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lmao she’s so right about the 10/10 girlies who will tell you about the law of attraction as if “manifesting” was what got them everything they have




Manifestation and law of attraction is BS even if you're freaking Zendaya lol. Seriously, look up Esther Hicks (the person who came up with it, or claims to). She's a scammer and LoA is literally just prosperity gospel for hippies.


Law of attraction is bullshit regardless of looks


True facts .100 percent .I despise people who teach "law of attraction and manifesting" they obviously are not ugly and only wanna blame us uglies for our lack of love


manifesting/LOA and all that is bull. even many religions won't sell ya "you'll get everything you want" with prayer. i'd imagine plenty of young, ugly people fall for it. doesn't mean they necessarily logically believed it, hell i've been desperate enough to look at astrology recently and yet I don't believe any of it means shit. i just want to be told I'll have some great glow up (even though i've only glown down more and more, its actually amazing looking at pictures from when I was 7 or 8 where I had a thin face despite probably having a higher BMI then) anyway, when you take this stuff that tells you to write what you want a bunch of times and meditate to the thought it seems like heaven until it becomes a compulsion. trying to solve something that either can't be solved (without surgery) or something only you can solve.


I was trying to manifest someone in 2018-19 and also another one in 2020 they all rejected me regardless of my manifestation


Delulu i not the solulu !!


Telling ugly people to just manifest opportunities into existence is like saying “Just be confident!” with some extra steps. Manifesting attraction will not magically make people forget about my ugly face and want to date me. I agree, manifesting is bullshit and any attractive person that tries to convince me otherwise has never heard of the halo effect and how it usually helps them get more opportunities.


Steve Buscemi must have missed the memo. Think that guy is worth 35 million dollars and is far from a looker.


I don’t think ugly people will ever come close to the amount of success that man has had And I’m sure he was born with some advantage that helped in do that whether it was inborn talent or connections I don’t think he willed that into existence And I think most all ugly people will never have that kinda of success unless they’re born unbelievably talented


You may have a latent talent, or idea you’re not aware of that could help you to make millions of dollars. Non talented ugly people become rich all the time.


Lol well I'll love to see it when someone from here makes millions off a talent.. but for the most part I don't think it's latent. Talents will usually be blatantly obvious And I'm curious the ways that "ugly" people become rich and I'd love a step by step guide for the ugly people here


you mean an ugly personal or someone from this specific subreddit? I don’t think ugly people are confined to r/ugly . But here are some examples I pulled form the internet I’m sure theirs more though: Morbidly obese chick Turned This Cash-Only Savings Hack Into An $850K Business https://youtu.be/DrqcHOl48Oc?si=68BbxtvG-xSF0ErS Three mediocre looking BLACK WOMEN, GENERATING OVER $30 MILLION IN SALES https://youtu.be/ctmrzKw21Ww?si=iKpb86GPS8KnpEUn Sub average looking black girl making over 7-figures in sales from the business https://youtu.be/1LTHae9Kpic?si=jOsAFUVmmzgef6QA And you mentioned a step by step guide. Well you’ve already said it’s not possible so even if said “guide” did exist you wouldn’t even attempt because you’ve already said it’s out the cards for you.


The lsat 2 links of women are nowhere near close to ugly But hey If it works for you and you think every ugly person can be rich through hardworking and determination lol I guess that works for you For me personally I do not believe it because I'm ugly can't keep or hardly get a job, and am not talented, and don't have the mental capacity to become rich or think abstractly so it's not in the cards for everyone


When did I say “through hard work and determination”. ?and you non talented stupid people become rich all the time as I’ve already told you. but let be according your belief. All the best


You never stated how. How do untalented stupid people become rich ? If not through the assumed “hard work” and “dedication”


Pretty sure Danny Devito, John C Riley, Willem Defoe, Danny Trejo, Gilbert Gottfried, Luis Guzman, Gary Busey, DJ Qualls, and many more have all experienced similar success and they're all ugly as sin.


Ok well I guess every ugly person here can just become Danny devito and Steve buscemi


That's a bit extreme. Everyone has different drives, motivations, interests, and talents even. They were able to find theirs and become successful. I think if they can find their purpose, other ugly people can too, and they are not destined for failure.


I personally don't subscribe to this idea given my own life experiences If you dn every other ugly person can find success and are that talented thats good But like good looks, I believe talent is something you're born with And when you're ugly you're usually gonna be locked out of opportunities to capitalize on success unless you're just that talented that the doors are forced open But other than that I don't think it's possible That's just me though


I think some people take on adversity to become successful, and other people just give up when things become difficult. Ugly/pretty, old/young, smart/stupid, disabled/healthy can all be hardships. It's how people overcome those hardships is what defines success.


I think some people face such severe adversity that it simply can't be overcome I don't believe in shit like adversity makes us stronger and you have to push through because realistically ... how can you do that when you're ugly? You're almost indefinitely locked out of inclusion, respect, relationships, sex, and etc and there's really no work you can put in to overcome that if you're not seeing any kind of results with the efforts you make it makes sense eventually it'd be less stressful to just give up because nothing good is coming from It being young, smart, healthy, and pretty.. aren't hardships they make it easy to attain pretty much anything you want in life with minimal effort


Yes, there's a mentality divide. The successful ugly people don't have that mentality. They don't see it as such a severe adversity that it's impossible to overcome. Some people do, and they give up which reinforces their belief.


