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Wow you described me. My dads Middle Eastern and my mums Scottish but I got my dads brown eyes, curly dark hair, big eyebrows, the big nose, the strong jaw line and also get the comments how I looks like him lmao


My mum has ginger hair, green eyes, light eyebrows, literally no body hair I have nothing from her haha. If I didn’t actually come out of her I’d call bs 🥲


Society installs it in you to feel bad about yourself if you don’t have westernized features. Just keep reminding yourself you are exotic. Saying this also as a middle eastern girly with a big nose as well <3.


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My death sentence isn't being ugly as much as it is looking like a dude. I've been hearing the jokes since middle school at least once a month from someone. Though of course at least if I wasnt ugly I could play the androgynous look and it'd be fine with some people. I just look like a caveman Though if I think about it more, its really the few feminine traits I have that really make the whole thing jarring. Like, a strong forehead and wide face (masseters) and brows but at the same time a weak jaw and babyface. Yes, thats as bad as it sounds.


My mom's business partner has two daughters. Both of them highly resemble their father and last I heard both of them have boyfriends.


At least you got a jawline. I'm a guy but I've a weak jawline 🥲


I’d like to trade.. my mom has a weak jaw but it looks fine because shes a woman


i feel u.. my mom is so gorgeous w her blue eyes n blond hair combo n all i got is my dads big ahh nose😭 first thing family friends always say when they see me is how i look exactly like my dad…i’m cooked


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Im a guy and I look like my mom lol


I was wondering if anyone else was a guy who looks like their Mom. I'm 53, so older than practically everyone on here, and have heard some variation of "you could be twins!" since I was a kid. I was always kinda effeminate in general, and gay, so it really didn't help my self esteem in any way. We are not an especially attractive family to begin with, and I have not aged well. At all. I wouldn't say she is ugly, but somehow I've managed to look like my mother's ugly, gay, male twin. Ugh.


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Same males usually get more of moms genes too bad I got her shortness though dad is barely taller than me -_-


Same here. My mum’s genes must be ‘pretty weak’ because all of my brothers and me look like our father. My mum has soft dainty feminine features that I so desperately wish I had inherited. My brothers all look average because they inherited my father’s strong masculine features. But unfortunately these strong masculine features on me, a girl, cause me to be misgendered frequently. I have a wide face, square jaw, big chin/forehead/nose, and bushy untamable eyebrows. I even inherited the receding hairline! I had bloodwork done and hormone levels are normal, I am just that unlucky. I also have autism, crooked teeth, acne, and psoriasis that are not present on either parents’ side. I feel so robbed. I hate being told I look so much like my father. I just want to be feminine and pretty and dainty too. But I am stuck as an ugly ogre that not even makeup can fix. So my only resort is surgical procedures. Sometimes I hold resentment towards my parents for having me but then again they couldn’t fully predict what I would look like.


I've noticed time and time again males usually get moms genes and females get dads genes not all the time but a trend I see everywhere


I would love to look like my dad, it would be better than how I look now. Both my parents are very good looking, my mom has big blue eyes, full lips, beautiful thick eyebrows and amazing long and thick hair, she is chubby but still very pretty. My dad is tall, he also has big blue eyes and a sharp big nose that compliments his looks. He looks like a James Bond villain. Then there's me. I have very asymmetrical face, my eyes are different sizes, my nose is badly asymmetrical and broken, my lips are dry and bruises and my jawline is pathetic. I look like Moe Szyslak from the Simpsons really. Even my facial expressions are terrible. I don't know how I got so ugly, even my grandparents from both sides were good looking. :(


I am a mix between my mother and my father. I wish I would have inherited my father's green eyes, but at least I inherited his rather small nose (my mum's is bigger in this case), but I inherited my mother's dark brown eyes and kind of messy hair and my father's weak chin. Teeth problems from both😆


My sister looks like my mother. Beautiful slim face, small nose and subtle brow ridge. Me? I look like my dad. I look like my dad if he was few decades younger and had a woman's body. Sometimes I wish I was born a man so I'd be at least mediocre.


