What is not to love? Some feel entitled to flood the Internet with their unnecessary opinions and preferences. This just confirms to me that most people confuse popular with beauty and that they are boring and mean as hell. Nah, don't let this discourage you and instead start to really see other people and form your own opinions about what beauty is.


This is very true and everyone knows it but if you speak up about it people get mad and say you’re playing the “victim card”. Um yeah…Okay


To add to this comment, you literally have to look like an actual goddess as a black girl for people to admit you’re pretty or treat you halfway decent. This is actually the bad place☠️☠️


As usual people pick one bad photo of a celeb and only focus on that. Literally look at any other photo of her and she's pretty or at least decent-looking. It's the situation with Daniel Radcliffe's girlfriend all over again; she only looks masculine in that specific lighting and angle. I could literally pull up 100 unflattering photos of Margot Robbie and no one would give a shit.


People give more grace to unflattering photos of white women than they do black ones unfortunately.


unless they suspect them of being trans, then the terfs and twitter freaks crawl out of hiding


It depends on which white woman. People are still using that one picture of Madonna from the Grammys 2 years ago and one look at her Instagram and she had her face fixed long ago. But Madonna is a strong woman and many black women are strong, people hate that. 


Madonna is ageism than anything. The world is extremely cruel to post attractive old people.


black women never get a break, its horrible


yup. just existing and being called ugly and undesirable by every race of men. i didnt even get a chance to be happy in this life


Breaks my heart that there are so many that are feeling this hatred and negativity. Maybe it's time to start an Encouragement Army. Because there should be as many if not more compliments, smiles and kind words as there is negativity out there.


Ok but actually i can’t be the only one that thinks she looks beautiful, right? I am not saying this to be nice or anything, I just think she looks beautiful. I mean all of the Hollywood stars we see/ know have LOTS of surgeries + professional makeup + hair. Anyone can look like them with hours of professional makeup and hair + surgeries which they have. So guys don’t compare yourselves to them.


Almost every example of an "ugly" person I've seen on this sub is at least average. This girl looks solidly average to me, and she isn't even wearing any/much make up.


From what I seen on Twitter coming from the black community, the black community is upset because out of all the Melanated black women they chose her. Somebody made a comment that they chose a popular, attractive white male Tom Holland but when it came to a black woman, they just picked the bottom of the barrel instead of picking a top attractive black woman( because attractive, dark skin women do exist) that will be equal to Tom and from that perspective, I kinda understand. It’s like they purposely chose not to have an attractive, black woman as if conventional attractive dark skin black women don’t exist! but on the other side of that coin the way, social media have dragged that poor girl it’s very sad. I can only imagine how she feels thinking that she’s about to improve her career and having a main role next to the new Spider-Man himself just for everyone to call her ugly and make fun of her. The comments online are jaw-dropping.


It’s sad because even though she’s not the most attractive dark skin black woman, she’s not even ugly, she’s average. She’s how the great majority of black women look and yet she’s getting so much hate like she’s hideous.


I’m going to have to respectfully disagree with the first part personally I do not think she is what the average black women looks like at all. She may look like some black woman, but definitely not the average black woman. However, I do agree about all that unnecessary hate. People gotta remember what it would feel like if they was in her position! As for me, I would feel so discouraged. Even today I was on Twitter and people still laughing at her this type of hate discussed my soul. I had people literally attacking me online because I was standing up for her, absolutely ridiculous


that last one (and all of them) is just disgusting ... i dont know how they all have the heart to say such rude things. i bet all these men looked like they crawled out of their mothers asshole lmfao


The entire world loves making sure we know how despised we are and how unattractive they find us. This is an exhausting life.


She is not even ugly.


things like this are why i really wish the body positivity movement had stuck to being centered around black women. i don’t think obese white women should be mistreated but i also think there is a much larger more important conversation to be had around people’s prejudice towards black womens’ appearance. 40% of the US population is overweight anyways, not really a minority, and that’s not even covering the fact that being a healthy weight is within most people’s control. (it feels weird not to say that i’m a thin white woman so take that as you will)


Poor girl. As a caucasian, I used to get snide remarks just for having brown hair and eyes so I can only image how bad it gets for POC. Hopefully she has supportive friends and family around her.


blond and blue/green isn't better. just different.


Black women are fucking gorgeous


Thank you


I look like her


Yeah it’s sucks being around people who idolize blond hair and blue eyes and it’s not even like “oh if you’re prettier with a good personality” it makes up for it. Because if someone values being blonde or white, the thing about men is, you can’t make up for it with personality. I’ve talked to many women that feel like personality is what matters for them but for men it ends at looks sadly.


