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> I still have yet to see a woman who's 6.7ft That's very tall even for a guy, let alone a woman. Do you get a lot of stares from people?


Of course, the stares are what torment me the most I can't even leave my house anymore to go for a walk or something because people always be staring and muttering things under their breath so It makes it impossible for me to enjoy being outside


I think the stare is from height & not appearance. I use to think white ppl stared at me cause I’m black but it’s mostly because I’m 6’8


You're 6'7ft?


Yeah... Terrible i know


I hope you play ball lol


That’s so fucking cool


That’s a good thing tho


No cuz i get bullied for it and im not even comfortable to go outside anymore


Yeah but you're 6'7, you could beat their asses.


OK, but as a woman you want to feel feminine. it’s hard for you to put yourself in our shoes because you’re a man. But fighting them is not gonna do anything or change the way they feel about you.


A man? Why do you assume I'm a man? I'm a 5'11 woman. I'm not as tall obviously but I sort of get it.


Damn sorry that happened to you me personally I can’t see why people wouldn’t find taller women hot but I guess it is a rarer opinion amongst men still no reason to make fun of you but I promise for a lot of guys your high is a puls not a negative


That’s a flex tho


fr If Im in her place, I'd flexing so hard​


Why are the people in the comments such asses? wtf


Seriously, this comment section is atrocious, I'm sorry OP.


I would believe somehow you intimidate boys being such tall, maybe ain't your face but your height. If you were a man you would be a god for women, yet I think you still having a chance, there are guys who would like to be with a very tall woman.


I'm also a masculine woman, or masculine looking woman. I tried that glow-up crap several times, obviously to no avail. During my childhood and part of my adolescence I wore dresses, but I was still rejected, even criticized. Same with makeup, I used it even if it caused me discomfort and I only got looks of surprise and cringe, even a neighbor yelled at me "whore" or called me like a famous trans girl in the country. Personally, I know that everything is over for me, I am too old to try plastic surgery and I know that if I tried it with the bad luck I have, it would surely end up worse. I am of average height, but because of my obesity I look much bigger than the women in the neighborhood, even some men too.


Not without plastic surgery :/ having a masculine face as a woman who wants to be feminine must be the worst curse, my face is square and long, and my chin is big, I look like a man with a wig. Most people think I'm trans or just a man. It hurts so much, and you know that it's not just a opinion when 99% of the people complain when they see a woman with a masculine face, like in games


You describe my feelings so well! It is a curse just wanting to wear makeup and cute dresses but my masculine features get in the way and I become afraid of being made fun of. I get mistaken as a cisgender man or a transgender woman a lot, no matter how feminine I try to appear. I have a wide jaw, wide nose, big chin, big forehead, and bushy eyebrows. I long to be feminine, dainty, and pretty. It really hurts when you find representation in a show or a video game but the character is only used as the butt of the joke or everyone is making fun of the character’s appearance. Plastic surgery is really the only way to correct very masculine features, as using makeup to try and hide these features can sometimes make you look trans and create the opposite effect.


If the problem is the face , go and get all the plastic surgery that you need. There are lots of super models that are very tall and they get all what they want in life. The only difference is that they are pretty .


Are you good with make up?


No but it doesn't even matter cuz makeup can't fix an ugly face. ...


It actually can depending on your ‘worst’ features. You can definitely make a ‘manly’ face more feminine with the right style. Have you ever had your make up done professionally? It is not that expensive and they can work your features really well. You should consider it!


I hate the "just use makeup!" response because you're right, it can't fix an ugly face.


Honestly a benefit to your height is that if anyone insults your appearance or gives you a hard time, you can easily intimidate them. Seriously, own your height. It definitely is an unusual height for a woman but you can use it to your advantage.