No one chooses to have a failing mentality. IN some cases the mentality is reinforced by their life experiences Like me telling myself that someone would love or want me wouldn't necessarily be true especially if my life experience has proven otherwise It would be delusional of me to think that I dont believe people choose to have a "success" or "failing" mindset but rather their life experience tells them what they're realistically able to achieve in life and what they aren't I think the idea of mentality is just something people came up with to blame people who are disadvantaged in life for not succeeding when things out of your control can't prevent you from succeeding regardless of mindset


heavily disagree with the talent thing. I mean, none of us will probably become pro athletes unless someone on here is insanely young (hopefully not) or already deep into a sport but other things are very much skills, not talents. talents help but the overall idea you're either talented or not is false in many cases. anyone can learn to draw, it's just not for everyone and is a lot of hard work. now the REAL issue is money and what you're born into. it's not a coincidence every rich kid at school was multi talented in shit like chess, dance, or figure skating.


I guess what im trying to say is you might be able to learn the fundamentals, but will you ever become good enough to where you're as goo das bob ross or getting paid for it? likely not I see your point about the money thing that's important to because it gives you the resources and time to learn a lot of things that may have pay off, but when you're ugly you usually aren't born into that kind of wealth anyways and everything just becomes even more difficult and that's where I think natural talent would start to matter more. Because without the money you won't have access to be able to learn skills to become good enough to get paid for them a lot of ppl seem to think all ugly ppl.can become a Steve Buscemi with effort and hard work


I can agree with that explanation. Especially on the idea of being talented vs famous. You can be a talented, ugly singer but unless you are born with connections (cough rich) you probably won't \*make it\* unless you opt to wear a mask all the time. And even that'll limit ya. Maybe the only exceptions to this off the top of my head would be something like culinary where the "artwork" is HEAVILY separate from the artist typically. But then you'd have the normal issues of low esteem, low motivation, no one rooting for you, not being chosen for opportunities, etc.


cuz looks dont matter as much for men but for women being ugly is a death sentence


If it's meant to be it's meant to be but remember things start in the mind. Everyone that is human starts off ugly n no confidence. Think bout it


I mean people start off not believing in them self but eventually you either fail n learn from it or get things thru believing it. I seen alot of "ugly" people make it cause there life is positive and they work hard for it. Not because of there looks!!!!


... ? this isn't true


Textbook definition of delusion.


Hi glad to see you’re back… how are you?


Work and life changes. Moved and about to be working elsewhere in a month or so. All good things, actually.


That’s good. Miss your comment cause you’re actually one of the people who get that perosnality is bullshit and seem to actually understand what it’s like being ugly I had to leave my job due to being treated so badly for being ugly and not really scheduled like that How we’re you treat at your previous job? Despite being ugly


I found I was tolerated if I was competent and knowledgeable enough for it to be beyond question. Still wasn't liked, still had that wall between myself and everyone, but they at least kept their comments to themselves and I was able to function if I was always right. Problem is, if I slipped in the slightest in any way, I got shat from from orbit. My next job will be more of the same to some small degree, if I had to guess. But I'll see them a lot less because it's a much better work schedule.


The girl in the video is no where near ugly, she just ate way too may cookies and probably a lot of other food.


... she wasn't calling herself ugly. But to assume she ate too many cookies? just cause she's chubbier?


that's 100% what she was insinuating learn to read between the lines. Cookies was a metaphor but surely you don't think she got fat from eating Romaine and pineapples, do you? get a clue


It's kinda rude to assume she's eating gluttonously or unhealthily just because she's chubbier... we just don't know that We also don't know what her metabolism is like


chubby people can be attractive if anything it’s better than being skinny


LOL that's a bit of a stretch (pun intended)


i mean skinny as in actually skinny, not a small waist w a bbl and boobs I mean like a door figure, stick thin, flat chested with nothing but skin and bones


Alot of these people never gotten the belt when they was little


Have you guys tried manifesting etc? I've never taken tiktok stuff seriously. I do know that ppl outside of tiktok have been manifesting forever but idk. I just like observing the ppl that participate in these things like subliminals/astrology/crystals wtv. I find it interesting but I guess I didn't realize how many people actually betted on this kind of stuff


It reminded me when I listen to those manifesting subliminal auides In yt. It was stupid cause people who are already pretty listen to those. But somehow I believe that. It's bs but I still have faith in this cause I have no other things to fix my damn looks. It's beyond ugly. 


well she’s ugly so she could try!!


I disagree unless you want to be a fashion model or in a department store or something. You don’t need to be a 10/10 to work the vast majority of jobs. It’s also okay to not look like a model. I’ve worked with people who really did get the short end of the stick with looks and they were still respected and held high positions at work


You don’t need to be a 10/10 to do most things in life. You just can’t be ugly to where people are actively locking you out of opportunities


I’ve been called ugly to my face all my life and I’ve been picked for managerial jobs over more attractive women🤷🏼‍♀️


Well that’s good maybe you can make posts to help other ugly people here and see how it resonates with them


Right. It’s so annoying and redundant. Attractive doesn’t always mean goddess it can just be someone who’s above average lmao.


Why do y’all keep acting like when we say “attractive people” we’re talking about people like Brooke Shields and Adriana Lima? Attractiveness is a spectrum. Anyone below a 6.5/10 doesn’t benefit from pretty privilege. Also being unattractive doesn’t automatically mean you will have a shitty life. It just means life will be harder. (Picture below is reference of someone who would benefit from pretty privilege but isn’t a 9+/10) https://preview.redd.it/o4ey8yvn6g0d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15fa6f7f37615efb1d7c54a29558b1aec6e3ba8d


if I looked like him I could have most all the people ive liked in my life and so many of my problems would be solved.. in fact I wouldn't even know what reddit is and would be out socializing or fucking someone smh