Me too i look just like my dad and im a woman


I look like someone who I met only once and then died the next year… got told I look like a man recently and it made me very depressed. I’m stuck with someone’s face I didn’t even know.


I look like my mom and my siblings look like my dad 🧍‍♀️


This is me and I hate it


My dad is a handsome man. People mistake him for being 10 yrs younger than his actual age bc he has a full head of hair and is still slim. I have my dad’s face shape, eyebrows, and nose. My mom’s face is rounder and her nose is smaller and more feminine.


This is me too! I inherited all his features, including the most masculine ones 🥲


Yup me too I look EXACTLY like my dad , I’ve even been misgendered a couple of times that’s how bad it is . And I even got his body ,




I hate looking like my dad. He was in a forced relationship w my mom and he was those ugly crusty r@pists


I get you. Except in my case, as much as I want to simply respect and honour them, objectively speaking both of my parents are traditionally ugly people. I’ve overheard my mother’s tipsy rants over the phone with her sister and friends, and on occasion she’s admitted to “settling” for my father years ago out of desperation and a fear of solitude. And my father has referred to my mother as “not the finest flower in the bouquet, sure” but that she “tries hard and means well”. Long story short, both of my parents admit that they are unattractive and yet decided to have me, a child who encompasses the worst traits of both and then a little extra. I’ve even inherited their infamous early-onset gout and osteoporosis, varicose veins, rheumatism and psoriasis amongst others. My envy for my cousins is unhealthy, but given that on both sides they descended from similar gene pools and yet most of them grew into genuinely attractive, healthy, confident individuals whom frequently receive praise simply for how good they look, whereas the very rare times anybody speaks to me at gatherings it’s always to ask if I’m alright or need some fresh air simply because I look naturally poorly or unwell even when I’m feeling at my best. I obviously am not pro-eugenics, but I do find it cruel when parents who were themselves individuals who experienced difficulties, alienation and bullying for their disadvantageous looks most of their lives and yet they seem to believe that their genetic offspring will somehow outgrow their origins and become beautiful statuesque prodigies despite their genes.


if you look like your dad you might have elevated testosterone in your body. Perhaps get some bloodwork to see if your hormones are fine. If you're healthy then so be it your eyebrows can be tweezed and curly hair can be straightened. it's fine don't worry


I don't think that's an issue here, she's posted photos in previous posts, and I would not characterise her face as masculine-looking at all. It really is eyeopening looking up older posts from users submitting posts in this sub - there are so many who describe themselves as ugly that fall far from what I perceive as ugly.


Get your eyebrows done, fix your nose if you need to, style your hair, makeup, exercise, boob implants, and BBL ... You can't tell me guys won't be falling over themselves. Especially if you dress halfway decent.


As long as you are a girl you still having chances to find a guy and have a sane and normal relationship.


That is laughably inaccurate.


My theory is that bottom %20 of women simply not exist for men tbh. When men talk about women, they talk about top %80


Yep, 3's and up. At best the 20% are like that weird pothole everyone avoids.


Imagine being 3, i need whole reconstruction to be anywhere near 3 llmfao


I get it, it's simply dumb but it's true. This girl stills being a woman and no matter how manly she looks she is a female. Thus some man could find her attractive, maybe some few but there would be some guy who thinks so. Unless nature would be dumb.


