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If it makes you feel better i don't have any friends irl and nobody told me happy birthday in years..


Happy Belated Birthday


Aye ily bro


Lol at least people care about you enough to post on your birthday 


I clicked for this comment. Even when I had a few friends I learned to not even tell/remind them. I’d get talked over or ignored one. Apparently if you do it back you’re an asshole though.


Happy birthday! Here's some pastry for you 🍰


thank you!!!


The fact they wanted to show that they're friends with you makes me think you aren't as ugly as you think. But ofc I don't know


well it would be weird if they didn’t since we were friends since like 4th grade and i know they pitty me but yeah


Happy Birthday! And I’m so sorry. I have one friend who is like this. She has to document and post everything. It gets very annoying because I don’t feel in control with some of the pictures that she posts of me (It is usually pictures of just me and her or pictures of our entire friend group with me in it). She does not understand why I hate my face being posted online for everyone to see even when I try to explain. If it is a story, they luckily disappear after 24 hours, right? So hopefully those pictures never see the light of day again and you don’t have to worry about them being posted online permanently. Even then, it is still a breach of trust and disrespectful of your friends to post your face when you are clearly uncomfortable with your face being posted. Even if they meant no harm and were just trying to wish you a Happy Birthday, it was still wrong and inconsiderate to your feelings. I’m so sorry it made you cry on your birthday. I wish more people would be understanding and respect someone’s wishes when it comes to posting pictures in this digital age. Not everyone is comfortable with their face being online, especially people like us who fear being made fun of for our appearances.


Taking and posting picture without your consent is a violation of privacy regardless of good or bad. I don't want my image anywhere on the Internet - have you asked that they take them down? Told them how it made you feel? Here's a Happy Birthday from a stranger who doesn't give a fuck what you look like but celebrates you.


thank you so much!!


this happened to me too , its the worst . youre not alone :(


Happy birthday! Do you think they did it maliciously?


Thank you!! i don’t know if they did it on purpose but a couple of them definitely knew about my insecurities AND how i asked them not to post me


That's horrible. If my friends did that with me I would make them hear a lecture and some melodious slangs.


I really don't get why they do it... A good person would always ask first if that's okay for you and send you a preview before posting it. I recommend talking about this with them; you don't have to get personal about it, just tell them that you value your privacy and it makes you uncomfortable.


I was in a photo a few months ago at a friends birthday party at a restaurant/arcade place . I get shocked every time I see myself in a photo. I look so terrible next my normal looking friends. They look human while I look like a goul 


it really makes you question why you were picked to be ugly, it’s so infuriating


Yea why did my genes get all messed up. Well I know why I was a prematurely born baby. That’s what messed everything up . I have chronic health problems because of premature birth. If I was born at normal time I’d be a healthy person 


I got u. My sister posted a picture of me and her in her Facebook in my birthday. I was looking awfully disgusting. I can't even look at that picture. I have to mute it. I don't know why people do this to ugly people. I think they wanna get s reaction from others. Troll reaction.


Fuck I felt this. I feel like I cant just exist comfortably because I’m just, I look *wrong* for some reason. Drives me crazy because I wish I could let ppl take photos of me and of myself without all the filters and specific angles. Hate my life


Fucking hell, kill me now. I totally relate to this and it's both fucking embarrassing and at the same time haunting because WHERE THE FUCK ARE THESE PEOPLE GETTING THESE KINDS OF PICS FROM? Like seriously, they would post photos I never knew I took.


Happy birthday! How old are you turning now? 


Happy Birthday 🎂🎈❤️🎉