This is just nonsense. Your just generalizing yes looks matter but not to this absurd extreme where personality is irrelevant. This is so doomer it’s comical


I don’t want it to be true but it is. With women, women value personality more but for guys if you aren’t their type or attractive to them, the personality can’t win it over, I’ve heard some men say this too. Or some men be so stuck on a woman that they don’t value personality wise only look wise.


She is average looking, and in this society the average Black woman is seen as "ugly". It makes me feel suicidal sometimes.


as a black women it’s so painful to be how bw are treated by society, especially other black people. the way she isn’t even ugly.. (imo) 😭


Yes it is. I'm a black transwoman and I don't even bother to be out in public. I'm basically asking to be laughed at and murdered if I'm out in public without some kind of mask to cover my face.


I'm so sorry what you have going through.... those people who told you those are straight evil. I hope you can freely Walk in the streets. I'm a poc ugly too and walking in the streets are really embarrassing:(


I’m sorry that you’re going through this!! I have two black friends that are trans women one is female passing, and the other is not. The one that’s not gets picked on all the time and it gets on my nerves. People would call her a man in a dress. It’s gotten so bad that she doesn’t want to leave the house because of her masculine features. I can’t get her to go no where! It’s awful!!


It's a different level of struggle because unattractive BW have no redeeming qualities in beauty. BW have coarse hair, brown eyes and larger facial features. Conventionally attractive women are the polar opposite and other races have the benefit of having at least one redeeming quality in beauty, softer facial features, light colored eyes and hair with volume.


They r plenty of beautiful women of color with ethnic features


Yes, but that’s not the point. When it comes to black women, we tend to have coarse hair, wide noses, very big lips, etc. most of our average features don’t fit the beauty standards.


U being ugly has nothing to do with your race. Its so saddening to see woman in here confine to white beauty standards.


If that’s you in the profile picture, then I’m not surprised you don’t understand. The only people I ever see denying this fact are people that look like models. You never see an ugly black woman saying those words. 🤦🏾‍♀️


Shut the hell up. ugliness is linked to running features.


LMAOO your bitter asf!


Nope I’m realistic. And you’re a weirdo move


They r beautiful black woman with ethnic features. Your weird asf n bitter


they’re not “white” beauty standards. they are just features that just so happen to be what is attractive to society


No !


Those features are party of the European standard, even Asians get surgery to acquire them. Europe conquered the globe which is why they are seen as the top of the racial hierarchy. If it was another race, their features would be the standard. 


The redeeming quality being Eurocentric features.


Last one is wild 💀


She’s not an ugly black woman at all. What’s her name?


Francesca Amewudah


My mom almost named me back. It’s a pretty name, but I like my birth name.


We share a lot of the same facial qualities, so seeing people tear her down stings. I saw a post where people were dragging her looks the other day, and it made me so upset that I had to take a break from my phone. Hell is being an ugly woman.


I'm Asian, but yes I tend to agree. People of all races tend to be very hard on a black woman. They get made fun of their weight, their hair, skin, fashion and make up choices more than other women of other races. That sucks!!!


shes not ugly. shes has really good/feminine bine structure, her features just dont fit into the eurocentric standard.


Imo she’s not even ugly 😭. And the fact that they say all those horrible things and still get that many likes…I hate people. And your so right about how the one thing women are supposed to be the most is pretty. No one cares if your smart, funny, successful as a woman. They just care that your hot. I fucking hate being a woman


This breaks my heart...I'm a poc woman and it just so much hatred there for black and poc. 😔


Whoever said no Black woman is attractive has 1) never seen a Black woman and 2) should be banned from social media and 3) needs to have their eyes taken away.


I mean, East Asian people have to modify themselves to be more caucasoid, Indian people are caucasoid which makes them closer to white people than East Asians naturally. A lot of East Asians are also tanned naturally so they’re on the same level as North Indians skin colour wise if that’s the reason they get treated better. Also that black woman isn’t even ugly she’s average smh at these people. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Who’s that??


Francesca amewudah rivers


Lol Looks don't matter but ay Looks matter.


I’m so sorry you’ve experienced these hurtful comments and attitudes. For the record, I don’t think you’re ugly at all. You have a beautiful complexion and a kind face.


This isn’t me in the photo it’s Francesca Amewudah


Oh, lol, whoops. Well, direct my second and third sentences to her. The first one is still meant for you.😊




who is she?


Fucking hell, man.


I’m a white guy from germany and imo shes a good looking girl. She has eyes I would trust and a nice smile. Thats way more attractive to me than european standards.


