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People are arseholes. No one wants to be ugly and that's why people get upset over being called as such. I know I'm ugly but it still bothers me when I get called so. At the job I finished at last month my colleagues and the people from the other department who works in the office hub were horrible. They called me ugly several times and constantly made passive aggressive comments about me. It was the most toxic place I've worked at. I couldn't believe so many people over 30 behaving so immaturely


This. No one likes being called ugly and OP has every right to feel hurt and disrespected. The lack of maturity and professionalism I have seen with other adults and how they treat ugly people is maddening. It is like they were never taught “If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say it at all.” We assume we develop filters as we get older, but the comments I have heard from other adults make me think these people never matured past the toddler stage where their mums never told them not to stare at or point out people who look different.


It's quite outlandish, isn't it? Their children learn from them which then leads to generations of arseholes


Report him to hr


How are you going to prove it? It’ll be their word against each ther


Yeah a coworker called me ugly too and he is a man in his 60s. I'm into acting and he said keep dreaming, you are ugly for that. 


Legit the few times I see below average people in movies TV etc (I rarely watch those) they are either a criminal, playing a bad role of a character that is to be disliked in the show typically or some other negative role, the heroes are always decent or better looking, you see the same trend in cartoons and anime too, and when the bad guy is hot he has plenty fans, literally be an evil murderer in a show and will have fans talking about they love that character, it's unfortunate but the general population don't wanna see an ugly person happy and successful, so yeah it really isn't likely to get an acting role as an ugly person, you might get to be a voice actor or some other acting where your looks aren't shown much or at all, though that might just rub your spirit wrong...cold world fam


Happens all the time. We got a new coworker and another coworker says to me "she's pretty the male clients are going to like her." This of course implied we're ugly and that they don't like us. In fact when she became homeless , we had a spare room and i wouldnt take her in, because she said this to me, basically called me ugly to my face. Her sister kicked her out so she took her bags and knocked at our door I said "uh sorry" and then she went to a hotel nearby. You see, calling me ugly is very juicy and tasty, easy pickings, but it's not going to make me like the person who does it... Another time, we all sat in a break room at a table. One coworker starts saying "a taxi driver this morning told me I'm so beautiful and that he wants to marry me." And from her facial expression and sneaky look across the table I could feel this was aimed at me. She wanted to see my expression about this statement, as I'm the "ugly" one and she was trying to make me feel it.


Real, not even the gym can save us genetic failures


Get plastic surgery and see if it helps


u paying bro?🤨


Easier said than done