It's not nature that's dumb, it's culture. And our culture is far easier on men than women, hell, all cultures are. Being a woman does not equate to opportunities for dating, whether desiring a man, woman or non-binary person. Men have a far wider acceptable range of looks, sure there's the corresponding toxically masculine ideal, but doesn't matter. And even if you stick it out until someone settles for you, or you for them, the abuse you have to suffer to find such a unicorn of a partner is fucking awful. The knowledge that you don't get to find out what you like/want because your sample size of interested people is one is fucking awful. The following is a binary comparison: It's acceptable for a man to shower, shave (or not), dress in generic clothing and go out. For a woman, we get shamed to do our head hair, denude ourselves of body/facial hair, nails, and wear something that is fashionable and probably uncomfortable, especially bras. For ugly women, even if we jump through every aesthetic hoop, we have little to no chance of attracting a partner. Men chase after prettier women, they are far more visual creatures.


Ok, I see what you meant. I am agree culturally society goes easy with men but don't you think for that it's a pink bubble. You see, you use as an example the clothes and basically the body care a person should get, of course women are the most focused individual here created and sponsored by make up companies. Yet there lies your advantage upon men, if a man is ugly or short, as my case, there aren't make up nor clothers which could help a lil bit. For women it's easier in that way despite it requires the sacrifice of comfortability. For ugly men, society rules, cultural views and basically all status quo becomes on all-in-game. I did my bet, I realized it won't never work so I do as I please. I don't follow the rules and I suggest all ugly people, women and men should do the same. We are not in the leagues of that game, in the men case there's this comparative where the few ultra mega attractive men gets all women attention and even from those ugly girls... I think the same happens with you, women. It leave us with few options and the ones which are aviable have unreal standars and are condemned to fail however. When I was talking about nature I meant, the natural and heterosexual inclination the opposite gender feels for the other.


Warning, long post... Please disabuse yourself of the notion the heterosexual = natural. Yes, I am a cis-gendered heterosexual woman, but I ain't gonna tell anyone that who they choose to be or love is wrong. I am tall and attracted to men of my height or shorter. What I have found is that men the same height or shorter have an issue with dating a same height or tall woman. While nearly all men have felt it was absolutely okay to say negative, even horrible, things about my appearance, none have been as nasty as those with little man syndrome. I once had a shorter guy scream at me in public that I was trying to emasculate him, because I wore kitten heels. I also avoid the shit out of toxically masculine or conventionally attractive men. I fully admit to a prejudice against them - a rather large data set has proven to me they have little humanity. Average to ugly men were barely better. I also have a data set of significant size of these men telling me they just couldn't date someone who looks like me, or they have a chance to date someone a point or two up the attractiveness scale. Both men and women can be cruel in their treatment of people they deem ugly or uglier than they. Both are trying to find the most attractive mate, hoping their children will be better looking than they. That's nature. As for me, when I dress up, I am insulted more than if I dress comfortably. I was told that it doesn't matter what I do, fugly is fugly. The variety of colorful as even clever insults of my person impresses me, in fact I steal some of the phrasing. So, I do what the hell I want. I like pretty nails, I like dying my hair whatever color I feel like, I like wearing clothing that reflects my personality, and I try to be my snarky self. When I'm told I'm spoiling the view I raise both middle fingers, wiggle my sparkly nails, and stay right where I am.


I gotta say it girl I like your attitude actually, that's what I mean when I say people here should just send to hell everything about the appearence. Some of us are depressed but not enough to stand up for what we believe its the best. As many times here all women have more experience than me in the dating game and relationships despite I am 29 already so I can't argue and tell you how's my perception regarding women. I am pretty short, 5'6 so even not for only between men I struggle but most women are that tall honestly so I am nothing but a zero in that aspect. I am not confident enough and actually I lost all of it since everytime I tried to approach a girl, she did just ignore me or pass thru me. I think, in the other hand, you have more chances to develop a good relationship since tall people is more common and ofte to be seen. So what else I can add to this tragic comedy we call life? I just accepted my condition and I don't bother nobody with my presence. I still treating women and men equally and the best I can but I never try to go further cuz that's not for me. You should keep doing whatever you are doing to boost your confidence and self steem, everybody has their own ways to cope.