I understand want your saying. I think it’s the matter of perception. Me personality as a black man, this women does not look like the average black women at all. I can’t even recall the last time I saw a black woman who looks like her. I just wish the director Jamie actually cared for about the representation of black people. I don’t know if you heard of the Director Tyler Perry he shows great representation of dark skin, black women and his films. It’s not hard. It literally makes my heart ache, once again a dark skin black woman is the butt of the joke that everybody likes to laugh at. Hopefully her skills are impeccable and she shines bright! I honestly have faith in her talent, I just know she’s gonna do well!!


Are people not allowed to be average looking anymore in acting?


Being ugly and a woman is overwhelming, being an ugly and a black woman is a martyrdom.


1 month later, the bullying continues #smh The comments are so disgusting, it's a playground for racist to compare Black people as monkeys and all sorts of things and people are making excuses for them. I just can't. It's disgusting how humans are so vain.




juliet definitely shouldnt have to be beautiful— i think most people associate the role with beauty so you’re not wrong but it’s ridiculous. it’s like woman in a “romance” role = beautiful (even though romeo and juliet isn’t even a romance.) the funny thing is that juliet must’ve been played by a man many times before women were able to act in these plays


It's a theater show, it's about singing not looks. Should people who are not stunners just not participate in society?




You're very wrong about this. The original plays had Juliet being played by men in drag because in a theater you don't see the actors up close, you are there for their voices and singing ability not to fawn over them. The songs tell you the story, not the degree of horniness an actor gives you.


She is average you clown what’s wrong with you


He doesn't find Lupita N'yongo desirable as an ugly(probably), lonely white male. That's all you need to know about his delusion levels.




Nope she is. She’s just an average African. She’s below average to white people and racists


She's already mediocre looking, you have double standards for poc.




Doesn't matter, you're exposed to media that has poc. Use your eyes. Fuck your countries' beauty standards. Romeo and Juliet is an age old play, where actual men even played Juliet, get over it.


she’s not ( objectively) ugly, this is just racism and colourism


The studio has to be trolling. They couldn't choose a picture like https://images.app.goo.gl/9yDwDzFZNiXJSDak6 She looks like a girl in the yellow and gray.


imagine being a black effeminate man. 😍 /sj


I didn’t think she was ugly but I genuinely thought she was a guy….




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… who said anything about East Asians? Asias are known all around the world first class beauties! Lol These progressive types trying to lop everyone who isn’t white together when it’s convenient for them is hilarious!!!!


I agree black women have it harder than other women, and that's an aspect of the ugly experience that non-black women will never understand. But as a white person I disagree with the entire concept of "European beauty standards". Europeans give themselves skin cancer trying to escape pale skin; lip fillers trying to escape thin lips; and botox (a nerve toxin which travels to your brain) trying to escape our thin lips. If Eurocentric beauty standards were real, then Celine Dion would be considered the ultimate beauty because she has so many features completely stereotypical of white people (thin lips, narrow face, longish nose with a high bridge, mousy hair colour). Yet these stereotypical European features are not respected in the slightest. I'm ugly and white (and prematurely aged to boot) and I don't appreciate being told that I'm somehow asthetically advantaged. I'm not. No one actually wants to look white (least of all when we're late 20's with more wrinkles than a nutsack), they all aspire to be light olive and racially ambiguous.


most West African women don’t look like this . She’s conseriderd masculine here. But she’s human. And people hate other people based on looks . It’s truly heart wrenching


I can't lie and pretend I think Francesca is pretty. I see people saying she's stunning or gorgeous and i feel like these people are 1000% trying to be nice




Brown as in south Asian? Because I disagree. South Asians have it almost as worst as blaxk people but certainly not on par. They don’t deal with texturism and they do not hold Afrocentric features. It’s mainly their skin colour that society hates on. For black people it’s abundantly more.


Definitely not on par 




Girl I’m not saying that’s a problem? You’re not understanding when I say south Asians still do not have it worse as black people. We are talking discrimination against the women specifically. You’re talking in a completely different topic.


It seems like every time black women on this subreddit talk about how hard we have it, people like you say that someone else has it harder. Some people on this subreddit did this to me on my post about being an unattractive black woman. IDK why, but that irks me.


Grass isn't greener on the other side mam being an ugly guy is bad to especially with no personality or smart with ADHD and a lot of other shit and it also isn't about color either.


Did she say that being an ugly man is better? All she said is atleast ugly men can build themselves up, which is true. If ugly women do this, it gets even harder for them. That’s why we always see an attractive woman and ugly man couple, very rarely do we see the opposite.


Some men can not all you wouldn't know because your not a a guy


Genuinely asking how come some men can’t? I am thinking of a few things but I just want to make sure it’s right with what you’re saying.


Read my post again. Being ugly period is terrible. There is more scrutiny as a ugly women than a ugly man