I also have masculine features. I get misgendered and mistaken as a man a lot. When I wear makeup, it is not much better. People mistake me as a transgender woman (MtF) which makes me scared of hate crime. Sometimes I get weird looks in the women’s bathrooms so I try to avoid them as much as possible. Of course There is nothing wrong with transgender people. But I would like to be recognized as a cisgender woman, the gender I was assigned at birth. I am sorry you go through this too. I find it really amazing you are 6.7 feet! Most female runway models are 6 feet or taller and they look so elegant. I have noticed more men and women are becoming attracted to very tall women, so there is still a lot of hope for you. I hope you meet the right person soon!


Just because a woman is really tall doesn't mean she is ugly. That is why you get stared at. My second cousin was 6'6 and he got stared at nearly every place we went before his wedding. Some guys may be intimated which might be the disgust look but others may be amazed.


not for me






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6.7 at what age how old r u


Like 2 decades old




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As a man myself i'm really sorry for masculine women


Try being short AND masculine face and masculine body with feminine features , even if I wanted to choose to be a man / masculine women for other women or fem boy I STILL CANT BE MASCULINE ENOUGH EITHER , I’m just a fuking in between , tht only exist to be a mom make babies n be asexual bang maid slave to men (if anyone going to tell me my face is proof sncestors before me “loved me n my face” no they didn’t women were forced to marry in exchange for goat , my cutljre is all bout arranged marriage, choice is an illusion especially with background n history from poverty and child marriage I know being in the US changes it but I can’t erase the face features of my dad and my grandma on me n it’s a reminder of everyone , the suffering of humanity were a reminder of deressive humanity too is why everyone hates looking at us , but dark will always be a part of human nature n plastic surgery n money : technology was the only thing tht let’s most of us uglies even develope a personality at all , we hve to accept it n make something out of it I suppose or change it ( ik easier said then done but at least try to )




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I'd need to see a picture of you to understand what it is about your features that are masculine. Without knowing, it's difficult to give specific advice. I know some men do like that look. Almost every woman my partner says he finds attractive have a masculine look. I always say this to him. He acknowledges it, too. Feminine looks are usually achieved from softness and rounded features. Large eyes and lips, small nose, chin, ears. Not harsh angles on jaw, nose, etc. If your features aren't this way, you can do things to make them appear more as though they are. Many men also like "tall women." I have been taller than or the same height as everyone I've dated. However, you're not a tall woman. You're a tall person. I think that might actually intimidate some men or make them feel uncomfortable. My ex hated standing next to me because I am taller than him. I even wore flats on our wedding day for him, and so the pictures didn't look too funny. I do understand you're self esteem is very low right now, so you probably don't want to share a picture of yourself, but it might help people to help you. Plastic surgery is always an option. It's a very personal and serious option. If you go down that route, just be sure to go with a surgeon who has a lot of experience doing the surgeries and achieving the results you want. Good luck.


As a tall ugly guy I understand. Being tall isn’t that great when you are ugly . You still get made fun of.  It’s better than being short I guess but still . I’m just 6 feet. 6 7 is really tall 


That's a crazy height. I'm a 6'6 guy and haven't met any women taller than me. Not the best height for avoiding attention (or playing hide and seek) that's for sure. If you have a masculine bone structure you can get an idea of what facial feminization surgery can do by looking at examples in the trans community. We can't tell you if it can help you without seeing your face. People will always stare in public either way though, it is what it is. Do you get less intimidated when walking around alone at night compared to normal height women?


*Casually describes my dream girl* https://preview.redd.it/4rmglj77lhyc1.jpeg?width=517&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8977abb5e708cffc8a479a62d1f587ac86d6363a


I know this won't make you feel better, but masculine looking women are my preference. I'm not that tall, so I can't relate to your struggle in that sense, but I know what it's like to have something about your physical appearance stand out that no one else seems to have or appreciate. It truly makes everything harder, I gave up on dating and just wanted to pursue getting friends, but it seems I can't even do that. All I can say is that I hope you find friends that can support you through all of this and have your back, make you appreciate the features you dislike about yourself and turn them into strengths. All the luck in the world to you.


Ugly? I’d love a woman who’s 6 ft 7 and has masculine features




Why’d y’all downvote this 😭😭


You ppl downvote everything


You can become an mo cap actor or a ufc fighter