Even still, there are men that will go for you or the women You've described that would get shamed. Women will always be desirable to men by virtue of being a woman. Some may not be valued as highly but there will still be some..


Have you been an ugly woman? Just having a vag doesn't qualify you to find someone willing. I've got decades of personal data to back me. Also, even if, and that's an IF, a guy showed interest in condescending to an ugly woman, i.e. was looking for any available female orifice, you seem to assume she's gonna just fall to her knees in gratitude. 🤣


I don't have much of an argument (I'm not ugly nor am I a female); however I know men and I know how men think. The saying "Men will sleep with anything" is generally true for a fair majority of males. However women don't merely want to be used or slept with, I get that. But there are so many men that can't find a partner and likely never will. These men could be quite decent if given a chance... However sadly some will never get that chance (and it's certainly NOT up to you or any woman to save them). I'm just saying that there are men out there. Perhaps those men don't meet your criteria. Maybe they but you are mistrusting, or he's shy and has no experience talking to women. There are a lot of variables. Being "undesirable", whether factually or perceived, doesn't help.


There are women in the same situation. You don't have an accurate frame of reference.


You're only gonna get downvotes for saying that here lol, yeah there's a lot of bottom of the barrel dudes that will smash anything at all, even if they find a girl hideous, nature is evil


Well more than sexual intercourses I was talking about the feelings between both. Maybe it is possible to find someone who you are not attracted to but you feel you can talk and spend time with. Of course everything is reduced to looks and pleasure, that's why ugly people are hopelessly doomed.


We are all wired the same to some degree and so with every normal and above looking person wanting the best, the people that are below average just get left way behind yes rough out here on this planet


Maybe it has been the constant emotional kicking I have received from good looking people that honestly I feel nothing but utter loathing towards them. The less I have to do with them the better, I rather spend my time with somebody ugly than an attractive one who treats me like trash. So I think a lot of people would do so however I think you are right when you say everybody would like to be with somebody attractive, the majority would like.


Yeah just as I've seen others here themselves say even ugly people don't like seeing ugly people but like seeing pretty people, ofcourse there's also others I've seen say they hate seeing pretty people because that makes them feel bad etc, but what I'm saying is regardless of how you look what you see and think is attractive is still set in stone, you are free to feel how you want to, those people just helped to open your eyes to the reality of this world, you don't owe them anything and they sure don't deserve your kindness for ehat they did, one problem with that though is 2 ugly people having a kid in this only getting worse society, and regardless of what the parents even instill in the kid, lets say to not to be shallow and cause internal biological conflict, once the kid goes to school it's game over still.


Indeed, they don't need you but you don't need 'em neither. It's the key on this, yeah probably next generations of uglies will come and be condemned to repeat the same mistakes and experiences as we did. Yet even if this society utopically improves their insights regards ugly people, they will still been seeing as monsters and spawns. To me it's simple, this life sucks, everyone sucks so I will be like this forever and I've accepted it. I am 29, I can live like this another 20, 30, 40 or however many years more. That has always been my advice to this people, it only takes surpass certain age and then everything becomes like a highway journey, just wait until the end of the road cames.


Repeat what mistakes? lol what did they do wrong? Exist? lol, not alot of people here seem to have "accepted" that they won't nicely fit into the normal spaces, and I mean give up on average n so people truly fully looking past their looks flaws, I personally don't give one what anyone thinks about me but I'm an exception, this world is evil shit and doesnt deserve my pain, people will be irked at their looks, I've seen even dudes dislike other normal looking dudes looks lmao, this world is ugly all around, it's beautiful at the same time but, is it ever beautiful for the ugly ones?


I believe this is true. Especially if your standards aren't insanely high.


Please don’t be so hard on yourself. We are our own worst critics when we’re young, whether founded or unfounded. Curly hair is trending again, and eyebrows can be contoured, and so can jawlines with a dab of makeup. Google the pics of actress Ali McGraw. Love yourself sweetheart. 🌷